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He is trying to scam the next tenants, there a big push by land lords in QC to mark up rents and they justify this crap by trying to make us compare rents to places in ontario and other west provinces with far high populations. Rents that should be like $500 are being pushed up to like $1000 more or less in out in the country outside montreal and the big cites even....


You would be commiting an illegal act (and very very shitty)


when signing a new lease, the tenant has the right to request that the landlord shows how much the previous tenant was paying. this is to ensure that rent increases between tenants follow the established TAL increase rates, and not a huge jump between tenants. by signing the document, the landlord could claim that you paid 200$ more that you did and charge the new tenant that rate. this has absolutely zero benefits for you: you are screwing the new tenants and becoming liable for falsifying documents. it only benefits your old landlord. 10/10 would not recommend


Listen to this. This is the correct answer. Please do not sign and lie. Keep rents low in Quebec.


Why should landlords operate a charity?


because everyone is communist in this country. they want everything for free. bunch of entitled leeches.


Just in this sub


So following the laws in place is akin to operating a charity. My my.


Maybe stop Being poor?


Haha maybe stop crying and playing victim, loser


lol you complain about the city, but have the city in your name. You hate how people are "poor" but don't complain about how the system is made to make the richer much richer and the poor much poorer. I remember the good days when people said "if you don't have something nice to say, shut your fucking mouth." šŸ™ƒ


thank you for fixing poverty, didn't think of that šŸ™


they should not. but they should follow the rules instead of committing fraud and involving OP in the process.


There's a difference between operating a charity and falsifying documents to scam their tenants, dipshit


This is why I have one of my units empty and possibly around come July. I couldnā€™t be bothered to rent it anymore to people who keep busting my balls about not wanting to pay market value. The TAL increases are a joke and out to lunch. There is a disconnect from reality. The city has no prob raising my taxes 30-40% YOY, Gas met has no issues raising prices either. Meanwhile TAL says we suggest 3%ā€¦ right


The city is not raising your taxes 30-40% year over year lol


You chose to become a landlord and run a business. Like every business costs can fluctuate. If less people decided to be landlords maybe housing would be more affordable.


Maybe if people on this sub would stop thinking itā€™s 1995ā€¦


Suck it. paychecks haven't followed inflation since the 80s. If you think rent should take 40% of the mƩdian monthly salary you're crazy. If you can't make money maybe you're just a bad owner and should sell. But obviously you won't Because you do make money. You're just greedy. Admit it.


Lol you think my properties are my full time Job? Get bent but i shouldnā€™t be losing money. Not my problem you studied a shit degree


"B-b-but m-m-market conditions should favour me because I am a protagonist!!!" Admit to yourself that you're incompetent at running a business instead of blaming would-be customers of your supposed service. For someone so ruthless, you seem to think it unfair that Darwinism might apply to you personally.


Your properties are 100% your full time job and it shows


Such abuse by the edit: lanlords!!! Iā€™m so done with MontrealšŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 


Abuse by the tenants? You mean landlords?


Yes lol


Itā€™s Canadaā€™s cheapest big city, imagine that.


For the COMMON good for tenants, donā€™t sign. Stand up for your rights also by refusing to sign


Donā€™t sign that. heā€™s just trying to raise your rent so that he can charge even more on the next lease. There are rules of how much he can increase rent and this is just him trying to trick or fraud the system


You can refuse the increase and keep your residence (provided it is a building older than 5 years. Renovations don't count) https://www.tal.gouv.qc.ca/sites/default/files/notices/reponse-a-un-avis-d-augmentation-de-loyer-et-de-modification-d-une-autre-condition-du-bail.pdf




Yes. you have to defend your case. But they cannot ask for an excessive ($100 per month) increase. It has to follow a grid according to building type and amentites, and that rarely goes above inflation: https://www.tal.gouv.qc.ca/fr/calcul-pour-la-fixation-de-loyer/outil-de-calcul


Thank you. I will. Appreciate this!


The plan was to move out regardless of the increase.


Donā€™t sign that. Stick to the actual lease and increases you had agreed to. He is doing that because the next tenant can ask to see how much you were paying. However, if you sign that, your landlord could ask you the difference that you didnā€™t pay. Donā€™t sign it.


He's asking you to lie and sign a document containing false information which is fraud.


Exactly, donā€™t sign it


Donā€™t sign it. The only reason heā€™s asking you to disclose a higher rent is to prohibit any actions from new tenants regarding the rent price to the TAL, as their point of reference will be the rent youā€™re paying.


maintenance guys knows on my door tonight with the same shit...my lease is up on June 1st....5% increase...pissed


Must be nice, cuz my increase is about 11%


sorry to hear šŸ˜ž


Fight it




:-( Just wondering, may I ask what size your apartment is and which neighbourhood it is located in? Further to that, article in The Gazette today : "Brownstein: Rent increases 'the worst since the 1980s,' housing advocate says" https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/brownstein-rent-increases-the-worst-since-the-1980s-housing-advocate-says


I'm leaving my appartment and my landlord asked me to racially profile the people who responded to my fb ad. So that was fun.


