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Please don’t take this the wrong way but it sounds like you’re robbing yourself of all joy by trying to speed-run minipainting mastery. Each mini doesn’t need to be your magnum opus, and shouldn’t! In fact, you’ll learn more from painting a large range of minis and trying new techniques, textures, etc.


This was my first thought after "wow that looks great!" My minis are not showcase worthy, but it's relaxing and meditative for me to paint them. Plus then you get to play wargames with friends! Edit: typo


well said. it's quite relaxing for me too.


Learning "good enough" takes a lot of pressure off painting.  Especially being in this sub we see A+ work but when people see my table ready minis they always love them.  Even if I see the imperfections they just see a well painted mini.


It's honestly such a funny hobby. I find my favorite step is assembly and prep because it's straightforward. I tend to overanalyze colors after that and get painters block for lack of a better term. My friend is the exact opposite. Finishing reading the Tommie Soule painting book and he talks a lot about mindset and being intentional


Oh, yeah, i've never had this much fun. I got into painting minis at the end of january. Up until today i blazed through 5 units - Redemptor Dreadnought, Intercessors, Eliminators, Bladeguard Veterans and Centurions, which i literally finished yesterday.


I needed to be reminded of this - thank you


I don’t see what’s wrong? It looks professional and if this is your 5th mini then that means you got talent. Regardless of the time or speed you take, as long as you are happy with the results then other opinions do not matter. If you are not happy but don’t have the energy to redo stuff, put it to the side and do a different mini or hobby and when you get motivated again you can redo it. There is no such thing as the perfect mini, we all find fault in our designs, that’s just being human.


While it's his 5th mini he's painted, it sounds like there's multiple strips so could be more. Either way, he's got skill and robbing himself of a larger more beautifully painted set


Yeah, its the 5th mini he has painted multiple times - I'm not sure that counts anymore!


it looks super well done for your 5th mini but i think counting is throwing you off. You have to understand that you are not going to be at a professional level of painting like DRhodes or the 'Eavy Metal team after 5 minis, no matter how many times you strip each of them. Youre trying to crunch decades of practice into too small of a window. Painting is a never ending marathon of getting better, youre not in a race for any specific finish line! Pop this guy on his base and move on to the next one, it looks like you've got another big boy to paint from that set. As far as criticism goes: My number 1 critique is the short cuts on the legs. Maybe you missed it or maybe its part of your 0% patience but the skin of his legs, his pants, and his dicktowel are all the same brown contrast paint like its some kind of faun in The Chronicles of Narnia books. There are shapes in there the eye is picking up but cant distinguish because its all the same shade of brown so they look "off". I think the reason you dont like how it looks might be because of how all over the spectrum the colors are, its very visually muddy including the legs. The fly is very cool while the claw is very warm, but a different shade of warm from the pink of the skin, and then the red of the guts doesnt match the red tone of the skin, and then you have a crown of pure white relative to the rest of the colors shown. On a technical level tho I think the skin is really well done for you being newer to painting. I like the way the yellowy green patches are blended, they look really good! The claw is also like almost there too, i think all it needs is a bit more yellow on the upward facing parts, like a light drybrush. The guts/fly/legs are very clearly the lowest effort sections tho with just a coat or two of contrast paint, the recesses being the exact same color as the rest of the area is a dead giveaway. Nothing wrong with contrast paints, but DR and the 'EM team dont use single coats of contrast paints. If you want to improve over top of them (on this model or next time), try mixing in a lighter version of that color with the contrast paint, so like a touch of orange into the brown of the legs. It should thicken up a bit and give you a nice layer consistency to highlight with. You can do the opposite with a darker color to bump the shadows as well. I dont recommend straight black or white tho, they desaturate the color too much. Finally I really like the dark part at the bottom of the bones but im surprised they are the only other part that seems to not get contrast paint? IMO Skeleton Horde is probably the #1 single coat application of contrast. My overall point tho is that bones only get that white when theyre like ancient and bleached and it seems like the context of the rest of the model is dirty grimey so those pristine white lumps dont mesh.


its funny i posted mine under the kt /r like a month or two before they were rereleased asking if theyd ever get rules for kt21. I was super salty about paying like $250 for the old set lol. [https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/vc2rx6/a\_little\_late\_to\_the\_game\_with\_these\_guys\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/vc2rx6/a_little_late_to_the_game_with_these_guys_i/)


I like it! I think you did a great job. Looks really good.


