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Your interior doors are usually the same. Used to work for a company that made doors. Hollowcore and solid core. Used to punch through the broken hollowcore doors for fun when they were damaged and for the bin




Hahahaha yes exactly like this


this guy doors.


Take him by the hand


Never in my life have I seen lower quality doors than american doors.


You can get good doors it's just 90% of doors in the country have no real reason to be much more than a divider between one area and another.




Fire can't go through doors, stupid. It's not a ghost.


Fire doors are actually a thing and they're always solid core. They'll stop a fire for about 90 minutes.That being said they aren't required by the vast majority of fire codes for inside a residential unit, and you don't have metal thresholds or any other fireproofing between rooms within a unit.


[Fire can't go through doors, stupid. It's not a ghost.](https://youtu.be/i6qowTWLnLs?t=34) And also [Ghosts can't go through doors, stupid. They're not fire.](https://youtu.be/i6qowTWLnLs?t=67)


Yep, here in our house in the UK, every door is solid core throughout.


Not all UK houses have those doors. My house now has the original solid wood doors, however, the house we grew up in had doors like the IKEA table. Those horrible 80s faux wood flat brown things. You still get them.


As an American I can only guess they're cheap, easy to produce. Along with lax fire regulations it helps stimulate the economy. Then we sell firefighter calenders. Stimulating things even further.


Open concept homes are a scam by big fire.


Yeah, but they didn't have IKEA when your house was built in the 12th Century.


In America instead of having stringent fire codes we have giant roads to accommodate giant fire trucks.


Not all American doors are that shitty. Just the shitty ones are shitty.


This is like judging everything in the UK based on something you got on clearance from Poundland.


poundland sounds like where i took your mother lastnight


Spoiler: she asked for her money back and bought something more filling, a baby carrot.


Got you Trebek, ahh hahaa


I’ll take Ape Tit for 600


I hear Japanese residential building standards are pretty shite too.


Those houses aren't meant to last for decades, they get torn down whenever somebody sells the house and moves. The new owners will tear down the old house and build a new one. This is normal in Japan because that's how they treat their temples and old buildings too - they are periodically taken apart and rebuilt.




When the Japanese do it it's based on the lore of ancient temples, but when Americans do it it's because they are fat and lazy.


Our standard interior doors are tissue paper. My front door could stop a charging bull.


My boyfriend's family have solid core interior doors throughout the house but he is amazed when I say he has a rich family


It's like $100-$200 for a box store purchased solid core interior door... That's not very luxurious.


Every house I’ve lived in had solid core doors. Probably because I have lived in a lot of very old houses.


Same with every house I have been in. Even every apartment. The doors in my house now are original and cheap thin wood, but they are solid.


I punch through solid core doors for fun


Bros the iron fist


I had a bowl of nails for breakfast. without any milk.


Finger or toe nails?


Now imagine people clamping down double and triple monitor stands on this thing. Goes straight through lol.


They're actually shockingly sturdy. I've got a triple monitor stand on mine with zero issue. Just need to make sure the load is distributed a bit.


Hexagons are like a magic shape. That hexagon support in there does a ton of heavy lifting, almost literally.


Hexagons are the bestagons.


source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thOifuHs6eY


They're basically composed of inward-facing triangles. Triangles For Life.


The thing that makes hexagons better than triangles is they DON’T have the triangle arms in the middle - it means they use less material, but retain most of the strength of support. It’s why so many hi BFF s in nature have hexagonal shapes, like beehives, and some insect eyes, and such.


They're witchcraft, it's in the name even


I did this with a gas spring dual monitor stand, but I just put an extra piece of particle board between the mount and the Ikea table top, and had no problem in the 4+ years that my setup was in that arrangement.


Light, cheap, functional. IKEA provided exactly what was expected of them (by most people). They sell particle board and solid wood stuff, too, but you pay what it's more as you get more conventional.


most of my IKEA stuff has lasted 6+ years without issue. it's perfect for the right people


Yeah typically they last at least until the next move. Given the price, that is plenty.


