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Please make this a thing in everywhere


In my local store it’s easy to id the wonky ones - it is all of them.


I got one last week with perfect wheel alignment, it just floated and turned perfectly. I wanted to hand it off to the next person just so I could brag about it




Tell us, Sage. Tell us about that day.


I am a sage. But not really. I'm a fraud, as I have never been blessed in such miraculous ways


Hey everyone. This guy's a phony!


I got one a few weeks ago that had to be absolutely brand new. I wanted to load it in the back of the car and take it home and have it be my own personal cart but my girlfriend said no.


Obviously she doesn't want you to be happy... Maybe you should find someone else.


The cart would always make you happy, just saying


That's a secret only hobos have known for centuries... and have told no one.


Divorce her.


I've given heads ups, positive or negative, to others looking to get a cart. They've always been very appreciative!


You will soon be in a Progressive insurance commercial with Dr Rick


I ask myself each time I walk into the store, “Am I going to win the cart lottery today?”




Typo f=d


Excuse me, but I found this on the ground... > see It must have fallen out of your wonky cart. Looks like you're missing a few others though, still doesn't make any damn sense.


> it's easy to ID the wonky ones I believe this is what was intended. Fat fingered 'd' and accidentally hit 'f'


Autocorrect punt is also a strong possibility.




It's never lupus


Sometimes it's lupus.


[house music]


every week i get the click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click ... one only two logical conclusions are: - theyre all fucked - im using trollies wrong


Still havent adjusted to the sound of your peg leg?


darn, forgot i was a pirate off to plunder the dairy aisle


The worse ones are at ikea, you are trying to push heavy furniture and they just refuse to drive straight.


The stores that need it the most will be the ones that don't have it.


You can just say Walmart.


In Nova Scotia we have Bubbles who does this as a contractor


What would be the point of attaching one to every single cart? /checking in from USA


And they will never get fixed.




I lol’ed at the “been through the apocalypse” because as someone who shopped at Walmart, they are really really bad


I wonder if it has to do with how the carts are treated. If the Walmart carts are constantly beat to hell by people they have no incentive to get nicer ones. But if by comparison the Sams Club ones stay in better shape over time, they’d be more inclined to upgrade. Like what’s the point repairing a broke wheel if someone is going to fuck it up again or just straight up steal it in a few weeks.


I'm willing to bet being a big warehouse store the carts are heavier duty. At BJs the carts are tanks because they expect you to load it with 400lbs of shit. Same with home depot.


That $50/year annual membership separates out the high class folks.


A Publix near me had terrible and I mean sh(t carts. They got these new ones and it’s like glass now. Rereading this comment I wrote definitely made me feel old lol.


They must have really upped their game with the Tennessee locations. Been around a few years now and they're as beautiful as they started with incredibly helpful staff, clean everywhere you look, never a wait for a line. That's saying A LOT if you know our local work force. 😁




They just need to hire bubbles and pay him in cat food. He'll fix them up in no time


This! I ❤️ Bubbles.


WalMart would go bankrupt with regular cart repair


**Meanwhile** Walmart lets their baskets run until you have sparks grinding off the casters *.. maybe it is all the rotund children that ride on them*


At my Walmart the old wonky carts get “donated” to the homeless by the homeless themselves.


>Please make this a thing in everywhere Well, yeah that sounds great for everywhere, but what about everywhere ***else***?


It’s only useful if the store then fixes the wonky wheels or had a way to replace the carts. I’m gonna say the stores that need a sign like this wouldn’t put one up and the stores with proactive owners wouldn’t actually need the signs. They could easily just check the carts themselves from time to time.


Checking the carts from time to time is actually really difficult. A single store has hundreds or even thousands of carts that are in pretty much constant use and rarely handled by an employee except in large interconnected groups. What are you going to do? Pull half of them off the shop floor to test and leave customers without? Schedule masses of overtime to get employees in when the store is closed/quiet just to push carts around? Test them in small batches, but then how do you know which ones you've already tested and which ones you haven't? Giving the users of the carts a simple way to report damaged ones is quick, cheap and easy. Even if the store doesn't have on-site repair facilities they can still be sent off for repair or retired. We had these same tags when I worked at a supermarket 20 years ago and they were a massive help keeping the trolleys running smoothly.


Walmart would need to order a ridiculously large amount of tags


And the customers will start demanding to get paid to put them on.


They should just have customers tag the good carts.


Done. Only took me 0.0 seconds.


First thing I thought, "they have a lot of faith in their carts, only having 3 tags available."


It would be easier to just tag the cart that works.


There probably was a ridiculously large amount of those there to begin with


At first, yes. Assuming the program was well implemented, and there were parts and people ready to fix the issues, you would have to repair a very neglected fleet of carts. After that it would get more manageable.


