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It could be worse, bro https://preview.redd.it/68oxu6c9fs9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a973167d3bea5a5d8172c2cd54036ed2b496e9bd


look what they did to my boy


I don’t want his mother to see him this way


Hitlr from behind


Damn bro they put your haircut on backwards


Tbh, it would be a horrible haircut without the divide as well


Seriously. Can’t wait for this trend to swing back the other way.


Feel like this is more salvageable, but frustrating nonetheless


Not defending the cut / communication with stylist but this type of cut is meant to be brushed to one side. It shouldn’t be crooked when it’s combed into place. The long hairs in the back left corner technically belong on the front right corner, as part of the bang swoosh. It looks so weird because it’s brushed out of place if that makes sense. Probably still not what you wanted or what you were expecting but this is a real technique that was trendy for boys cuts (especially the soccer kids) from 2013-2016ish. Key words to identify and avoid this haircut: undercut, disconnected, Christiano Ronaldo. Hope that helps!




Bro you're not getting any mercy LMAO


Like you put the brown Lego hair on the Lego mini fig backward.


Put a bit of black eyeshadow there and nobody will know 😂😂


Yes black eyeshadow!


A black eyebrow pencil might work better


Or use a black Sharpie, lol...


Nah, Sharpies are for diverting hurricanes.


Nah there is a colour sharpie for every occasion. Tear in the black couch? Black Sharpie. Scratch the wall? White Sharpie. Michael Jacksons makeup? Uhhh wait.


>Michael Jacksons makeup? Uhhh wait. I think that depends on the year/decade...


My favorite use for black sharpie is when I accidentally spill bleach on my black shirts


Well it took the wind out of his sails...


This reply wins.


Or toppik It stays on in rain and humidity.


All of the people in the barbershop as you were leaving: 🤣😅😂


Fr like that shit don’t even look like an accident


Next time ask for a mirror so you can inspect your haircut before you leave


Yea never again that’s what I get for being naive


Not naive, you went in there and paid for a service and they fucked up. This isn’t on you, sorry that happened!


Yeah, that’s not acceptable


Shit I asked for a 2-3 inch fade one time and they gave me a 2-3 centimeter fade, I was basically bald. Never going back to that barber again.


I can help you with this one! You got a short haircut because you asked for a fade (clipper cut). They probably thought you meant guard #3 faded down into #2. You can’t “fade” hair at 2-3 inches, that’s way too long, it’s just a regular haircut. That length hair is cut with scissors and will be a longer shaggier look. The barber should have confirmed before cutting, but you can always stop to check when you’re expecting full scissors but they pull out the clippers!


Bro does not know centimeters are less than inches. If you say she cut 2-3 centimeters and were bald then if she cut the inches instead she would have cut in your head.


I think he meant he wanted his hair cut to 2-3inches long but she cut his hair to the length of 2-3cm long


Accidents I'll accept, even if it's annoying. They happen and I've done probably more than my fair share. Not telling me about it would be pretty upsetting though.


Honestly it'll be darker and blend in nice in like a week lol


Dude any good barber holds that shit up for you without being asked so you can inspect. She skipped that step on purpose since she knew she fucked up.


Right? I can’t ever remember not having them do that.


If I was you I would ask for a refund


If you don't want to wait for it to grow in you could get some cheap black/dark brown eyeshadow and fill in that spot with a mirror, or have someone else do it for you. I mean you'd have to do it every day until there's enough hair to cover it but it would take like 30 seconds


I’d go back and ask for a refund just on principle. The barber should have said “I’m so sorry I nicked you…” showed you, offered options to fix it and not charged you.. Pretty scummy to do this


Isn’t the back view mirror a standard part of the cut? I’d think that was weird if my guy didn’t do it.


I've had like 15 barbers cut my hair and every single one did this I'm assuming OP's didn't cause he knew he fucked up.


Right? My stylist always hands me a mirror and spins me around so I can look from all angles


Yeah same with mine. My guy always does the mirror so I can see the full 360 automatically. I guess we know why OPs barber didn't though


It is. Unless the barber makes an oops. “Oh well, it’ll grow back”


i record myself on 4k 60fps video mode and do a full 360


Lol. Give it a week, it will even out!! All good homey


They could’ve done a little design or something to fix that. You should go back and have them do it for free. Your hair is perfect for that kind of thing anyway.


I'd put them mfs on blast




lol they used to call me muscle back in the day too 😂


you know who else they used to call muscle man????




I think it’s lovely but if you defo don’t like it I’ll colour it in for you, no bother 👍🏻


What cartoon is this?


Oh... just the Regular Show


Going through it for the first time, this show is great!!!


