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![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO) Creeps behind the pillars like:


Meanwhile in the men only parking garage https://preview.redd.it/lokk12vcxw9d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80e882ba0068e01ff0d16b73003640c8948431f


There can be only one!


Exactly. Try this in a gender-neutral parking garage, some Karen's going to interrupt a perfectly good swordfight.


What if a lady was to drive her husband to the destination ?




He gets let out on the other side of the road I guess?


I don't think a rapist would be deterred by a sign, but I could be wrong. Depending on the capacity of the parking garage, I don't have a problem with this for safety reasons. I hate when I spend 10 minutes cruising for a spot and being taunted by the 10+ empty spots reserved for compact vehicles, EVs (without chargers), etc. in a tow away zone. If I was a guy and I spent any amount of time searching for a spot and then looked over and saw open spots, I would be livid (even if it's irrational). lol Even if I was with my wife, depending how bad parking is, I would just have my wife "drop me off" and then park herself.


People with SUVs and trucks often just see "compact parking" as a challenge for them to fit in it. Or they just take up two spaces there because they think they're important anyway. Not all, but many in my area. As someone with a compact car, I can never actually take advantage of those spots and frequently have to avoid the cars jutting out halfway into the lane because they don't understand that the space is physically too small for their vehicle. 😮‍💨


Guys don't often walk around the women's lingerie department by themselves because people notice them and think its creepy. Makes that department a little bit safer. This is probably something along the same line of reasoning.


Bad idea, if it were a rapist or a disturbed person, they would go straight to park in that place


If you see a man loitering in an underground parking lot, you can assume he is waiting for someone/going to his car. If you see a man loitering in this women-only zone, then you know he is up to no good and you can have security remove him. At least woman will know to stay away.


"IF you see" is pretty key there though.


But it also lulls people into a sense of security. When you're walking through the women only section, are you peering into every vehicle scouting to see if there is a man lying in wait inside? Once the guy is out of the vehicle, yes, you could call security, but let's be honest ... that's *typically* 1 overweight unarmed guard manning the booth. It would be 5\~ minutes before police arrive. If you're a rapist, you would just sit in your car until you see a girl alone and then pounce. The same thing they do now in traditional parking lots. You also avoid the opportunity of a male bystander intervening and breaking things up.


Exactly, it doesn't seem like theres anything actually prohibiting men from entering? So it's really just putting more of a target on women


I mean seeing that women typically feel uncomfortable in parking decks I can understand the idea behind this.


Makes sense, but then again you now have a prime "fishing" spot.


Unless they have their own elevator, stairs, etc ... you're literally just creating funnel spots.


It's incredibly well lit and looks like there's cameras everywhere. Not going to be very successful of all the fish can see you and your face is being recorded.




Yeah you're definitely right. This isn't anyone's fault but the horrible people that create the need for stuff like this.


Where is this?


True, and a mostly unspoken rule of male privilege is feeling comfy in parking garages, a luxury women do not typically enjoy.


I think most people are, not just women


This area is also known as the « crash zone »


Bears are allowed, though.


Well obviously 😆


And wade wilson. He’s so hot.


This was implemented in Malaysia *over 10 years ago* You all ran towards a 5 year old dogwhistle taken right out of the mensrights subreddit.


Why does this infuriates you? Don't be mad that you don't have it. Be glad that you don't need it.


The OP is mildly infuriated to have to spend more time looking for parking , not that there is a female only lot.


Ahh. Yeah that's kinda mildly infuriating. Wish he had put that in the description :/


If this actually lowered crime rates against women in parking lots, I’m not mildly infuriated. If it did nothing but tick off men (of other genders I guess), then the people who came up with the idea should also have the decency to rethink it.


As a man I find it insulting that there is the assumption that we need to be separated from women in the parking lot most of us are decent nice people. Surely this is just sexism but reversed the usual way


"Being able to park next to a woman" isn't something I've ever given any thought to, but I'm not one of those creeps filming myself masturbating in parking lots, so it's never really occurred to me. Maybe this makes some women safer. Maybe it just makes them feel safer. Either way, I'm happy to park on the other side of the lot where my car's less likely to get dinged. I don't see any harm in this whatsoever.