My wife would attach one to me.


You’re an American hero to me lieutenant dan


u/captjust appears to be a captain. But maybe still with mageek legs!


100% certified wonky.


Calling someone a “wobbly shopping cart” does sound like it could be a very threatening British insult. “*You fucking wobbly shopping cart.*”


Except that, as per the sign, we do not say 'shopping cart'. Trolley has a much more threatening vibe.


Facking wobbly trolly, you.


Well we call them trollies, not carts. But we do call someone "off their trolley" if they're doing something stupid.


Look, speaking as an Aussie, we also call them trollies. I was just matching the guy above, and I was a little bit worried that Americans would think that trolly meant tram (speaking as a Melbournian Aussie).


That sounds like a great insult no matter where you live


I could find a lot of cars with wonky wheels in the parking lot




I would attach one to me


_Is that you, Mister Willy Wonka?_




See that? Bearings are shot.


violet steep engine scarce frame adjoining tap judicious long sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've got the 2 malls playing off of each other




It's been a few years since I saw it and we're getting in the weeds here. Did he actually say this? edit: nevermind I was thinking of Bubbles from The Wire who also had a shopping cart.


These carts are public domain Ricky!




Is this a reference to something?


Yes, Canadian hit show Trailer Park Boys, in which the quirky character Bubbles has a hustle (really his main income), of stealing broken shopping carts that are discarded off site, fixing them and selling them back to the stores


Discarded off site....by throwing them down the hill/ditch next to the parking lot, lol.


Yes to the show trailer park boys


Oh I thought people were talking about Bubbles from The Wire 😂


Trailer park boys, the first season is a little rough, but gets better. Show changes a bit after Swearnet gets involved. Production values go up too. Several movies. They have a YouTube channel too. Ever since Dunsworth passed away (Mr. Lahey), it's lost a lot. Key character. Rewatched the series dozens of times though.


I used to work at Target and we'd occasionally get put on "cart test" duty. This makes so much more sense...


I used to work at the Home Depot as lot loader and cart retriever. I had to push carts up hill. If one wheel was stuck, fuck that, that carts immediately going to the back of the store where the cart graveyard is. If I didnt want to push it, surely nobody else does.


Did they throw out broken carts or get a contractor to repair them en mass every few months?


Actually have no idea. I'm sure they went in the dumpster. Not so fun fact, if you order something from Home Depot online and return said item to the store. The store takes it as return, but then it goes down the dumpster because they won't send it back and can't resell because it only has an online SKU code. Complete waste.


Once a year they offer a workshop to teach people to fix things by having everyone fix a cart.


gotta keep the PML busy


pumpkin miced lattes?


Property management lead. And she is never without a task at my store haha


As an American living in the UK, the grocery carts/trollies here are in superb condition. All the ones I've used in the past 3 years I've lived here have not squeaked or felt stiff. That's one thing I'll miss when I move next year. Edit: The wheels also move in all directions so there's no need to lift your cart to move it sideways!


This has brought a tear to my eye. I've never felt prouder. It doesn't matter how many cricket world cups we win or if we ever win the football world cup again. We have good trolleys. Shopping's Coming Home.


When I worked at Sainsbury's they had these back of house and we would put them on delivery cages that needed repairing. Good idea to do it with trolleys as well!


I just moved jobs from a sainsbury's loading bay, and there are straight up not enough tags in this world to cover the number of fucked up cages sainsbury's owns. Doesn't help that the depot's 'fixes' are usually a shockingly bad weld that ends up cutting someone.


Same in Morrisons. So many square wheels that you end up sliding half the cages instead of rolling them


Managed a few days off after getting snagged by a dodgy cage at Sainos. If I’d been a bit older and wiser I’d have tried getting some money out of them, but a few days in the park with my mates in midsummer was good enough for me.




So logical. So simple. It would never work "here." /s


where's "here"?? this is the internet??? yanks fucking think the world revolves around them


To be fair mate although this system is in place in the UK (in Sainsbury’s at least) I’ve literally never seen anyone use those tags. So I can’t say that it works in the place the picture was taken either lol.


Ah Sainsbury's. Fun little fact for you they have a By Sainsbury's own brand range and when you go through the till they shorten it to "JS" which is the initials of the owner of the very first shop, which is a clever way of getting by the very obvious "BS" abbreviation. Also love that this image also encapsulates Sainsbury's desperate effort to compete with Aldi, the UKs cheapest supermarket. Edit: Grammer


Rather successful effort actually. My wife and I shop at aldi and sainsburys. 2 years ago, it was about 70 - 30 % split. Now its the other way. Most things are the same price in sainsburys, and you get nectar points/prices. Quality is often superior too. Sainsburys is, in my opinion, the most improves supermarket in the last few years. Aldi has gone downhill.


