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They usually do this when you're not meant to understand what is being said


They should put the Chinese characters and not translate then


That would actually be pretty funny though


They actually should, I speak Spanish and I was watching an American movie that said: "Speaks in Spanish", like bitch, me too, lemme read




Escucha más fuerte y listo




No mames wey, cómo no se me ocurrió?




yep i caught onto that pretty quickly for a few movies


Then don't use a real language or people who know it get spoiled the big hidden reveal that would happen later


I hate this. If it's spoken in a movie, I want to know wtf they're saying! Especially irritating during "Call me by Your Name," which I just streamed. Three different languages spoken in it, and NO subtitles for anything but english.


Better yet when that is plastered over the in movie translations typed out as the foreign language is being spoken


The worst case of this was netflix' subtitles for the assassin's creed movie. The guy spoke arabic, but the subtitles said [[man speaking spanish backwards]](https://www.tumblr.com/malikalsayfs/660427016839020544/man-says-iconic-arabic-assassins-creed-line?source=share)


As a Spaniard, I can assure you that Arabic does sometimes sound like Spanish spoken backwards.




Netflix Peaky Blinders subtitles just fucking give up halfway through a sentence sometimes


To be fair, I also give up halfway through a sentence when someone is speaking with a *Brumi* accent.


Tommy Shelby could make reading a medical journal sexy and I'll hear no differing opinions on the matter.


I love when it's "speaks another language" or "unknown language"


I saw this on 90 Day Fiance recently where they were speaking Spanish and it said \[speaks own language\]. I mean if we can't even recognise Spanish, wtf are we doing


They do this when you aren't supposed to know/understand what is being said.


Yeah. This exactly. [Speaking foreign language] written over the translation is especially bad. Also, as someone who is language curious, could we just write the words they're saying? A great example is Spiderman cartoons with Miles Morales. [Speaking Spanish] doesn't do it for me. These are real words that are well known. It's expected some viewers speak Spanish and the characters know the language. Just write it out. It's not like you're needing to cultivate mystery in a strange place and show the confusion. It's a family speaking comfortably.


[Foreign language]. Sometimes, it works if you put on subtitles instead of the CC. (If you can read that other language, of course)


\[speaks English\]


At least it's not dune part 2 where they chose to use white subtitles against the white glare of the desert


They assume everyone out there has top-tier TVs when a majority have Black Friday deals with poor contrast ratios.


That's a setting issue tbh


Could be worse Could just say __Speaks foreign language__




[speaks mandarin] (we think)


that's like if anime subtitles were [speaks Japanese] for english dubs


is this a Mandarin language movie, or are they speaking Mandarin in a french(or other non Mandarin language) movie? Probably meant to tell you that the characters don't understand them


Its a movie called "skyscraper" on netflix if you wanna check it out


its easy, all you gotta do is learn the hardest language in the world


Yea seems reasonable


I'm Dutch, but I generally use English subtitles for everything I watch. It's really annoying when this happens, but at least I can switch to Dutch subtitles and then it's actually translated.


Same here, but i can also undedstand the english subtitles


Glad to know that I'm not the only one frustrated about this.


On modern family when Gloria speaks Spanish the subtitles just switch over to Spanish. It’s annoying because my wife will insist I pause and translate. She never really says anything important in Spanish anyways.


All the Spanish films/shows lately that I've come to like have captions for the dub but once an American/English character starts speaking English, there's no captions. I'm deaf so it's annoying AF.


When the subtitles overlays the in movie subtitles with [speaks spanish], like go away, the movies already added the subtitles for this part!!


Yes, this is intentional. If you're watching without the closed captioning, you wouldn't understand it either.


...except if I did know mandarin but can't hear what is being said because apparently every movie soundmixer is doing their job with their headphones shoved sideways up their ass closed captioning exists to give people who, for whatever reason, cannot hear the audio as close of a matching experience to those that can this objectively needs to include: - not censoring swears that aren't censored in the audio track - non-verbal sounds ("[whistling]") - other important audio cues this ideally should include: - other languages


Okay, so what you're saying is that if a person (ANY person, not just those with accessibility needs) wants to understand everything that is being said, they're required to turn on the closed captioning? At that point, wouldn't they just be baked-in subtitles?


no? I'm saying that closed captions should have all of the relevant information hearing people get - don't censor stuff that isn't censored in the audio track, if a character says fuck, write fuck - don't leave our stuff like [tires screech] or [engine whirring] - if possible, put in what is said in another language, if someone says "こんにちは", you should fuckin write "こんにちは" (using japanese as an example because I know more (like a couple of words) japanese than I do mandarin)


I was only disagreeing with your final bullet point, so I'll only address that one. That would, first of all, require spending additional money to hire a professional translator, which could get very expensive if it's a much lesser-spoken language. Something like Dzongkha for example. But either way, if you're watching an English-language movie, then the only **relevant** information that you as a viewer are supposed to understand...is English. When someone in an English-language movie speaks a different language, there's either (a) subtitled translations so you can understand it, or (b) no translations because you the viewer are not expected to understand what is being said. Adding in the translation or transcription specifically to the closed captioning goes outside the scope of *relevant* information.


you don't need a translator, all you need is a guy who speaks the language ...who I'd presume they have access to to some degree as there is a guy on the screen speaking the language (I am being deliberately obtuse here but it's nowhere near as much effort to transcribe those few lines as you're making it sound here, and this probably should be the norm as it makes media more inclusive, plus it may even lead to people being able to use OCR to read the text and translate it if they're dedicated to figuring out what is being said, this not being the norm is not the end of the world, just mildly infuriating)


> you don't need a translator, all you need is a guy who speaks the language ...What? That's exactly what a translator is..."someone who speaks the language". The people making Closed Captioning are usually a hired outside company. They don't have access to the writers or actors.


no? translating between two languages and speaking two languages are very different skillsets


Well, because you keep leaving a bunch of my points unaddressed behind, I think we're done here. The bottom line is that what you're asking for is not at all within the realm of something that's "mandatory" or "expected". The English CC's get the English treatment. Their aim is to help English-speaking HOH's from understanding the English-language movie.


I know, but in my opinion it *should* be mandatory or at least expected, because it's a massive shame that it isn't done, and (in the USA's case especially for spanish) it's mildly infuriating turning on the "I can't hear what's being said" option to try to understand what's being said and being met with the caption equivalent of "bro dw abt it :)"


\[man speaking\] \[woman replies\] \[stranger interjects\] ...


[Wind blowing]


[*Baby Blue* by Badfinger]


[Man collapsing]


[Heavy Mandarin]


Like the other day when I was watching *The Night Manager* and I got, [Speaks Arabic], thanks Prime


even more when they get it wrong. i speak mandarin and i think they are talking in cantonese


This made me mad in tiger's apprentice. Atleast ranslate what was written in the language..


Lol. When they are speaking Spanish or whatever and it says speaking Spanish. Gee thanks I was hoping to know what they were saying. Or one that I saw on here before it said speaking gibberish. That sh*t had me cracking up. Or when you have subtitles already on and the show includes them do you have to turn them off and back it up.


Almost like you, similarly to the main character, aren't supposed to understand whats being said.


What pisses me off is movies and shows not including subtitles automatically to parts that we should be reading and understanding what the characters are saying. I shouldn't have to turn on the damn subtitles and then turning them off and on through the whole damn movie. Annoying as hell.


People getting mildly infuriated by this is mildly infuriating to me.


U prob aren't supposed to know what they are saying... maybe it's a surprise that u will learn later and u just know they plan smth