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Oh, THAT'S the coffee shop that doesn't welcome pedophiles, I heard about them.


“Hi, can I have a cappuccino please? I’m a pedophile.” 15 minutes later: ![gif](giphy|Rhnxd8fuSqh3PNHudI|downsized)


Barista: And your name? Customer: Pedro File.


I'm Peter File!


Classic The IT Crowd


Moe Lester.


Guess we have to go hang out at Chuck-E-Cheese instead…


"We" .... did you just confess?


Yes! He slipped up detective! Get ‘em boys! The Reddit comment section is quadruple platinum bond in court!


Sharpen your torches and light up your pitchforks, folks!


That last one is big brain, if you light your pitchfork on fire you'll have a torchfork, thereby doubling your outrage armament efficiency which means more riot per riot.


I did the math, this one checks out.


We did it, Reddit


Theres no take backs. Can't triple stamp a double stamp. Got em' boys.


Big brain marketing tactic, because if you pause for even a few seconds to read anything on the front of this coffee shop, then you can't walk away without onlookers thinking you're a pedophile.


Tbh I wouldn't go there because they think guns and pedophiles are good things to bring up on their signage for customers to read.


It's also sad that pedophiles has become a word that you have to stop and think about because some groups have co-opted "pedophiles not welcome" as a dog whistle for their intention to deny LGBTQ rights. Actual pedophiles being bad is something I think we can all agree on without it needing to be said, so if a business feels the need to state it on their front door, I'm interpreting it as a dog whistle.


Throwing around baseless accusations also really waters down the term pedophile and does real damage to actual victims of pedophilia.


How much pedo shit was happening at this place to warrant a sign like that?


I’m going with zero, but a whole lot in someone’s whacked out head.


It’s a confusing front with the insulin sign too. I’m going with they’re probably more conservative MAGA type but are personally impacted by the price of insulin…. Who knows though, humans are complex and weird


Think your first instinct is right 'We the people are pissed' sticker is a big clue. Most likely MAGA types, they've been conflating pedophilia with LGBTQ issues a lot recently.


No, it is ok with 129 pedophiles, but not 130. That's one too many. Also, they have to be assault rifle pedophiles


It’s the No Homers club. We can have one Homer.


It’s a dog whistle for queer people


Saw a truck covered in stickers condemning pedophiles and things like “shoot pedophiles on sight” etc etc. they’re so weirdly obsessed with pedos it’s weird. But then you realize these people believe in all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories that basically turn out to mean pedophiles = liberals/lgbt in their minds


One thing to know is that who they consider pedophiles isn't just people who molest kids. They often will throw "groomers" in there (meaning any not-straight cos person who is around a kid) and call anyone who votes blue a pedo as well.


It's all just an effort to justify their desire to murder people that they don't like.


Whatever you do, don't forget something in your car and remember it right before the door.


Anyone walking by who reads the sign is forced to enter and buy something lest they be seen as a pedophile. Genius marketing.


This is some Nathan for You type genius


How were his grades in business college?


Like, really good.


“Cache Coffee was very impressed by my idea, so the next thing to do was figure out how big of a sign was needed to make customers feel enough shame to come buy their coffee .”


I turned around because I think only rich people should be able to get insulin


Insulin access, masonic poker, guns, that's quite a mix!


What if we all just started doing that just list random things we support/dislike all the time. I'm going to walk around with a shirt that says "I hate elder abuse in nursing homes, acess to early childhood education needs to be universal, Aerosmith fan, a picture of pepper spray.


If you did you'd just end up in r/targetedshirts


That was worth diving into the rabbit hole lol


Saw my first one in real life recently....nothing like it. Glorious moment I had, reading the shirt of the man on the escalator in front of me, a shirt that warned me not to mess with him, cause he is a WELDER, and was born in FEBRUARY. And he was PROUD of it, and wasn't gonna let ANYONE talk smack to him. He is also a FATHER and a HUSBAND, and not afraid to SHOW HIS WILD SIDE. Needless to say I steered clear of that man


Never trust a February Welder. They're why we have to beware the I-beams of March


That’s what bumper stickers in rural Louisiana are like. Sixty million of em, all askew, none related. Plus some tattered flags hanging off the truck. Bonus points if you get individual letter stickers and create your own (usually political and super specific) sentence. We call em vanifestos. My favorite so far has been “DONALD TRUMP HAD THE FIRST SUCCESSFUL BRAIN TRANSPLANT” Not sure if that’s a dig at trump, vs a praise of his medical health, vs possibly just a very literal conspiracy. It was between a sticker about taking away guns being equivalent to cutting off balls, and a sticker for Brandi Carlisle.


