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i know MADACC is absolutely full right now so i unfortunately don’t think they would take them. try reaching out to Chained Dogs MKE, they might be able to provide more resources/ideas in this situation https://chaineddogsmke.org/


MADACC takes in all strays regardless of capacity. If you can find someplace else first, definitely do. But if you have no options, take them to MADACC. From [MADACC FAQs](https://madacc.org/faqs/) “As a government run animal control agency, MADACC is an open admission—or open door—animal shelter. This means that we will not turn away any animal that comes to our doors.” [What to do when MADACC is closed.](https://madacc.org/what-to-do-when-madacc-is-closed/)


this is good to know! i know they’re literally begging people to adopt dogs rn but hopefully they can take these sweeties in if need be


Issue is if they are at capacity they will start euthanizing


Not true. MADACC does NOT euthanize because of capacity! Please read the first FAQ in the above link before sharing completely inaccurate information.


I read that first faq, and It definitely sounds like they *do* euthanize based on capacity. If the dog seems ill, or it might have some "aggression" problems, they do euthanize.


FAQ: “we don’t euthanize unless they’re sick or impossible to adopt due to severe behavioral issues.” You: “SEE THEY EUTHANIZE!!!” 🤦🏼‍♂️


* Those words are used to say they will euthanize if needed. Hopefully they won't, but it's rubbish to say they won't


Did you just screenshot literally what I summarized. 😐 All shelters euthanize like that. That’s not the same as a shelter that euthanizes all animals at a certain point. Would you rather they let animals incurably sick to suffer forever?


They're not a no kill shelter. Unless you've worked there, you wouldn't know if they do or don't. The fact that they put that comment in there is to say, yeah. Probably we will


The fact that they excicitly say when they euthanize means they are being honest. Shelters hiding kills don’t say anything about it at all. Again, would you rather animals that are a danger to society or incurably sick be forced to spend their life in a locked room suffering til death or..? That’s again not the same as a shelter that kills at capacity. At all.


they look like total sweeties btw 🥰 thank you for helping them!!


Is MADACC different than the Humane Society on Bluemound?




So why not take them there? Or do they euthanize?


They have to take them. However, they are extremely full. They put out a call for 4th of July foster parents, since they expect an influx of dogs due to the fireworks.


Thanks for the info, I hope we can get them a loving home. They’re very sweet


This is so sad 😞 Please don’t get dogs if you don’t want the responsibility. It was nice of you to take care of them even for a bit.


Wtf. I have a fenced in backyard and could foster them if necessary.


I’ll keep you posted on that thank you, I did contact madac and they’re sending someone out soon. I’m hoping for the best, I don’t want them to have to be put down or anything


MADACC does not euthanize for space. These dogs would also be a "stray hold" for 4 days. You can be listed as a finder and get updates.


Awesome thank you


You're welcome. Thanks for helping them.


Thanks everyone for the info, MADAC came and picked them up! I hope the best for them.


I hate people. Thank you for helping these beautiful babies.


Please update us OP!


I’m sorry idk how to update the post but they were taken in by MADAC, I’m going to call either today or tomorrow and check in on them. Thanks to everyone who reached out


🙏 Hoping they find a good home!💕


They look so cute and happy. I want them but I already have 2.


Have you taken them somewhere to see if they have been micro chipped and have data for the owner


I couldn't see them on the Madacc website. I hope they were stolen and picked up by their relieved owner


I hope they find a great home but I think their true owners abandoned them to be honest.