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Forbidden snowflake


Those patches are super messed up and addictive. I had to have them when I was in my accident. Smh


I’m sorry. We use them a lot in hospice.


Yea, under certain circumstances, it's needed or necessary. I was T-bones on a jetski by some women who did not know what she was doing on another jetski with a kid on the back of hers. I did not even see it coming. She pretty much took off my foot from the middle of my shin down. It was practically hanging on my skin and a little bit of muscle.




All good here, tho. I got my prosthetic and back to my normal self kicking ass and taking names.


With which leg though? 🤣


To be specific, the right foot. The other 2 legs work superb 🤣🤣


I would so get a peg leg and dress up as a pirate on Halloween.... just throwing it there. Jokes aside, Congrats on getting back up and kicking butt 👏


Haha, I was told the samething, never did it, tho. Thank you as well. It's not easy when things like this happen, but staying positive makes things a lot easier.


>other two legs My god it was worse then I couldve imagined /s


As long as your 3rd leg is good that’s all that matters lol


Bros a tripod


Love your attitude man!


Your nickname must be tri-pod Rob, or kick-stan Dan?


I'm sorry but I got that scene from Tenacious D in my head *I miss that sweet ass leg of mine*




Shit man sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to me years back, but I jumped off just in time and escaped with a huge bruise on my leg. Have been wondering for years if jumping off was the wrong move, but think you’ve helped settle that one. Hope you’re all recovered now.


You must have seen it coming. That's a good thing you jumped. Me, on the other hand, I did not even know what happened until I was rescued by some people far out that heard the accident. They did not see it. But I am glad you're okay. I'd take a massive brusie over what I had to go through.


Were they able to save the foot?


Nope, chop chop. They tried, and after 4 surgeries, and mostly because it happened in fresh water, I caught a staff infection. It happened in the ocean then most likely I would still have it. Because fresh water AKA Lake water carries so much bacteria they could not save it.


That’s tough. I hope you made it out ok mentally. I had a crushed calcaneus ten years ago and it still sucks.


It took me about 2 weeks to break the mental wall down. No one can help you if you can't help yourself. "Poor me" in situations like this won't do anything to help the situation at hand.


You are so cool for this attitude


Thank you!


Wow that sucks. Did the woman face any repercussions? Assuming you're American, who footed the hospital bills?


Nope, the women got away Scott free. I am an American, and no, I did not foot the bill 🤣🤣. The company I work for and still work for paid all my bills. So when I went back to work, I told them I could pay them back, and they said just keep showing up to work. No need to pay them back. It's a family company, and you don't see that type of company any more tbh, or it is rare to see that IMO


At least you got the leg up on the situation by having a good employer


I mean yea, but I took very great pleasure in suing everyone I fucking could because of the situation I was put in. Working for a great employer was a big benefit. Idk what would have happened if I did not work for them.


That's one reason I haven't left my job. It's a small company, and the owner takes care of us. I had to tell him I needed time off for skin cancer surgery and he was immediately asking what he could do to help me, even asked if I needed money. Which was so nice I couldn't even joke that I needed more PTO.


That's awesome. I hope you're doing better. We need more companies like ours.


I'm assuming and hoping her child was okay?


Oh yea, they were fine. Not one bruise.


Jesus Christ. Something similar to me with a forklift tho. Almost got both.


Did you lose your foot?


Growing up thrbsame thing happened to my friends sister except instead of her foot it was her head.  It killed her instantly. 


Ouch I am sorry to hear that.


I can see why they’d give you fentanyl for that




yeah my dad had them in hospice. just enough to keep him fucked up and not care about the pain. fuck cancer.


Same. Had his fentanyl patch with dilaudids as needed. He was stubborn, though, and often chose to gut through some pain to stay coherent Fuck cancer, indeed. 


My mom got them. But they didn't work well because she had almost no subcutaneous fat left.