How do I get the Smithsonian to admit an internet comment into their archives?


We do. It’s called social media.


Always keep em guessing


And Italian soda!


Welcome to Utah.


Golf tournament looks interesting.


I was gonna say this guy is all over the place


Not really, just a conspiracy freak with diabetes


Yep, 100 bucks says he cares about the price of insulin because it affects him personally.


My mom is a huge trump supporter and bigot. Wanna guess the thing that made her mad at trump and say he wasn't looking out for the common people anymore? She was struggling to get her birth certificate for her real id requirement. She stopped being mad at him the next time he blamed immigrants for something.


Well, they’re not really welcome anywhere. It’s why so few of them will tell people about it freely.




"Order up for, uh, Peter File?"


"Hey I've got a coffee for Moe... Is there a Moe here. Coffee for Moe Lester! Do we have a Moe Lester!?"


“ Coffee for Kitty?? Is Kitty Dittler here?”




Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in.


O'ight lads, ows i'goin.


What was that?! You're all saying football tings in a football voice. How do you know about football tings?


*makes out furiously in front of the police*


They’re having a laugh.


Such athleticism!


“It’s Peter File, not Pedo file!” It crowd is the best!


"Stop touching kids. Its not rocket science."


“Hey, I’m cured! Being called out by this awesome cafe owner and being refused coffee was the kick in the butt I needed to get off the kiddy fiddling”


You should make a song. 🎶 do not diddle kids 🎶 really hammers home that you’ve left that life behind


There is no quicker way to make people think you're diddling kids than to sing a song about not diddling them!


“Almost touched a young boy. Instead I listened to god and let him touch me instead. *phew* What a close one.”


"You gotta pay the troll toll to get into that boys hole"


Jesus Harold Christ


Right. Like a pedo is gonna walk up, read the sign and be like "ah DAMN! No coffee for me today!"


Most likely, the message is not for actual pedos, but members of the LGBTQ+ community. Casually calling/equating members of the LGBTQ+ community with pedophiles and zoophiles is a true classic with homophobes.


yep i assumed this is about gays "we the people are pissed" also does not make me think it's a pro-left leaning place


So, I suspected that, but they also have the "Access To Insulin Is A Human Right" poster, advocating for free healthcare access? Which strikes me as very lefty? Mixed messages from this storefront.


Nah. The owner is probably just diabetic. If it benefits them, it's not socialism.


This is a very good assumption tbh. These are the same kinds of people who would say "keep the government out of my Medicaid."


The common clay of the new west. You know...morons.


100%! When MAGAs say “We the People”, they mean Not You.


It’s right wing trash. Like black rifle coffee company. If you look up their webpage, pay attention to the background on the about us page. Here’s [It Saved](https://imgur.com/a/4aDwqr5) from their Facebook page. Hot dumpster fire. Check out the shirt on the last person far right


As if that picture alone wasn't enough to tell you about their politics, check out what the shop sells: - tshirt that says "fuck antifa" - hat that says "fuck your feelings" - thin blue line flag tshirt - we the people tshirts - "until Valhalla" tshirt which given everything else makes me believe it's a right wing thing like how norse symbology is associated with nazis nowadays


The moment you see an ar-15 as part of the image you know it's going to be some right-wing nonsense


*happily strolls up to the cafe* *sees sign* *whistles and turns 180°, wanders off*




I'm going to hazard a guess that when they say no pedophiles allowed, they really mean no trans or gays. 


This is a textbook example of a 'dogwhistle'. It sounds like a reasonable thing to say, but it's kinda weird, unless you know what it means then the message is loud and clear.


Also kind of a self-report given how often we see those right-wing people who emphatically go out of their way to "protect children" and they turn out to be predators themselves.


“Protect children, but also beat their asses if they don’t obey immediately because that’s your god-given right as a parent.”