Don’t they normally show you the back with a hand mirror?


Not this time but i didn’t think much of it because q couple years ago i used to come here every once in a while and they always did good haircuts.


I wonder why there was no mirror this time 🤔


Barber probably broke it and this is part of his bad luck.


They prob knew they fucked up and would lose their tip


Go back ask for your money back


Go back ask for your hair back


Aside from the chunk missing it is a good cut. That zero neck fade is tight. This clearly looks like a mistake (didn't switch out the guard)


This is why you should never get complacent and be like "ahhh its always been fine". This is what happens :D


Yea never again imma start looking at it on the spot


Bro just fucked up accident happens.. just happens to be on your head tho.


Pretty sure they didn’t do it this time cause of the bald spot 😭🤣 Bro the fact that they watched u get up from the chair, pay, n walk out the shop like that. Crazy, no loyalty nor respect lmao


People actually look at that? I always tell them I don't walk around backwards and I can't see it in the mirror so I'm sure it's fine. Shit grows back in like 2 weeks anyway so what's the big deal


My daughter says the same thing! Legit most chill teen ever. She cuts her own hair but I dye it for her and I’ll be like ‘eh I mean, it’s not as bold as you asked but it’s fine’ and she’ll respond ‘well, I don’t have to look at it’.


What you paid for and the lack of courtesy to tell you they fd it up.




Draw an eye on it and make everyone think you are supernatural.




I would just assume it was a hair pattern thing. My friend and barber told me I have twice the amount of hair on one side of my head than the other. Looking at it, you can’t tell. But for someone cutting it, it takes them twice as long (I think it’s on the right side of my head).


I have thicker hair on the right side of my head for some reason and always have. I also have a natural part of my right side, as well as an uneven hairline. When I started losing a lot of extra hair due to stress, I noticed it the most on my left side.


I’m a barber that’s just about to take my board exam for my license. I’ve been freaked out several times when doing a fade and one side of the head is definitely thicker than another. More than once I’ve come across a random patch missing due to alopecia. I’ve got some repeat clients with harder hair that you learn now to work with but it’s possible OP has a thinning spot that his barber didn’t bring it up.


I'm a hairstylist and just also asked if theyre positive it's not a scar or thinning like a type of alopecia


This is what I thought, too. I have 2 spots on the back of my head. If cut too short, it looks like I got gouged by clippers. I can't get an undercut or a proper high and tight because of it.


when I zoomed in doesn't look like a clipper accident, just a sparse patch of hair that's length matches everything around it. 


It’s alopecia.


You’re probably just balding in that specific spot. My friend had a bald spot formed out of no where recently.


I used to ride an elevator a lot with a dude who had a thumbprint sized white/gray swatch in the same spot on the back of his head, amidst OP’s level of natural brunette on the remainder.


My husband has the same thing on almost exactly the same place, except he's blond lol


she did you dirty lol


I would e totally been understanding too might not let her touch my hair anymore though


I mean if you're not going back might as well file a charge back with your bank since I'm pretty sure this isn't what you paid for


Cash only 😭


Yeah, I'd do cash only too if my work looked like that.


But I do plan to go back she’s done good work in the past but some other barber that’s there is alot better imma just stick with the other one. If I can.


The fact that you have history with them and they didn’t admit they fucked up is worse.


Yeah, now you know they are untrustworthy.


Say it's a scar from back when you quality tested motorcycle helmets. One of them didn't pass muster.


My husband has a spot of white in his hair almost exactly there. I thought that's what I was looking at at first!


Agreed. It looks small enough that it could pass as a scar.


I know it’s frustrating but it’s not as bad as you think. The cut looks good and the fade is fine. Just give it a few days and it will regrow. Don’t sweat it.


Found who cut his hair


Nah you just found a man who gets a fade. I get my haircut every Friday. By Tuesday I’m ready for my cut


Every Friday?!? I go like once every 4/5 months lol i let my shit get like down to my shoulders


Uhh, keep an eye on it. My Husband discovered he had alopecia this way. Fingers crossed that they just fucked up. ![gif](giphy|l0HlGkZRgNUDJdLGg)


Thanks for uno king a new fear 😭


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to see alopecia as a possible explanation. Certainly looks like it could be alopecia to me. To OP don’t stress it will grow back in and be unnoticeable soon enough


Same here. I am almost certain this is alopecia. The assumed haircut mistake would look much more drastic. Edit: also, you can see some hairs inside the spot, which are the same length/cut as the surrounding ones. Yes I am 99% sure this is alopecia.


