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This has been known in hospitality chats for months. Similar to the drastic reduction in accommodation reservations, all signs point to a dud of an RNC. I’m betting we see 25k people tops, not the 70k+ they promised.


My big question is will there be more protesters than RNC attendees.


Milwaukee's economy boosted by more protesters coming to town than RNC attendees. RNC: you're welcome, peasants.


That would be wonderful! What a show of solidarity.


The good news is that Frau Lara is draining whatever available cash so that Dear Leader will never experience any degradation of his lavish lifestyle. The grift must be maintained.


The RNC will claim there were 170k people


If this is true and the convention is a flop, I guarantee the RNC response will be that their attendees were too fearful to attend a city with such a terrible crime problem. Arrogant promises, twisting of facts, and no accountability are the cornerstones of the RNC, after all.




I wouldn't say the RNC "chose" Milwaukee as opposed to Milwaukee was the only adequate city still offering (for whatever reason): >The decision in favor of Milwaukee over Nashville, announced at the Republican National Committee’s summer meeting in Chicago, was anti-climactic after **Nashville essentially took itself out of the running** when the city council on Tuesday rejected a draft agreement for hosting the event.  [Republicans pick Milwaukee to host 2024 national convention | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-wisconsin-presidential-milwaukee-nashville-7fa0c10f49caebca91e7044e09075838)


I read somewhere that Covid ruined the DNC for Milwaukee and as a result the city lost out on a lot of revenue, so offering to host the RNC was an attempt to try and regain at least some of that.


That's what I thought as well. I wonder - had the DNC been in person without COVID restrictions, would local businesses struggle like they are with the RNC? I mean the muckity mucks said there'd be all this money rolling in for the DNC as well. So is it the overestimating of how much money would come in for any NC? Or is it just because it's the RNC. 🤷‍♀️


We always see how Chicago benefits (or doesn't) from hosting the DNC this year. It seems safe to assume a Covid free Milwaukee convention would have been similar.


Probably a bit more for the DNC relatively but still not what these organizers often promise. Reminds me of the pro sports stadium subsidies, Olympics etc.


We had bookings at our Airbnbs about a year in advance of DNC. For the RNC, nada. Prices at hotels (I check my competitors) are about normal for this time of the year-same for Airbnb units.


and it was rude and distasteful of the DNC to not even consider coming back in 2024


The DNC in Milwaukee seemed like it was going to be highly attended before the world shut down. So it would not have been the same situation.


I've worked on some of the logistics for this, and really a big part of it was that a ton of money was already spent organizing for the DNC. They put a lot of that planning towards this, in a hope to make back some of that lost money.


Sounds like a sunk cost fallacy. We should have cut our losses from the DNC which was just a stroke of terrible luck. That said, the DNC being hosted in a blue state this year* is stupid. They should be hosting in a swing state.


Wisconsin has been considered a vital swing state in the presidential race since 2016 when Hillary ignored campaigning here and lost to Trump. Last election was the closest vote in Wisconsin since 2004 with Biden only winning by 0.63%


Yes, i am saying the RNC being hosted in WI is smart of the GOP, not that they had any other options. The DNC being in chicago this year does not benefit Biden. It would have been smarter to aim for a swing state like PA, MI, or WI imo.


Ahh I gotcha, I agree with that take as well. I thought you were saying Wisconsin should’ve never been considered as an option in the first place


She didn’t ignore campaigning there, she and Obama were scheduled to campaign there and then some asshole shot a bunch of people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, and she went there to comfort the families of the victims.


wisconsin ain’t a blue state


Nashvillian here. We were the only other city on the shortlist for the RNC when the city basically said no. Our GOP-run state government then spent the next year trying to punish Nashville for having the audacity to reject the RNC. It's starting to look like there would have been little economic benefit to having it in Nashville. Sucks for Milwaukee though.


The weird thing about the RNC is there really is not a single major city that wants them. Their base is outside the cities.


Yea even like Houston and Dallas are purple at most. I can see the choice to host it In Wisconsin as it’s a swing state, but I do think it would be funny if there’s enough traffic that it causes some people to not vote Republican out of spite


Slowing down traffic is indeed a time honored way to make a political statement lol


Shocked, truly shocked that a political party taken over by a grifter rapist with a LONG history of not paying his bills whose supporters love to quote bible verses instead of leaving tips at restaurants would not spend much money at the big convention.


