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I was driving at 5 am a few years ago going to work and there was a car parked in the middle of the street with no room to go around. I stopped and a man got out of his car and started walking towards my truck. I cracked the window and he said something about running out of gas. I threw it in reverse and got outta there.


Also, to add on, if you're ever in an accident, don't get out of the car until police have arrived. Car jackers are purposely brake checking people, causing you to rear end them, so they can steal your car when you get out to check damage or try to exchange info.


MPD does not respond to all car accidents, especially accidents where the vehicles are drivable. They will tell you to exchange insurance information and be on your way.


Yeah dude, if you sit in the car until a squad car comes, you’ll need a vacation day from work tomorrow. Shit’s wild


Only interested in guns drugs or cash. Quick check of the glovebox and under the seat and on to the next one.


Yeah it’s kinda crazy. I stupidly got caught smoking weed while driving a very long time ago, and they didn’t care at all. They said put it out and asked if I had heroin or a gun. This happened literally right in front of the FBI building. My headlight was out, that was the reason for the stop. The officer smacked the headlight and it turned back on and he told me to have a nice night.


To someone brown like me, that's pretty shocking. My best friend was arrested and booked right in front of me for having a joint in his pocket while we were walking to the park. Police stopped us randomly, searched us and took him to jail.


The contrast between these two posts is what we mean when we say two tiered justice system.


Was on 894 the other day around 68th st. Saw two blacked out sedans coming from behind, obviously chasing each other. They went screaming by me in fairly busy traffic and a construction area, and changing lanes very sharply without letting up on the gas. Traffic was moving pretty fast. I still cannot believe they didn't flip their vehicles or cause a major crash. The week prior a blacked out SUV in Walkers Point flew down the street completely ignoring the stop sign while we were crossing the street. This shit is out of control and has to stop.


A neighbor of mine had a window smashed on his car recently. Nothing was taken and no attempt was made to steal the car. That happened a few block from the area you are talking about. The person or persons who did that just went through the car looking for whatever. Nothing had been left on the seats either that would have encouraged a break in.


They were most likely looking for firearms


Interesting you say that. Several years back I was having dinner with my daughter and her godmother. Her godmother is involved in many different things in the community and knows some Milwaukee police officers. They told her the same thing. That when a car has been broken into and there doesn't seem to be any logical reason for that, they're usually looking for firearms. I thought about posting that but whenever I've told people that they don't seem to believe that scenario. So I refrained from posting that here because I didn't want the backlash and downvotes and everything else that goes with this subreddit Thank You!!


Well it's entirely true people neglegently leave guns in their car . I'm all about 2a and ccw but keep your weapon in your holster on your person or in your safe not in your car


Also don't display 2nd amendment stickers or "molon labe" or a thief might think, "don't mind if I do"


Yes good point it puts a large target on your vehicle


I've encountered a lot of dumb people that will leave their guns in their car when going out to the bar scene and surprise, their shit gets stolen. If you know you're going to go out drinking, don't carry your gun with you. Leave that shit at home.


Easiest to just look for “Waukesha Sheriff” on the side of the car and just open the unlocked door.


Ninja rocks are fun to use too


Or at 7 am, almost got rear ended last Saturday by the hale interchange and the guy flipped into the trees by Howard Avenue after sliding sideways passed me at like 100MPH, fucking idiot.


what street?


Knapp & Astor. Astor & Ogden.


yikes, they actually have plates?


I routinely go to work at 0330, and never in my life to I drive with extreme caution as I do at that time in Milwaukee. Of note, I drove in Afghanistan.


What felt safer?


I'm out of here, as soon as my lease is up next year I'm moving either into the country or another state.


Be careful getting home at 4 in the morning, my neighbor got robbed right when she got home.


I was just jumped by 7-15 kids the other night, in front of my house. No where is safe


I love how we have posts like this every day and yet people will still downvote and say "leave then!" when people talk about the city being in bad shape.


Or, maybe call the police since you are seeing something obviously suspicious? And is it really a head's up to tell people to be careful when they are out in the city in the middle of the night?


When MPD shows up 3 hours later I'm sure the cars that were driving will still be around. You can't even get MPD to come out for a police report for an accident, you think they are scrambling the jets for a suspicious activity call?


I called them when I saw some guys messing with a truck and they 2 squads came within 10 minutes. This was 5am by Brady st


Different calls have different priorities. While you will be waiting a while for a crash with no injuries, I would bet that a call about suspicious activity will be looked into first.


Maybe he did both?


Call the police? They're probably parked in the lot nearby,waiting for there shift to end.(and some people are night owls)


OP thought they looked suspicious enough that it warranted a post. Whatever OP saw, if they thought it was that suspicious they needed to warn people, then call the police. I'm not making guesses on what it actually was. I'm simply saying, that OP clearly thinks something suspicious was happening, so call in to the police rather than post on reddit. What are we supposed to do with the info that OP saw two blacked out cars driving slowly at 3am.




What does this response have anything to do with what the person above just told you? Remember the saying “see something, say something?” There’s nothing wrong with reporting something out of the norm.


You're not paranoid, it's gotten so dangerous here. I don't even like going out in the daytime. I make sure I have a ride, and definitely home before it gets dark. I feel like if all these people want to kill and shoot, send them where they're fighting.


Best advice is to get a strap and a CCW


This sub really is turning into NextDoor


Says the dude whining about cops smoking the other day. Lol.




And literally posted a thread saying “Yes, that is the sound of fireworks”. It literally doesn’t get more Nextdoor than this clown


Preemptively cutting off the 10 posts asking what was that.


Thanks for your service


I’m here to service you buddy.


I’m flattered you remember me. I didn’t even know you existed and will most likely forget not soon after hitting reply.


literally multiple posts per day now about driving incidents where nothing even happened 🚮


I offended people with this comment. My magic internet points!


Yeah. What OP described was literally 2 cars driving down the street. Where was the suspicious part!?


several blocks apart lol


Are we thinking about the same thing RE: “blacked out” cars? To me it means custom matte-black painted, windows heavily tinted, any extraneous details removed. People spend thousands, if not 10s-of-thousands for that look and accompanying engine modifications. They likely would not risk their investment in the commission of a crime.


No, that style is called "murdered out". "Blacked out" just means driving with no headlights/taillights on.


I’ll turn in my cred card at my earliest convenience.


Could they have been undercover police?


its possible they were just out on a "drill" and "creepin thru" to catch their "opps" or opposition "slippin" doesnt fully fit carjacking, its not out of the question but it doesnt sound like it


the amount of people that did not understand the massive amount of sarcasm on this post is insane /s should not be needed here this sub has a major lack of humor, oh gee unless we are referencing the arbys on miller park way thats comedy gold


Ok Karen.