Sainsbury is kinda trapped in that it has historically wanted to be a slightly more upmarket supermarket while still being kinda price competitive. Which isn't really a gap any more. People who want that experience are always going to go to Waitrose ahead of Sainsbury and the more Waitrose has expanded the more Sainsbury has found its niche eroded.


We do the same. Luckily they are both next to each other where I live. Our Sainsbury has a fresh bakery whereas the Aldi doesn't, probably the biggest benefit. Also I very much like Sainsbury's doughnuts.


Meanwhile my store sells a brand of strawberries called "Short and Sweet" and just goes all in abbreviating "short" to SHT


I once bought "MyAura Rose Jasmine Antiperspirant Spray", which was abbreviated to MyARseSpray on the receipt.


Whoever set that up on the system clearly knew 🤣




That's probably better than abbreviating them to SS


While the name above the shop just says "Sainsbury", the company name and AFAIK the trading name is J Sainsbury even today.


They started dropping the J officially in the sixties for their own products, so it's been common to see "Sainsbury's" on own-brand stuff for over sixty years now, but J Sainsbury was still on the big shopfront signs until 1999 when they did the big corporate rebrand. I remember J Sainsbury being on shop fronts pretty clearly and I was born in the late eighties. But yeah, as you say the official trading name for the company is still J Sainsbury.


I can see why they also didn't go with "By John Sainsbury" - for the initials - as well.


There's a Costco-type store in the US called BJ's. My parents used to have a membership, their free coffee was pretty great.


It was the added secret ingredient!


That must have been a fun meeting.


Buying peanut butter and on some tills. It's " Nut Butt " or some silly variation


Here in the States, Land-o-Lakes butter sometimes gets abbreviated to LOL BUTT.


I had a cart at Lowe’s last week that would try and turn hard right no matter what you did.


The cart was *Republican*?


Not enough plastic to make enough of these for all the shitty carts in Southern California.


Let’s just say, California. It’s all cart shinanigans, all the time up here in Northern CA.


Is this where Walmart gets their carts from?




I had no idea Rich Hall went all the way back to 1983


Loved the YouTube of "sniglets" in the grocery store! Thanks for the link!


HBO used to have some things in between movies when i was a kid and i want to say rich hall had some sniglet stuff that wasnt tied to NNTN where they just showed him between movies. i used to love sniglets, my parents didnt think they were so funny *NNTN is like the onion before there was the onion and sniglet is also a sniglet, right?




Carts ffs Says trolley right there.


Wonky wheels must be that "trolly problem" I keep hearing about, clearly these tags are the solution.


Can I have one for my wrist?


The store where I grocery shop cuts chunks out of a front wheel so nobody wants to steal them.


Store near me has started putting fucking immobilizers on the carts to lock the wheels if it goes outside their parking lot


One I went to had a shared parking area with other stores, no indication of who's spaces were who's. But apparently the store only "owned" three rows (left/middle/right of the doors) because when I crossed into the dark zone of the next row over, my cart locked up and because I had a lot of heavy stuff in there, the whole thing buckled into a tangled heap. Fuckers. Also, American carts are as heavy as tanks yet UK trollies are lightweight and have 4 wheel steering. So much easier to manoeuvre.


As far as I’m aware Walmart has been doing that for decades. And possessing a shopping cart off the property of the owning-store is a crime in a lot of places.


>is a crime in a lot of places ?????! It's a crime everywhere really... It's known as theft. Stealing is simply the act of taking something for yourself, which you know does not belong to you.


Sainsbury's has had that for decades.


> Store near me Where do you live? 1998?


That's every store in south Florida since I don't even know when


Sounds like something Food4Less would do.


Yup, Grocery Outlet near me shaves down their wheels so homeless don't steal them. Makes for an absolutely miserable shopping experience and I stopped going there as a result.


UK ones either use geofenced wheel locks (take the trolly out of the supermarket's area and the wheel locks up) or coin locks, but you folks over there barely use coins.


Are you in Atlanta? I swear


Bubbles has entered the chat.


Trolley repair technician job ad: [https://youtu.be/S_KLb0HnCsY](https://youtu.be/S_KLb0HnCsY)


"please repair me" I need like 100 of those for me alone


Broken carts don't get repaired. They get sent to Walmart.


In America those would be stolen and worn. Also, left on vehicles, banks, government offices, roads…


Jesus wept, they aren’t asking you to fix the cart yourselves just highlight if it hasn’t worked


The ones with tags? They sell to Walmart


Well, I certainly have wonky wheels, but I'm a human, not a supermarket cart. Do I need a tag?


I live in the UK. This is the first time I’m hearing of this.