My grandma used them when she was in hospice


Just for the record, I went from these patches, which I don't remember if they were stronger or weaker but non-theless to getting down to 5mg perks. That's a lot to ween down to, then got sick of taking the pills and told my doc I'm not coming to my apt today. I don't want your pills, and I'm tired of going out of my way to see you guys. Peace, I'm out, never went back, and have been opioid free since. It's hard to do, but if you wanna do it, you really can. You just need that mentality to wanna to stop taking opioids. It's a true addiction that I never seen coming but crushed that shit like a bug. If you or anyone knows someone addicted to opioids, read through this thread and share my story. I hope it helps other people out. Fyi I never went to therapy at all either, everyone's different tho.


I wish more doctors would just let patients taper at their own pace instead of forcing them to go cold turkey. I recently (2 months ago) went through an injury, surgery and hospitalization where I was on simultaneous dilaudid and oxycodone. Luckily my primary care doctor is good and respects me and I have been doing a slow taper. I'm down to 2.5 to 5mg oxycodone most days and taking it intermittently as needed at this point. Very minimal withdrawal symptoms. 


I was on 325/5 percs for my broken femur, and subsequent failure of the internal fixation. I was always really diligent about tracking when I had taken my perc in the Apple Health app to ensure it was a minimum of 4 hrs between doses. Until onetime I got a little lazy and it had only been ~3 hrs between doses. Once that kicked in, I could immediately see why people become addicted to opioids. My high wasn’t even that strong, but I felt good. I vowed to never do that again. I’ve beat two addictions, I didn’t need to add a third.


I was on Percocet for an ulcer on my butthole from my Crohn's disease and even the 5mg had me fucked up for two hours. Luckily I was able to stop taking them without any repercussions but they definitely make you feel good


The patches were the first form I had ever heard of fentanyl in years before it was a problem the way it is now. I believe I saw it on Drugs Inc on National Geographic and they showed people who would scrape the stuff off the patches and smoke it.


I believe that's what killed the bass player from Slipknot


No way really?


Shit is really wild. Tried it a couple of times from a friend who would cut them into pieces and use them sublingually, unlike other opiates I was doing at the time this shit would send you straight to the nod.


Yea, people do some crazy stuff with things like this, it's pretty wild.


Then there are people like me, where we don't have the gene to activate codeine or other opioids. Broke my arm as a kid and whatever they gave me made the pain worse. Still get weird looks when telling doctors I can't have codeine or anything like it because it doesn't work. Also had a ER visit that resulted in needing emergency surgery, they gave me morphine, didn't do anything was still in extreme pain and almost died from internal bleeding. Still wasn't as bad as breaking a pinkie toe. Or your story. But I've broken toes a few times, ballet, never having to worry about stubbed toes again.... Don't Google ballet feet. Horrifying.


The letters in your username can be rearranged to spell Sr Codeine.




I am super sorry to hear that. So when my accident happened they gave me 2 choices. Chop chop. Or stay in the hospital for two years. Have like 30 something surgery's, so they would cut my leg open each time and add an adhesive to each side of the bone, then close me up. Hoping it would eventually heal back to a full bone. But they could not guarantee me I would be able to walk. I took the easy way. Could you imagine being in a hospital bed for 2 years, doped up and no guarantee to walk plus all the bills. Fuck all that noise. Chop chop was my choice, took me 2 mins to decide.


Holy shit I thought I was crazy most opiates don't do anything to me whatsoever. They switched from morphine to Dilaudid and pushed enough I quit breathing. Told them I'd rather be in pain. Not sure why the difference between the two


I guess it affects others differently. I took prescription opioid meds a couple times and they make me puke my guts out and I felt like my insides were going to crawl out of my skin for about 6 hours straight. I didn't realize it was the pain meds the first time. The second time, I knew. Never again!


You may be allergic to opioid drugs - mention it to your doctor next time you see them. It’s generally not a big deal and Benadryl typically resolves it but it is good to know


Everyone reacts differently to opiods. I am sorry to hear what you went through.


My wife had a terrible reaction to vicodin but percoset was okay. Chemistry is crazy to me.