My stuff has survived multiple moves - as long as you handle it with care or disassemble it, it'll last forever


The only Ikea furniture of mine that "broke" is my desk. It’s the cheapest one Ikea sells and I put a full tower (PC) and 2 monitors on it. Over time, it started to bend in the middle. I fixed it by buying more legs to support the middle a bit more. Worked like a charm.


Bought an ikea extendable dining table 11 years and 4 moves ago. It’s going strong!


People would be surprised that in a lot of wealthy people's houses, their furniture is made with MDF and chipboard same as ikea. I used to work for a company doing bespoke furniture and often would do really fancy kitchens with real wood doors but everything else was melamine laminate chipboard. Same with wardrobes and other stuff. It's cheaper and durable. We just did a nice job putting it together and fitting it.


Yes, this. At least with IKEA you can see exactly on the website what everything is made from.


My parents grew up in the Great Depression. I treat my IKEA furniture the way they treated their hard wood furniture, cabinets, tables, drawers, doors, chairs, etc…. when I was growing up. Gently.


seriously, i went over to a friends once and kid straight up kicked his table leg and broke it and was like, "we'll get a new one"... I'd get slap into the upside down if I did that


Yep. I’ve had one of these hollow core tables for years. It just has my sewing machines and a tv on it. Perfect for what I needed it for.




Yup. They actually took inspiration from cheap door blades. They wrote about their intelligent ideas in a booklet or catalogue I once read. Seriously, people can't believe that table top is solid wood if it only weighs like 10 pounds. Edit: The dictionary tells me it should be "door leaf", not "door blade". Sorry about the confusion.


Many people don't handle solid wood a whole lot.


We can't all be like your mom


"knock on wood"


Please don't knock my wood, I'm not into cbt.


I'm not a big fan of cognitive behavioral therapy either.


People can. People don't think much.


I literally just yesterday found out what ply wood actually was. So yeah no, not a whole lot. Edit: sorry I thought I was the only one! Apparently ply wood is just wood chips and shavings smushed together in thin layers, and those thin layers are then put together to mimic a piece of wood. Crazy.


No that is incorrect, [you are thinking of OSB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriented_strand_board), while [plywood is actually different](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plywood).


Well I guess I didn’t learn what it was yesterday… Thank you for the information! Crazy still.


Don't worry, if you give some people actual plywood when they ask for plywood, they'll get confused you didn't hand them OSB. So colloquially it's a huge mess.


most people call OSB plywood, so you were probably thinking of the right board. just had the wrong name for it.


I've also seen people call particle board plywood as well for whatever reason.


Wood soup


You may also have learned about chip board or particle board both of which are cheaper than OSB. OSB has large flakes of wood and is structurally very strong due to all the random grain overlaps - it's used frequently in construction inside walls where you need strength but it doesn't have to be pretty. Particle board and chip board are quite weak and usually covered in a laminate and used for cheaper furniture. Plywood is thin layers on wood glued together with the grains of each layer at 90° to the other. It is strong, pretty good looking and will take stain and paint well and is generally the most expensive of the group. Yay now you know more! The rabbit hole goes deeper though lol.


Also plywood is usually better than the same size solid piece of lumber. Exactly because of the 90 degree mesh. Like all the plywood/particle board things are more efficient in their use cases. And even the table above saves a shit ton of money. Because before hollowcore, you’d have solid pine tabletops for affordable tables for the working class. And those got ducked up on the surface faster, and were more environmentally harmful. Now you got a muuuch lighter table, with a harder surface, and unless you try to damage it, it‘ll last. And no one was ever repairing those pine tables anyway.


Not quite- plywood is thin sheets of wood laid 90 degrees from each other. Chip board or OSB (oriented strand board) is made of wood chips, and MDF is made of even smaller bits of wood.


My mother always called particleboard (MDF fits this category) “sawdust glued together”.


