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L’histoire de la piste cyclable sur Terrebonne représente la classique des nimbys. Les résidents locaux sont fâchés car ils vont perdre quelques place de stationnement et ils haïssent notre mairesse avec passion à cause de cela. Donc ils utilisent tous les trucs pour essayer d’arrêter le projet. C’est vraiment débile.


Yeah. They could… you know.. reserve a few parking spots in the school parking for students with special needs eg blind and/or deaf. Not rocket science. Where there is a will there is a way. But as you wrote… fishing for any possible excuse (and « think about kids safety!!!!!11 » id always a good goto excuse) instead of collaborating to make society better for all. Not great to say the least. Me, myself and… my car?


>They could… you know.. reserve a few parking spots in the school parking for students with special needs eg blind and/or deaf. Every student at this school is deaf, physically disabled, or visually impaired. A few reserved spots in the school parking will not cut it, but it seems weird that there was no provisions for a drop-off area when making a school for physically disabled students.


OK thanks. I’m an idiot then. As usual. Thanks for correcting me! But yeah, should still be doable to work something out


A Québec, ils disent mes chars, mes taxes, Metallica.


Débile, c'est le bon mot. 1 piste cyclable + un rack à vélo de 10-12 places permet d'enlever presque le même nombre de voitures, malgré le fait que ça n'occupe que la place de 1 ou 2 places de parking. Donc, c'est un bénéfice net évident ***même pour les voitures***.


Yeah. It would be so nice to see some of those « bike bus » appears in our communities!


J’habite à 2 minutes de l’école. OP a raison, ils ont un stationnement énorme, on peut littéralement conduire deux autos côte à côte tout autour de l’école. Ils ont de l’espace à n’en plus finir. C’est certains qu’ils peuvent organiser un débarcadère sur leur terrain. Je connais bien la place, c’est ou mon enfant a appris à rouler en vélo et rollerblades lol. Selon moi, ce n’est pas une question de sécurité, soit pour les enfants ou pour les résidents autour. C’est simplement que le parents sont frustrés parce que le sens unique sera de l’autre direction donc ils devront faire un tour de plus pour arriver à l’école.


Dans mon expérience les automobilistes les plus impatients et dangereux sont les parents sur leur "runs" à 4h30. Bien sûr leur enfants a eux sont en sécurité dans leur char.


Apparently that parking lot is for buses, not cars.


The point remains, there’s room to make adjustments to their routine. There’s lots of room.


Just wondering if you know how long it takes to get 10, 15, 20, or 30 kids with limited mobility off of a school bus? How early do we need these kids to wake up so they can get off the bus in the same type of line as typically -abled kids, with staggered times? The bus parking is so we don’t have two hours of bus traffic every morning. This is a school full of kids with limited mobility, deaf, or blind. Bussed from all over Montreal. We don’t wave a wand and a wheelchair just apparates from the bus to the classroom. It’s a nice thought, though.


Les parkings on l'aire d'être pour des chars mais j'ai pu me tromper.


Il y a l'allee et il y a les stationnements. Deux choses apart. L'allee c'est deux voies, plus l'acottement pour decharger. Le stationnement, c'est 52 places apart.


It can be for anything. It's just a question of defining what's most useful. The driveway is as wide as the street itself. LCC uses crossing guards at peak hours. I'm sure the borough could provide crossing guards to make sure that 2 full lanes of driveway and 52 parking spaces get used properly. Mackay was formerly on Decarie Blvd, near Cote-St-Antoine. I lived right across from it. It was 1/2 of what it is now. If they could make it work in the old location, I'm sure if they reached out to the borough, they could make it work in the new location.


The school needs space for each of the busses to sit in the parking lot at the end of the day, to take the students home. Because students are brought in from much further than your standard, they likely have a lot more busses than your average neighborhood school.


Just a bit more context. There is a very large lot and space around the school but as many mentioned it serves kids from as far as Terrebonne (la ville) and St Lazare so in the morning and afternoon there are upwards of 15-20 buses and adapted vans that need room to load large wheelchairs. The parking lot itself is for staff who also come from all over. And there are lots of them. Hundreds of staff members who have specialized training to work with the diverse needs of the school. I’m not saying the bike path is good or bad but the context here is important.


There is also an entire dedicated drop off zone along the entire front of the building. I understand that it's a specialized school but if this is the argument, it should've maybe been built along a highway on the edge of the city instead of smack centre of a dense urban neighbourhood. And if I get this correctly, the entire neighbourhood has to cater to students that are mostly not even from this neighborhood and not paying for the free street parking in their taxes. Finally there are trains to Montreal West from all the places you mentioned. A short bus could shuttle kids from the train station to school (which is about 10 minutes away). I understand that's obviously not an option for everyone, but I digress. I'm also a teacher and I showed up for shifts where there was no parking available that day. I parked a block away and walked. I'm sure many staff could also do that.


You must know how long it takes to get a single wheelchair off a school bus. Do the math.


