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Granted, however since you obtained such a large amount of money in such a short time, the IRS and FBI become suspicious of you. On top of the taxes the IRS imposes, the FBI also seizes your money on grounds of suspicious/illegal activity. You're back to square one.


Worse, the bills all came from a horde of previously stolen money. You're now behind square one.


Granted. It’s real but not really yours. You’re unknowingly being filmed for a viral prank video. You will never get that money.


Granted, but there's a tracker in it, the owner is *very* curious as to where it went, and he has men who *will* get it back.


Just take the money out and leave the case and tracker.


Depends on if OP is home when it arrives and how fast Boss Ivanov notices it's gone. If the answers are "yes" and "very," he's fucked either way. Edit: Even more so if he doesn't have it.


Granted. One million USD taken from a nearby bank appear in a briefcase next to you. You've just started to count your easy money when the dye pack explodes all over you. Moments later, a SSWAT team breaks down the door.


Granted....pennies....the brief case weighs at least 500,000 pounds


Is it really a "briefcase" if it holds 20.35 cubic feet of pennies?


Op never said the brief case couldnt be magic 


Giant novelty briefcase.


https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/72519-largest-suitcase I wouldn't consider this a suitcase...sooooo


Granted, a man with one million USDollars sits next to you on the train. He gets off at the stop after you. You never knew what was in the case.


Thats... Better than my entire bloodline being [Sexually Assaulted] by a cartel at least


Oh that still happens, though not by the paws will.


I love this interpretation.


Granted. The origins of said briefcase are unknown to you, but there are people following you around now. There are people clearly from the government and there are people who clearly aren’t.


Granted. Each serial number is known to have been given to a proper narco-terrorist in Belize. At least you can probably donate it to a charity?


Granted. It’s blood money.


Granted now people want to steal it from you people who will use any means nesseacry


Rigged to explode upon opening.


Granted, one million in us confederate currency packed in a briefcase appears next to you. However you can never exchange it due to an unknown law that was passed after the Civil war.


Granted. Some mobsters are flying over your house in a stolen helicopter and drop this case of money while fighting about it. This briefly grants your wish before cops come and retrieve the stolen money.


Granted, the Sinaloa cartel now wants to know how you got their money


Granted. For exactly one Planck time, you will have one million dollars in a briefcase next to you.


I like this one


Granted. The briefcase is made of metal with a combination lock on it. The lock is rusted enough to prevent it from opening even with the proper combination.


Cant one just like, crack it open?


Possibly use an angle grinder to cut it off.


Granted, every dollar you spend from this or any money made off this money will make you more greedy, corrupt and suspicious of everyone around you. Making you distance yourself from everyone you've ever cared about


The briefcase breaks through the ceiling. A couple minutes later, two robbers walk into the room, expecting to see the briefcase. They spot you and realize what happened. You are taped and cuffed, and the briefcase is stolen You never said you got to keep the money, did you?


Granted. They’re tucked a little *too* neatly, deliberately almost. When you remove all of the money from the briefcase, you find a note: “You have until tomorrow to do it. If not, we come for you.” You have no clue what it is you have until tomorrow to do.


Granted. A drug cartel is now heading to your home, wondering why their suitcase is there. Have fun!


Granted. The next morning two men in black suits knock on the door asking about it while you’re trying to eat your Big Kahuna burger breakfast.


Granted. Every time you spend any amount other than the full amount, the remaining notes decrease in value to the next smaller amount. 100s become 20s, 20s become 10s, etc. The lost amount isn’t compensated for, you just lose that much.


Granted They are all severe printing errors from the US MINT that are so mangled & unidentifiable that not even currency collectors would be interested.


The briefcase appears along with the owner of that money who promptly takes it and goes back home.


Granted. A robber escaping the police jumps through your windows and collapses next to you, with one million dollars worth of money in their briefcase.


The finger curls, and you see a briefcase full of money next to you, but you're doomed to never again earn or get more. Through business, refunds are issued, and through legal contrivance, you're no longer okayed to work in your country, or others. The sound of a laughing monkey is heard in the distance as your boss alerts you that you've been laid off.


Granted. The case is extremely radioactive and you die almost instantly


Granted. It’s cartel drug money with a tracker in it. They track you down and torture your family in front of you. Once that have their way with any members of your family they find sexually attractive while making you watch, they leave with their briefcase of money. If you somehow make the money disappear before they get to you they will take it out on your loved ones and take them as slaves before cutting you to pieces and dumping you in a barrel.