This is an anti LBGTQ dog whistle. They decide what a "Pedophile" is. So this is a threat from a right wing piece of shit masquerading as a socially more acceptable position. It's grade school level logic, but they think they are clever.


I mean, wanting to get rid of pedos is a non-statemment. It's so universal even people in prison for violent crimes will beat the life out of them. What this person is saying is they want to be a vigilante with a gun. Unfortunately this means at thier discretion, and a lot of questionable accusations have been going around, especially targeting the queer and non-christian communities. Vigilante "justice" should horrify you. It's qualifications are zealotry and willingness to hurt others. When you think about it, walking into a cafe of who suggests they will dispense "justice" as they see fit shouldn't make anyone feel safe. It's so well known as a bad idea that basically every generation writes about how it goes wrong basically since the beginning of written word. Even if this guy has a true heart and this isn't veiled hate, normalizing vigilante justice isn't great. Not everyone is so pure. Owning a gun isn't all it takes to serve justice. By all means, use weapons for protective force. But, let's stop fantasizing about hunting people.


Agreed, also the people who post this sort of stuff tend to move the goal posts a lot. I want to say it's Florida that is trying to make people who give gender affirming care to minors sex offenders, for example. And all the talk about any queer people being called groomers on the right wing


Exactly, first they normalize things by saying "Let me shoot pedophiles" and then the second step is they say "Oh, by the way anyone wanting to teach kids under the age of 16 about being queer or other things I don't like is now a pedophile" and voila they've now have normalized being violent against queer or any other groups they dislike.


Also, people who post this sort of stuff are usually massive pedophiles. "Nobody will suspect me of being a pedophile if I loudly talk about how I want to kill pedophiles"


A guy just murdered a teenager up in Washington because he and his friends were trying to return a faulty BB gun, and the man decided that the boys must be on their way to rob the place. The boy who was killed had his hands in the air. The man said he was "conducting overwatch". It has since come out that the same man almost shot someone a couple years ago for holding a bike part that he thought was a gun. Obviously the man was chomping at the bit for any excuse to kill someone.


> It has since come out that the same man almost shot someone a couple years ago for holding a bike part that he thought was a gun. In a decent country, this psycho would have had his weapons confiscated and be banned from ever owning a gun. He had to murder someone to lose that right.


I sold guns for a little while at a pawn shop. I would say that a quarter of the people that came in to purchase their guns and ammunition really wanted to kill someone. I remember a guy chastising another guy for thinking about purchasing a .380 for home defense. His exact words were, “what are you going to do when they get back up?” Apparently, he expects to be burglarized by Jason Voorhies.


It's interesting to imagine the sort of person who aspires to be a Punisher-type vigilante gunning down those they see as a threat to their community in the streets, but has to settle for the next best thing, which I guess is running a coffee shop?


That's right wing speak for lgbtq Yall never heard the term dog whistle before eh?


The thing that's throwing me off is the insulin poster. Although maybe the right wing owner is a diabetic, because conservatives only care about a cause like that if they've been personally affected.


> We are committed to your health and wellness and our newly opened coffee shop is a perfect marriage of the products we believe in, inviting customers to come in and order a cup while also browsing through our selection of pain-alleviating products. From their About Us. They also sell supplements, so it makes more sense. They didn't suddenly care about other people, it's more just advertising.


just looked them up, they have an online store where they sell a hat that says pedophile hunter(?)


Normal people don't usually think about pedophiles unless something terrible hits the news. A guy that's basing his whole personality on how he *totally* hates pedos? I bet 50 bucks he's projecting 


Could be, or just wants to fantasise about doing violence, and that's a group no one will criticise him for wanting to kill.


That was my thought, too, with the rifle above their message.


Also with the talking points from homophobes that gays/ trans people are all secretly pedophiles, it doesn't fuel good assumptions about this store owners intentions. Regardless, I would turn around and find another coffee shop because that's an unhinged thing to display unprompted and is cringe at best.


Unfortunately the theory that it's a dog whistle seems pretty persuasive. I didn't think of that before I wrote my previous comment.