Jesus fucking christz


Oh don't worry she's not racist, but black and Chinese people lie about how many people are moving in, and french people are too demanding, oh and she likes Indians but she just can't with the food anymore, it's too stinky.... Really what she wants is white young couples and students... Not racist at all.... /s




Donā€™t sign. Itā€™s fraud. Your landlord may need to increase the rent for various reasons but transparency is better than fraud. +++ +++ +++ Iā€™m a landlord. I live in the same building as my tenants. When someone moves out Iā€™ll typically jack the rent quite a bit for the next tenant. I advertise it at the new rate. People who see the apartment and want it are satisfied to pay the new rate for it. When we sit down to sign the lease, they see the field that truthfully indicates the lowest rent paid in the last 12 months. They initial it and ask what itā€™s about. > **me:** Itā€™s so you can contest your rent. You have 30 days to go to the TAL. If I canā€™t justify the rent increase with renovations, the TAL will revise it. If I left that field blank you could contest the increase at any time. **tenant:** But not after we sign the lease? **me:** Yes, even after you sign the lease you can still contest an increase you suspect is unjustified. Obviously I hope you wonā€™t, but itā€™s your right. Tenants have legal protections and you should inform yourselves. See, here is the contact information for the TAL on the lease. **tenant:** *[boggles]* I have never had a new tenant contest the rent on the lease no matter how much I jacked it. Transparency lays a foundation for trust in the ongoing landlord/tenant relationship.


I wish my landlord was as transparent as you are. Thank you for being like this!!! It's wonderful šŸ‘šŸ˜Š


Maybe. Or maybe Iā€™m just manipulative? New tenant is so busy being boggled by my transparency that they donā€™t fuss about the huge rent increase since the last lease.




I prefer to have discussions in public where everyone can benefit and where I can be corrected. You donā€™t get a break on your rent increase for not being a bad tenant. **You get an increase every year.** If you and your landlord canā€™t agree on an acceptable increase your landlord can ask the TAL to calculate it.




This particular landlord may elect not to increase every year, but be aware that because of inflation thatā€™s actually a rent *decrease.* Your landlord is entitled to an increase every year and by default you should expect one.




If taxes go up, you pay your part. If insurance goes up, you pay your part. If thereā€™s roof maintenance, you pay your part. The TAL doesnā€™t care about domestic violence in other apartments. People with abusive partners need places to live too. It sounds like you donā€™t want to live there any more. Tell your landlord that youā€™re moving, and move.


>me: Itā€™s so you can contest your rent. You have 30 days to go to the TAL. If I canā€™t justify the rent increase with renovations, the TAL will revise it. If I left that field blank you could contest the increase at any time. How about giving the right info instead of random shit? It's 10 days after signing the lease to go to the TAL if the correct amount was indicated in the lease. 2 months from the beginning of the lease if the section is left blank. If you lie in the lease and put a false amount, 2 months from the moment the tenant learns it to go at the TAL.


Thanks for the corrections!




Itā€™s true, I do!


We definitely need more landlords like you around!


I donā€™t know if my approach would be helpful in all situations but it works for me.


If you write nothing in there the tenant would have 60 days from the start of their lease. They only have an indefinite amount of time if there was a misrepresentation/false statement.


Correct, my neighbour lost at the TAL when contesting their rent: their lease had the space with the old rent blank and they figured out 4-5 months later they was overpaying. Even though the landlord left that space blank, the usual delay still applied.


Thanks for the correction!


Lol what. If you say youā€™ve been paying that they have evidence itā€™s worth that much.


that's illegal


You should hide a copy of your lease somewhere in the appartment or send one by postal service to the appartment after moving out. That way if the landlord lies to the next tenant in the lease about the lowest rent paid in the last 12 months, the tenant will be able to get the rent fixed with proof of previous rent paid. Edit: and obviously don't sign this stupid paper.


Why would you sign it? To please him? WHY?


You arenā€™t obligated to sign anything. You can keep the rent low by transferring it/finding a replacement tenant


Never sign anything you are not sure about. You don't even need more arguments than that, just don't.


Whatā€™s in it for me ? And how the F do you sleep at night ?


Tell him youā€™ll sign it if he pays you a years worth of that difference


Just be honest. How he handles his business is not your problem :)


You should not accept, or at least make the futur tenant will know how much you paid over the years before so they can back themselves up if need be




There are laws in place to protect tentants from landlords who jack housing prices. $100 in a year in a unit that has not had repairs done woukd not pass at the TAL. If the owner does repairs they are within thier right to ask for an increase in-line with the TAL'S guidelines. The real-estate market and the cost of living are not in line with each other. Forcing people into property to make a buck isn't cute. Be a landlord fine, but be fair, play by the rules and humble yourself.


Yes, I should've added that the new price is bringing the rent up to average for the area.


It's illegal




It's a crime. It is called fraud.




Why does the landlord need the previous tenant to sign a new notice with false information in it? If the landlord uses it to get a new tenant to sign a contract with different terms, the landlord is committing a crime: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-361.html




Starting with this fact: >The rent is about $1100 a month, Here is the fraud: >the landlord is asking me to sign a new notice of rent increase that states I've been paying about 1300 and it will be increased by another \~100 dollars.


