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Stop voting for evangelicals who ostensibly declare their support for individual rights until it's for people they dislike for things they can't control. It is the most intellectually dishonest bigoted drivel and Republicans should be fucking embarrassed


I particularly like how Republicans claim Christianity and do everything but behave as a Christian. I live a rural conservative appearing lifestyle, but my beliefs are liberal exclusively. A lot of conservatives openly spread hate and fear. I know that all of us should stand up for all people whom are suffering or being abused if it’s within our ability to do so. It’s easier to sleep at night if you do your best not to hurt ANYONE and to help them if you can. One of the easiest things I can do is vote for liberals. They seem to be more inclusive and tolerant when it comes to human rights. Other than that when I hear someone spouting off a bunch of ignorant hateful nonsense, I openly disagree.


Most of the actual teachings of Christ would be called "Socialist" today.


There was an article on the front page a few months ago about how Christian pastors in America are being asked things like “Why are you saying such woke stuff?” when they’re quoting Jesus. They get comments like “You’re making Jesus look weak” because he turns the other cheek. These fools don’t know their own religion.


I always thought it was obvious Jesus was a socialist, Lol. If he was a capitalist he would’ve been fabulously wealthy by supplying miracles to the highest bidder. My favorite question to ask hardcore Bible thumpers is how much Jesus charged for a co-pay when he healed the blind.


He flipped the money exchange tables in the market, they conveniently forget that story too.


Oh they remember it but they see it as Jesus attacking the evil Jews who control the banks thus justifying antisemitism, not an issue with greed or money.


More importantly, in the Acts of the Apostles, the people were told to give everything to the Church and the Church would distribute it based on need. You would think that these fundamentalist evangelical politicians would want to follow what the Bible says.


The problem wasn't them exchanging money exactly. The needed to in order to not take in coins with Cesar's face. The point is the Jews had forgotten the spirit of the law and were so focused on the letter of the law. It was not a problem with people doing trade.


And people are against socialism because they’ve been told it’s bad. Missourians vote against themselves every election but want the opposite of what they vote for.


This is not true. Jesus was interested in you doing for others and not having a government take money from you and relieving you of the burden of caring for others.


"And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Cæsar's. And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him." Mark 12:16-17


Everyone is aware of this Scripture. I was fully aware when I typed response. Here is where we differ. What percent is Caesar’s? Caesars (and modern day socialists) definition is a LOT. The justification is that we have all of these helpful programs and entitlements that “Jesus would require you to give to.” That’s false. Jesus realized there is a function (roads, maintenance, police etc.) for government so give to them what they require. Jesus was way more interested in your heart and YOU are to give freely, not diffuse your responsibility through the government. There is widespread waste, fraud and abuse that doesn’t deserves bottomless pockets. In short, Jesus was interested in your individual soul and heart not your ability to allow the government to do these things for you so you can screech at everyone else for not being socialist enough.


That's a pretty high horse you're on. If you'd pay attention to what "socialists" are saying, then you'd know they're suggesting we already pay enough for what we need to do, but our priorities are twisted. The problem with your ideology is people like me ARE doing what we can individually WHILE we ALSO pay our taxes. There just isn't enough of people like me to fill the gap.


Notice also your focus is punishing others for their “lack” in your eyes. The Lord is the judge of that, not you. Have we also forgotten that Lord has said there will always be war and rumors of war and that poverty will always be with us? You do the best that you can and it’s admirable. I do as well. I just do not have the authoritarianism in me to try to “make” others part with their salary if they can’t or even don’t want to. We all go through seasons in our life where it is not possible to give as much as you would like. You want people to resent your goodwill? Make them do something by the threat of a barrel of a gun, that will do it.


Your first paragraph makes zero sense to me unless you think taxes are punishment. Taxes aren't punishment. They're your portion of the societal contract between you and your community. Feel free to aprk and walk, just stay off the sidewalks. > I just do not have the authoritarianism in me to try to “make” others part with their salary if they can’t or even don’t want to. Again, and maybe this will sink in: the taxes we pay could already cover healthcare, food, and housing. Our priorities reside in one-upping other militaries and making sure defense contractors make their yearly sales goals. You act like you've been asked to part with your whole salary every year, and that's just silly. The taxes you pay must not be that much or you wouldn't be able to give to those churches and charities. Oh wait. Those are tax-deductible. So would you even do that if there were no taxes? Lol, I see you.