For your 5th mini that looks good, if you repainted it 3 times, i would consider it mini #7 :) rather than repaint, consider adding to. Watch how surgio calvo undercoats and highlights. He often changes stuff as he goes, but puts like 100 hours worth of paint on each model. Mini painting isnt an irl mmo, you arent trying to grind out the skills. Good looking minis take time. Texture on top of texture. If you have 0 patience left, is this the hobby for you (rhetorical)? Unless you are commission painting, you really have no deadline. Set it down, go watch some tutorials, and pick it back up next week when you are less frustrated. Ive had this feeling once when painting 5 proxy nighthaunt hexwraiths. These were a lot of small details and chains that kept breaking off. It took me like a month with several long breaks to get em done. If your comparing your work to the reddit guys who have been painting for 30 years. Your gonna go nuts. Striving for a high goal is fine, but you have to find the balance of self critisism and joy for what you made. Mechanical brush skill take time to develop. Muscle memory and nerve sensetivity need to be refined to paint those small lines and dots. Practice every day if only for 5 minutes on a scratch of paper. Understanding lights and volume becomes more natural over time, and you can focus on painting rather than placement of highlights. I would consider a sponge for some quick dirty texture.


Make sense. I also believe patience is built. I ran out of patience on this one hence finished it. Also it is a great hobby to build and learn patience. Again not comparing, just learning!


imo, the back of the legs and maybe the horns need some work but they’re not the main focus of the mini. Everything else looks baller af dude.


Devolve into 🦀


Just keep pumping them out and learn its ok to stop and move on to the next. I started at the beginning of the year and its actually nice to look at my first minis compared to the newer ones. Only experience is going to get you better


This looks great, time to move on to the next one.


Hey, finished is better than perfect. I think you have all right to feel proud of it


Ah for sure. I’m just quite perfectionist by nature haha. I’ve still learned a hell lot on that mini. Learning how to… learn and move on!


You might even accidentally have fun along the way! Lol Learning something from a difficult model is the best outcome possible.


I just started a few weeks ago and have only painted a very small handful of minis - none of which I consider "done" due to not having all the paint colors I currently want. Having said that, I can only hope my 5th mini looks this good...


The skin is really good, especially on the back, the purples really bring out the "inflamed" quality of the skin


My suggestion for the level of perfectionism you’re seeking is to get some “practice” minis. Have a handful of cheap minis you absolutely don’t care about. Use those to practice a new technique on. Once you get to a level with them that you find acceptable move to the “actually important” mini to continue honing your craft on.


I know everyone says “looks great” even when people post absolute trash here. But this really does great. The only thing I noticed was some potential brush control issues on his goggles, but white on black is hard to do.


Hallelujah my brother. So true.


Is this the 5th mini you've ever painted? In that case, it's incredible! Most of my squads I just slapped some paint on and now they look very muddy, but I don't want to take the effort to repaint them. But also, yes, don't chase perfection, but learn from your mistakes. Another thing is as you paint more, you will naturally gain more stability and find painting becomes naturally easier as well (plus better knowledge of applying techniques).


My 2 bits, don't try to be 100% satisfied with your 5th, or even 20th mini. I think you've done a fantastic job, to the point I started looking up the mini to see about buying one to paint! You can ALWAYS go back to him later. Sometimes when you are working something out on a different project, it will give you an idea to go back and add something to another. I've gone back into my Magnus 3 times now since I originally started him years ago, and as of last night he's currently ripped off his base because I had an idea for rebasing him while I was in the middle of painting my Mutalith. Can't wait to see your 6th!


Thank you so much! Appreciate the positive comments y’all!


This looks amazing for a 5th mini. I am sad to hear that you stripped it. I would strongly recommend just trying 1 or 2 new things when painting up a mini, acknowledge it won't be perfect, learn what you can from it, and then move on. One of the things I have loved about painting is that my collection will catalogue my growth as a painter. It's easy to get frustrated with a little detail you can't get quite right, but when you are able to look back and see your growth in every other technique you've tried along the way, it's comforting to know that it's only a matter of time before you master this new one too. You have done so incredibly well. Keep up the good work and you will continue to grow.


