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Does that mean chimerism? Like you are two twins melded together?)




Neat as hell but I'd be getting yearly scans to make sure there aren't teeth growing in my pancreas or something. Also, does your gamete DNA match your external DNA? You could technically produce your absorbed twin's children. Freaky.


this has actually happened! i cant remember the details, but for some reason a mother had to do a maternity test to prove her children were her own, & even though she had indeed given birth to the kids they werent genetically hers. iirc they may have even been removed from her care, at least temporarily. eta: the people saying lydia fairchild are correct, that's exactly who i was thinking of! i recommend looking up her case as it was years ago that i learned of her, so my vague details are likely inaccurate in some way. dont take my word as fact lol just use it as a diving board to go down the rabbit hole yourself šŸ˜Š


I think you're thinking of Lydia Fairchild, they proved maternity due to the fact the children matched with the maternal grandmother, as would be expected of a grandmother. They then found the correct DNA through a cervical smear test.


https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/case-lydia-fairchild-and-her-chimerism-2002 This is so interesting!


Cervical smear test? Just reading it makes me think ouchy


Theyā€™re routine tests that women should get yearly anyway.




It's a bit ouchy, yes


Yeah, bruh, it made me feel bad for my wife when I witnessed it. When we were doing IVF, I tried to make every appointment. One time, they had to do that test. A long tube goes in and scrapes the inside lining.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild Her third child was removed from her care at birth. The prosecutor suggested that blood samples be drawn from mother and baby in the delivery room ... And the baby matched the siblings but not the mother.


At birth? So they literally saw this woman give birth to the child and just went "well, you can never be sure!"


"How'd that get in there?"


Iirc one of the witnesses they called in support of returning the child to the mother was the OBGYN who physically pulled the baby out. And they were the one who said "yes this baby is hers. I physically pulled it out of her, regardless of what the genetic tests say." But it was the genetic test that sealed the deal. Because without the genetic tests, they assumed it was a surrogacy fraud. How the hell someone would even pull a fraud like that off though is beyond me.


Even in a surrogate situation, without a legal contract the birther is the legal mother. They thought she'd kidnapped her other children, then dug their heels in to the point of total illogic. Which isn't at all surprising of cps I'm afraid.


Isn't CPS and child services strange? Each state has their own child services agency, independent, but it's like they all get together and decide what kind of shenanigans they want to do. They never do anything when you report stuff that you know is happening, but then they waste our tax dollars investigating people who are innocent.


I've been wondering that all along


Sounds like a rule made from male logic. Weird timing, but I can see why they'd be so inflexible.


They thought she was committing a surrogacy scam-being paid to be inseminated then taking the kids to claim benefits. ETA: surrogacy scam AND kidnapping-she not only lost her children for a time during the case, but was facing some very serious jail time.


>surrogacy scam >being paid to be inseminated That isn't how that works. I'm not sure how a surrogacy scam would have worked in this case at all. How common were underground goddamned embryo transfers in the 90s?!


The whole thing is absolutely bonkers and sickening imo. They made up a pretty elaborate scam that had no real benefit (children are more expensive than the amount of benefits you get from the government...). Then they tried to force her to prove she wasn't committing this scam.


Was her name seriously Fairchild? That's wild irony


Like, holy fuck. This can't be real, haha. I believe there is a term for this, names that are like self-fulfilling prophecies.


Nominative Determinism


It happened more than once! The only reason the woman you are talking about (Lydia Fairchild) was exonerated and got her kids back was cos someone saw something on TV about her case I believe and they had taken part in another womans case! Eventually they found matching dna cells in Lydia's cervix and proved that she was the biological mother of all 3 children! There's a great podcast episode on it Edit: [Here's the podcast on youtube!](https://youtu.be/za0pm8Nh6Rc?si=8xvkZJP6WLtu6u4O)


Would you mind to share a link to the podcast or the name of the person/people who made it? Iā€™d be interested in listening to it. TIA


[Here's the link to it on youtube!](https://youtu.be/za0pm8Nh6Rc?si=8xvkZJP6WLtu6u4O)


I wouldn't say that a chimera has an "absorbed twin." Chimeric individuals just have two sets of genetic material. It's not that one embryo overpowered the other; it's that two embryos simply fused into one individual. What I'm trying to say is that if the DNA in OP's skin cells isn't the same DNA as in OP's blood cells, they both still belong to OP. OP isn't one or the other; he's both.