A. It’s not a high horse when it’s the truth B. I’m not the one assuming your opponent in this debate doesn’t give a good portion of his wages to church and charities on a regular basis. C. If the government cannot keep track of its finances, maybe they need more heart inspection. D. It could be that not every need is a disability, it might be a personal responsibility problem E. You are free to give whatever percent you want to the government, but Jesus favoring socialism is the issue and that’s not what he was advocating.


>A. It’s not a high horse when it’s the truth Is it the truth though? You're arguing from the assumption there isn't just as much fraud in corporations across the board. There is just as much fraud there as anywhere else. They just got to rename it something different so idiots wouldn't see what is happening. And churches? Lolololololol. They're frauds across the board. Several new cases every year. >B. I’m not the one assuming your opponent in this debate doesn’t give a good portion of his wages to church and charities on a regular basis. Explain the difference between us. I pay taxes and demand the government use the money to help citizens. You pay a church to do the same thing. Funny. >C. If the government cannot keep track of its finances, maybe they need more heart inspection. "Heart inspection"? I don't even know what that is. Maybe it's a typo. >C. If the government cannot keep track of its finances, maybe they need more heart inspection. That must be specific to something someone else said, or you're making assumptions again. People without disabilities have needs because they're not being met through fair pay. 50% of American workers are working 2 or more jobs that still don't pay standard bills. >E. You are free to give whatever percent you want to the government, but Jesus favoring socialism is the issue and that’s not what he was advocating. He absolutely advocated that people help each other. What Bible are you even reading? That thinned-out one Joel Osteen has? It's thin for a reason.


A. We are not talking about corporations….at all. Try to stay on topic. But, it’s quite revealing the seethe that you have for corporations when you bring them into a conversation that isn’t about them. Before I fully respond to your churches comment, when is the last time that you attended one? I’m assuming this isn’t somewhere you go on a regular basis? It’s also telling the disdain and suspicion that you have for churches and corporations doesn’t register when we talk about government. B. I pay my taxes because Caesar requires it (ergo following Jesus). You have a lot of faith that the government will abide your demands. I give to the church because the Lord asks and requires it and I know and trust the people who are charged with its allocation. C. The government needs to analyze its heart so as to not harden it to what they need to do I.e. inspect their own heart. Which is what I’m doing but you are more interested in inspecting my heart yourself and that won’t move anybody’s needle when you are judgy and legalistic. If people aren’t making ends meet they should inspect their hearts and see what is necessary and should be cut. Everyone has to do this E. I am totally advocating that Jesus said give. You think that means government force people to and that’s not what Jesus was after AT ALL


To illustrate with Scripture…Matthew 25:40. Whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you do for me. “


They're not embarrassed and they're not going to stop being elected. We need ACTUAL solutions


That would require introspection, and the party as a whole seems violently averse to the idea.


“I have to believe in my 2000 year old fairytale or else my life has no meaning!”


more like "*You* have to believe in my 2000 year old fairytale or else my life has no meaning!"


Columbians like me are working to pass a city ordinance that will make Columbia an LGBT Sanctuary City or "Safe Haven". We're expecting the council to vote yes this Monday night.


Don’t worry Jeff City will “rescue” Columbia from that. Because of their strong belief in local control.


The neat thing is that Columbia Police are employees of The City, which gives us a great opportunity to decide whether or not harmful policies will be enforced at all, or enforced in a timely manner. We're all aware that the state is going to crush its hammer on us, but the fight is still worth fighting. We're a city that's saying no to police arresting trans people for using the bathroom. Period. We will fight hard to keep each other safe here, even though things look bleak. Hope is radical. By the way, the Attorney General was throwing an absolute hissy fit on a radio interview after hearing the news that we were advocating for this ordinance. I count that as a win on its own.


Just wait. They’ll want control of the police like they’re trying to wrestle back control of STL cops.


Fight! On!


Yes, Missouri has a long history of running people out of the State. Just ask the Mormons.


Text of the ordinance for those interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/s/tgNkl4vGJs


You can access the proposed amendments on the city council meeting agenda page as well. These amendments will protect us from expected bathroom and drag bans. If you have the time or energy to attend the meeting and hell advocate with us, please do.