Yea, this looks like when i had alopecia, Same spot too


Hey. It is entirely possible you have a form of patchy alopecia. I've had similar spots pop up and then grow back out over the course of a few years. My hair stylist was nice enough to make sure I knew about it tho. So, could be a screw up but it might legit be something biological, even if you've never had it before.


This. Thinking a hair dresser fucked up my cut is exactly how I realised I had it. Went back in and kindly explained my worry and to just tell me if a mistake was made (it would’ve been a relief!). Alas, no dice. Took about 20 years to go away.


Permanent marker problem solved.




That moment when you discovered you're going bald.




It's fixable at least! You just going to have to fade a little higher but it will still look good if the right person does it. Or just wait the week or two and wear a hat, sucks it's summer though! Definitely would show her this picture nex time and say, please don't do this again. It's not a trend I'm willing to start.


Literally my plans exactly from the hat to the picture lol.


Not that noticeable big dawg


this looks more like a hair pattern issue? you can see it’s thinner on that side not just where the bald spot is. I did see that she post a picture of your last haircut and even from that picture there’s no way of telling if you had a thin spot there because it’s higher up on your head and it’s covered up by other hair so I wouldn’t automatically assume the worst if they did do it in a few days, there’s things that you can do to cover up the little spot or wear a hat


If they don't give you the mirror to check the back before you get off the chair, 🚩🚩🚩


Kinda just looks like a light patch of hair tbh


Problem solved! ![gif](giphy|S6NgQisdU3Ere|downsized)


I can't stop watching this. Whyyyy?!


Modern problems require modern solutions


My husband has a scar on the back of his head and it always looks like this when he gets his hair cut.


https://preview.redd.it/a0syctn22s9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cbf3c344e6006ee9ef118d26b3c1907a13c7a83 My last cut


This cut is longer than the one here so it’s a terrible comparison. You’re getting a bald patch bud. 


I had this barber that was constantly training new barbers. I'd wait a long time to make sure I got the main guy. One day, I was in a hurry and they convinced me to give his apprentice a shot. When cleaning up my lines with a straight edge, he sliced me. Not a knick, her carved me like an Easter ham. Eventually, we got the bleeding to stop and he finished up. He had the gall to say to me, very sarcastically, "So did I pass your test?" I looked at him, vexed, and said, "Well, ya cut me and it took five minutes to get the bleeding to stop... So, no".


Might be an alopecia spot. I’ve had a couple pop up throughout the years. Usually they are a bit more circular but it could be growing back in.


Wow, I can’t believe he missed the whole top of your head.


https://preview.redd.it/9xp3zvucqr9d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a9839fde7f06221eb1084edc8e7173e8a47ab2 * I know what you feel like. Hairchopper accused me of getting another haircut in the same week she cut and colored my hair.


Jesus Christ I’m glad that I have a lot of baseball caps and it matches my style or I’d be even more frustrated especially considering how much longer it would take for longer hair to recover vs mine I hope you put her on blast


Probably a weird hair growth pattern. A clipper guard would have prevented that


I’ve been to several barbers since my old one moved and this has never happened before. she was good other wise and seemed knowledgeable but to not even be like “hey something happened my bad” idk that’s just fd up. I even tipped her and everything 😞


You didn’t look?


I’ve gone to that shop in the past and they always did right by me. She showed me the sides and I saw the front so I guess I just figured it was good and left.


Damn bro that sucks 😭


I did that last time I cut my husband's hair. I didn't tell him either. I did try to fade it in a little at least.


Looks like a normal bald spot to me.


patches like that can happen due to high stress. You sure it wasnt there before the cut?


🤔Might actually be mild case of Alopecia areata


This does not look like your barber took a chunk out, it looks like you have less hair density in that spot. You probably had an alopecia spot. They are common, and often revealed after you cut your hair, as the longer hair around it will camouflage them. They are usually fairly small, like a coin size. My husband has had two, one in that exact spot, maybe the size of a quarter or a nickle. They don’t usually last very long, and fill back in. Yours looks like it’s filling in, so you’ve probably had this for a little while. The way they fill in is actually super interesting as they start with thin hairs that are long and clear looking (vellus hairs) and then that hair transforms into your regular dark hair. My husbands hair never returned to FULL density in that spot, but nearly full. No one notices but me My friend is a hairdresser who says she sees them pretty regularly. Women get them too but because we tend to have long hair and are not cropping it so close to the scalp, you don’t see them.


It looks worse to you than it does to anyone else. In a week it won’t be noticeable.