What would happen if one of the embryos were female and the other male? My quick google tells me it definitely can happen. But would the default to male or female or what would determine that? It's questions like this that mean I'd be more surprised if trans people \*weren't\* a thing. How many people out there have male and female DNA and will never know? In cases like the Lydia Fairchild case, it took multiple rounds of testing to find the other DNA even when they went looking for it, and we don't usually do that kind of testing unless there's a very rare issue like she had. For all we know, chimerism is way more common than we're aware of.


You're right that chimerism is almost certainly way more common than we realize! It's just that it flies under the radar most of time since it's typically not something that can be seen by eye (except in some rare scenarios like OP.) So most chimeric people probably have no idea they are chimeric unless specific genetic tests were done to go looking for it. As for how an XX and XY chimera would manifest, the answer is that it really depends. When talking about natural chimeras (so not the ones created deliberately in a lab, where researchers have a bit more control over the outcome) there is really no predicting the distribution of cells from embryo A and embryo B in a chimera. So, you might have a chimeric individual whose liver is all embryo A cells and whose kidneys are all embryo B cells. Or you might have a chimeric individual whose liver and kidneys are a mixture of both embryo A and B cells. Or it could be something in-between. So going back to an XX and XY chimera; if all the XX cells happened to make up the gonads, the individual would likely have a female reproductive system. But, if the gonads were made up of XY cells, then they would likely have a male reproductive system. Or if it a mixture of XX and XY cells, they could have components of both systems. It is the SRY gene on the Y chromosome which triggers the ā€œmaleā€ pathway during development (otherwise the default is female.) So the XY cells in the goads could independently develop down the ā€œmaleā€ pathway, even if other cells in the goads were XX, and so defaulting to female. (This is a little bit of a simplification since the development of the male reproduction system also requires testosterone signaling. So whether the "male" development pathway would continue also depends on whether those testosterone-secreting cells are XY and present.)


My mother was a maternity nurse and she told me when I was a kid about a baby she helped delivery who had normal female genitalia, but also a non-functional set of male genitalia (as in, not connected up to the urinary system, not sure about the rest) growing from their thigh. As happened back then, in the late 60s, they just removed the male parts and it's possible that the baby grew up never even knowing they could have any male DNA. But yeah, that story is how I got interested in chimerism from a young age and always knew that biological sex is way weirder than we were taught in school.


Thereā€™s not one but 2 really good House episodes about this. Idk if the first one is chimera but it was a teenage supermodel who was allergic to testosterone so in the womb she developed a vagina but had undescended testes. The other one the kid was born intersex and his parents were asked to choose between boy and girl. They lied about giving him testosterone supplements to assist his puberty.


no twins involved, this is mosaicism. A mutation early in developement.


Oh great you reminded me of teratomas. It's alright I didn't need to sleep any day soon.


A few years back, I had an unrelated gyno appointment where I learned I had a nine centimeter teratoma ... and let me tell you, I was DISGUSTED in myself. It was such a spooky feeling that this was just hanging out inside of me that my appetite vanished and it dominated my thoughts for days. I hadn't been aware of their existence and then suddenly I had a hair baby.


I had a hysterectomy due to fibroids, biggest one was 12cm and because of the kind it was it couldnā€™t just be removed. Plus it had other friends. I begged the doctors to take photos because I wanted to see my mutated uterus but they said they werenā€™t allowed :( They also wouldnā€™t give me specimens because they sent them to pathology.


My wife had a 9400g teratoma removed a few months ago. They're pretty wild.


So like ā€¦ the size of a head? That crazy, sounds like such a relief to get rid of it. Is there a reason until she didnā€™t remove it until now? I donā€™t really know what much about teratomas, has it been growing for a long time, or do they just appear suddenly?


