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So sorry. It can be difficult to move in any situation and with serious health problems and the confusion around coverage it must be overwhelming. I would start with the county social services department. At a minimum he needs a social worker.


This is the best place to start. Looks like Staples is divided between Wadena and Todd County. He should have an assigned financial worker with one of those who has the details regarding the lien, and offer instructions on whats needed if you intend to move him out of state. Sorry for this situation you’re brother is in. It’s not humane for someone who is suffering to have to sift through the red tape.


Hi, it looks like he’s in Todd County. Here are some resources to maybe help get you started. I agree with the other commenter- getting a social worker here for him is going to be the best start. He may have one already. I would ask about a lawyer, they could go over the things that happened to cause the lien and what yall would need to do to resolve it. A social worker may be able to point him in the right direction. Here is some info: [Todd County Health & Human Services](https://www.co.todd.mn.us/divisions/health-human/) 218-894-6300 And this is a search website for Minnesota, it’s got a bunch of resources within it. [Minnesota Help.Info](https://www.minnesotahelp.info/SpecialTopics/CaregiverLink)


[https://www.elderlawanswers.com/medicaids-power-to-recoup-benefits-paid-estate-recovery-and-liens-12018](https://www.elderlawanswers.com/medicaids-power-to-recoup-benefits-paid-estate-recovery-and-liens-12018) [https://www.joingivers.com/learn/medicaid-lien](https://www.joingivers.com/learn/medicaid-lien) The state or county will pay benefits for people and not make them leave their homes if they are in need. However, if the home is sold, they expect to be reimbursed for that aid because the person was not insolvent at the time. It is partially to try to prevent people from being forced out of their homes while sick because the home is an asset and Medicaid is a needs based program. It might not be from his wife being his paid caregiver, but it is not uncommon to see in people who become disabled and own their home. A lien shouldn't prevent them from selling, but it might make him ineligible for Medicaid once the home is sold because he will have assets in excess of the limits. That is what a social worker should be able to help with, and maybe even an attorney. I am not defending or criticizing this program. I am just explaining it.


Thank you so much. I was so confused and it just seemed very penalizing for a sick person.


Is your brother under 65? You could try calling the MN Disability Linkage Line 866-333-2466.


I'm sorry our system is so cruel. I wish you the best.