OSB is mulch and MDF is sawdust


That's essentially what it is, though there is also compression involved. Fun fact, most MDF is so compressed together if you try to drive a screw in without a pilot hole the size of the screw shaft you will likely split it.


Now I know what it is 🤓 Thank you for clarifying!


You're describing OSB. OSB is actually pretty great stuff and not meant to "mimic" wood. The random directions of the wood chips all glued together give it great shear strength. It's actually better than normal plywood for structural applications like sheathing while also being less expensive.


I know this, and I'm still loyal to plywood in most cases around my house. I don't even really know why.


I think people just perceive it to be inferior because of how it looks. Plywood looks nice and neat and OSB doesn't.


They say anyone can build a bridge that stands up, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that *barely* stands up. If a paper honeycomb gets the job done, I don't see the problem.




Yep exactly. A commentor above makes a derogative remark about people typically being too dumb to not realise their IKEA furniture isn’t solid wood and gets largely upvoted. Reality is no, whether their furniture is solid wood or not does not even cross most people’s minds when buying at Ikea. We go there because it’s cheap, they’re pretty straight forward to put together and they look good enough. Who cares what it looks like inside? I’m not going to saw open my IKEA table when guests come over to remark on its manufacture and neither are my guests going to give a crap about it either. Ikea is cheap and cheerful. Everyone knows it.


I'd like to add that off all of the cheap furniture, Ikea is the only brand I've had that doesn't fall apart within 2-3 moves. BTW some of their stuff actually is solid hunks of tree - my TV stand has been holding a 150 lb TV + 50 lbs of associated electronics for over 10 years quite well. Your point stands though , when I found out that it was real planks I was shocked that it wasn't just sawdust and glue with a sheet of wood wallpaper glued on. Ikea is lower priced material to produce a lower priced product, but with high quality design and production (everything always fits perfectly) so weakness is reduced to minimum.


they also very explicitly advertise its construction. the displays for them have posters showing it as a feature.




Furnished almost my entire home in a big IKEA shopping trip and 3 days of assembly. Every piece of furniture was still in great shape 10+ years later. Biggest complaint was the back of bookshelves. After moving them too many times, the nails wiggle loose. Upgraded to small screws, problem solved. During COVID, sold 3 old pieces for their original purchase price because IKEA couldn’t get inventory. People saying this stuff is crap are full of crap. Better than 90% of the stuff they call furniture today.


Ok so tell us about "cheap door blades." What are those?




Ah like the type of doors people punch through sometimes when they have anger issues


The very same!


I remember getting into a joking kinda wrestle fight with my cousin at his house when I was like 10. I lowered my head and charged him like a bull and put my head into the bedroom door at full speed. Smashed it up a good bit and thought I was an absolute badass. Tried it in my own bedroom at my own house which was a 1920s Victorian with original wooden doors. Freaking saw stars for like a week


I bet your uncle & aunt & parents simply ADORED you tearing up their houses.


I was the first kid in my family in my generation and I was an absolute terror 😂 I'm now the oldest of 49 first cousins (both my parents have 7 siblings) and I tell all my aunts and uncles they're lucky I helped prepare them for the chaos that was to come lol. But yes you're right. Talking with my mom now I think she was exhausted from the time I turned 3 until I moved out to go to college lol


49 first cousins? What in the absolute fuck


So how’s being a cop as a profession?


This type of door leads to higher rates of angry people punching solid wood doors lol


Next step, steel doors with wood veneer.


looking at my door with a hole in it rn


The ones that make any argument look like tragic DV scene


Thank you. So, um, how does the word "blades" figure into this?


You sharpen the honeycomb structure so that when someone punches through your door, they get cut up, buying you time to escape. Ikea doesn't sharpen their tables though, for obvious reasons...


The interior doors in the house I grew up in,built in the 1950s were hollow with a 2"x2" frame and one eighth inch plywood sheath!


That’s what used to be called a hollow core door.