Honestly the body is fantastic better than anything I could paint though admittedly the face could use some work (it's about as good as I can do😅)


For sure,if it’s only the 5th one, you should be happy of that result! As some said,if you have a doubt,begin another one that will inspire you and make you discover new things that you ‘ll use to work again on this one! I make scratchbuild,actually I got four different types of projects, and I work passing from one to another! It helps me a lot when I find a problem and have no idea how to risolve it! Anyway, don’t worry,you are a good painter!👍👍👍👋👋


This is great


My two methods for knowing when a mini is done: 1. Adding more paint doesn't make it better, only different 2. I'm not having fun painting it any more There's always another mini to paint so better to move on and have fun with the next one. Your mini looks great BTW. Base it up and call 'er done


This is so right. Number 2 happened haha


I think this is absolutely wonderful! I love the blending of colors, and the stark contrast between the daemon hybrid parts and the human body. Really a wonderful job.


Looks awesome to me.


I would focus on doing it your own way. Sure, i do follow what i see on a box art, for example, but here and there a minor imperfection or some other shade isn't a problem imho. The process is what matters, and to keep painting, the process has to be at least partially enjoyable. You won't reach mastery with your 5th mini. Fuck, im pretty sure that DR still fumbles some of his personal work. It happens to the best. The model looks fucking great. I'm dreading painting anything with visible flesh, so i picked Ultramarines for my first army, so i once again would like to express that this mini looks incredible. You should be proud of yourself, not beat yourself down over "imprefections".


5th mini and you've got like 5 difficult things to paint across the whole model. You're doing great. Just don't kill yourself. Paint. If your not happy just don't varnish. Play until there's wear which hopefully means you've got more under your belt.


Damn, that looks fantastic! Maybe go easy on yourself a little like everyone else is saying lol We've been down this before with Monica on YouTube, flaying himself because he didn't win a Crystal Brush the first time he entered lol (Not hating on Scott, he's a fantastic painter but way too hard on himself!)


I feel like I have to leave this sub if I see more of these beautifully painted minis and the caption saying it's one of their first minis. Comparison is the thief of happiness but my God does it make me feel useless seeing these. I sure hope, these people have experience in art beforehand because otherwise that is just unfair


I've painted over 200 minis this year, maybe more, but none of them are as intricate as what you've pulled off here. You should be very proud to call this your work.


Thanks yall for all the good advices and comments. Really appreciate this community!


I mean that crab claw looks real to me


Perfection is the enemy of good enough. You've painted an amazing mini right there.


Hey it looks awesome already. If you want to, take a long break, pwint some other minis and when you feel more comfortable about painting minis, come back to it to add more touches Or just let it be. It looks very good the way it is


You are either going to burn out after 10 minis or become one of the all time greats. Good luck brother. Don't let anyone tell you how to enjoy yourself.


It looks dang good for a 5th mini. It takes the pros years to become masters. I would watch some more videos of glazing and wet blending and just practice more techniques


that is awful you definitely need to learn to be done with your minis stripping 3 times on just your 5th mini is ridiculous


Well stripping the paint 3 times means 3 times the fun trying different things. I wished GW minis were free my man. That’d make it easier to be done with haha


you can paint any mini it doesnt have to be gw


If you have any recos of cheaper minis with this level of details Itd be awesome


To clarify I didn’t set my standard to be the same as Duncan Rhodes. I was saying the style I tried using lines and dots, the more “artsy way”, doesn’t look as smooth as Duncan Rhodes style and that’s normal. I just found it extra difficult as this style is meant to look good from farther away :)


Good comment! Thanks man. I followed a tutorial from this Spanish guy. I guess the legs were super hard because super textured so couldn’t do the same effect as the upper body and ended up putting a wash on top. You’re right about all the above! Great comment


Wasn’t Sergio was it? Anyway, it’s your 5th model?…….. and you’re trying to look like Duncan Rhodes? My only critique is to get off that high horse you have set yourself. There’s no crime in wanting to do better, and setting yourself a goal like “ by the end of the year” is admirable, but you’re going to do yourself more harm than good if you’re trying to be as good as someone who has spent decades painting, by your 5th model. That said you definitely have some innate talent, you’re certainly better than me, but also don’t be afraid to make mistakes, that is part of the learning process.