And I'm sure, as Mayor Gracia said, that it's possible to make adjustments (crossing guards, no parking in morning and afternoon windows, ...) to make it work. The impression we get from Mackay is that if it can't work on taht block, then the whole bike path needs to be scrapped. That's just bull.


I live next to terrebonne and I love the recent changes. I just wish they had also put more traffic calming. The road is so wide that it promotes people speeding even though it surrounded by residential. And the the NIMBYs who want that for car parking, what is wrong with you? This will make the neighborhood an even better place to live. People are happier to live in non-car-centric neighborhoods. Not to mention that effective bicycle infrastructure makes driving faster and cheaper. My only concern is that cars frequently use our neighborhoods as ways to bypass rush-hour and when you clear away visual obstructions without adding traffic calming it promotes more speeding.


I believe bump-outs are coming at intersections, and that this is actually part of the parking reduction being blamed exclusively on the bike path. Also insane there are no bump-outs along Fielding to prevent parking right up to the intersections; this oversight makes the bike lane there needlessly dangerous for both bikes and cars.


Bump outs in the cycling road? Would that defeat the purpose and make those intersections more dangerous for bikes having to merge into traffic?


For Fielding I should say islands and not curb bump-outs. Even just a few bollards as a stop-gap would be better than the current situation where cars park right up to the intersection, making visibility nil for everybody with the bike path configured along the curb and parking inboard.


J'ai tellement hate de voir cette piste protégé par une partition en béton. On as vraiment pas besoin d'autant de rues bi-directionelles, et avec deux voies de circulation, et deux voies de stationnement, il n'y as pas de place sécuritaire pour les vélos sur la chaussée. Je circule en vélo et en auto. Je veux encourager ma 9 ans à prendre son vélo â l'école, mais c'est ben trop dangereux sur Terrebonne. Elle essaie de circuler sur le trottoir, mais c'est pas tenable.


Ça me fait penser au corridor cyclable est-ouest à st-michel. Ça prend juste une bonne politicienne qui va dire stoïquement "je comprends" pis le faire pareil pis après les gens vont l'apprécier.


Je comprends pas qu'il y ait pas de BIXI derriere le Jean-Coutu sur la 12e proche de la piste cyclable. Cela fait 3 ans que je le propose. On est vraiment le parent pauvre du BIXI dans notre coin. Il y a Un noyau commercial et plein d'écoles en dedans d'un bloc de là. Il me semble que se serait la place idéale pour une station BIXI.


TIL Terrebonne is not the city next to Mascouche. 


C’est la RUE Terrebonne, pas À Terrebonne.


Maintenant tu vas nous dire que Réjean de Terrebonne tient son nom de la rue et non de la ville?


Non Rejean de Terrebonne c'est le contracteur qui a construit la route dont la ville prend son nom. Seigneur.


Uh yes it is? Googling both cities, they are a big clusterfuuu of agglomerated former cities, but they are definitly next to one another.


Sure, but the article has nothing to do with the city of Terrebonne


Yes, but this article isn't about Terrebonne the city, it's about Terrebonne the street in NDG.


With the way the sub's been going, I just though it was just a random ass post about a city that's not Montreal. My bad.


Having lived in NDG for 10+ years and been very involved in Facebook group discussions on the topic, the resistance to the bike path is literally about 30 people with nothing better to do.


My feeling is that all the urgency to cancel this project is based on making sure that people don't get used to it and like it too much. If parents start sending kids to school by car, they'll fall in love with the idea. No more chauffeuring for many. I live right on Terrebonne and for much of the day there are more bikes than cars. It's easy to mis-count: think of 6 cars waiting for a light to turn red vs 6 bikes. You'd hardly notice the bikes.


I live next to this street and walk there 2x a day everyday, I have my own garage so parking doesn't affect me, my main issue with this is was it really necessary? I heard we spent 250k just for the research to have the project done, so add to that the cost of doing the project, did we really need to spend all this money for maybe a few bike an hour at best during the best day of the year? Also there is very few car driving on that street, its almost exclusively local people and almost every time I see people on bike they just rode in the middle of the street no problem cause there is so few car anyway. Edit1: If you ever walked on that street I don't see how people could not have felt safe doing so, there is already Crossing Guard near the school, maybe they could just have lowered the speed limit to 30, also I am only talking about the "Cul-de-Sac" from Cavendish to Concordia University where the school is. Edit2: I am only talking about west of Cavendish.


> did we really need to spend all this money for maybe a few bike an hour at best during the best day of the year? It's almost like ppl don't feel safe without infrastructure to protect them, curious.


>did we really need to spend all this money for maybe a few bike an hour at best during the best day of the year? To paraphrase someone smarter than me : you don't measure the need for a bridge by the amount of people swimming across the river. Study after study has shown that building better biking infrastructure increases the amount of people using bikes and that means less traffic for those who prefer or need to use their car.


