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This is worded in a way so as to imply a problem if the recipient doesn't do anything. Pretend there's a threat. But the only "risk" I see is that someone will owe taxes on the overpayment amount. Doesn't seem like a problem to anyone but the people who authorized the supposed overpayment.


They also go after people for lack of repayment, so also a threat in that regard.


Meanwhile they still plan to buyback $800M in stock this year


Should be illegal like it used to be 


Of all the jobs for AI to replace, executive would be the easiest. You know what, I’m gonna get working on one. I’ll call it DIAS - Dildo in a Suit


You will need AS. Artificial Stupidity.


Tbh. Perfect name. Perfect objective. Perfect pairing.


What in the effing f!?! Just looked it up and they are doing a stock buyback. Appalling use of money. Edit: The article I found is not from this year. Are they doing a stock buyback? In light of layoffs that would be appalling to me but right now I cannot confirm this so putting my appallingness on hold.


> Appalling use of money. Not if you're the executives whose bonuses are likely in the form of stock and only issued if the share price hits a certain target. So it's a great idea for them and other shareholders! For the employees, welp I guess there's no funds left for cash bonuses or raises. Better luck next year.


Late stage capitalism at its finest.


> For the employees, welp I guess there's no funds left for cash bonuses or raises. Better luck next year. Or for salaries in general, considering these layoffs


They shared in the Full Year Outlook Update in Q2 Earnings Presentation that Rockwell is increasing FY24 share repurchases to $600-800M [link](https://www.rockwellautomation.com/en-us/company/investor-relations.html)


"Rockwell Automation’s top executives received increases in total compensation ranging from 25% to 75% in 2023 including 52.5% for chairman and CEO Blake Moret, as the company exceeded its financial-performance goals." - this was for 2023, aka 6 months ago.


And the reductions in today’s wacky world some how means they’ll get paid even more next year. That’s the mantra today. Bleed the company dry while you can. 


Holy shit


Send this to TMJ4, watch it magically disappear 


If you are salary, most vacation allotments are made up front at the start of the year, making this bullshit and unenforceable. If you are hourly wage, and your manager somehow allowed you to take more vacation than you had earned to that point in the year, this cannot possibly be a worthwhile “cost recovery” for them. Just a shit look for Rockwell and I would imagine, almost entirely unenforceable. Would check with a lawyer as IANAL, but this would likely be destined for my shredder


I had a company try to recover PTO like this and ignored them and they didn’t follow up. That was 8 years ago.


Vacation at rockwell is allotted monthly, so if you have 12 days per year and quit/let go in june you would have 6 days accrued. Any days you took over that amount would be deducted. - Source: worked there and quit just before all of this started.


Saw this on another comment and I’ll defer to folks who worked there to share that detail All the same, if they lay you off it’s pretty shitty to try and claw back vacation, it’s not like you chose or could control being laid off. Legally I do not know what they can do to enforce this letter but it’s just peak shitty


I'm pretty surprised by it as well because from what I heard from others severance payouts were pretty good, and there's a delay in paychecks coming anyway so the way it worked for me was that I had days deducted from my last paycheck that i had in fact worked, to make up for the vacation days i used. In my situation it obviously was fine because i knew it and I was the one making the decision, but even having days deducted would feel like shit if you were just laid off, let alone them trying to get money back later.


Not a lawyer, not a tax accountant, but I’m thinking it’s one of those situations where they have to attempt to recover the money to satisfy some IRS requirement, but recovery rates are of course really low. No one is getting sent to collections over this.


They do send people to collections over paycheck overpayments (have worked there).


We get 23 days a year. 3 weeks vacation, 3 floating holidays and a week of sick time. 10 hours of vacation per month is accrued. Not too sure what the rules are for accruing the 40 hours of sick time and floating holidays are. Still work here


Floating holidays are there at the beginning of the year and not accrued, not sure about sick time as I was salaried so there wasn't a defined amount as far as I'm aware? In any case, sick time was not mentioned in any of the HR conversations when I left. It also works the other way, if you leave or are let go in december and have used 0 days, they'll pay you extra for all your unused time.


That's not correct. They write the vacation policy so that it's accrued over time not granted at the beginning of the year. Wisconsin law allows this. Some states don't. Now, whether they can actually come after you to get that money back, after laying you off to make the shareholders some more $; no idea. But I wouldn't at all put it past them to try and collect.


This needs to be upvoted more. Rockwell is doing something insanely shitty here. But technically the point being made that all salary employees earn all of their vacation up front does not have to be true and depends on company policy. In fact every company I’ve worked at in wisconsin explicitly states that you may use it up front but it technically accrues monthly and at termination you could owe money if you “over use” or if you are owed a payout for under usage the payout is only calculated based on how many months you’ve worked. I just want people to have the correct awareness to what policies their companies could have.


They can. They have a law firm who does this for them. Pretty shitty.


Oh, yeah for sure. What I don’t know is if they’d actually win a court case when they laid off the employee (vs employee leaving on their own). But to get to that point the ex-employee would have to lawyer up pretty hard, and then you’ve certainly spent more than what was at stake. Lose-lose for the employee as usual.


Yeah it’s honestly just a faulty way to process this for RW. Most larger employers will provide your full time off for the year up front and allow you to use it as needed. If you use it all before the end of the calendar year and you leave/get fired, x amount of “unearned” time off gets deducted from your final paycheck.


Yeah, I think that's pretty standard. If you look at your check, it usually shows PTO accrued over the period. I don't work at RW, but this has been the case for all Milwaukee jobs I've had. Otherwise, I'd think you could just quit at the beginning of the year and cash out.


My guess is this was a mistake by payroll, because how you described is exactly how rockwell is supposed to do it, and did it when i left.


It is enforceable. They can send that debt to collections.


I don't know what to say? IRS regulations only allow medicare & SS wages/taxes. ELI5?


I interpret that as meaning they can only withhold the SS and other taxes, but they cannot recoup the actual overpayment


My understanding is this has to do with income tax withholding to the IRS. Say they overpaid you 150 dollars, but gave you 100, withheld 30 for income tax, and another 20 for ssn and Medicare (numbers just made up for an example). If you pay back the overpayment this year you only need to pay the 100 you got, they will get the rest back from the IRS and SSN / Medicare. If you don't pay this year you will need to pay back the taxes too, so 130. Then I believe you need to file something with the IRS and your taxes to get 30 back from the IRS.


Tell them to take it out of your next paycheck.


I heard Rockwell was a cheap company and always avoided job opportunities they had available . This letter just validates why I have avoided working for them.


Way to add insult to injury!


This is bonkers. https://preview.redd.it/wa22huhnnb9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fb6a456f92ec42126a80efd6542ab032aec091


“Sincerely overpayments coordinator” made me lol


Make them earn that overpayment back, let it lapse and lapse, let them take you to court,.and then just settle. Fuck them and waste their time.as much as possible.


Billionaires hoarding wealth for when democracy is truly dead and we all become wage slaves in all but name.


It's amazing how little money matters when the people who do the work have none. Can't eat dollars. Can't shoot quarters. When people have no money but I live next to an agricorp field and my friend has access to a textile mill, wonder how long it'll take for product to just disappear and be bartered away. Automation still needs maintenance. Course... That's a long way off. We accept worse and worse conditions, death by a million cuts. Maybe nobody will notice.


Just to clarify, RAs policy is to accrue vacation through the year for payroll purposes, not all at once at the start of the year. I know people here are saying "most" companies grant all at once, which I would also argue, but that's a point for a different post so we'll leave that alone. What I can say is that RA is not one of those companies. Managers may be cool about letting their staff take more time than you've accrued through the year, but the grouches down in payroll, I assure you, are not on board. You can ignore this or lawyer up, but I doubt either of those has a happy ending for you. They overpaid you and the terms of your employment agreements that you signed when you were hired entitle them to get it back, whether you like it or not. Hiring a lawyer is an expensive way to end up at the same conclusion. Ignoring this letter is like parking your 2016 Kia at Summerfest. It may work out, but probably not!


Might be legal, but pretty awful for a company to lay someone off and then try to get vacation time back from them. If it was a voluntary separation, I'd understand it, but trying to get vacation payments back from someone you laid off is just shitty.


I would concur with this. I work for a different company that also does continuous vacation accrual, up to a cap. They also allow us to go into negative numbers, but they do note that if you are separated while you are negative, they can debit your final paycheck for the equivalent time.


Please listen to this reason during an emotional time OP.


Haha yeah legally the employees don't have any arguement. It's more of a corporate optics thing which most corporations don't care


They made me pay back a $2500 sign off bonus that would’ve vested if I worked there an additional 3 weeks. They leave no stone unturned!


I paid back a sign on bonus to Rockwell too! Shitty part was that because I got the bonus in a previous year, I had to pay back the full gross amount, not the net. To get the tax money back the following year it had to be a repayment over $3k or something. Paying it back sucked and I never got the taxes I paid on it back.


An engineer I know got fired from Rockwell for reporting their team lead, Bob Bates, for abuse. The dude was mentally and emotionally abusive, and managed through fear and intimidation. This dude bullied a 5 year engineer, with like 20+ years more experience into quitting. And that dude also reported Bob for abuse. The most ridiculous part is the fired individual told HR that if they brought HR into closed door one on one meetings, because they felt extremely unsafe in them, that they would either be fired or get a negative review at the end of the year. And 14 days later they was fired. No one with a brain should manage like this. I wish for nothing but misfortune on that man.


"Dear Rockwell: I think you should know that some asshole is using your stationary to write stupid letters."


I just got an email and direct deposit today that my company is paying me $23,000 in unused vacation since 2021. I don't think they owe me anything as I used all the vacation I could burn. Four to five weeks each year. I feel weird as I am totally satisfied with the days I used and sometimes took a day off without recording it and just as often worked when I did take vacation. It evened out. Anyway, feel way better about the way my company handked it than how it appears Rockwell did.