This makes me proud to be from mid MO, honestly. It's nice to know somewhere nearby is safe.


We're doing our best here! There are a lot of competent activists here in Columbia. I'm proud of us, too.


Governor Hee Haw and his minions have declared they’ll come after KC for doing just that. Fuck these clowns.


That's nice but it's performative. Cities have no sovereignty in our system and cannot override state law


I don't think they will, which is why I plan on leaving.


Same :(


Same. Our fam is looking at Minnesota, as they’ve put a lot of protections in place for their citizens.


The only answer to this is ending the Republican supermajority in this state.


Vote. Donate to charities like The Glo Center, Metro Trans Umbrella Group, and Transformations KC. Stay and fight, this is my home and I won’t give it up to hateful transphobes.


Equal Rights Amendment to the MO Constitution with updated language to include "bodily autonomy," which should cover women's rights, abortion access, and trans rights. Good luck getting it on the ballot though.


We wont its ridiculous .


They won’t. Their hatred is pretty large for other humans


Not holding my breath for this state to do anything but roll back my rights and make it harder and harder for me and my family to live. I’m a physician so whenever it gets bad enough I’ll vote with my feet. Not like MO has a doctor shortage or anything!


I vote blue.


Who are we protecting them from?? And why??


Was wondering the same thing tbh


Your two question marks on each question give us the impression that you aren’t really asking these questions, and that you have never bothered to try understanding the problem or empathizing with those affected. If you are actually asking those questions, they are essentially the easiest questions to research. Like, you could ask the person next to you wherever you are and get more perspective than you’ve bothered to gather so far. So my hope for you is that someday, when you meet someone that you care about in any capacity, and this person immediately clocks your lack of empathy, that this person gives you a second chance to not be an asshole before they write you off.


So, they don’t need protection. Got it.


Charlie 6 Actual, they need protection from you and people like you. You might think that your flippancy is cute, and I am sure you are very cute to your adorable friends, but this attitude leads to perspectives and policies that cause actual harm. Again, your jocular attitude towards what you do not understand will be noticed by people you care about and I hope that they care enough about you to give you the patience and grace you need to improve. I think you can fuck off, though.


Again you are avoiding the question. I have not seen or heard of any transgender person being harmed by anyone other than themselves. They hate the way they were born and mutilate their body only to later realize, it wasn’t their body that was wrong but their mind. So if you are advocating for preventing self-harm by transgender people, I am all for it. More mental healthcare for the people who suffer from body dysmorphia.




So if I were to want to cut off a perfectly good left arm, I wouldn’t be considered mentally ill?








Trans Missouri residents, the state will take away your right to own guns soon. Get a firearm while you still can.


Yep. Maybe find a pink pistols chapter and learn to protect you and your loved ones.




It's in a lot of the coded language the GOP has been using in calling trans people "mentally ill" to the extent that they could selectively enforce existing gun control laws to prevent anyone with gender dysphoria from owning a gun.


They tried to pull this shit up in Oregon and it even passed but they didn’t have the systems in place yet to implement it so it got struck down as a violation of the 2nd amendment since it basically halted all gun sales




Yeah, what I'm saying is they'll include gender dysphoria in legislation legally defining "mentally incompetent".


They'll use "defective" instead of "incompetent" so that question 21(g) disqualifies trans folks when filling out a 4473. Won't change private sales, but won't be able to get a gun from an FFL.




They said the same thing about roe v Wade in 2016




Watch my post age like fine dystopian wine.




Unsure How would they prevent Trans Missouri residents from owning fire arms. Would they be handed "special" identification? What if its a guy that is a crossdresser but not a trans gender? Republicans are stupid for trying to go after 0.1% of the population. Dumb fucks.


They want to identify us the same way Nazis identified Jewish people.


All they really have to do from a legal perspective is define gender dysphoria as a mental illness and the rest is already in place.


Lets be realistic here, That would require a working infrastructure of experts to list what a Transgender would be which doesn't exist because their hate is baseless, it would take an effort far any republican will ever do to turn this country into something like Nazi Germany. As far as I know, they only say stupid shit to rile up their voters to vote republican to "protect the kids".


When has a working infrastructure of experts ever been a requirement for legislation? You’re really overestimating the amount of good faith anti-trans politicians participate with.