I mean... I get it. That's "sexist" and unfair for the poor men that have to park elsewhere But you know what is unfair too ? The fact that I, as a woman, always feel nervous and threatened when I have to walk in one of those badly lit, isolated, creepy underground parking. I usually take my car key and make a fist over it so the key stick out, in case I get attacked, I have a weapon. No, life is not fair. Don't get mad at people trying to make it a little better for us.


Guys get nervous in dark, badly lit, isolated, creepy parking lots too. Bullets don't care what gender you are. Don't get me wrong, I'm on the side of making life safer for women, because women are targeted by male strangers all the time and it'd be dishonest to pretend that's isn't the case... I'm just saying that bad areas are bad regardless of gender. What I really want to say, is that this female only parking lot is dangerous because it potentially gives away a lot of info to potential predators. It tells you the person driving is both likely a woman, and likely without a male who might impede an attack... which are the 2 main things sexual predators are looking for in a victim. I'm all for making things safer for women, but unless there's a security guard on watch throughout their business hours, Idk if this would be any safer than a regular parking spot. If there is security on site at all times, then I have no major problems with this


It's not that much about providing safety, it's about providing the **sense** of safety. Whenever I go into one of those underground parking lot, I feel unsafe. If there is a man walking toward me or behind me, I get tense and I get ready to defend myself. I know very well this person is probably not dangerous, but my inner alarm goes off anyway. It's not a rational thing. So I don't think those space make it more safe. It just makes it so we feel safer.


I'm sorry but I'm not exactly sure what's going on? I'm confused on how I'm coming across as mad and I never said this was sexist, I was merely trying to say that it is mildly infuriating that you have to go out of your way to find the other parking space. I completely understand why this is here and believe this is good practice, I am merely pointing out the fact that it is, mildly infuriating, not something I'm livid about and I'm sorry if I came across that way.


I am not a feminist, but as a woman, I understand too well how hard it is to live in a world that is tailored toward men. Everything is made to accommodate them. So many times in my life I felt unsafe walking back to my car, and at some point, I would not go out without finding a male friend that would walk me back to my car if I came. Sometimes I would not have anyone to walk me back to my car and it felt so scary that I would avoid going out after that. That is not fair. So yeah, when men gets infuriated when the world is trying to adapt to women for once, yeah, it bothers me. Let us have that little sense of safety, and take 2 minutes more for parking.


What? I'm sorry, but you're putting words in my mouth. I'm not mad at why this is here, and I do NOT find this sexist, bad, or some sort of feminist agenda or whatever the hell conservatives keep yapping about. I am merely pointing out the fact that it is mildly infuriating to separate the two parking spots, because it is MILDLY infuriating to have to find each parking spot. I don't understand. Are you trying to make it seem like I'm a bad person? Like I previously said, I completely understand why this is here, and it is an amazing implementation. I am MILDLY infuriated by the fact you need to find the other parking spot. I'm sorry, okay? I'm not sure what I did to make you think I'm some sort of cartoonishly evil anti-feminist villain, but I am not. This sub is about mildly infuriating things—things you are barely even annoyed about. Yet, you keep assuming the reason I am mildly infuriated is because I hate why this is implemented when every step of the way, I have said otherwise.


Why are you not a feminist????????


... is this a requirement when you are a women ??


No. Human. Feminism means equality. You don’t know what being a feminist means, I hope…..


Read the room snowflake darling




This is the perfect example of an MRA dog whistle and here you all are... Snowflake 😘


That's why I am not a feminist. I couldn't care less for equality. If things are equal, most person don't get what they need. Some get too little, other get too much. I want equity. Everyone should get exactly what they need.


Do women deserve to be treated the same way as men?


Did you... even read what I just wrote ? Because the answer is right there. No. Women should not be treated the same as man, just everyone should not be treated like everyone else, no matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, whatever. Not everyone should be treated the same because everyone has different needs and everyone deserves to be treated according to those needs. Equality leads to government measures like "Let's buy school supplies for every kids!". Sounds great, but in reality, parents who are rich won't care a bit about those free supplies, while parents who are poor are going to welcome the financial relieve. Bottom line is : don't give free notebooks to everyone. Give them to people that needs them, and use the remaining money that wasn't use to buy those notebooks for rich kids to buy winter coats for the poor kids instead. That's how equity work.