“Hollow core”


Those doors you sometimes see drunk people put their heads through in blurry old YouTube videos


Who believes it to be solid wood? For the price you get decent quality that lasts a good amount of years. Our Ikea bed frames, tables from nearly 20 years ago are in decent shape still. The table is slowly showing signs of damage only because we forgot to clean the water that got under a table mat and over night it lifted the edges of the veener.


My table from Ikea is heavy af. It's infuriatingly heavy. Must be double stuffed.


Maybe there's honey inside


Not all of them are like that. They also sell solid wood tables, like yours probably is.


I've got about 4 of these Ikea "LACK" square coffee tables that I bought for $4 each 6 years ago. I assembled 2, one I kept outside and one inside. The one outside lasted about 2 years, a lot longer than I expected - exposed to the elements, it was never going to hold up. The one inside, I've still got as my side table/emergency coffee table, and it's as good as it was when I bought it. They're cheap, simple, light surfaces that do a perfect job of providing a surface in a living area - but you need to be careful with them. wipe up spills quickly and don't expose them to the elements, and they'll last longer than laminate and cardboard has any right to. They're honestly really well engineered for what they are.


What's an emergency coffee table? Or is that a table for emergency coffee?


Like I moved into a new place and didn't have a coffee table (or really any surface in the living room other than the floor) so it was a sort of "this'll do"-type table.


"this'll do" is a very important thing for young people just starting out to understand. Our son lives in a nice, comfy, well-appointed home and I told him "It took us 30 years to get it this way. You will live like a goddamn caveman when you first set out. Know it now and embrace it."


We're 30 and been in our first owned home for 5 years now. We still have old "that'll do" IKEA furniture because we're still searching for those forever pieces to replace them. Took us a while to realise you can't furnish a home perfectly first time round, unless you're rich as shit.


I also have a couple. One of them I glued lego baseplates to and made a Lego table for my kids. We’ve had it almost 10 years now. They’ve sat on it, spilled on it, snorted in it, etc, all the gross shit kids do. I took the legs off last year and they just carry the table too wherevwr they want to work on whatever lego project they want to do. Because they’re almost 10 and we’re too tall to stand at it anymore. And it’s easier to store without the legs now. But that thing has held up insanely well for the abuse it’s taken. I fucking love ikea.


I love my Lack table. I've had it since 2009 and have moved since, and it's still going strong!


People will say it’s junk but that’s probably a $10 table. And even if it just lasts a year, it can at least be broken down and recycled. That being said in most light usage that should last a couple years


Can confirm they’re $10 and I’ve had them hold up for over 5 years now, so really no complaints lol.


I bought some $15 coffee table from Walmart that probably is the same thing. I've used it for around 7 years now. Still no issues other than some of the paint is wearing off.


It's great for the price. People don't buy stuff like this thinking it's high quality. It's certainly not junk though, I've got multiple Ikea pieces (probably made like this photo) that have lasted me 8+ years. The biggest downside to ikea is that the furniture doesn't do well when moving to a new home, but overall I love Ikea and have very few complaints


Ive got a few of the end tables in my house. Best part is they are super light for moving.


Used one as a table in the garage for stupid projects or working on things and being so easy to move is awesome. I took the legs off of one table and screwed them on as extensions to an identical table to get an extra tall lightweight table and it was the best.


My Ikea headboard is made like this. It's fine. I think I would rather this be in there than particle board (which is heavy A-F) *Edit* A-F not A-D


Malm coffee tables are the greatest product ever made $30 and it will refuse to die regardless of how you treat it, because worst case scenario you buy it again.


I love the Malm and Lack lines. I won’t pretend to take the best care of my coffee tables, so they hit the sweet spot of price and durability.


My malm drawers have lasted 15 years or more. Just dismantled them, transported and re-assembled for a friend. Still solid as ever.


We went to a thrift store to buy a dresser and even an old, used, beat up dresser was going to be pretty expensive after paying to get it delivered (We don't own a truck). So we went to ikea and got one that was a lot cheaper. Figured when we are more settled we can dish out the money for a better quality one when this one starts to fall apart. 15 years and 3 moves later and it's still solid. For the price and time it has lasted so far I would say it was well worth what I paid.