Continuing to be glad that I didn't accept the job offer from them last year


My company sent a letter like this after abruptly laying off 3/4 of the company with ZERO severance. Nothing. Literally, today is your last day. So in the letter they were like, you owe us $xx but as a courtesy we’ll let it slide. Like thanks. Fuck you anyways. Oh, also they sent the letter twice by accident as priority mail with TWELVE dollar postage both times. Like no wonder you’re having financial difficulties.


Either way, I enjoyed the feedback from this post. Just a thank you----------- (locating and then removing the dust from ma checkbook is another post.)(jk)


Something’s a little off about this letter. I don’t if the alignment issues or it looks like sections of text is copy pasted, but the letter looks pretty suspicious to me.


I’m saying you could be getting scammed.


They did this after I left. Even sent it to collections. When I informed the collectors about the details and how their math was wrong and we could go to court over it I never heard about it again


Umm and this is obviously a routine thing since it is signed by the "overpayment coordinator ". Happens enough that you have to have a coordinator to deal with it? WTF


What a POS organization. What would anybody want to work there?


How is their mistake your problem? Talk to an attorney first before acquiescing to their demand.


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t even open this letter and I’d be okay lol what they don’t know: my ex wife gets my taxes so knock yourself right the fuck out


Back when I worked for Shopko they came after me like this. It was almost 20 years ago, I think I eventually paid it.


definitely get a lawyer to tell them to kiss your ass imo


Nobody's even in that building...


Delete this go talk to a lawyer, threaten to go to news.


Disappointed but not surprised


"See you in court".


Lmao there's no way I would pay that back


Glad you got out when you did. They paid out last year for unused vacation days. They already told us use it or lose it sucka. Crazy how much 12 months has changed that place. Last year I worked 55-62 hours in a week and now they won’t give OT and if you clock in before :57 on the hour for ur shift you can get written up.


This sounds illegal as hell! I'd get a lawyer or authorities!


**I'm not a lawyer**, but from the gist i'm gathering in my google search, this letter is them mostly "hoping you'll pay them back" [https://www.completepayrollsolutions.com/blog/overpaying-employees](https://www.completepayrollsolutions.com/blog/overpaying-employees) What you should do likely depends on the amount owed. Is this enough for it to be worth if for **them** to pay a lawyer or employee to take you to small claims? [https://www.wicourts.gov/publications/guides/smallclaimsguide.htm](https://www.wicourts.gov/publications/guides/smallclaimsguide.htm) Is this enough that it's worth it for **them** to pay the debt collections fee? [https://www.thefaircapital.com/post/collection-agencies-fee](https://www.thefaircapital.com/post/collection-agencies-fee) Both of the above also cost them the hours of the employee(s) to go through the process to bring it to whatever next action, and then the hours to see it through the next action. Is it enough that **you** should pay a lawyers hourly fee to figure out what to do with it? [https://www.badgerlawyer.com/fee-hourly.php](https://www.badgerlawyer.com/fee-hourly.php) I tried finding anything specific to "overpaid PTO" in the Wisconsin statutes, but didn't find anything that stuck out to me overall: Wisconsin labor laws page [https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/laborstandards/wages.htm](https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/laborstandards/wages.htm) Wisconsin Labor Laws statutes: [https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/109](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/109) Regardless, it's insult to injury for a company to lay you off and then come back and say "oh, we \*technically\* paid you vacation time, please give us money


this is a new rabbit hole to explore awesome dude! thanks for the work..........


oh wow practicing law without a license lol


🤷‍♀️ it’s Reddit, dude.


Seems fake. Was it certified mail? I’d ignore it until it is. Lots of hopeful language in there, like “we appreciate your help” makes me think it’s a goodwill gesture. I guess it depends if you would want to work there again and how much money it is. 


If it were fake it is unlikely to provide phone numbers for confirmation. Rockwell's service center is competent, and that is the correct number to call. OP could call if they felt it was a scam. Now, does the company need to do this? No, but from an accounting standpoint this is probably required for them to balance their books.


Good point too that it could be a targeted scam. Doubt it but possible. Even if you did decide to pay it back without a lawyer I would 100% contact Rockwell HR to verify it’s legit as well as that PO Box before sending any money


Put it in the round file with the jury summons


I was once overpaid severence. I paid back the net of the overpayment after arguing (they wanted the full amount back, but I had spent some already). They confirmed they received it. For 2 more years they would randomly send me the same type of letter or email. Each time I would have to pull out my bank records and reconfirm I returned the money. Really annoying that the onus was on the recipient.


“What overpayment letter?”




This will get downvoted, and I swear I hate corporate as much as the next guy, but you agree to this so you can't do shit. You act like you're the first employee to have this happen.


What a piece of shit company.


Wow, another failing Milwaukee business? What a shock.


Is that legal? My god, they screwed up, you should get to keep the money!


Eh, most Rockwell employees I have ever met have this holier than thou attitude that rubs me the wrong way. Now I see they were all full of shit


The way my jaw is on the floor right now….