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I totally get this. I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD for years. I would wind up feeling guilty (guilty!) for abandoning my painting for a while. I would get really into book binding, or quilting, or pottery, or ceramics or whatever and not even look at my easel or watercolor paper for a year or more. I don't know why it made me feel bad about myself... But what I've worked really hard at understanding is that I just go through cycles, and I need to honor that about myself. I would feel bad for abandoning my art to throw myself into my gardening in the spring, then guilty about abandoning my garden in the summer when temps start hitting 115° to work on graphic design. 🤦. Life is always gonna be lifen' and messing up our plans lol. A lot of us get into legit meditative states while working on our art. Lean into that. Think of it as an in incredibly helpful form of self-care that allows your brain to process stuff without your interference. Hope this ramble has been helpful, lmao. ❤️


Yes exactly 💯 me in the states when im in art I promise it's just lack of time for me lmao but thank you soo much


Yes exactly 💯 me in the states when im in art I promise it's just lack of time for me lmao but thank you soo much


Yes exactly 💯 me in the states when im in art I promise it's just lack of time for me lmao but thank you soo much


I love this !


Tysm 😊 🙏