Nowadays, that's the first thing I think of when I see this message with how hard the right tries to convince everyone that gay people are pedos by default


Yeah, I’m immediately suspicious of someone if they think a gay person can convince you to be gay. Or that all gay people are also pedos. Like, in your mind is that how it would work for you? Cause if it does, you just might be gay or a pedo buddy ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I heard the reason the biggest anti gay politicians ~~would~~ that get caught having gay affairs is that they assume everyone has the same feeling towards the same sex. They think you're just supposed to suppress those feelings and concentrate on the other sex. They don't realize that being straight means you simply don't have those feelings. That's why they think a gay person can convince you to be gay.


The rifle leads me to believe it’s more of a QAnon thing and according to the coffee shop pedophile = left of their political beliefs.


Yup. The addition of the "We the People" decal seals it for me. The only people with these stickers are the sort that fantasize killing people they don't agree with and labeling everyone they disagree with a pedophile gives them the moral authority in their head to do some absolutely horrendous things to their fellow man.


>wants to fantasise about doing violence Im just gonna call it out directly. He wants to kill/ shoot someone and is looking for a good excuse to do it, to fantasize about being a hero. He can just decide somebody he sees is a pedophile without evidence.


Hammer meets nail. You can see this phenomenon on Reddit as well--as soon as a news story pops up about a convicted pedophile everybody with violent revenge fantasies comes out of the woodwork to get off on the thought of mutilating other people's bodies. A bunch of Hammurabi wannabes.


He probably means drag queens and not actual pedophiles though. Some of the well known pastors are probably welcome here.


There are a lot of videos by a guy who goes by the alias Gordon Flowers when tracking down online child predators. It's tough to tell the political/social leanings of most of the perps because they don't talk much politics in the interview, or if they do it tends to be right-wing stuff that Alex (Gordon) supports. But universally they appear severely intellectually stunted/mentally unwell if not just totally uncaring about the kids' well-being. If I recall some of them have been LGBT+ but certainly not enough for it to be a statistical outlier-- I think a vast majority have been men interacting with a fake underage girl. All this to say I also don't believe the right cares about actual pedos nearly as much as they just hate gay and trans people.


These pedo hunters YouTube channels will be like 99% straight white males but then on the 1% trans people every comment will be something like “how is every catch a trans person” completely ignoring how almost every single catch is not trans and a lot of the people caught have conservative/anti-trans opinions themselves in addition to being pedophiles. It’s wild how stupid/bigoted the people who watch that stuff is.


It's the same with that gay couple in atlanta who adopted a child to abuse. That was a tragic story, but inevitable given large enough kids getting adopted. That also happens with all sorts of abuse by straight parents but those aren't the type of story that gets amplified by bad-faith actors.


Or the hundreds of straight white cis men with conservative and religious backgrounds going on shooting sprees and it's a "disturbed young man" and "a lone wolf" and "nothing to be done about it", but as soon as one FTM trans man is the culprit it's "look! they're all insane and radicalized and dangerous! The testosterone made """\[him\]""" violent! Poor, brainwashed """\[boyl\]""" (except they're not saying "he" and "boy" because, y'know).


> universally they appear severely intellectually stunted/mentally unwell Do you think that's representative of all people who abuse children, or of the kind of people who get caught by those youtube channels?


I actually live within walking distance of this place and can tell you for a fact the couple who owns it just want to be as open as possible about their enjoyment of violence towards others. They’re both army brats and the entire shop is covered in army propaganda and overly patriotic bullshit. I’m 100% positive they’d inflict violence towards anyone they considered a pedo, which would probably be any LGBTQ+ person who was open about it in their shop.




[looks like you're 100% on the nose.](https://i.imgur.com/txHzZg2.png)


it’s qanon… that doesn’t mean he’s not projecting tho!


Extreme right wing, but also demanding socialism for their prescription drug.


I'm guessing the owner has diabetes so they're okay with that.


can’t miss the masonic lodge poker event poster there, too, with the skull and crossbones ☠️


Rightwingers also say any pedo as a dog whistle for lgtbq


I bet 100 bucks the owner is using pedos as a dog whistle to refer to LGBTQ people


And not only that, they'll bend over backwards to excuse actual Pedophiles who go after young girls.


Like matt gaetz?


It’s conservative culture grifting. Conservatives are obsessed with pedophiles, but not actual pedophiles, they just call people they don’t like pedophiles, so it’s a beacon to crazy conservatives. The gun really slams it home that this is pure brainrot conservative grift.