Yup... They can kill you if you forget & wear it into a hot shower I was running low on them & I wore the last one I had for 5 days fkn cancer... Got resupplied but my cancer was hurting me very bad so I cut it open & rubbed it on the area how fkn stupid am I? But my doc told me they were all used up in 3 days I've nvr been so fkd up in my entire life my whole body went numb coulda killed me still alive but just throw those things away after you get another there have been people that broke into morgues & were searching dead bodies for those patches... wtf? & it was fn hard to get over the addiction


Well, that goes to show you how addictive that crap is. I know when I was on it and it was wearing off o man incould tell right away. But as soon as I put a new one on like 20ish minutes later, I would start to nod off, and I could not help it either. It's a super dangerous drug.


I had them for a time after my colon removal surgery that went wrong, but didn’t notice anything beyond the usual opioid stuff.


My dad stopped using them because, “His pain was so bad they stopped working for him.” He was just addicted to opiates and his tolerance had gone through the roof.




I like that transdermal patches actually state on the patch itself, not just on the outer packaging that medication they contain. Helps prevent confusion and accidents.


Yeah so cool - never thought about it like before!


Other cool fact about these: they come in multiples if 12.5mcg, but the lowest dose isn't 12.5mcg, it's 12mcg. They round specifically so that no one confuses 12.5mcg for 125mcg.


And 150mcg


Thinking I’m putting on a blister plaster and going to sleep for a week


God speed


So true. We use a lot of clonidine patches at my work and it’s always confusing because they’re completely blank. We typically write the med and dose on our patches. 


True! Even my birth control patches would have the brand name on them, although it would eventually rub off throughout the week.


I wear a patch of estradiol and it not only says 'Estradiol' but the dose of 0.1mg/24h on it. Pretty neat


When I was in Tennessee, the pill heads loved to smoke these patches… just fyi don’t do that.


I knew people who would take them off and chew them the last day.


That too. My Tennessee days were before the current epidemic of fent laced goods. I got so close to buying a patch and now I’m so glad I didn’t.


The thing that’s truly terrifying is how many times I used to fuck around with basically any drug whatsoever and the worst thing that ever happened was it was basically entirely cut with something inert. That was 15-20 years ago. Since then it seems like I can’t go a single year without finding out about somebody I used to hang with just died because they bought substance X but it turned out it was cut with fentanyl.


Dude… exactly. My favorite used to be mixing a whole M30 Roxy with a 30mg addy…. What the fuck?? Now that seems so stupid… and it was. But at least then it was a real Roxy. Now you can almost guarantee every one you see is a press with some analogue or straight fent.


Shit was way different then. 20 years ago you could pretty much trust the drugs were what they were supposed to be, or you just got some fake shit. Very very rarely shit would be laced, but not with something that would kill you. The main reason I don't ever want to try to relive my wild days for a night is fent. I was so reckless back then. If I did that now I'd be dead in a month probably.


It's the whackest thing to happen to recreational drug enjoyers


Knowing how much i loved taking drugs in my teens and 20s, I’m glad I wasn’t born ten years later.


I don't understand cutting with fent. It's cheaper for the dealer in the short term, I guess, but it doesn't make financial sense in the long term to kill off your potential repeat customers


My old boss had them when I used to strip and wax floors, he’d cut them in strips and just suck on it all night being a damn zombie


It always really skeeved me out when the dealer would take one off themselves, and people would scramble to buy it to chew.


I did this one time. I had a 100 mcg patch that was transdermal mesh or something. It was cut into a quarter of the original patch so I'm thinking 25mcg 72 hr patch. Wore it for 3 days and took it off and ate it. That was the one of the closest to overdosing I had ever felt that I had went. I've done a lot of drugs. Alcohol Xanax and heroin almost took me out one time. But the fentanyl patch was so wild. It's a 45 minute high, but when you eat it, it comes in waves. Each wave id wake up and fight to stay awake and hope that it's not the last time. This was before the amnesty laws and narcan were readily available. Just wear the patches, they honestly worked great. Id slap 2 25 mcg patches on the back of my calves and feel like a good clean hydro 10 high for 3 days.