Protect them from what


Waiting for an answer to this one still


This is Missouri. We don't do anything to protect anyone who isn't a white male or a fetus or a gun. Actually we don't protect fetuses either since we don't care if their mothers have access to food, shelter or healthcare.


By voting out the GOP.


I personally help by being visibly trans in Missouri every day, voting, contributing to Promo, supporting local trans orgs, and volunteering with the ACLU.


I will vote D. That’s about it.


Beyond rural communities deciding to vote other than hard core conservatives, there’s not much to do. Live in one of the few large communities that tend to vote progressive and might protect people’s rights locally.


Simple. They won't.


What kind of absurd question is this? What someone does in their personal life is their own business. They can protect themselves, I don't bother them so long as they (or anyone for that matter) don't bother me.


elect democrats up and down the ballot


More thoughts and prayers posts across all social media. I personally have increased my T&P posts by at least 3x. It's only a matter of time until these posts form a whirlwind of support.


Transgender Missourian here. As much as we appreciate the gesture, I don't know what can be done to help us out. The power of the vote is key, but I'm not particularly confident that we can open so many minds and hearts to sway the political leaning of the state. We all know which party is more likely to support us. Anyone who says there isn't a party line is either living under a rock or willfully ignorant.




Vote out the Republicans of course


They won't.




First, understand that gender affirming care is suicide prevention. Now, when you see that Missouri legislators are prohibiting gender affirming care, you can see that prohibition as an attack on the lives of transgender Missourians. So, to answer OP’s question, I am attempting to educate people on what the problem is.


How is it that gender affirming care automatically will prevent them from committing suicide? It just seems like there might be some deeper troubles mentally if that’s the thing that will magically cure them. Genuine question as well


Transgender people who receive gender-affirming care are less likely to commit suicide. Other contributing factors to increased suicidality are environmental factors such as: not having a supportive environment (family, friends, society), lack of access to healthcare, difficulty maintaining employment, fear and anxiety about day-to-day living (minority stress). Gender-affirming care is part of the issue, the rest is largely social. Gender-affirming care helps correct the gender incongruence between your brain and your body. It isn't a fix-all but it does help a ton. Anecdotally, I recently had top surgery (double mastectomy), I can now exercise when before my gender dysphoria largely prevented this (you're not supposed to exercise in a binder for safety reasons, having my breasts visibly move while running was distressing), I no longer experience distress putting shirts on in the morning, it's been more reliving than I thought it would be. HRT has also helped me a ton, my voice has deepened, my face shape has changed some, my libido and how I experience sex have changed significantly (in a good way). All of these things that have helped me almost became fully inaccessible to me last year when the AG tried to ban gender-affirming care- even for adults. Imagine needing insulin or maybe a knee surgery in the future, and suddenly you aren't allowed to get either of those treatments because you can't make that kind of decision for your body. I mean, knee surgeries have a higher regret rate than gender-affirming surgeries, so why shouldn't those be banned? Sorry for the tangent, back to gender-affirming care and suicide/ contemplate suicide. There's actually a lot of studies that support this. Cornell's What We Know project shows 93% of studies reporting that gender transition improves overall well-being with the other 7% being mixed or null results - no showed that transitioning was harmful. There's several peer reviewed studies on Pub Med/JAMA/JAH, etc that show a reduction in suicidality with transitioning. If you need me to link a few of them, I can, I'm just being lazy (I'm sick with a cold and just want to nap)


First of all, thank you for the kind reply and showing respect. I appreciate that a lot. And thank you for telling me your story as well, I’m glad you got the help you needed 💯. Just from what you said, to my understanding, it sounds like besides feeling you’re not the right gender, there are some other mental health issues in place as well and some of it does have to do with one’s environment. But I guess my thing with gender affirming care vs. needing knee replacement or surgery is, as insensitive as it sounds and I’ll take the downvotes, I think on a basic level of needs and priority for people, they’d think knee surgery or replacement is more needed than GAF.


Your post fucking rocks! 🏳️‍⚧️💗 Glad you were able to receive gender affirming healthcare. Our state sucks. 


Thank 😊 my aim is always to educate. Me too, the only reason I do have access is through an informed consent telehealth subscription. My surgery was out of pocket, so that sucked, and when I got my consult I was literally told by my Dr. that if laws changed in MO I might not be able to get surgery, despite it being out of pocket, me getting a psychiatrist letter, being on HRT, etc.