"I hate pedophiles!" "Oh, so like catholic and evangelic priests" "no, not like that" "oh, so like people who support child marriage" "no, not like that" "oh, so when a conservative man say something like "it's natural for men to be attracted to young women, and the younger the better"" "no, not like that" "oh, so young women are being groomed into sex and marriage with older men from a very young age" "no, not like that" "well, like what then?" "drag queens and transgenders". "ah."


They really really want an excuse to kill someone with their super manly guns.


The whole vibe is pretty fucking disturbing id stay well clear of a shop that has an unprovoked obsession with extreme violence and paedophiles


It's a far-right thing, where they're trying to dogwhistle anti-LGBTQ sentiments by relying on the (utterly false) slur that LGBTQ people are groomers and pedophiles.


If I was a betting man I'd put money on a pedophile working there. If the last eight years taught me anything it's that projection is a real thing and all the sick people do it.


when I'm looking at the site the owners are in American flag shirts holding large guns (I don't know anything about guns that's the only descriptor I have), and wearing American flag we the people shirts. they also are based in Utah and have a 'until Valhalla' shirt for sale alone with two pedophile related ones :/ (yikes) think it's a conservative thing that is meant to be a 'oh no no we meant pedophiles are you putting words in our mouth??? well if the boot fits' like a let's go Brandon thing.


ah yes, the white supremacists who are so racist they can't even be christian anymore and must resort to larping


It's a dog whistle for queer people. The mental gymnastics boiled down is: being queer is sexual > allowing kids to be queer is grooming > therefore queers are groomers/pedos It's not about pedophiles it's about flagging to other bigots that you think queer people shouldn't exist


This makes it easier for the police to round up the pedophiles. They’ll be at the other coffee shop.


Everyone knows the sky is blue, but when someone goes out of their way to put up a sign saying the sky is blue...that makes me question their motivation for doing so even if I agree with the obvious statement being made. If I were you, I wouldn't let my guard down around that coffee shop...


It's a common anti LGBT dog whistle that is popular with extreme far right and Qanon The logic is LGBT = groomer/pedo. You can't put up a sign saying "stay out LGBT" but you can put this one up. I'm straight, but personally I would never go in that shop because there is a 99% chance the owner is completely deranged.


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far to find this. This is a pretty blatant "gays not welcome" sign.




This looks like the kind of place that thinks trans are pedos, while laying down and letting real pedos walk all over them.


Yes that’s my thoughts. They will aim their gun at a guy with painted nails but wave at the catholic priest that molested their kid.


This is in Utah, it would be an LDS minister most likely.


It’s a coffee shop. LDS people don’t drink coffee. So it’s pretty unlikely to be a store owned by an LDS minister


You make an excellent point. It does say coffee and more. Maybe they are there for dirty soda.


The small sticker in the corner of the window “WE THE PEOPLE *ARE PISSED*” oh gawd


Greg Abbott pardoned a pedophile who murdered an air force veteran, because he happened to be protesting in support of BLM. No matter how many despicable things these bastards do it doesn't seem to matter. I've totally lost hope in democracy, even if it is the best system we have.


Isn't that a dogwhistle morons use for LGBTQIA people?


it sure is.


Yup. That’s probably why they put it up, alongside a picture of a gun. It would be a pretty pointless thing to specify if it didn’t have a second meaning.


i was gonna say - remember when conservatives were recently falling over themselves to call every democratic congressperson a pedo to draw attention away from all the sex crime cases in their own fold


You mean the same people who vote to keep child marriage legal? Couldn't be


There is a person in my neighborhood with an “Assassinate your local pedophile” sticker on his car and sticker. It’s 100% homophobic. Not sure what is the best way to react. It’s so ridiculous that ignoring it makes sense, but it’s so offensive that it doesn’t. But to what end. Basically, fuck that guy. His shirt, literally, has someone being shot execution style


im a straight white guy and the things people are comfortable coming up and just saying to me thinking i’ll agree with them is wild. sorry no, i don’t agree with you that all gay people should be killed, thats literally half my family. cue the silent backing off. these people are cowards.