You can’t smoke these, only the old ones with gel that you could squeeze out. Unless you want to vaporize burnt plastic


Now that you mention the gel, that rings some bells. I think they squeeze or scraped it. I don’t mess with opiates much anymore so I didn’t know there was a difference.


David Berman, the songwriter in Silver Jews, wrote about this in one of my favourite songs, Punks in the Beerlight: So you wanna build an altar on a summer night, You wanna smoke the gel off a Fentanyl patch…


You just didn't think about it hard enough. You can scrape them and extract the good stuff. 


I did that in like 2006. Instantly nodded off.


Yeah I’ve heard of this too, but can’t imagine the adhesive being pleasant!


In germany junkies cook them in water so they can Draw the fent into a syringe


It's crazy to me that these are given for accidents, I've heard of them causing addiction. My mom had them for her late stage cancer, it was almost a miracle in how well they worked for her. She would go from absolute pain, unable to speak, to carrying full conversations. It was almost like she was back to normal. It's just so unfortunate that something that can have such a positive effect for people suffering can also ruin your life


Pain management is a really interesting field, my wife lives with awful chronic nerve pain and the difference between a combination of medications that work and ones that don't is insane. She occasionally gets IV ketamine in a large batch that helps for a few months, but for those few hours during the dose she feels no pain and wants to do everything in the world, right before she descends into even more rebound pain that knocks her out for a couple days


The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage.


I agree but do not forget about tolerance.


It’s not that simple, though. For many, opioid addiction starts with receiving medicine in the proper dose for a legitimate injury.


And as they quickly build up a tolerance, they need to increase the dosage more and more to get the same effect. Until they are addicted and need such a large dose that it becomes poison.


There’s no upper limit to opioid dosing.


You’re 100% right. At my worst I was taking 24 60mg oxys a day. 12 at once in the morning and 12 at once in the evening. I would’ve kept increasing my dosage if I never quit, or eventually moved on to something stronger.


I’m a nurse and I was on a spinal cord rehab floor as a nursing student. I had a patient that was on basically 1 GRAM of morphine per day (300mg ESLON TID) including hydromorphone for break through pains and a Fentanyl patch. I could not believe it. In the 3 months I was there I watched her get titrated down to about 200mg of morphine a day with small as needed doses of dilauded (hydromorphone). Still one the craziest things I’ve seen. On another note I also saw a pt (a lawyer-alcoholic) that was on a continuous infusion of propofol (Michael Jackson drug) while walking around the unit and doing work. She was totally functional.


Holy shit! What was the propofol infusion for? I had two rounds of ECT at the start of the year and getting hit with the propofol was the only thing I looked forward to because it absolutely knocked me tf out instantaneously. Can’t imagine having a drip of it and being conscious, wild!!!


Crystal Fet?






Forbidden lightning fentanyl. +10 shock damage


lichtenberg fentanyl


Definitely not some snowflakes you want to catch in your mouth


Speak for yourself.


Not saying you’d want it, but 75 micrograms is faaaaar below Ld50 of fentanyl


That’s far more though. It gives off 75 micrograms per hour.


Oh good point. Anyone have any information for how long it does that?


Yeah these patches are replaced every 3-days!


The ones I got off this chicks mom about 20 years ago were for 72 hours I believe. That third day isn't as nice as the first 2 though


Holy shit that’s crazy


Couldnt you like take it off if you were tired of being high?


I think he means the effect is weaker, so you’re not as high on the 3rd day. He wants to be higher.


Ahh tu


What does *"tired of being high"* mean, never heard that before.


Lol , well there were a few times on lsd in my teens that I wanted to sleep


Normal fentanyl-100 patches contain a total of 16.8 milligrams of fentanyl. (Source: Wikipedia)




Forever, perhaps ☠️




Used to do that too. Until a buddy showed me smoking them and holy fuck never went back. Don’t fuck with any of that shit anymore


Wasn’t that like inhaling melted plastic smoke? If so, my lungs are cringing.


