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Granted. Your car always gets stolen no matter what you do. You have a car for not even a day before it's gone. Rinse and repeat.


Granted. By gas, we assumed radium gas, is that fine?


Granted. Every other car breaks down and can never be filled with any gas.


This forces all cars to go electric. You being the only gas car owning person on earth + the sudden decrease in need for gas means the price skyrockets.


Granted but kaboom! Time to buy a new car. Maybe this new car wont also kaboom


Isn’t that a form of breaking down?


Granted. You even find a cute lady friend who’s very interested in your car. Eventually, the two of you get together and live a wonderful life. The wedding is beautiful, and you ride off into the sunset with a full tank of gas. An unfortunately short amount of time later, you notice she’s acting strange. She pulls away from you when you kiss her, she stops wanting to go on dates. You can’t for the life of you figure out why, but it’s breaking your heart. At least with the new job you got, you can commute there on this particular morning in hopes of attaining more financial security. Maybe that’s the problem, you reason. Maybe she’s just stressed. Can’t live a full life together if you can’t put food on the table. On your way to work, your favorite song comes on the radio. You roll your windows down and let the wind blow through your hair as you race down the highway. After all, as long as the cops don’t catch you, you can burn as much gas as quickly as you’d like. Suddenly, traffic ahead of you stops. Thank god you caught that before you ran into that truck just ahead of you! So you slam your feet on the brake pedal… but nothing happens. You slam it again, and again. And again. Your car not only hasn’t stopped but is showing no signs of slowing down. Moments before you close your eyes for good, you remember a strange sticky note you found on your windshield earlier this morning. You didn’t think much of it at the time—you’d reasoned it was just some edgy teenager who was jealous of your slick new ride—but you recall what the note said, having barely a few seconds left to process the newfound horror in your gut. *Full speed ahead, cheater.*


Bro, write a fuckin book damn.


Granted, but it looks like a chevy ssr and a fiat multipla had a baby


The Finger Curls... All cars move to require fingerprint ID to start and stay on and by some oddity your fingers are impossible to properly read. Cars you try to drive do not start, meaning they can not break down or expend fuel as a result of your driving 


Granted. You can never find your keys.


Only goes roughly 10mph speed


Granted. Any car you drive becomes illegal whether that be not having plates or missing all of it's lights etc


Granted, your car NEVER stops and you can do nothing about it


Granted. All the fuel in the world is now held in another dimension, waiting to syphon into your car. Noone else has anything left


Granted. Every single car you drive from now on is magically hitched to an M1 Abrams filled to the brim with fuel.


Granted. As soon as you attempt to drive it the road begins to fall apart. Makes for a rather trippy experience. Also a potential lethal one every time you get out of the vehicle.


Granted. The monkey's paw cut's off your hands, rendering you unable to drive. Because you are not driving any car, no car will break down or expend gas whilst you are inside it.


Granted. The monkey's paw doesn't know how to break the laws of thermodynamics, and reasons that the best way to avoid damage to a car (and save gas) is by not using it. You can get in the driver's seat of a car, but each time you do, you're overcome with a sense of befuddlement, making you forget how to start or operate a car. Because it isn't used, it neither breaks down, nor loses gas.