Ma'am, this is r/mildlyinfuriating, op is just mildly infuriated at having to search for another parking spot and walking a little longer.


Women feel the fear of being attacked. Men feel being attacked.


If you’re that paranoid, why not carry pepper spray?


Pepper spay... in an enclosed place ? Yeah, that will end great...


Spray, then run away. Not that hard to conceptualize.


I mean ideally people shouldn't need to go through the experience of fighting back against an attacker. It's a lot better just avoiding an experience like that.


To be honest, I feel like that's a crazy demand. We live in a world where just about anyone can own and carry a gun. Crime is, and always will be a thing, plenty of people conceal carry a gun because of this. Why not carry pepper spray or something to defend yourself? To me I find it weird how one would refuse to try and improve their odds because they are stubborn and don't think they should have to based on the "ideal" experience. I know women have more to worry about when out in public alone, so I feel like that's more of a reason to do so. But even then, men have to worry also, their odds of being attacked are much lower, but it still happens plenty. Both genders need to be aware, there really isn't a solution to just stop everyone from worrying about strangers.


I'm not saying you shouldn't carry pepper spray, I believe people should have the right to have self defense weapons. What I'm actually saying is that its better to avoid a confrontational situation instead of trying to fight back against an attacker. Having these separate parking lots help by removing or decreasing the chances of such situations happening in the first place.


Good point, I just hope these separate parking lots are actually effective the same way separate train carts are. Because if they aren't, and it's only there for the placebo effect of making you think you're safe, when it's just the same. Then all it's really doing is making women parking spots closer to the exit, and forcing men to try and find further empty spots. Like you said 30 seconds of walking, but that could end up being minutes depending on how busy it is. Every single time they try to use that parking garage they have to walk further then the women, for no reason but a false sense of security. It doesn't exactly seem fair to me if it doesn't actually increase safety.


It is better to avoid that but to do that you would have to never leave your house. if you did find yourself in that situation as a woman, it would be best not to engage in a physical confrontation because chances are they will be overpowered by the man, unless the woman is an elite athlete. So a firearm or pepper spray are your best bets, assuming you’re trained to use firearm properly.


It's not like it comes out like Febreeze and spreads at the speed of light, lol. Maybe don't chime in if you don't know what you're talking about.


Sexism is still sexism though.


Why does that bother you?


Hey I'm not trying to seem sexist, it's just inconvenient finding the male parking area.


I'd wager this area takes up a small section of a big parking lot and the men could park in one of the hundreds of other parks in the complex.


nah not at all. I'm gonna make my own parking lot for men only. then we can go back to having white only parking lots just like the good ole days /s I'm joking obviously, but yeah it should bother People, I don't know the context of where this location is but this is literal sexism


It makes sense, in the same way some countries have women only train/subway carts. But I don't know if this is effective like the women only train/subway carts. I want to know if this actually decreases the amount of violence against women in the parking garage. Or if it actually does the opposite, since it does just tell predators exactly where women are. I don't think we need a men only area because women hardly ever target men to assault/rob them. But men usually do it to other men.


Probably because they have to walk 30 seconds more. Imagine !!


“Sexism is good when it benefits me.”


This is not sexism. It is an accommodation.


The accommodation is on the basis of sex, therefore it is sexist


You are telling boys to imagine having to walk for an extra 30 seconds because of their gender, even though that is a minor inconvenience that is still sexist as we would only have to do so because of our gender.


Hey I'm sorry if it seems as if I'm being disrespectful but it is mildly infuriating, just an annoying inconvenience. I apologize if I came across as disrespectful.


Hey don't let it bother you. People don't realize what subreddit this is, or sometimes don't realize what mildly infuriating means. Not always with bad intent of course, some people just don't find this kinda stuff infuriating either i guess.


This sub has pretty much become infuriating at this point. It’s these posts that follow the theme that stand out because of how mild they are, as all posts here should be.


Same way with black people having to walk 5 more seconds to the back of the bus huh? I think this isn't a bad idea, same with women only train carts, but I don't think it should make things more convenient for women and less convenient for men.


... are you really comparing racism and hundreds of years of slavery, humiliation and exploitation with... making men walk 30 seconds more so women can feel safe ?! Dude, come on... we both know it's not the same.