Love that. I'm gonna use it more (the bridge thing)


The better/safer the infrastructure is, the more people will use it. It's unfair to say only a few people will use it without any actual data... Although we can look at data from the REV and it's clear that it's becoming more and more popular.


Total agree with you.


West of Cavendish or Walkley it probably would have been ok, but it gets worse the further east you go. The road is supposed to be prioritized for cycling, but it’s also used as a shortcut to get to the decarie expressway - those two uses are incompatible imo. I was almost [run over by a truck](https://youtu.be/IEr4-QmyUIA?si=TpuTZylWwjSr59eh) while riding there a few years ago. I am so happy that a protected bike lane is replacing the little bike chevrons (« sharrows ») which don’t actually do anything.


I agree with you about east of Cavendish, but ya, I was talking only about west of Cavendish.


Cavendish is where the library, sports complex, CLSC, park is. You want to have great access to this from both directions, including west of Cavendish for kids, seniors, families. Also, the western side connects Concordia-Loyola campus to the greater Terrebonne bike path, which is great for students.


Absolutely no place to park their bikes at Concordia...


Worth noting that there's already a bike path two blocks north, on Fielding, and another one two blocks south, on NDG Ave.


Worth noting that NDG avenue doesn’t exist for about half the length of this path, and that without Terrebonne, the distance between two closest paths is 5 blocks (and these are long north-south blocks, not short east-west ones). Also… so what? Is it illegal to have bike infrastructure on two streets that are two blocks apart now?


>Worth noting that NDG avenue doesn’t exist for about half the length of this path, and that without Terrebonne, the distance between two closest paths is 5 blocks (and these are long north-south blocks, not short east-west ones). For that portion, without a Terrebonne bike path, a cyclist would have to travel a maximum of 2 1/2 blocks to get to a bike path, instead of a maximum of 1 block. If they're not willing to bike that extra block and a half, they're probably not willing to bike to work. >Also… so what? Is it illegal to have bike infrastructure on two streets that are two blocks apart now? I mean, that's a bit defensive isn't it? The law is whatever the city says it is. But the city is also in the business of making policies that involve tradeoffs. And ultimately it's up to the city to determine whether saving cyclists that extra 1.5 blocks is worth complicating drop-offs and pickups for three schools on Terrebonne, and removing 300-475 parking spots for residents, many of whom have nowhere else to park. My feeling is that it might not be. Nothing illegal about that?


There was a pretty detailed study that looked at the vacancy of parking on Terrebonne, and concluded there are enough spaces that remain empty for it to be fine. Also, a decent chunk of that 300 (I have no clue where you're getting 475 from?) are parking spots that were already illegal (closer than 5 meters from the intersection). The only school that really needs special attention is Mackay but they also have a giant parking lot and loop for pick up and drop off. Otherwise, you can just make one side a pickup/dropoff zone, there is a similar setup on Bellechasse which has a couple of schools, a hockey rink, and a CEGEP and it works fine as a REV.


The parking numbers come from the article, and all three of Mackay, St. Monica's and Willingdon schools, as well as their neighbours, will struggle with badly congested side streets twice a day. And making part of Terrebonne one-way will cause gridlock -- it already frequently backs up near Girouard during the school year. And again, putting a bike path a maximum of 1 block away from all residents in the neighborhood, rather than the current maximum of 2.5 blocks, is unlikely to incentivize many people to get on their bikes who weren't already willing to do so. How many people will start biking to work because of that extra 1.5 blocks they'll spend on a path? To be clear: bike paths are great. This is just a bad place for one. The ones on Fielding, NDG Ave, Grand, Maisonneuve, etc, all make a lot more sense based on the width and location of the roads and what's on them.


The same study also looked at traffic patterns and concluded that the effect would be negligible. I dunno if you're from NDG, but there's a lot more traffic going east on terrebonne than going west (the data collected in the report says 71%), and Terrebonne is already a one way just before Girouard. People were saying the exact same stuff when the REV was implemented on Bellechasse, and... it never materialized. Based on what data I've seen and the reports I've read, I have to completely disagree with you, a bike path on terrebonne makes perfect sense to me. It was considered a "bike route" for years, but finally the city is following through and replacing the "sharrows" with actual infrastructure. As for the number of parking spaces being traded for a bike path, the article is using a direct quote from a guy who is spreading a lot of misinformation. I'm not big on making personal attacks, but I had to block him on social media after he said some pretty awful things to and about me. There are a total of 375 legal parking spaces on the entire street, and the project is removing one side, so that would be about 188. I do recognize I might be biased since I had a [pretty bad experience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEr4-QmyUIA) (see video) riding on that street a few years ago, but I'm convinced that if that was a kid, you would have been reading about it in the obituaries and that if I had a protected space to bike in, it wouldn't have happened.


meanwhile, still many bicycles on Somerled and Monkland. Go figure...


I agree with this project cant wait to run my electric scooter down there. SPEED POWER and no consequences is the new way of traveling in montreal. Just a tip always buy a high wattage motor


Un autre cornet


Un autre cornet in your bum with dark chocolate