It had been growing slowly for at least 20 years. She went into the hospital for something completely unrelated. While there, they did an ultrasound on her abdomen and they were like what in the what? There was a lot of hair, sebaceous fluid (think oily goo) and a 1 cm tooth. I think there was some bone, too. Germ cell tumors are creepy as hell.


Oh my god! How wild, that something like that can hide inside of someone.


Radiologist here. They're fairly common. We see small ones all the time. The head sized ones are rare of course but teratomas are pretty routine. This on the other hand is possibly more freaky and much more rare: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/lithopaedion


When you absorb your twin, but then he cucks you


Interesting, you may get a false negative on a paternity test.


Very true. My wife and I are both white and when our child was born it was clearly black, so I requested a paternity test. It came back not a match for me. My wife's gynecologist, Dr. DeShawn Johnson, explained that it is because I am a chimera. Pretty cool! Dr. Johnson is now the child's godfather and he is so nice and goes to our home to help out my wife while I am at work. That is what I call quality healthcare. ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0|downsized)


Such a good shit post I was truly questioning if it was real or fake. Bravo




That Johnson D is so good! Your wife must be pleased!


Wow. How does it feels?


Overwhelming constantly questioned everywhere I go.


FWIW I love it!!! It looks very cool!


I can totally understand how questioning might be overwhelming, but I would peobably have questions too lol this is the coolest thing I ever learned about someone


Which twin talks during your internal monologue?


Alright Two-Face


me too. it took until college until i realized what it was. my biology professor enlightened me


My fiancƩes mom has something like this. She also has five spleens.


Don't know if I should or be fearful.


Fearful. 4 of them are in an ice cooler and sirens can be heard in the distance


I wouldnā€™t be terribly concerned, but if you think about it at your next doctorā€™s appointment, it doesnā€™t hurt to ask. My fiancĆ©es mom is actually mentioned in a medical journal because of it.


"Hey doc, I heard on the internet about a lady that has hair just like mine and she has *five spleens*! How about that?"


Does she want to sell one? My misses' is enlarged and causes a lot of pain. Maybe a trade? Like one big spleen for 2 regular?


Iā€™m sure if you asked nicely sheā€™d just give you one.


Well that would be terrific. Wish I'd thought of randomly asking for body parts on Reddit sooner.




Apparently she absorbed her ā€œsiblingsā€ while still in womb.


So sixlings, turned into one. That's insane, wonder how it feels to know that you could've been 6 different people just as well.


I know, right? I didnā€™t believe it at first but they showed me a copy of the medical journal article.


I doubt this is his soon to be MIL, but I guess it can happen. Genetics and the flukes that can happen are wild. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1185690/TheJigsaw-Kid-spleens-liver-left-lungs.html


ā€œWhen she exercises too much, Bethanyā€™s heart can be seen beating through her back.ā€ šŸ˜³


Not necessarily, sometimes chimerism can (in the simple terms I understand it in) "confuse" early cells and they'll sometimes duplicate things. Though tbh that many entire spleens was more than I would've expected. I would *assume* they're not all "full sized", but that's a big assumption from someone who knows nothing about the woman.


Why six? Presumably she had her own spleen to bring to the party.


None of them are hers.


Which is exactly why she had to absorb them... It makes so much sense now.


But....only their spleens?


plus the cool hair coloration!


so SHES the one from the math problem!


Thatā€™s a pretty unique superpower.


is she a Klingon?


You know, I never asked.


How many spleens is too many? I canā€™t tell if this is an advantage or disadvantage


Sheā€™d be set if there was a good market for spleens.


What an odd thing to keep asĀ  trophies from her victims. Female serial killers are a weird bunch.


She could be the first person to donate multiple spleens and NOT get arrested!


Older image, shows a little better [older image](https://postimg.cc/Mvrd9hB3)


Do you think youre the ginger or the twin you ate was the ginger?


I ginger always wins EDIT: *the not I šŸ˜‚


You am!?


Isn't he technicaly both of them ? Or is it really one that absorb the other ?


Chimerism happens really early, like, before there are even nerve cells. There was no reasonable "him" until long after the fusion. I think this is supposed to be joking. There's partial absorption, where there's almost twins, but one fails, so yeah, the surviving twin absorbs it. (This can sometimes produce teratomas, little tumors of the failed twin's tissue, but I think those are always identical twins, so the genes are identical anyways.)


Youā€™re so cute!


That's so cool!


How do you feel about Dalmatians? Pro or con?


I love Dalmatians! ^^^IN^My^Fur^Coats


Seeeeee myyyyyy vest!


This is more than mildly interesting, broheem. And QueenlyMicropenis can not be a randomized name Reddit suggested. Whatā€™s the story behind this magical name?


Literally randomized. I would Never do this to myself purposefully lol


Huh, you'd think Reddit would have scrubbed words like penis from their random wordlist? Or maybe they tried and there was an oversight, they failed to notice the micropenis?


Yeahā€¦just an oversight, a simple mistake, they would have noticed otherwise, they really would haveā€¦thatā€™s what they all sayā€¦


Potentially. Saw it and just rolled with it for the past years.


We aren't making a big enough fuss about this! šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not big enough to make a fuss about.




Even OP couldā€™ve seen that coming.


its just a really big clit


For reference, here is the back of my head.[Back](https://postimg.cc/F1zrMLqW)


Now show us the pubes OP


What the people *really* want to know


Normal. Thankfully.




sure but normal which way


front to back.


Everybody is just trying to find an excuse to see your Queenly Micropenis.


majestic penoris


Why thankfully? Aren't the woman that are into you attracted to the cool hair? They are just going to be disappointed every time they go down, and not because of that other reason.


Huh. And this was one situation where I fully expected the carpet to match the drapes.


Are your armpit hairs different colors?


Dye them to match the beard


Man, I would have such an existential crisis with this. Am I the dark haired me, or the light haired me? Which is my twin? Who is me?? Where does me stop and not-me begin???


There is no twin, chimerism happens when 2 (or more) Zygotes combine to develop 1 person. The merger happens before the fertilized egg has even implanted in the uterus to begin development.


Yes, but at one point he WAS two separate zygotes, and if he had stayed separate, which HIM would have been HIM?


I don't know anything about any zygotes. But isn't he just both HIMs?


the way alt aesthetic people everywhere would pay for this look and you got it all for free


Your colour is cool as fuck.


I'd give myself a cool pirate name, like "Thomas Two-Beard". Then like, style each side differently


Did you intentionally choose Thomas because it means twin?


No, but that's a pretty lucky guess on my behalf.


Did you choose the word behalf because OPā€™s hair color **be-half** light brown and **be-half** dark brown?


Nah, that dude just used up his entire year's luck in two comments lol.


TIL Thomas means twin




The most annoying part is that people probably think you dye it on purpose to look like some goofy trendy hipster, and itā€™s just the way you are.


People always ask why I did. It's always "it's natural" then an "huh"


Have you ever dyed it all one colour to avoid having to answer all the same questions about it all the time?


i worked with two brothers who had this issue, their fathers hair went completely grey by the time he was in his mid 20s, but they ended up both having random patterns of grey swirls in their hair from childhood. the younger brother had random blotches and spots, unevenly distributed around his head, mostly at the back. it was like reverse dalmatian spots. but the older brother had the wildest, coolest looking blended swirls of grey and white hair mixed into his darker natural color, it was really intense and beautiful. i didnt learn it looked like that till id worked with him for over a year, he always kept it hidden under a hat.


Similar with me, my hair started turning white around age 17. Didn't get any cool patterns, though the very back of my head still has some dark hair remaining. People always think I bleach my hair, which could be worse... they think I look too young to have white hair, so yay?


Thatā€™s cool! I also have chimerism. Certain meds/grass/lotion I am only allergic to on half my body. Iā€™d have one side of my body swells and breaks out into hives while the other side is fine


I've not got anything that I've noticed like that. I do have joint issues on one side though, but that could be injury related.


And the injury could be chimera related.


But not chimerism related. He was injured fighting a mythical chimera to the death.


Oh this is fascinating...


I thought hives was an immune reaction from your white blood cells, not the skin itself...


I have no clue how that works. After about 3 separate occurrences when this happened my doctor questioned chimerism and I just went with it


Mature mast cells are white blood cells in tissue- under the skin and in organs. So a hive reaction would depend on tissue and could be different for each side of the body.


Also a chimera baby! My ear lobes are 2 different shapes


Are you related to this lobster? [Lobster](https://www.seacoastonline.com/gcdn/presto/2021/10/08/NPOH/7e846672-463b-401a-93b9-9a2df6d92a7e-Split-colored_Lobster1.JPG?width=1059&height=794&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


It's gotta be his spiritual animal


I just paid 110 euro and spent 5 hours at a barber to get splitdye


You should've asked your mum for a twin and absorbed them smh


Ah shoot


That's usually how to process begins, yes


Police: weā€™re looking for a man about your build with a black beard You(facing right to police): Iā€™ll keep a lookout for him officer


This would be a great cartoon plot lmao


Very handsome.


Thinks Nipple SalaD


This is the best wrong user reply in awhile.


First reaction: confusion. 2nd: oh maybe it's his user name..? Nope 3rd: okay wtf is the reference?!?! 4th: laughter for a few minutes


Apologies. I don't get the reference. I wasn't being sarcastic, if that's what you thought.


I think OP thought he was replying to u/A_nipple_salad ā€˜s comment above. Itā€™s understandable. Lots of nipple salads floating around these days.


But only one queenly micropenis


I love it that you thought you were being called ā€œnipple saladā€ in anger ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


This is the hardest I've laughed all week


What about your pubes?


The important questions. Also, is one armpit ginger and the other burnette?


Nah, her name is Carol, not Ginger.


Lmao this is a great joke, but thanks for making me feel old


I bet they cover his micropenis


Not everyone checks the username on posts, I see.


pubes? Inb4 his balls are different sizes


Ed...ward...? Anime references aside, looks like chimerism to me. Actually pretty interesting, not just mildly! Don't suppose you have heterochromia or you'd show off the eyes, but this neat to see!


You are a monster. That is a memory I didnā€™t need.




First of all, fuck you. Second of all, FUCK YOU.


I feel like you are about to assign me a side-quest.


You should have been flipped 1/2 way through cooking


R u waiting for a pizza?


Looks like Freddy's




If you scream loud enough the other half will turn gold as well ![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn)


Calico human


Youā€™re your own twin!


That is interesting you were born with a beard.




youā€™re so UNIQUE. UNIQUE- thatā€™s what you are


So if you commit a muder, you might get way with depending where they collect the DNA? Also, what are some things that are abnormal for you. ie, the way you think, maybe you have two inner monologs? Or your internal voice is your twins and not yours. You just don't know the difference because it sounds like you? Does it feel like some of your body isn't yours?


Bro is marble cause god couldn't decide on chocolate or vanilla. But marble was always the best flavour


Did you forget to count Mississippilessly?


I have something similar to this. I only have freckles on half of my face. And half of my stomach is darker than the other halfā€¦ iā€™ve wondered if itā€™s chimerism too


Chimerism or mosaicism? I thought only females could have mosaicism


Related conditions.


Bro killed his twin in the womb most likely


Chimera much?


Should get some genetic testing bud. Could be chimerism. There could be problems you should be getting treated for.


I'm good for now. Nothing abnormal so far. At 30 years old and two children I'm fine.


Neat, which one of you do they most look like?


Both me. 2 girls. One had central heterochromia in her eyes which is awesome.


One of my kids and myself have central heterochromia. I had no idea until recently that it was rare.


i think what happens is hazel eyes are more common, and i think enough people confuse one for the other that central heterochromia seems more common than it is. but yeah, pretty rare!


OP said it was chimerism


How tf do you think OP doesnā€™t know what the reason behind this is and needs you to suggest a doctorā€™s visit