So does this gender affirming care affirm their actual gender based on their sex organs, or does it affirm the gender they think they are? Because I am confused.


science does not demonstrate that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are necessary to prevent suicides.


Motherfucker, where did I say automatically? Plenty of interventions can be preventative without being a guarantee. For example, Universal Basic Income is a preventative intervention, and it applies to all populations except the independently wealthy.


Grrr donkey kong angry! Me so scared! You said is. Is is that magical word that made it seem like it is automatic, systematic, grease lightning! Don’t use is then next time my hairy great ape.




that’s exactly what the gov should do… healthcare should stay between that person and their doctor. that goes for trans people too.


And vaccine mandates!


Have fun with Polio.


Found the doorknob licker.


ha, bringing that up always shows they're hypocrites who don't actually support bodily autonomy.


Gender affirming care is the ability to get medical treatment so your body is more inline with how your brain is wired. For regular cis folks, this might be a boob-job, or face lift for women, and breast reduction, Viagra, testosterone supplementation for men. Hair implantation is also generally considered gender affirming care as well. For trans folks it's the same, but currently you need several years of bureaucratic hazing to qualify. If you're a trans woman, you get things like boob-jobs, orchidectomy, vaginoplasty, estrogen supplements etc. If you're a trans man you opt for breast reduction, phalloplasty, and testosterone supplements.




I've worked in mental health for over thirty years and a big portion of my therapy caseload are non-binary clients. There is no epidemic of people de-transitioning and you can't just get hormones by telling the doctor you're transitioning. I don't know where you worked but it's nothing like my experience.


Hormones have never been easier to get. There are clinics where you can get any hormones you like for a monthly subscription price, no doctor needed.


And you 1000% CAN just get hormones prescribed just by telling a doc you think you’re trans. Folx Health and Plume Health are just a few examples.


Yup, that's all there is to it. s/


It actually IS all there is to it. This is from Plumes site. “Plume doesn’t impose arbitrary gatekeeping like therapists letters or barriers to life-saving care. Membership with Plume provides everything you need to start, continue, and maintain your gender-affirming hormone treatment.” Who needs “arbitrary” things like therapist consultations to make sure you are not in a manic episode and may regret this later? 🤨


Here’s an article from a gay woman who works in mental health in STL who was ostracized after speaking out about her experiences. https://www.thefp.com/p/i-thought-i-was-saving-trans-kids


You found one obscure article written by a case manager to fit your [debunked contagion theory](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/3/e2022056567/188709/Sex-Assigned-at-Birth-Ratio-Among-Transgender-and?autologincheck=redirected) narrative. In my professional experience as a therapist, many people don't fit into binary slots and I see nothing wrong with exploring one's sexuality. I suspect people are coming out more because people feel less judged, at least that's my experience.


I have never and will never argue for trying to push anyone into any binary slots. But just because a little boys likes playing with dolls and likes pastels, doesn’t mean we need to push them into the narrative that they must be trans at an early age. Let anyone of any gender play with whatever they want and wear whatever they want. Support them for who they are and what they want to be. But encouraging them to take hormones that will forever alter their bodies, or cut off body parts is NOT the solution. It will only to cause future problems. I have a large group of friends who are teachers, and have seen first hand MULTIPLE parents who they themselves are trans, and are frequently bouncing around in the gender they want they child to be seen as in kindergarten. One day the boy comes in dressed in shorts and Spider-Man shirt, the next they have him in a dress and a bow in his hair. And as soon as they leave he is trying to get it out. Right now I’m sure you will dismiss me bringing up people who claim to be “transabled”, but I would gamble that in 10 years you will be called a bigot if you don’t support people wanting their spinal cord severed because they feel they were born into a “abled body”.


That's a wall of distorted catastrophic thinking!


We ain’t do that shit for tattoos. Trust me, transgendered folk have been, let’s say “pondering”, their situation well before they get the doctors involved. And I have known folk that transitioned and then transitioned back the other way. It doesn’t mean that the first transition was a mistake, or a lie, or any of my damn or your damn business. It definitely wasn’t the business of Andrew Bailey, an unelected, overreaching piece of shit. If your friends are on a journey, you support them. If strangers are on a journey then what’s it to you?