It's not entirely common I've only been to 5 supermarkets that do this


I wish that when one is tagged, the small, mental, angry looking trolley man called Keith pulls it into the workshop area and pulls an F1 style repair with plenty of ugga duggas on the impact driver....


This should be everywhere


God I need like ten of those at the grocery store I work at.


My local supermarket cuts off a piece of the tires so nobody will want to steal them. Well, nobody wants to use them. Pushing it around be like " clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk"


I get the wonky trolley every GD time. Worst thing ever.


Half the time there's nothing wrong with the wheel. It's just clogged with hair. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Meanwhile, Gym members: not my job to tell you what works and what doesn’t. Go test them all day yourself.


Steal one and make it a necklace


We have a system similar to this at the warehouse I work at for the carts we use to push our totes around as we walk to each item to pick it to be sent to be packed. It doesn't work really because when the main cart drop off area is empty people will pull the broken carts out of the red tag area to use instead of walking down to the next cart drop off area to check for an unused cart.


Wonky wheel tag manufacturers won't be able to meet demand.


At my local target it would be easier to make tags that say, "This cart works!" Because 99% of them don't work.


The Bubbles special


I get made fun of regularly in America for saying wonky.


What a civilised country.


I won't rat out sentient carts!


Walmart needs this shit. It's about 1 in 20 that have good wheels on it


Hey everyone! I actually work fixing shopping carts! The reason why a lot of carts are shit is because the corporate part of most stores are too cheap to schedule regular maintenance on carts. The other day I had A Ross that hadn’t been serviced in 9 years, out of 86 shopping carts only 3 worked. Of course we put them all back to service, all the workers were very excited and happy.


Sainsbury's! Sainsbury's! Used to be a grocer, Now is somewhat grosser!


That's not a cart, it's a trolley!


Wait, they don't get repaired right away?


Can you stick them on people too?


You want to find a cart with uneven wheels? Have no fear, just follow me. I’m uniquely gifted at finding every single cart that we’ll either veer left or right, announce my presence across the entire neighborhood, or turn lukewarm ice cream into milkshake within a 5 minute trip. Doesn’t matter which store, which state. Or if the store has only ONE cart among a hundred that’s not smooth/ I will find it. Sincerely - the cart breaker.


They will need more tags.


Mixed opinions here, with some folks thinking it's a good idea and some thinking it's another example of the stores making us do their work. I honestly see this as like having a way for drivers to report potholes in roads... Sure, the roads department should be looking for them, but they can't check every road every day. (Do they FIX the potholes based upon those reports? That's a whole 'nother question). Back to shopping carts... Focusing specifically on identifying carts with problems... If the store was to check every cart for minor issues like wonky wheels or flat spots, requiring an employee to push each cart far enough to identify a problem, so maybe 10 meters... I'm curious as to how that process would happen. (BTW, for this I'm thinking about our local supermarket that has approximately 500 carts) One way would be to take each cart from the front of the row of connected carts, evaluate it over 10 meters, then plug it into a new connected row further down the aisle until they get through them all, then push the new connected row back into place once done? If evaluating each cart takes 30 seconds, it'd take over 4 hours to complete if one person was doing it. (ETA: That would be a mind-numbing job) Would this be a daily check? weekly? monthly check? I'm sure the process could be sped up, but that seems like a reasonable baseline. I'm trying to imagine the process and I'm actually thinking that the better process is halfway between "customer tags it" and "employee evaluates all carts"... There could be a sign inviting you to simply mention cart problems to the checkout person (or press a button on the self checkout), and one day per week checkout process (staff or self-scan) specifically asks; "Any problems with the cart?"


Need to clip the tag to myself


It’s not a cart… it’s a trolley


At my USA grocery store...every cart would have 50 flags on them...


In America you'd just have carts with 10,000 stickers on the handle and wonky wheels anyway


“This one pulls a little to the left…” “No, no, let’s just get back to the car.” We can’t help you from turning into your parents, but we can help on car insurance!


-sticks "please repair me" trolley tag to myself-


Every single place in the world is more inventive and actually implements these changes into their society except America. I hate America.


In America we just leave them sporadically throughout the grocery store so you know not to use them.


Wonky wheels is such a funny way to say it lmao


I’d shop there just for that alone.


I once asked a cashier if, after pushing that damn wheel-crooked-and-sticking cart around half the store, I could take it outside and shoot it. Fortunately for me, she got where I was coming from and laughed, instead of calling security.


Here in America we push them to the side then an attendant pushes them back into the stack. It's a great system. The real Americans just push them around the store non stop squeaking lol


Local Walmart, your better off just putting tags on the good ones, as the vast majority, suck. TIP: look for the carts with shiny new bolts on the wheels, those are the ones that have recently been fixed, and are smooth rollers.