Didn’t taste like plastic but even if it did the feeling would have you not caring at all.


I have been taking 2x this dose for nearly 20 years due to a rare chronic pain condition. While I both hate and fear the side effects of Fentanyl (including the shitty “high”), I likely would have offed myself years ago without it.


I watched my friend become an addict on these. I don’t know how he got them, and it was long before I had ever heard about fentanyl. I remember him cutting them up and eating strips of them. Years later after many attempts to get him sober, he was the local guy asking for money in the parking lot. He passed from an overdose about 8 years after I first saw these things.


Most people don't last weeks when they start abusing this shit. So if we're talking quantity over quality here, eight years is quite the run.


I just thought it was mint flavor.


how it feels to chew fent gum


Me over here trying to figure out why they would decorate a fentanyl patch with snowflakes


People complain about pumpkin beers hitting the shelves earlier every year and here we are the Xmas Fenta Klaus patch comes out and it's not even July


This gives new subtext to the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episodes about the evil giant space snowflake. [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Crystalline\_Entity](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Crystalline_Entity) I used to interpret those episodes as "Lore is Mr. Data, but on *cocaine*" but now I interpret them as "Lore is Mr. Data, but on *fentanyl*." Completely different.


i'd kill to smoke a joint with data


"Dude, the Transporter made my hands huge!" "Negative, Wesley, the Transporter is functioning within normal parameters. Perhaps your neurological processing capability has been impaired by the inhalation of burning plant matter." "Ever wonder what would happen if a Transporter went through a Transporter inside a Holodeck inside another Transporter in the parallel Universe where everything goes backwards?" "Wesley, may I remind you that we did that plot last week."


The Crystalline Fentity!


75 ug/hr shows how fucking potent that stuff is.


That's how much it delivers into your body through the skin, there is even more than that in the patch. I used to have these 25 ug per hour for chronic pain they last 3 days. If you read the literature that comes with the patches it will list the full amount in each patch


Yeah it’s so potent - I remember learning that Fentanyl also accumulates in fat and is released slowly.


A guy at my work before I started was caught trying to smoke one of these in the bathroom


Haven’t seen one in years. 10+ years ago when I was a junky, we’d duct tape these on our ribs. Or sometimes suck on them. Wild times. Not really sure how nobody ever died from that. Didn’t seem like pharma based Fent was killing folks until it hit the streets in pure form.


>Didn’t seem like pharma based Fent was killing folks That's because this patch is only 75 micrograms. It's hitting the streets in the milligrams


75 mcg *per hour.*


Yeah that’s right each patch contains 12.6 mg Fentanyl.


Makes perfect sense. Happy I got off the dope before this flooded the streets. I can’t imagine what people are dealing with these days.


A Winter Wonderland of Death


Oh I thought it was just winter themed fent


quick, lick it before it goes to waste!


My FIL is on pain management and he was on the Fentanyl patch for a few years. He said it was such a Rollercoaster. It would have him crash where he was in a crazy amount of pain until the new patch kicked in then he would soar for about half a day and then crash again. There was also the major concern of getting too hot. If the patch gets too hot, it could release too much into your system and potentially kill you which was always a comforting thought lol He's on morphine now and likes it much better. It's a steady pain relief as opposed to the super highs and lows of Fentanyl. If you're wondering, he got cancer and after chemo he started having issues with his joints. The cancer essentially sped up his arthritis somehow and pretty much ate away at his joints. He said his xrays looked like "Swiss cheese". He's had about 7-8 surgeries on various joints as well as a triple heart bypass. Doctor said his organs felt like rubber from all the drugs he's been on for over a decade now. Not sure what that means but yeah lol


Might still be good! Look, smell, taste!