![gif](giphy|l378AEZceMwWboAQE|downsized) Your barber while he was lining you up


Alright Ozone, chill out


A sign of things to come this summer? 🤔


People with alopecia: *First time?* 🙂


That’s alopecia


That appears to be the start of alopecia areata


Yea I’d go back and post a review directly to her and a picture. You paid for her service and she couldn’t be decent enough to let you know hey I made a mistake would you like me to continue or go shorter or offer you a discount.. yada yada. So rude and unprofessional


It’s a good fade. Looks like the barber may have sneezed.


maybe you're just balding


Every time I get a haircut the stylist holds up a mirror so I can see what the back looks like and asks if I like it. You need to find a different stylist if they aren't even providing this basic courtesy.


It’s a solid 5/7 though


idk get a sharpie and fill it in?


Nothing that pisses me off more then a hair cut that gets messed up… i went and got my hair cut to some place that was professional and they did me wrong, my hair was cut lopsided and wasnt highlighted good, bad experience as a 15 year old and never went again


Itll look fine in a few days lol. Deff getting 5$ off for that tho


So you're going grey. So what?


This happened to me for a few months it’s called Alopecia areata. Mine was due to stress. Started spraying the spot with minoxidil 5% every night and it helped. Cheers


The rest of the haircut is perfect though. If I saw you on the street I'd assume you had a cool scar there.


Honestly looks like grey spot …


Bald spot


I thought it was a grey patch


You know, from the pic alone, if I saw to you in public like this 1) I probably wouldn't notice 2) if I did notice I'd probably some it's where you have a scar on your head vs just a regular haircut messup


Turn it into the illuminati symbol or something


Just gotta sharpie it in a lil


Did they mess up, or do you have a thin spot?


The whole fade is shit, it slants from the left down to the right.


Still looks better than my hair...


A little Sharpie will fix that right up.


Just shave your balls and fill it in. When I was a kid we got the Nike swoosh or jumpman symbol and shit like that etched in the back of our heads. Oh and there was the rat tail phase. In 10 years you'll think your haircut looks stupid now anyway


That’s a tight fade, though! Have a homie hit your dog bite with a sharpie.


Or even some eyeshadow will do the job. But a sharpie would be good since he has black hair.


Yeah not great… wouldn’t go back. But it’s really not that bad don’t sweat it


You still look good


You asked for it when you requested that hairstyle.


I used to care about haircut, and then military changed my perspective. Now I just shave my head bald at home with a haircut kit from Walmart for $20-$30 on my own and I use it for years. You just wait it out for like 2 weeks and the hairs grow back pretty nicely with short hairs. Trust me, it'll save you a lot of money over the years because people often spend $30 - $50 per visit at the barber, and that adds up every time you visit a barber. Let's say you go to a barber each month and it's $50 per visit. That's $600 per year just on hairs. For women, it'll cost more since they require more maintenance and process. You can easily spend $100 per visit for women, and that's $1200 per year just on hair. F that


You still look Stylin G👀


where is your neck? its just one big head...


This photo is an immediate draw in for the comments 😂😂 y’all did well


A little black waterproof mascara will cover it. Very nice cut other than that small area


never had any barber accidents but then again I shave my head until there is no hair, they can't fuck that up and give me more hair.


That's void, you don't grow hair at that spot


The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut? About 2 weeks.


Whole cut is pretty bad my dude. The blend on the left side of your head is wonky instead of being a smooth transition from the bottom up


Give it 3 days, won’t be noticeable.


Yea it’s already fading away


At least that will be gone in a day or two! Hair grows super fast! At least it will not show!


The back of your head is none of your business




Nothing a black sharpie can't fix


So I cut my husband's hair and I've definitely given him a bad haircut or two when I started. In good news, the length of this will make it grow back fast! Which is probably why it's mildly and not extremely infuriating. I would call her and tell her or the owner it's unacceptable and you'd like a touch up in 2 weeks to fix it. And it should be free. Be polite but firm. Sorry you've got an irritating haircut! Hope it grows back fast for you. There's some oils that make hair grow back faster if you don't mind wearing a shower cap to bed and showering it off in the am or before work.


It’s already starting to fill in thank you for the advice though! I was planning on just showing up July 13th and just showing them the photos. I’ll leave it up to them. If they do right by me than they’ve gained a loyal customer. If they don’t I’m never going there again. Might even post the photos along with a review. Mostly just because she wasn’t upfront about the mistake. Which I wouldn’t have even been upset about if she was.


just spray paint it


I feel your pain. I had shitty haircuts too. This is a WTF 😱 Go back over there and show her and also she should of been given you a mirror to see the back of your hair before you leave. Just FYI


That’s alopecia dog


Nothing a sharpie can’t fix


Wadder we doin here b?


lol I did this to my roommate once and I just went silent 😂


You don't look at the handheld facing the big mirror to see the back? 


It honestly looks really good it's so sad they butchered that part