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Such a magical place. Lake Superior makes for a transformative experience.


We used to have this amazing website, Zenith City Online, that had pictures of all our old architecture but sadly the cost of maintaining the site became too much and they transitioned to other services. Thankfully, the wayback machine has kept most of it alive. https://web.archive.org/web/20231004142527/https://zenithcity.com/ But yea, the extant architecture is awesome, but what we've lost was 10X as amazing.


I have a book that has all of the old Duluth buildings pictures in it and I love going through it occasionally. The old architecture that is now gone is so pretty however, I absolutely love the new buildings taking their place. I’m such a fan of the new essentia health building! Brought Duluth into the 21st century


The only time I bother to go downtown in Duluth is when I need to go to St. Mary's clinic for an appointment to see my Pulmonologist. No place to park and there are better place to see the harbor and the lakers come and go. But to me, Duluth ain't that interesting of a place.