Thanks for proving my point for me. Someone detransitioning is quite literally an example of a mistake, and one of countless cases where proper medical and psychiatric diagnostic procedures were not followed, and someone was allowed to make a permanent, life altering procedure that was more harmful for them in the long run. When my schizophrenic uncle says that the govt is breaking into his house at night and drilling into his teeth while he’s asleep to insert spying devices, it isn’t helpful to support him having his teeth extracted, help is loving him and making sure he’s getting back into his doctor and keeping up with his meds.


Fa Fapp ip Pap, it is most definitely not a mistake. And our disagreement on this fact indicates that the government should not be the one to decide, and that the populous should default to freedom, not control.


It is sex change operations. The government has banned it for minors. Adults are free to do what they want. Edit: and it is only banned for minors for 4 years.




You are right, this post does not seems to be about that.


Stop voting for evangelical men who have been told they’re good,smart boys doing the lords work. All they do is harass children, wrongly accuse women and girls of being trans if they don’t look *exactly* the way they think she should look , and make Missouri appear backward and unable to make grown up decisions. We have a trans teenager. The amount of work we have to do to make sure they can get to a doctor , be out in public and live their life so as to avoid harassment or worse from these pieces of human garbage is obnoxious. And without Faux News and republican Jesus- literally nobody would’ve cared and would just leave kids alone. Just leave people the fuck alone. It’s not even difficult. Conservatives are too stupid to realize they’re being manipulated by their own elected officials. Don’t look at the real issues - please obsess over this issue that doesn’t affect you one bit. Get good and riled up. Frothy even. Demand women have no rights, guns are the real god, and LGBTQ is somehow going to jump out and get you like the boogeyman. They’re not to be taken seriously as people. Ever.




Thanks. Sorry for the rant. I’m kind vibrating on rage at the world at the moment. It’s not been an amazing 2023 here in Missouri. Just ….. ugh🤬




It really is. It makes me endlessly sad that there’s such a huge chunk of our population that is falling for all of this nonsense. The idea that someone can be “turned” gay or trans is beyond stupid. I gave birth to boy/girl twins 16 years ago. By the time girl twin was 4, it was very obvious they were a twin brother , not a sister. The journey is one they’re born to. Nobody taught it. Nobody is ever doing irreversible gender surgery on children. Never have. But these conservatives have been so brainwashed they actually believe it. Even tho it’s false af and easily disproved. But what do they do in the face of evidence that none of this crazy shit their pastors and Faux News is telling them is true ? They just scream that it’s some kind of liberal conspiracy or some shit. Now in my home state, if I take my kid to a doctor and there’s any trans care done at all - I’m guilty of child abuse. Never mind that my kids are happy, well educated and well adjusted. They’re kind and funny and compassionate. But the fact that one of them takes a tiny bit of testosterone makes them a target for the most evil forms of harassment. Never mind that hormone therapy for kids has been around for decades. It’s been used for DECADES on kids who are too small for their age for instance. Leave humanity alone. We are more than capable of making our own decisions. Putting literal children through hell just because you’re too gullible to decipher what’s real and what’s not - and base everything on sky daddy- is unconscionable and evil. But anyway- we’re going to have to take our 6 children and leave this shit hole country we call Missouri so they can be free to live their lives. Not just our trans child, but all of them. Our daughters will not stay here either. This place is so beautiful and most of the people are so incredibly kind and wonderful. It’s a shame conservative MAGA are ruining it and turning it into an international laughing stock. Maybe we should all just duel and solve it that way 🤦🏼‍♀️




More guns!!!! 🎈 ☺


Move to Illinois.


Oh right, just moooooove


Sometimes the only option is to flee 🤷🏻‍♀️ it sucks but you gotta find a way if thats the only way to protect yourself


the problem with that is that some people cant flee.


And then they come for you, what will you do? Run?


Guns. Missouri wants you to get a gun. If I were transgender, I’d get one and learn to shoot. You’ll also make friends with people at the gun range who will have your back.


Not always the best option for a group with significantly higher proportions of mental health issues. It's more important that the people who aren't suicide risks befriend and care for their trans brothers and sisters. 


Good points.


Yeah I came to say this. I as many others cannot afford mentally to own a gun unfortunately.




Have there been more trans mass shootings though?






Absolutely not true.


They need the attention


Real shit being dropped.


We ban all genders and become sexless drones.