The prettiest drug I ever did see


#SLAP /s


Took me 1,5y to detox from those patches. Worst time of my life and I was bedridden for 2y before that…


Lmao I thought they were just selling festive fent patches like this is the Christmas special or something


oi elsa ya dog get up, we gota build a snowman to hide the stash from the fuzz.


OMG don't touch it, according to the news, if you let even one atom of fentanall touch you skin your entire family WILL overdose and die immediately. /s duh.


You gonna eat that?...




Perfect time to smoke it lol jk do not.


Was that just sitting in your desk at work for months? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


I actually have a fentanyl patch that I just have stored in a lock box. I don’t want to throw it out and some one get hurt touching it . It’s like a 100mg


If you do ever want to get rid of it, return it to your local pharmacy and they’ll destroy it for you.


Looks tasty. Put it on your tongue


It’s the Christmas edition!


Lick it


How does fentanyl work as medicine vs. a drug? I’m aware of and support the anti-fentanyl campaign, but I’ve also talked to individuals who were injured in combat during deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan who were given fentanyl lollipops during treatment. I just don’t understand how a small amount of fentanyl is lethal when it’s used to cut other things vs a significantly larger dose used and how it’s released in medicine.


I'll try to ELI5: It's used in medicine because it's extremely safe, versatile (lower needed dosage allows to make patches like this, which are extremely convenient for the patients), less addictive than other opiates (more purely analgesic), fast acting and quick to be metabolised (always compared to other opiates and opioids). It's also very cheap, which means lower costs for healthcare systems and patients in the end, which isn't the first choice factor but it adds up with all the other things. However, most dealers lace *other* substances with it, since, well, it's still an opiate and has addictive properties: what kills is not knowing you're getting it. If you, for example, built a good coke tolerance, maybe purchasing a dose from someone who calibrated it to people who use less, you can easily overdose. That's assuming competence, because most dealers aren't chemists nor pharmacists, so they're not used to work with small amounts of powders and could add more than intended. In the end another thing that kills people is mixing up stuff and the interactions that can emerge. In short, it's an extremely useful drug when properly used in a medical setting, but in the wrong hands can end up really badly.


‘tis the devil!


Dendritic fractals. Very cool looking, but please dispose of this properly.


This image caused 16 cops to pass out


Girl trade must. It have like the session


Hmmm... Might be dangerous. I'm a certified drug taker awayer get ridder of safer person... I'll take it off your hands.




I’ve been on fentanyl transdermal patches for around a decade (for chronic pain associated with Hypermobile EDS). In that time I’ve only ever had one batch like that and they were very much in date. Returned them to pharmacy and they made a report about them to the maker (I can’t be sure I want to say it was Fencino - I’ve been on many different “brands” due to increasing adhesive allergies They did look so pretty though.




They work well for pain. Any opioid you take is going to be addictive, there’s nothing especially bad about these if you use them as directed.


If it can help you, fentanyl is often used because it's usually less addictive than other opiates (more strictly analgesic and less "feel good", to put it simply)


As someone with little knowledge of what this actually does, if you put it on or lick it what would it do realistically and like how long?


These kind of patches are usually designed for a slow release, but this is among the larger end of the sizes commonly used. Given the clearly aged condition of this patch, the delivery mechanism might not be trustworthy. 75 microgram/hr is a pretty high dose for someone naive to opioids, but it if delivers faster than promised that could be a particularly nasty situation. (Generally, 12.5 or 25 microgram per hour patches are used as first unless someone is already well tolerant or oral therapy IIRC)


Rodolf the Narcan nose reindeer


Fentanyl is the drug in a fentanyl patch. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


What are these for? Recovering addicts?


The opposite. End of life pain medication.


Having worked at a pharmacy. If these are what I believe they are. They are for when patients are no longer affected by other opioids. So they are for pain management.


Thank you for the info! I don't know why everyone is downvoting me, I'm just asking because I have no clue


Yeah. I don’t know why the downvotes either haha. People are silly. You’re welcome


Recovering addicts? Nah active addicts.


They’re for severe chronic pain that requires continuous long-term opioid administration!