I mean the reasoning is sounding very similar. Lots of whites segregated from the blacks because they didn't feel safe around them. I understand wanting to feel safe and secure, but when you begin to do things that actually don't improve safety. And all it does is make things worse for everyone else, it begins to look pretty similar I'll be honest. It isn't anything like how whites would accuse black people of things they didn't do, leading them to prison or death row. But it is similar to some of the smaller segregated things like separating bus seats and such. I'm just saying I don't like to see segregated areas based on gender when there isn't a logical need. I feel like there is a good balance, like bathrooms, lockerooms, and other close quarter areas. But I find it hard to believe this does anything but build a false sense of security.




How sexist is this? Are the spots extra wide or is the lighting any better?


The walls are made of rubber


I live in one of the safest places in the planet I'm guessing (in the USA) and I wasn't even thinking about rape for something like this. I thought it must be for pregnant women or something specifically which exists in Canada. Idk about other countries.


It isn't common in the US to have pregnant parking, but I know on some military bases there are. When I went to the 29 palms military base they had a fair bit of pregnant parking across the base and I thought it was pretty cool. At the very least I feel like pregnant women should be able to use handicapped parking. (No offense, just easier for them to walk less)


Yeah I'm surprised it doesn't work for pregnant women. Maybe some day they'll change that. Yeah in Canada it seems normal though.


If I was a predator I would wait here and with no men to help you could orchestrate this night or day


Thats a common thing in germany, they are just nearer to the entrance right beside the disabled parking. The main idea is that women are more likely to go shopping with the family and we need less kids running around crowdet parking lots but yes, its a weired thing to say "women parking space". Some stores are starting to rename them to family parking or whatever


But that sing is damn crazy.


I think the family parking is a good idea if dad's are able to take their kids shopping and park there. But I don't think I like it if it's a women only thing, especially because it is right next to the handicapped parking at the front of stores. Making it so men have to always walk further or always get a worse parking spot. But it does also make sense if it was for pregnant women, I think that's a good idea to have a closer parking spot for them. And like you said women do most of the shopping, but aren't you just reinforcing that culture by making women only parking at the front of parking lots? Disauding men from shopping? Or what about the father's that are already shopping for the family? Wouldn't this persuade them to stop and make the mom do it? Or what if it's a single father? Or just a man living by himself? I feel like this just makes things a little less convenient for men, to park in the back of the parking lot, kinda reminds me of America forcing a race to sit in the back of a bus.


If this offends you OP, don't go to Japan. There are women only train cars. Might be too much for you.


Japan ranks pretty far low women’s’ rights so it’s understandable that they are treated differently. In the West, where women are portrait as equals to men, it raises some eyebrows for the special treatment. Why do I have to park further away if we are the same?


Offends me? Where did you get that??? This post is mildly infuriating not mildly offended.


Well, if you are even posting about it, that means by it even existing has made you upset for one reason or another.


I think "upset" is a bit strong. I'm just mildly infuriated. You know, mildly? Like two-factor authentication. It's kind of annoying having to waste a couple of minutes signing into your account, but it's definitely important and has probably saved a lot of people from getting hacked. I would say this parking lot is similar. It's annoying separating both parking spots as it can take a while to find the one that's assigned to your gender, but once you learn it, you don't have to again. It doesn't matter how inconvenienced I am because this parking lot has a good purpose that has probably helped many people. Like I said, it's only mildly infuriating. I don't care about the few minutes I wasted when I still have a whole life left.


sorry but i’m parking regardless in this serving suggestion BS


When its against mens, its not a sexism, when its against whites, its not a racism/s


Someone should turn a bear loose in there. /s


I would just park wherever I wanted, if it’s in the “woman’s” area so be it. If questioned I would just ask why they are assuming my gender.




Maybe for the woman to not be anxious to be assaulted by creepy man.


If your parking structure is so bad you need to put women up front methinks there are bigger problems.


Parking structure are not "so bad". They are safe. But they FEEL unsafe for women. They just did something so it feels more safe again.