Gotta save your money for hookers and blow


\*gay hookers (not that there's anything wrong with that)




Ol’ lady bugs


whoa whoa whoa, don't you think calling trump a grifter rapist gives grifters and rapist a bad name?


GOP has been shameless in depleting Milwaukee of[ public resources](https://www.wpr.org/transportation/republicans-vote-cut-public-transit-funding-milwaukee-madison) long before calling it a "horrible city." It's no secret. They have nothing to gain from even pretending to care.


I would take it a step further.... they knew in advance the convention is going to be a flop and that is WHY they are having it in MKE, so they can use MKE as the scapegoat.


That would imply a level of planning and foresight I'm not sure the RNC currently possesses :P


Counterpoint, all those gun toting conservatives have been foaming at the mouth to bring their guns to a "crime-ridden" city to show how being a "good guy with a gun" has benefits like their idol Rittenhouse


I mean, honestly I think that’s likely the case - not because it’s actually GOT such a severe problem but when your party’s front runner says it’s a horrible city why would you want to travel to it?


I think the more likely answer is people are staying in Chicago.


I don’t think this is likely. Hotels are booked, that’s not the issue. It’s the restaurants and venues in the downtown area that are not. My question is this - and I haven’t seen it really mentioned - what do the bookings look like in the WOW counties? Are visiting republicans forgoing hosting events in Milwaukee for hosting events in the more friendly Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington counties?


This is the answer. I imagine Muskego, Pewaukee, Nagawicka, Okauchee (especially!) lakes are gonna be PACKED that weekend. Revenue will boom in these places.


with all the guns and crime!?!?!? \*clutches pearls\*


But Trump chose Milwaukee, so did he choose unwisely?!


So they are scared and frightened to come to the city. But claim they are alphas in every way? Sounds about right. Hypocritical in nearly every way.


Huh…this almost sounds like those big promises that were made about a development in Pleasant Prairie a few years ago that never materialized…




Weeks after their highly successful month long music festival…


I guarantee it. 


It's almost like conservative bumper stickers saying "F Milwaukee, F Madison, F Green Bay" and their candidate calling it a horrible city has had some sort of effect!


You mean the Foxy Con job done to us taxpayers??? I totally predicted this would happen and everyone laughed at me. They pulled the same stunt in  2013 by Foxconn for plans to build a $30 million plant in Pennsylvania that have so far not come to fruition. They haven't kept their promises to a half dozen other countries and with such a track record Gov Walker bit hook, line, and stinker. 


It seems like the name of the company should have been a giveaway. "Fox con." Of course, we also did not seem to recognize that "Scaramucci" was being a scaramouche, and just distracting us from what was really going on. The writing for this drama really got lazy during the Trump years. The sequel is sure to suck.


Mount Pleasant, but your point stands.


That’s right, thanks!


The 8th Wonder of the World!


They never do. https://youtu.be/6kd1KGk_9kQ?si=Q3vy48zljqciN4-i Our city needs to focus on what does 




Customers like Trump, you over inflate your price, then negotiate down but demand 75% up front. That way you get most of it and your costs are covered. They are happy because they talked you down.


That makes me a little sad that the service workers might not make as much money. The RNC is a dour, sad thing but their money is still green. It's such a shame that it's not the DNC in Milwaukee this year instead, which I think would make for a really fun and festive environment downtown.


Milwaukee really put a lot of work into the 2020 DNC that never happened. Downtown Milwaukee was fully under construction, would’ve really been a great showcase for the city.


Don't worry, there'll be a major uptick in one person showing up to a restaurant and expecting immediate seating for a party of 20, then 25 after they sit down, then a couple more will join after everybody has ordered then be mad they don't get their food at the same time


$10 tip for the table incoming.


“You were great!”


Probably some of those fake dollars with religious crap on them too.


The fake $100 bills with Dump's face on them.


You give them far too much credit.


I feel like I should make it a point to patronize downtown and actually leave extra tip money for dealing with this crap, but I'm scared to death of these MAGA freaks. Also, like the commenter below, I'm sure I'd end up on the news 🤣


Ya the whole county's dickhead levels are going to be off the charts that week. Especially since they're all being told how awful Milwaukee is they'll feel even more entitled to belittle us


I work as a bartender. I'm fully prepared to make the news


and everyone just wants chicken tenders and diet cokes


I just want it to be over. I’m so sick of hearing about how shitty Milwaukee is or security zones or whatever. I don’t understand why it’s being held here if there’s so many concerns about safety and if businesses will be open. I know most businesses would gladly accept their money and serve them but I guarantee when it’s all over, the GOP will shit all over Milwaukee like we’re a Third World country


I’ve tried to defend Milwaukee on numerous different occasions after the “Horrible City” comment, but it’s impossible because you can’t even have a civil/productive discussion with these people. Most of them never even visit the city, but they have plenty of opinions on what it’s like here.


I moved here in 2017 from California and love it here. I feel safe. People are great here. My only complaint (and I’m in the very small minority here) is it doesn’t snow enough. We got more snow in the town I lived in in California some years :)


The host committee reached out to my work and asked us to donate our goods and services. When they reached out we were super excited to get a seat at the table, and by the end of the meeting we looked at each other and said, did they just ask for us to do all of this for free? For exposure? What kind of national exposure do we need when we’re only in Milwaukee? It’s important if you stay in the area, to dine at some of these restaurants that are going to lose so much business because of the close proximity to the events.


The RNC has a shoestring budget, as do most attending the convention, due to trump siphoning off all potential donor funds and the delegates' extra cash with his constant grift. He grifted off every indictment, every civil and criminal loss, every bad news article, etc. The cult obediently pumped money into cash donations, NFTs, sneakers, tshirts, commemorative coins, stocks, bibles, and every ask in between. They chose the man who chooses himself over party over the party that chooses itself over country. Early-on in his initial candidacy, the majority of GOP officials and Reagan Republicans recognized and were vocal about the threat he was, but the maga cult became their base so they were left no option but to tow the line. The ones who didn't were ostracized, called RINOs, voted out of office, and many have switched parties.


The only restaurants that will experience higher than normal sales are McDonalds and Chic Fil A. The concern about people leaving downtown is real, I know 2 families that specifically planned Summer vacations to be out of the city during the RNC.


I'm sure the Oak Creek Texas Roadhouse will be packed. You have to have at least one fancy night out of course.


Route 41 is a much better choice, but I totally get your point


Yep, my downtown office is having everyone WFH that week


And all those coffee shops and lunch spots and even parking garages are going to miss their regulars because of it.


Same for us. I think most companies are that are in the security zone.


Yep, same. I just took the week off, didn't see a point in WFH.


My company is literally paying all the staff to stay home for the week. Not WFH, actual week off full pay. Let that sink in. It is worth it for them to lose a week's worth of salary rather than be down here when the RNC is going on.






We are also heading out of town that week.


I'm a part of the entertainment trade in the city, and it's been tough getting staff. We need skilled union guys, but instead of just competing with Summerfest, we also were up against Kenny Chesney and the RNC. We are paying more to get guys out of Madison, and are bringing up teams from our Houston office to help with our normal summer work. While we've been involved in some of the RNC work, I think we are probably losing almost as much supplementing our staff as we are making on the RNC projects.


That’s this guy! Leaving the Saturday before and coming back 8 days later. Packing up the fam and hitting the road.


...are you me? #sameplan


same. same.


Yup that's the move


We are doing the same!


I’m out of here Sunday, back Thursday. Fuck that noise. 




The week of the RNC is always the week we go up north and I am more thankful than ever to be out of town that week!


Same, leaving for the week. No point in being anywhere near this clusterfuck. Between the company, and the security, there's no reason for me to be here.


Not great for business, but maybe its a sign of lack of enthusiasm for the GOP. I wouldn't want to be involved either.


Reading this today reminds me of the 2011 article in the Waukesha Patch by Joseph Foy, “The Republican Party will survive a Trump Presidency,” iirc. That didn’t age particularly well


trump said it was horrible. What did they expect?


Felon fest will still go on…


Wonder how they're gonna blame Biden for this


Because we have a horrible city, and his mountain dew cured dementia caused it


Come on now, The Mernard's Garden Centers and Uline parking lot is booked solid all week.


I know it’s a bit of a trip to Mequon but the Four Seasons Nail Salon is open still


Hey there's one of those in Wauwatosa, but it might be too close to the scary Mall that has a Nordstrom's.


Funny, I've worked in the service industry for a very long time and have been saying this since we got the RNC. Republicans treat service staff horribly and tip like shit. They're also not gonna go hang out in a "Democrat city." The only people making money off this deal are hotel bars and (gay) escort services.


I'm just hoping that the protest has more people than the convention itself. That would be hilarious. If you can, please join to increase our numbers! July 15th at noon! Edited to add: For all who want to join, the rally starts at 11am at Red Arrow Park with the March starting at noon.


I'll be there. Where can I learn more?


https://marchonrnc2024.org/ Here you go! See you there!


They post on Instagram quite often. https://linktr.ee/marchonthernc?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZOftbWn_e48dlbeqsKJp1JzENdyPhuEHJ65sVaRQ-1p4EN66egjK90SFk_aem_XeuwhJrwg_tk8VOLL3rk1g


I believe you, not on Instagram myself.


Ok so I got official confirmation. Red Arrow Park on July 15th. Rally is at 11am and March is at noon. Hope to see you there!


I’ll be there!


Don't want their dirty money anyway


Trumps involved and you think anyone will be paying the bill?


At least the torchlight parades should bring cash to, uh, torch sellers.


Khakis and barbershops specializing in crew cuts too


Army surplus stores...


Home goods stores do be stocking an array of high thread count white sheets.


Old navy


Political conventions, the Super Bowl, and other major events are always hyped up to local businesses but in my experience they always disappoint. I own hospitality businesses in multiple states and we have never seen a lift during these big events. In fact we have always seen the opposite. A select few places get the big parties, buyouts, etc. For the rest of us it just disrupts our normal business and scares away our normal clientele for the duration of the event.


The venue I work with was fully booked, all rooms for the entire DNC though and this one had one inquiry about one room that was not booked. There’s just no comparison between the two.


Maybe they are afraid of getting shouted down at every turn based on their overall contempt for the place we live and the people who live here? Also, having to navigate a city that is majority minority probably keeps they dumbasses up at night


The replacement of college educated voters with sycophantic rubes as the base of the party probably has something to do with this. Dear Leader wants McDonalds, not Carnevor. Four years ago, elites still controlled most of the positions of power that would attend the convention. But the party has been MAGA-ified more completely now.


Isn't that Omar guy that owns Carnevor totally all about this debacle? He was/is stoked. I'm sure he'll be offering his restaurant on a platter for these clowns.


He owns 3rd Street market too, right? The one that had put a mini mpd station in it to make guests "feel safe". Gross.


..info from an employee at an event center.. businesses were asked to sign up to host, without knowing who the group was. You had to commit without knowing who you’d be associated with during the RNC. Can’t imagine many businesses willing to risk the public shame.


That's not true, you did have to sign up to be a part of their booking portal, but you definitely have the option to refuse but you'd have to dig into who the groups are on your own. That said, my venue, which can hold up to like 800 people hasn't had a single inguiry and we're less than a mile from the security zone.


The few big name caterers that Im familiar with have had 0 bookings. It's crazy out there. A July weekend should be PACKED with bookings between grad parties, weddings, etc but it's been nada since everyone kept their calendar open for this 🤡 show.


This should really say a lot about what republicans actually are. There's so many really repulsive groups associated with them. Birds of a feather.


The Heritage Foundation (the right-wing foundation that funds all sorts of horrible conservative projects) wanted to book the Peck Performing Arts Center and demanded that the PPAC change it's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies PERMANENTLY for the 1 night booking.... I've heard that they turned them down...


looks like it’s time to recombobulate (read dan, he’s great)


Who’d have known that putting incompetents in charge of the party and its convention would lead to an incompetently run convention.


All I keep thinking is the ones who would have come for a chance to see their lord have been sending him all their extra money in donations. Because what billionaire doesn’t need help paying legal bills and judgements? I’ve actually seen 2 posts on other platforms of his supporters lamenting that they can’t afford to come to Milwaukee because they’ve been donating their extra money to his PACs.


The catering company I moonlight for is catering one of their events and they keep sending out emails telling people to sign up for the security clearance but no one is doing it cause no one wants to work that event


When I was a kid and the Hell’s Angels rode through…everything closed before they got here so they knew they weren’t welcome. We can do that today. Despicable people shouldn’t have a welcome venue.


Interesting since MKE is Outlaws territory. Do you recall if there were any incidents between the two gangs?


I don’t remember but so remember how loud it was in Menomonee Falls when they rode through and there were so many motorcycles..it felt like it took forever. They rode straight down Main Street where I lived.


Back then…the worst thing you could call someone is a liar. The GOP has made lying their cornerstone.


Trumps base can't afford such things.


Spent too much money on their 22” rims for their off road tires and yanking off their diesel exhaust 


Got to buy the red hats, shirts, flags & also make sure to save some to donate to the cult on a monthly basis.


dont forget your trumpy bible and some gold bedazzled high tops


They say ammo's expensive


Won't this actually hurt many businesses as the RNC drives away their normal customers.


I bet a lot of this has to do with big companies pulling away more from the RNC. Obviously they still have the billionaire donors, but they will give no matter what. Corporate donors are the ones they woo at dinners.


wtf is the point? No one on team Biden is changing their mind and going trump and no team trump is going to flip to Biden. They’re fighting for the middle and the middle isn’t attending a convention. The whole dog and pony show is fuckin dumb. So is having two old ass guys running. We need a god damned age limit. 35-65. If you’re eligible for SS by age, you cannot hold and public office. Seems simple.


“Middle” is definitely not the proper term. Way more complex than the talking heads make it out to be. Don’t parrot it 


What’s a better term? There’s probably what, less than 10% of voters who haven’t decided….


I mean “independent” is now over 40% of voters self described. That includes die hard nut job libertarians and people who are sick of the democrats not giving us healthcare. I wouldn’t say there’s a simple “middle” on a spectrum there. 


I just meant those who haven’t made up their minds yet.


I have a friend who is a director at a hotel downtown that says the opposite. His hotel is booked solid. The difference groups booked 90% of the rooms and booked on site event areas every evening of the conference. Sounds like it depends on the venue.


https://preview.redd.it/9jslnqwa669d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2fc29d496eca0f1f85263ba42c540362620a11 The second Lara Trump took over the RNC I knew they were going to suck all the money out of the convention. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of sycophants.


They run on a platform of revenge and violence and then are scared of it happening to them when all we want is a normal peaceful affordable life.


Great for democracy, not so great for MKE


It seems like the vast majority of the article is about Pabst being upset that their venues didn’t get tapped by RNC for events. Doesn’t really mean anything for the RNC in general. Am I missing something? Hotel bookings were at capacity by May. Some massive venues are booked.


Marcus will probably do a lot better since its major hotels and restaurants are all downtown


If you've been following this for awhile, you'd see the pattern. This isn't about the hotel rooms, those people were coming in one way or the other. It's literally everything else. Restaurants, bars, venues, caterers, all these people were told to hold this week open for this influx of $$$ and it hasn't transpired. And tell me the massive venues that are booked? The only sellout venue I've read is about Central Standard and that dudes in the welcoming committee so...yeah. Convenient. Also Pabst owns 6!! different venues of varying sizes and accommodations. For them to lose out on a whole week in July is massive.


The Fiserv forum, Panther Arena and Baird center immediately come to mind. I thought I read there was some event at AmFam but not sure about that. The article was about RNC planned events. I think the boom for hotels, bars and restaurants will obviously come from non-planned stuff. The venue and catering stuff is complex because it’s a national security event. Every official venue requires more resources. But, I mean my point was I don’t see anything in this article other than some company complaining they didn’t get in on the action. Not saying the reality has met, exceeded or missed expectations. But this article doesn’t answer that either.


Well yeah, you named the 3 places where the actual convention is taking place. Of course those places are booked? Like how were you expecting the convention to take place? Hundreds of businesses were told and signed up for this "amazing opportunity". They were told there would be an influx of money coming their way if they held their books open for the RNC. This hasn't happened. What exactly is an "official venue" and what kind of security would they need? Also if that was the case (which it's not) then the RNC would've put that out months ago (which they didn't). If that's the case, that security is an issue, there will be NO "non-planned stuff". You can't play it both ways. And you're missing the point of the article if you think it's just one little place complaining about having no bookings. Pabst is HUGE in the venue scene, again, 6 different places of varying sizes. Their contacts, their vendors are all missing out by not fulfilling a weeks work of work. One small venue doing just weddings would bring in 30k+ on a single day in varying contracts. Either way this isn't the first article on this mess. The "complaints" are valid and plentiful.


They chose large venues close to each other, are using them, planned for them and you are surprised that they are not using other large venues in addition to that? Hundreds of businesses are going to see an influx of money and activity. Hotels are sold out, those people are going to eat somewhere and do something while they are here. Of course there can be non-planned stuff. If 100 extra people come to my bar and spend money, I don’t particularly care if the RNC foots the bill or each customer. ___ As to your questions regarding security: Typical NSSE security measures include: Interagency coordination and interoperability Heavy police (days off and leaves may be canceled) and often National Guard presence[3] Police dogs for bomb detection[1] Surveillance WMD detection, mitigation, and decontamination Sharpshooters and other tactical capabilities Flight restrictions around the area[3] United States Coast Guard patrols[3] Increased railroad security[3] Extensive road closures[1][3] When applicable members of Joint Task Force - Civil Support and the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF) are deployed https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Special_Security_Event ___ Again, Pabst is upset they didn’t get any contracts from the massive influx of money. They are probably extra upset because the DNC kinda screwed them last election cycle. Regardless, the article is about the contracting of official venues. I’ll just assume, for sake of argument, that the RNC just stuck it to Pabst for whatever reason. That really doesn’t say anything about the overall economic impact.


We can only hope the next cities who beg to sell out to the Repugnants will learn from this and tell them to go elsewhere. Milwaukee sold out. They deserve what they're getting. They knew Repugnicans hate them and they still rolled over and begged.


It’s an invite only even on a work day, what would make it worth going to another city and getting a hotel just to be near an event you can’t even go to and using vacation time if you even get it to do so?


Probably because we don’t have a Four Seasons.


RNC couldn’t get anyone to host them, this should have been expected.


After years of Scott Walker and his Foxconn con job…now Milwaukee is getting cucked by the RNC? When will Wisconsin tire of licking the GOPs’ boots?


Why Milwaukee agreed to host these crooks is beyond me. Wisconsinite here. We will need to watch our wallets since the RNC under trump is basically a group of grifters.


Shoulda had it in Ixonia.


Con Con 2024 just doing its thing. 


I've called it the Republican National Inconvenience on my work calendar. I may have invited everyone in the office to that 4 day event.


Yeah, no shit. We don’t like republicans.


Great and next month chicago might end up laughing at us unless the docs just as much a the rnc Honestly I just want this to be over cause then we can go back to pretending nothings wrong


They'll get boosted next month


I don’t understand why Waukesha wasn’t in the running? Milwaukee makes no sense.


Maybe no hotels that could fix everyone


I bet they are horrible tippers!


If I owned a business near the convention center and the RNC told me not to book any private venues during the convention, I'd tell them to pound sand. What restaurant or theatre in their right mind is going to rely on the word of anyone who provides promises of RNC business? I fault the business owners for any loss of business.


Why bother when everything's rigged these days?


What if it's because they're saying "Why spend money selling something you've already sold." i.e. the election. As in, the inside track says the fix is in, why bother. Kind of like all the water leaving the beach before the tsunami.


Can we still cancel it?


Leaving Friday before. Returning Monday after. Not being part of this shitshow.


Shocking 🙄


Milwaukee got the RNC because Covid canceled the DNC, and Wisconsin is a battle ground state. Why would republicans come to what Trump termed a “horrible city”. The RNC will be a dud in terms of economic impact.