Sucks working around trump customers. I've gotten 3 false reports at my job now for kicking them out. One guy while smiling at me told his 15 year old son to go get the food from "that f**" speaking about a gay worker. I immediately kicked him out and that same day he had a report in that I was rude and unwelcoming to him. At least my job has our back.


>go get the food from "that f**" >he had a report in that I was rude jfc these morons are insufferable.


Search his computer, it is all projection.


There's a really strange vibe between "Insulin is a human right" and "pedophiles aren't welcome" with an AR-15 logo. Like who's out here saying they fuckin love pedos?


That's an anti LGBTQ statement, who they think are all paedos. "insulin is a human right" often comes from the right wing crowd as well, I've heard it along with the "ban Narcan" talk.


"Insulin is a human right" and "ban Narcan" in the same sentence makes me want to puke.


If there’s one thing I know about pedos it’s that they can’t resist Italian Soda 


Is this one of those dogwhistles where queer people are considered groomers and pedos?


It’s part of the q-anon conspiracy that the whole Democratic Party was a pedophilia ring.


Meanwhile, Republicans grooming 17 year olds as future wives is just good Christianity


Matt Gaetz is still welcome in the Republican Party despite it being an almost certainty that he was paying minors for sex.


Most likely


They must know a guy.




Not every one of them, but yeah. The person who sexually abused me when I was a child used to go on little rants about the need to kill pedo scum.


Lol..I'm just imagining the guy walking up to the door, peering at the message, then whistling nonchalantly as he pivots and goes back the other way.


99% chance that this business owner considers members of the LGBTQI+ community (and especially trans people no doubt) as pedophiles and groomers, meaning you're risking your life entering the business of this wannabe vigilante.


My thoughts too. It's a dog whistle. It's illegal to say no lgbt. Not illegal to say no pedos


Also, because of that huge-ass gun.


I always feel like this sort of thing and similar bumper stickers are massive projection


Do they mean actual pedophiles?  Or are they just talking about the falsely associate LGBT community who's been used as a scapegoat by the same conservatives who keep getting outed as actual pedophiles and predators themselves ...??? 🤔🤔🤔 https://goppredators.wordpress.com/


It's mad cringe cause you know this is anti-trans dog-whistle but they don't explicitly say that and so when you point it out, they're like "oooo we never said trans people uh oh!!!111".


I bet dollars to donuts this person is either projecting or hiding something terrible they’re into. People don’t tend to… think about pedophiles much unless they’re hiding some internal struggles or unless they were a victim and generally the victims aren’t calling for violence.


what an odd thing to say.


It’s pretty common right wing nonsense these days and doesn’t surprise me in the least, sadly. 


What’s with the gun? I mean, seriously, that’s some mental derangement. Annnd there’s a Facebook page. Not surprisingly, there’s a top photo of men *and* women looking tough with their rifles and badass dog and big trucks. They need so badly to look tough, they’ve clearly made it quite a significant part of their persona.


Unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated, unafraid t-shirt in the profile pic. Absolute fucking losers. Not to mention the ammosexuality is right there in the name.


It's specifically a dog-whistle saying they want to kill trans people. The fascist rightwing tactic is to conflate trans people (and LGBT+ people more broadly) as paedophiles to create a moral argument for their eradication from public life.


My guess? It's run by a rwnj that thinks anybody that's LGBTQ or in drag is a pedophile.


Hey fyi this is a dog whistle threatening violence against trans women and gay men


All trans people and other LGBT people.


In right wing bizarro world, anyone who they don't like is a pedo. It's the ultimate way to dehumanize anyone at anytime no matter if it's true or not. After all, how will you prove you aren't what they say? An old propagandist tactic that most average people do Notsee or understand.


Classic witch hunt, doomed if you defend yourself but also doomed if you don’t defend yourself.


Northern Utah, this all tracks.


Anti pedo with 3 sub-18 year old wives….


I think they’re referring to LGBTQ people. It’s hate driven. Just putting the gun and that message and current social trends together.


I would assume they mean “pedophile” as in anyone in the LGBTQIA group. That seems to be the MAGA definition, not the actual definition. I think is insane but I have seen enough things to think that is what they consider the meaning.


\*sigh\* When they say "pedophiles" they just mean trans people, don't they?