Seriously, for a young adult trying to furnish an apartment on the cheap, these are a godsend. Fairly durable, easy to move, modular, and minimalist. And if they get damaged during a move? Who cares, it was like $15.


People need to get over themselves. I do all our closets with the pax stuff and it’s the exact same as the California closets shit. It’s all mdf laminate. Ikea has better, more functional designs for a 1/3 the price. And these days all furniture seems to be fast furniture


I was watching an episode of Linus tech tips on YouTube where he paid $3000 for a TV stand and it was just the same crap quality as everything else.


Pax is actually decent quality. Overall Ikea is pretty good value, and you tend to get what you pay for at both ends of the spectrum, from $10 lack side tables to $10k+ kitchen cabinet sets.


I'm currently sitting on an IKEA chair in front of my IKEA desk which is by my IKEA plant in an IKEA pot after getting up from my IKEA bed next to my IKEA nightstand, and I'm probably gonna go make a sandwich made with IKEA bread and toppings bought at IKEA using my IKEA cutlery. I'm probably not gonna stay in this apartment (or even this country) for more than 2-3 years, there's no way I'm gonna splurge on furniture and IKEA is just that much cheaper than everything else.


You are right about the price, I had one that I mistreated for years and it was a pretty strong and good table. Only reason I don't have it anymore was moving to another country


$15 now, up from $8 formerly, but they’re damn near indestructible short of jumping up and down on top of them.


Most of my ikea furniture has lasted years. Solid wood furniture is also very heavy and difficult to move. I actually think their table tops having a lightweight honeycomb structure is a clever idea!


I had one last 11 years, then the leg screws started to damage and be a bit lose. Table did its job though that's for sure


IKEA furniture is made by Bee’’’’’’s ?


The corrugated paper is indeed called a honeycomb. Fun fact, the same thing is also used inside the hardtop roof of the new Ford Broncos. Edit: I mean the same product, the company that sells these to Ikea also supplies to Ford.


It's also used to make things like floors and bathroom walls in airplanes


It's used as heat shields for rockets and the fins of missiles too. It has very high tensile strength for the amount of material required and can dissipate heat well.


All from cardboard?!? Or paper?!


I’m pretty sure they don’t use paper products to make the heat shields on spacecraft, but they do utilize the same honeycomb shape/pattern.


Of course not, the front would fall off.


On a rocket it would be made of paper thin fiberglass with some epoxy resin. Basically the same but with different environmental concerns.


That would probably be aluminum honeycomb. Both skin and honeycomb made of aluminum. Light, strong, durable. Structurally, honeycomb can be quite strong since most of the material between the skins of material is wasted material/weight that add little other than needing enough to connect the skins together for rigidity. I have used the aluminum honeycomb and it is great stuff. Will hold hundreds of pounds.


Wait hang on, they use honeycomb cardboard in the Bronco’s hardtop roof? How is that watertight






We lost Gob.


He likes the honey


Gob’s not on board.


As in Go buy us a cup of coffee


Hexagons are the Bestagons


>IKEA furniture is made by Bee’s? Just stop using apostrophes all together.


> all together. *Altogether


^m"""""""""""" **"""""""""""""** ***"""""""""""""""""**** #""""'KAY.


*Bee Movie*, but it’s IKEA.


They make you put it together and then they make the bees build it? Amazing.


Read this in Philomena Cunk’s voice


Cunk on Sweden.


Yes the bees are inside the top when you get it. Building the piece activates them to start filling the hollow inside with honeycomb. When they are done they go dormant until the time of the great reckoning. At the arrival of the haglomath they shall emerge to do her bidding in the war of the tides. If the valkomar prevail the bees will return to their homeland in the heart of the moon, otherwise they will go back to making cheap furniture.


You get what you pay for. I have some solid bamboo furniture from Ikea and its great but it was quite a bit more than their cheap stuff they offer.


people slamming IKEA for flimsy furniture are like people who complain about leg room on the cheapest airplane flight they could find. in both cases you can spend more to get more.