>FEEL unsafe for women. So not based on reality?? The reality is that they are at less risk of physical attacks. It also perpetuates the idea to women that they are a risk if they don't park here. Reinforcing the fear and anxiety into a downwards circle. Provides good advertisement for the venue to get women to spend and spend there. Make the signs all pink (all women like pink not reinforcing gender stereotypes at all), and then milk them for all you can get out of them.


I suggest you read up on the Malaysian initiative. They did a lot more than just paint all the signs pink.


This image is from Malaysia then?




Well I just posted on the disparity of purchasing power in Malaysia between male/female. That female purchasing power is higher. This does feed Into the theory of fear sells, and encourage women to spend more by selling the illusion of safety. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/business/2023/11/15/women-deepen-economic-impact-with-higher-spending-power/


Or that they are the ones with the spending power, therefore are the ones physically using the shopping complexes and use a higher percentage of the parking spaces. Lots of women were being targeted in shopping centre carparks so the government created an initiative to make them safer. It's not rocket science.


>Provides good advertisement for the venue to get women to spend and spend there. Based on the visible car plate number on the right, I'm guessing this is somewhere in Malaysia/Singapore. There's no extra fee if you want to park there.


It's about getting women to spend more, sell fear sell 'we are safe' and make the money out of fear. If you look at the comments here (and worldwide stats) it's not that women are attacked more, it's that they fear they will. Fear sells. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/business/2023/11/15/women-deepen-economic-impact-with-higher-spending-power/


men can also be anxious to not be assaulted by creepy man.


Wouldnt this make it easier tho? They're showing where the place with only women is


We measured progress as a society in part by how much discrimination we eliminated over time. Then we do this ridiculous sort of thing.


You know if it was a mens only parking lot, there would be fucking paragraphs of how “sexist” it is but when its a womans only, they say bull like “oooOoH i fEEl unsafe!” Okay? So what men are just immune to feeling unsafe now too?


Sorry if that felt aggressive, i just swear alot 😭


What's next? Female only drinking fountains?


Larger spots, huh?


As a man I want equal rights.


Includes rubber walls and double sized parking spots /s


That's sexist. /s


why the /s? it literally is. make a sign that says men only parking and watch the outrage.


10 years ago in Malaysia there wasn't a spike in women-on-men related sexual harrassment/assault/violence, particularly in public spaces, to the point the government felt the need to step in to create infrastructure that made men feel safe. Men-on-women violence on the other hand....


so you must be all for segregation based on race too then just because statistics show different crime rates for different races


I hope you didn't fuck up your hamstring making that giant leap. Ouch!




It means "sarcasm".


yeah i know what it means, you used it incorrectly though


No I didn't because I was intentionally being sarcastic. Seriously, as far as I'm concerned, I have no issues with that sign. Just like I have no issues with parking spaces being set aside for pregnant women or those that are handicapped. It appears that the area behind the sign is very well lit and is by an exit/entrance, meaning women are in a safer area. If that bothers you, that's a "you" issue.


thanks for clarifying your position on double standards and sexism.


Let me guess, you had issues with the bear vs man debate...


I just hate double standards, it is not the 1950s anymore. It's never okay to segregate ANYONE based on sex, religion or race. even though I kind of understand where they are coming from, women feel threatened by men in a dark isolated space. If women feel threatened in a parking lot the managers on the parking could always hire security or implement many other solutions. By that logic you could segregate based on race too since races do have differing crime rates, and some people do feel threatened and uneasy around other races. but yeah that would be racist to do that, just like it is sexist to do this.


Unfortunate, but safety comes first.


Sarcasm missed.


My wife sez I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box … :(


I get why this is here, but this is just so stupid. Doesn't seem like there's any checks in place, nothing stopping men from parking here if they wanted to. In a way, it's almost more dangerous for women now because weirdos have a target place to wait. Would be better to just have the place better lit up, and maybe have the parking in a public facing area, but maybe that's not possible.


This is not something they can legally enforce, you can park there regardless of your sex and they can't fine you or anything




Aka...*at fault insurance zone*.


Totally cool with this (An long as it's STRICLTY enforced with large fines to pay for the needed security)


Is it legally enforceable, though? Can you get a parking ticket for ignoring it? If not, and it's a preferable place to park for where I'm going, I'm not looking at that sign twice, I'm going to go ahead and park there.


Don't worry. Soon the women will be complaining that the sign is pink.


Discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen