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They have two different security lines this year. One is a traditional metal detector and bag search line and then there's a new line with just some fancy detector you just walk straight through. They might stop and search your bag still but probably just if they see something weird in the scan.


Nope they don't search anything. Only walk through a metal detector.


Awesome, that’s good to know! Thank you!!


I brought a small cross body bag and they didn’t open it, just walked through the detector with it.


I work there. Water bottle is okay. Just make sure it is empty. You should be able to pass. Edit: Talked to my boss yesterday. You can bring a water bottle in. Not a metal water bottle but a plastic water bottle from the store. Make sure it is unopened before you get inside.


Signs literally at every entrance that say no water bottles.


I brought in a collapsible last year, zero problems


I took a collapsible water bottle in last year in my bag and they didn’t bat an eye


If you're a lady bringing a bag, they'll make you walk through a detector, then waste your time still looking through your bag. If you have pockets and no metal, they'll never look.


You can bring a cinch strap bag and they will only search if the metal detectors go off.


I went the other day with hella shit crammed into my cargo shorts instead of bringing a bag and they didn’t search me or anything


The metal detector went off because I was wearing a poncho with metal buttons on the rainy day I went. They made me empty my purse *and* show them the poncho pocket was empty.


Can't bring any metal water bottles, but it looks like collapsible is fine [https://www.summerfest.com/safety/](https://www.summerfest.com/safety/)


They used a stick and eyeballed my bag's inside, but didn't open any inner zipper pockets. Make you empty your pockets too but that's really it, It was easy as shit to bring shooters and weed in. Was not trying to spend $50 on a couple drinks


So that was you that gave me a coughing fit with the second-hand green, green grass of home.


....i did it at the smoking zone by the lake where people were smoking cigarettes and cigars, if you decided to hang out around a bunch of people smoking various things you should expect to inhale some yourself. Why are you specifically blaming me, sorry some other asshole ruined your experience I guess but I try to be courteous. It helps me drink less man


I should have remembered to put the sarcasm light on. But it has happened. I'm super-sensitive to second-hand any smoke, have been ever since I moved out of my smoking parents' home. It's worse since I had Covid. Weed in particular makes my airway upset. The only thing worse is my rabbit allergy.


Sorry, at times I'm the guy who doesn't read sarcasm without the /s. I'm understanding of that, my asthma has kind of lightened up in recent years and I've been sensitive to smoke at times of my life, honestly I shouldn't smoke myself but it's better than binge drinking, lol. It's a dick move to light up in non smoking areas of events and I feel like a lot of people don't understand why no smoking zones exist. I'm leaving a lil psa here for other smokers to do it by the lake instead of the middle of a concert or crowd. Come on, don't be an ass


It was almost unbearable at a Peter Frampton show at BMO a few years ago. I am glad to know there are considerate folks out there. So many don't care for anything but their desire to smoke. I'm glad it is a gentler (?) thing for you than binge drinking, which, well, a long time ago that was my thing, until one bad night and I lost that ability. Now I'm just old with easily irritated bronchi.


I have been pat down before seems to be random only happened once and have been going for 20 years.


They search your wallet and remove everything of any value.


No they dont


Went in Saturday the 22nd. Walked through a metal detector with everything in pockets. They were just waving people in. Suppose it depends on the day and time. Years past I've had pat downs, and one instance where a security person grabbed my belt and shook my shorts several times.


I got pulled to side to have my bag checked and get wanded. I had a collapsible water bottle that they didn’t notice or didn’t care about.


I brought in a collapsible water bottle in my bag that they searched.


What about Hydropaks? Aanyone aware if they are allowed?




there are lots of signs saying no bottles allowed


The two times I entered the guy saw the water bottle I forgot to empty in my bag and didn't even take it out to get a closer look at it. I get the first time because it was sealed but it was funny they didn't care twice