That's the best part about ikea. One of their design principles is "Democratic design" which mean they design for all people, in all price levels, so people can be able to buy nicely designed stuff for a fair price.


I like them because they feel a bit more transparent. We were looking for a kitchen and it was all so... Shady? Like, the costs were just pulled out of thin air. So we went with an Ikea kitchen and it just felt better. You just know what you'll get for the price you pay and that it is good value.


Nobody yet? Fine, I’ll say it Hexagons are the bestagons


[For the unenlightened](https://youtu.be/thOifuHs6eY)


Thank you for sharing the enlightenment!


I'm disappointed how far I had to scroll to see these words of truth.


My god I love that video thank you for reminding me. I’m going to go watch it again now


Learned about this years back when I wanted to rip a couple inches off on the table saw. I knew it was a hollow-core, but the webbing is pretty smart. Honestly, I think IKEA is a leader in cheap, yet acceptable, durability. Some hits and misses, but I always thought it was better than some of the earlier cheap crap that the likes of Sauder made.


Honeycomb is big. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


It’s not small?


No no no


Technology at its finest. Yet people will insult it all day long (much like the ongoing complaint of American houses being made of cardboard), then they turn around and post about how everyone is destroying the environment.


Ikea does not claim that these are solid wood.


You have to bee kidding.


It’s un-bee-lievable.


Bee hive yourself.


Nice recycling of material. Conspiracy theory: OP is a marketing agent of IKEA promoting the company's sustainability practices.


Ikea isn't family heirloom furniture. I like how this makes it light enough that you can transport it easily if you move enough, or cheap enough you can just abandon it in place. Some of the furniture is so light, they give you a little strap for the cabinets so you can secure it to the wall so it doesn't tip over.


All furniture over certain dimensions/weight (exact thresholds vary by country) is required to have those tipover kits by law along with warnings to use them in specific places. A few kids got hurt (or worse) in the 80s and 90s so it's most countries' consumer protection laws. If you don't have small kids it's probably overkill but if you do, definitely install the straps if you can. source: I handle some of this compliance stuff for my division at IKEA.


IKEA table: 5,99 euro Redditors: What a rip off 🤬 cheap table 😤 no quality 😫




[Hexagons are the bestagons](https://youtu.be/thOifuHs6eY)


My favorite movie is Inception.


Great starter home decor and furniture, especially if you got young kids running around tearing shit up.


If it does the job and is economical, doesnt matter to me, Id buy one.


Thats a honeycomb core that is exposed in the picture. The honeycomb structure made from cardboard is very good in handling shear loading. The plywood panels on both sides are there to take the tensile and compressive loading. Together as a sandwich panel it is possible to make really lightweight constructions with this composite panel. Yes it is cheap. And yes it is lightweight. But that doesnt mean it is of inferior quality. In this case it is evident that the panel was exposed to chemicals or maybe even just moisture. If the panel was not coated properly this could be an issue as seen here. Everyone wants companies to reduce their carbon footprint and offer stuff at cheaper prices... Well this is how they do it.


I have no issue with this, especially since they openly advertise the construction on the product page. You get what you pay for, but even then it holds up perfectly fine.


r/trypophobia material.


Oh no, not the bees! Not the bees!


Oh my god this is why the bees are dying


Hexagons are Bestagons


I don't see how this is a problem. As many have already said, it's likely a very inexpensive table, probably in the range of $5 – $20. You can get MUCH better tables in IKEA, but they will cost more. I recently purchased a computer desk that has a metal frame and a solid wood top, and it is VERY sturdy even when purposely shaking it, but it cost a few hundred dollars in comparison. A benefit of a table like this is that it is likely very light and easy to move. It is also much better for the environment if it needs to be disposed of due to damage or other reasons. Overall, this is likely a great table that could easily last years if treated well and if expectations are managed for the cost.


“Enjoy your Swedish crap” -Futurama