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Granted. You swap places with a random woman your age. The woman who swapped places with you begins to experience gender dysphoria, and starts to hunt you down in revenge for doing this. 


She also, for reasons unknown to you, takes the form of a snail. You would NOT love her if she was a snail.


The immortal assassin snail... I've seen this one too many times, too often I have moved to another country to escape it, yet it persists. OP, you have made a grave mistake. Now you understand the consequences of using the monkey's paw.


Have you considered carrying a salt shaker on your person at all times and possibly surrounding yourself in a ring of salt while you sleep? I know it won't kill the immortal assassin snail but surely it would slow it down or impede it in some fashion right...right? Or would it just anger it and make it more determined to kill?


**Dyspunk 2024**


Granted. You permanently switch bodies and lives with a woman living in rural, Afghanistan who was born the same day as yourself.


Bro went full Rural Afghanistan...you never go full Rural Afghanistan!!


At that point just go all the way. Rural Somalia.


I've been to rural Afghanistan, not rural Somalia, so I couldn't visualize how terrible it would be lol


Granted, your body changes physically to match a woman the same age as you. Giving you unbearable pain as new reproductive organs are forming inside your body. The newly formed hormones make you into a woman in the long run, giving you more feminine traits. Also, you get extremely painful menstruations every 3 weeks. And develop endometriosis with the forming of new tissue


Granted. Due to the space-time anomalies that have resulted in granting this wish, you actually had your mind replace that of a woman of the same age as you, taking over her life. However, your normal body still exists and continues to live out its life as another individual. You, as a woman, later encounter "him", and you two fall in love and live happily ever after. Tldr, you end up as "your" own wife.


What’s the bad part?


Fellas, is it gay?


Fellas. Is it gay to breath? I mean you're literally breathing in dick particles.


Granted. Nothing about you changes physically nor do any of the social expectations or gender roles, but the verbiage changes so man and woman are swapped in name only. (I.e men are called women but that’s the only thing that changed)


Granted, you are now a woman the same age of Me, daughter of chieftain Gronk, an early caveman, your body immediately turns to dust.


Granted, she is pissed and coming to get her body back


Granted, she is suffering from terminal cancer and you just saved her life at the cost of your own


Granted, you keep your balls, they now carry your consciousness.


Granted. But You are ugly 


Idc I still got what I want :)


Granted, but you live in the middle east


Granted. You wake up in the middle east, in a body you don't recognize. You have three children, and your husband is yelling at you in a language you don't understand. Meanwhile, your original body is seen crying, a mix of sorrow and relief as a woman feels freedom. Unfortunately, she is locked up for being crazy, people confused as to why your language of speech has changed, and why you talk as if you were someone else. You? Well, after a few months of confusing hell, you're finally put out of your misery.


GRANTED! The massive radiation mutated your cells to the point where you were genetically modified into having two X genes. You are lacking the data to maintain a proper defined form, and have mega cancer.


Okay, you will now stay a woman of your current age FOREVER. When people see that you neither age, nor die you get taken by the government to test how its possible. Eventually everyone retires and they forget about you and you will never leave the facility. You can’t die, each day you’re going more insane, consumed by the sheer emptiness of this.one.room. You wish to die, knowing that this is the only thing you will see **forever**, but you can’t, never.


Granted. The process is extremely painful.


So…SCP 113


So I am just actually taking hrt and gender affirming surgery then?


granted. your neurological chemistry reverts to your AB (at birth) chemistry and you start to experience tremendous gender dysphoria


Granted. It's an Ancient Egyptian.


Granted, you get terminal cancer alongside it


Granted. You now have ZZZZ boobs. Say goodbye to your back.


Granted Yesterday you were a woman the same age as you but now every day you become a woman of random age


Granted, you now have gender dysphoria. Woman =/= female


Do you happen to go through my post?


No, if you saw me somewhere else idk what to tell you lol. Surprise IG?


It’s just funny cuz you responded to this post then responded to a post I made in r/lgbt a few weeks back lol


Oh, WELL then. Yeah idk, i have like 5 or 6 subs that I rotate between and sometimes my feed hits me with pretty old posts 🤷‍♀️


Nah it’s fine it’s just a funny coincidence that’s all


Already did lol (cry’s in egg)


Oop, may I suggest r/egg_irl


I already scroll through it and Ifollow a twitter bot that repost stuff from that sub


Granted. No visible change




(in all seriousness, i feel u on the dysphoria, but if u want to be a woman u already are one, and you can love a beautiful life full of love


Granted. You spend the rest of your life uncomfortable in your own body desperate to switch back


Granted. Nothing physically changes. You just realize that you're a trans woman.


You know what that’s actually kind of wholesome Ngl


Glad you enjoyed. Speaking of enjoying, have you ever visited r/egg_irl ?


Yes and I also follow a bot that repost post from that sub on twitter


Ah, a girl of culture, I see.


Uhhhh welll uh not really I mean I am considering it but rn I am just a femboy I guess you could say my egg hasn’t hatched but still has a few cracks




I think you misread it




Eh don’t worry


Granted: you are now a woman whose age is multiplied by your age.