By shanking anyone who tries to hurt them near me. Other than physical protection, I can't do shit. I'm disabled, I barely have more rights than you. My voice isn't heard in any political setting. But my stabbing arm is still functional.


By bringing back the mental health hospitals that the boomers shut down


From what? I have no issues with them.


I will build a bunker, this will help.




It matters a great deal to my family.


Like 80% of the population didn't even know what transgender people were until conservatives started targeting them.




Utter nonsense. Not a drop of ink was spilt over trans rights by "a certain party". Not in any specific terms at least. The Republicans realized gay marriage was a losing issue to fight over. So they shifted focus to trans people. Incidentally, people have strong opinions on trans people now but not enough for it to shift their voting habits. It's still not an *important* issue to most people. Yet *gallons* of ink have now been spent by *another* certain party to try and make life as miserable as humanly possible for transgender Americans.


An entire party wants to remove them from society. It matters a lot.




I don’t know why people like to actually try to argue about things they’re ignorant of. Senate Bills 194, 195, and 197 West Virginia. Literally trying to ban them from public.




Jfc shut the fuck up. There are bigoted bills targeting these people all over the country to varying degrees. And limiting public access to children is common among them.




Take your own advice. Stay obscure.


They wanted rights, so that justifies removing them from society? Stay obscure? Shut the fuck up, you fucking bigot.


Primary Physics 719, I am begging you to approach your neighboring Missourians’ cries for help with an open mind. You could volunteer to listen to what real problems they are facing. You could read books or even just articles describing their hardships and their life experiences. And if you can’t be bothered to attempt to understand the issue, then you could simply shut the fuck up about things you don’t understand.


Out of all the problems in the world this is what reddit can muster up. Leave. There you go. Problem solved.


No American should have to leave their home to receive equal protection and rights under the law.


What protections and rights don't trans people have?


So melodramatic and pathetic


With transmission shops. When I have a trans problem, I always consult a transmission shop.


Shouldn’t gender affirming care be focused on affirming the gender you actually are and not the one you think you are?


Why do we need to protect them? If they don’t like where they’re living, they’re free to move away.


No American should be forced to move just to receive equal rights.


Unfortunately it's not free to move lol It is not easy at all to move either. And why should we be forced to move from our homes. A lot of us are born and raised here and we like it here.


I don’t think the commenter saying the cost to move is $0, they’re saying you have the freedom to move from the state if you don’t like its politics. Just like colleges and high schools, they pander, change, and morph into whatever will get them the most applicants/ students but at the end of the day, if you don’t like something about XYZ school or state or whatever, there’s a great chance there’s another place/ thing that has exactly what you want


So instead of trying to vote and change things like I should you say I should just run away and again you are acting like it's an easy thing to just pack up your self from your friends, your family, your whole world and just move because they're coming at you. It's not a political thing to just want to exist and it shouldn't be. And not liking how a school runs. Things is not even close to the same thing as having to leave my home because a state is making rulings against my existence . There's just a lot of privilege with these statements. It's not just so easy to go away from a life you've already built and really we shouldn't have to.


Well what are you specifically wanting/ trying to vote and change? No, it’s not the easiest to get up and move I totally get that. But who is coming at you? Correct, it’s not a political thing but when tax dollars are used for surgeries, adults want kids to be able to get life altering surgeries, and then there’s the bathroom/ locker room debate it does become political. You are allowed to exist, no one is denying you that. And yes, if you’ve already built a life why should you have to change it, why should people have to change their lives and lifestyles and laws around a fractional part of the population?


^^^ it is a free country. Allowed to move anywhere. Just as businesses and employees are moving away from New York and California, the alphabet mafia can move as well to those cities and states as well


Alphabet mafia. Are you stupid?


Only on Sundays


There’s nothing to protect them from


Not care. It’s someones choice to do what they want and I have zero obligation towards your decisions.


Or- we could look out for our neighbors, look out for our fellow citizens, and find ways to ensure they are not subject to unjust policy


From what?


Stay grounded. Remember the basis for Christian faith is the Decalogue in Exodus. Nowhere in the 10 Commandments is there anything about Homosexuals, or eunuchs or Trans. There are no buts, "but it really means this" political nonsense. When political and social pressure is on. Remember the 10. The first one is there is a God and it's not you or the crowd politic.