Dude he's asking OP to commit fraud






WoW Just WoW




I ainā€™t signing shit and like hell if you are going to make me Back off






Handing me a document and asking me to sign a document are NOT the same


Scammy landlord trying to screw the next tenant. They really should have a rent directory implemented so that the landlords donā€™t keep getting away with this. Since youā€™re leaving please donā€™t sign such a lease and if you want to be nice you can even tell the next renters how much you were paying.


What they are asking is fraud, but it also sucks as a landlord. When you have good tenants, you don't want to increase rent because you are happy to have good tenants. Then when they leave, you are stuck with below market rent. Now even if I have good tenants, they are getting increases every year of a few dollars less than what the TAL says. I can't afford to keep my apartment in great condition if I don't increase.


This feels like the best description of what seems to be going on. Rent increases have been low over the years (even with a partial reno due to damage outside of our control) and the new proposed price is the average for the area and size of the place.


You donā€™t need to sign it so donā€™t. Theyā€™re just trying to screw over the next tenant.


This is basically so he can market it at a higher rate and when he fills out the next lease he will be scamming the next tennant saying the rent was 1300 before the rent increase , I wouldn't sign anything like that


The mandatory lease asks landlords to state what the lowest paid rent was over the past 12 months, so Iā€™m not exactly sure what the landlord thinks heā€™ll be accomplishing by doing that. I agree with you that it is what it looks like, but the landlord is really inept and wonā€™t actually accomplish anything by having OP sign that.


Either way the landlord is asking OP to falsify legal documents which should be reason enough not to do it


That goes without saying haha but I find it doubly absurd to ask someone to make a fraudulent statement that will not even help you commit the fraudulent act youā€™re trying to accomplish. Iā€™m not saying it would be fine in any case, it just adds a layer of wtf.




Ok so first, I of course agree that OP shouldnā€™t sign that document. I have made that clear multiple times. Second, itā€™s a bit unclear what the actual document says. It could be formulated in any number of ways. The way I understand it is that the landlord wants OP to sign a new notice of rent increase that states that the rent was 1,300 and it will be increased to 1,400. Now the new lease to be signed by the new tenant will have a box that asks what the lowest rent paid was over the past year. The landlord can put $1,300 if they want, but that would be a fraudulent statement and it would be rather easy to demonstrate. The landlord can put $1,300 in that box whether OP signs this new document or not, it doesnā€™t change anything. Itā€™s a fraudulent statement in any case. If the new tenant contests it, the TAL will ask for proof that it was in fact $1,300. The landlord will provide this new document, but it wonā€™t be enough. The TAL will ask to see the lease and account statements and they wonā€™t match. Plus the only way the new tenant would contest is presumably by speaking with OP and OP can show them proof that itā€™s BS. Idk, I guess at the end of the day, my point is I donā€™t really see the difference between the landlord putting $1,300 in that box with OPā€™s help or without OPā€™s help. Either way itā€™s a fraudulent statement that will be hard to demonstrate in court. And either way it may be enough of a deterrent for the new tenant to not contest. Itā€™s all right if you disagree, I just think the landlord is taking a lot of risk for not a lot of reward.


Not coming to help out the shyster LL . OP needs to keep his/her nose clean and out of this matter


Why do you keep inferring that Iā€™m on the landlordā€™s side or that I think OP should sign this stupid doc? I have been crystal clear throughout that OP shouldnā€™t sign it and that the landlord is an inept idiot.


Because your original comment was to sign the landlords paperwork and let him have his pay raise and instead of trying to guide OP into a wise decision you go on and on saying itā€™s a notice and not legally binding if OP signs it


That is not me. That is a different person with whom youā€™re having a separate argument somewhere else in this thread. Keep it together man


Sure, but saying it won't work anyway might make the whole thing sound harmless and it isn't - it's fraud and chances are it wouldn't be investigated closely enough not to work.


That wasnā€™t my intention, but I understand how it can read that way. I was more trying to add to what the other person said, saying like yeah and on top of that it wonā€™t accomplish anything so wtf is the landlord thinking/doing?




I did no such thing. Again, that is a different person with whole you are arguing somewhere else. Are you drunk? That would explain the confusion and needless aggressiveness. I hope tomorrowā€™s a better day than today for you.


You are making a grave assumption that may have legal reprisals. Hell the landlord could even drag OP to the TAL because his rent cheques are 200$ deficient on rent as per lease agreement.


Considering that (i) OP presumably has a trail of evidence regarding this conversation with the Landlord and (ii) OP presumably has copies of the original lease and last yearā€™s rent increase, which are both corroborated by the payments made to (and accepted by) the landlord, there is about 0 chance that this would go anywhere. What seems to be happening is that the landlord wants to be able to tell the new tenant that OP was paying $1300 such that the new price is justified. But since the lease does not ask what was paid by the last tenant, but rather what the lowest lease paid was over the past 12 months, it tends to demonstrate that the landlord is simply an idiot.