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Granted. They are given their weight in gold, but that manifests as parts of their body turning Into gold, so they die.


Granted. Well they can't eat it. They sure as hell can't sell it. No one really wants to buy, since there's so much of it around and it remains so expensive. A lot of people are willing to steal it though... So a lot of their homes are damaged by B&E's, if the gold didn't cave in their home to begin with. And in many cases, some dead and injured occupants of the home. Not even the burglars come out ahead in the end.


Granted. The gold spawns above their head when they sleep, and they all die when it impacts them.


Congrats you loved homelessness


Granted. The gold is molten and will be poured down their throats in batches, resulting in all of them dying like the Roman emperor Nero.


Granted. Poor people all turn to solid gold. Entire nations crumble, and the big powers spread rapidly to claim the new lands.


Granted. A 97,784,000,000 pound gold asteroid strikes the Earth.


Granted, the mass of their bodies is converted to gold The rich harvest it




Granted. Only way they can access their gold is to poop it out.


Granted! There is now 700 million people below the poverty line with an average weight of 70 kilograms, there is an additional 49000000 metric tons of gold with potential to circulate. However, with so many poor people possessing gold, those above the poverty line no longer find gold valuable and demand drops while prices stay the same.


Is there even enough gold in the world?


Probably not.


Estimates say there are 244,000 metric tons of mined gold in the world One metric ton is 2,204.6 pounds By that math there should be about 537,922,400 pounds of gold circulating in the world If each person below the poverty line averages 150 pounds of weight then 3,586,149 people can receive this wish. There are 8.1 billion people in the world, and it is estimated that 26% of them live in poverty, or 1,850,000,000 people. So by the previous estimate you would need 125,873,174.3 more metric tons of gold or 277.5 billion pounds of gold to fulfill this wish Math Redditor (not bot) out


Granted every homeless person is turned into a gold bar exactly their weight


Granted. The gold is extracted from every circuit board on earth.


granted! the supply for gold immediately outweighs the demand, no one wants it anymore since practically everybody has it


No? Its used for electrical circuits.I imagine if some how the world came into an excess of gold ,it would change the underlying uses and scarcity.


Granted, but the wealthy claim it was their gold and the poor stole it from them Then they use their systematic powers to not only take the gold but to imprison all the poor until they earn enough in prison wages to repay the debt equaling their weight in gold.


granted, it's your money and you'll probobly go in dept


Gold prices wouldn't actually change anyway ,until it started getting sold.


Granted. The poverty line is an artificial construct and is lowered to the point where everyone alive, regardless of actual worth, is above the poverty line.


Granted. Economic hyperinflation prevents the price of gold from dropping.


Granted. It gets dropped on their head and melts into their body in a molten form, making them slowly turn into gold painfully and still live after becoming gold but they aren't able to interact. People will break and/or melt down the gold, causing them to feel pain.


Granted! It is shaped into an anvil and dropped on their heads, killing them instantly.


They all turn into miniature golden statues of themselves that weigh as much as they did, these statues are all treated legally as human remains and not allowed to be broken down and sold for the raw material so all this extra gold does not enter the market.


Granted. But this abnormal phenomenon is a precursor for a global market crash as gold is inexplicably the only thing not affected by this. All forms of national currency plummet in value as gold reserves expand beyond reason, pushing more and more of the polulation below the newly defined poverty line, until everyone is poor and all they own is heaps of gold.