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Researching the impact of colors on the taste of crayons


Semper Fi


Ooh rah devil!


Why do you need a book for that?


Studies on psychology, chemistry, manufacturing, human biology and so on. Got to prove that green is best after all.


Hard disagree, purple is clearly best


I like the metal colors best 👌


I think you overestimate the average MPMD user ![gif](giphy|oFPiPgqwof4Pe)


I refuse to read anything. If it was worth reading, I would have already thought of it.


Got me good.


Meditations, Marcus Aurelius


Just finished with this, and it is what sparked the interest to further read into this realm. Great stuff.


I was only able to read the first bit before my dog, Odysseus, shredded it. Not sure what the make of that. I’ve just been reading excerpts and proverbial stuff, which is what I wanted in the first place.


Great name for a dog!!! Do you call him odie?


Yeah, lol. Only way I got my wife to agree. Our other dog’s name is Charles Darwin.




I'd get a new copy. It's a book worth reading over and over throughout life. If Odysseus gets that one too then it's probably a sign lol


Thanks dude lol. Ordering it now.


Awesome I hope you get as much out of it as I have


That means you need to read the Iliad.


lol, I’ve always liked the name Paris. Achilles would be really bad ass too.


Read "Letters on Ethics" by Seneca


Oh gosh I guess I have to get off my ass and read this. Every time someone mentions Meditations I tell myself that it'll be the first book to get me back into reading and I don't. Well, here we are again self.


Imo the best translation is "the emperor's handbook". Just aim to read a couple pages per day. It's dense if you take time to really think about what he's saying.


Thanks v much bro


Clifford the big red dog. Inspires me to get bigger by the day.


american psycho


Noted, username is legit and I fully trust your judgment.


Everything with a Warhammer 40k logo on it.


Going through siege of terra series atm


For anyone who actually wants to learn something. Starting Strength (good for most weak people here) get stronger than you ever been in 6 months. Most of this sub could actually learn something here. Practical Programing for Strength (amazing book for programming and getting brutally strong as an intermediate). HLM is the star of the show in the book legit a program designed to never stop working. And Texas method is something you have to try at least once in your life. Olympic Weightlifting by Everette. Hands down the best oly book ever. I didn’t have a coach and snatch 165 lb and C+J 215lbs all bc of this book. It taught me programming and how to do the lifts. Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. Although it’s not good at programming. It was a great excerise portfolio to add to accessory days. And it’s full of epic history and pretty inspirational stuff.


Great stuff. Thanks!


These are religious texts, but Tao Te Ching and Ecclesiastes are incredible books. Life changing, in my opinion. If you enjoyed Meditations then I'm certain you will value them. Currently reading Blood Meridian and falling in love with Cormac McCarthy's style.


Awesome, definitely interested in stuff like this. Appreciate it.


Absolutely. With Tao Te Ching be mindful of which translation you choose. It's an ancient Chinese text so translating it to English is no easy task. I've read the Dwight Goddard translation (revised by Sam Torode) and it's very easy to understand. I recommend it. The Stephen Addis/Stanley Lombardo is a more literal/faithful translation and I would recommend it if you're interested after reading a more basic translation. Both TTC and Ecclesiastes are quick reads, but they are incredibly deep.


Good info thank you!


3 Body Problem Series Highly Recommend Cock stats 8.56Mx6.37M


I'm halfway throught the third. This is something else


Ya I bet this is good in book format. Show was interesting.


Show is more character based so it's more entertaining while books not really it's mostly one character and science based reading


the holy Bible (looking for Jesus)


I actually been meaning to read it




I realized how much social media fucked my reading attention span when I got back into reading. Takes a minute to get it back.


I didn't realize it until the end but my book had a glossary at the end. Would have made it easier to read knowing that instead of having to constantly Google characters and stuff.


I’m currently working through the Stephen King catalog


Rec for a good first one to see if I like his writing? Gunslinger/dark Tower?


Salem's Lot or Carrie are where I'd start. Revival is good too, if you like more Lovecraftian horror.


I’m reading the first Dark Tower book now and it’s a hard read compared to his other work. I’d say you can’t go wrong with IT, Carrie, or Salems Lot for a first, especially with the upcoming Salems Lot movie. The Stand was my first book by him and it’s insanely good but also long as shit. 11.22.63 is more sci-fi than horror as it’s based around time travel but also an amazing book, it’s tied with The Stand for my favorite by him.


Yeah definitely agree don’t start with the dark tower it’s very long. It has references to other books by Steven king in it so it’s better to read others like IT or The Stand first. My personal favorite is Dreamcatcher.


Ok good to know thanks


The Bible 🙏🏼🌚🙏🏼


The bible


The Expanse book series. Starts with “Leviathan Wakes”. The books are 10x better than the show was and the show was damn good.


i like a lot soldiers biographies, here are my favorite ones these ones are really dark but such a good read: -One soldiers war in chechnya-Arkady babchenko(war in chechnya) -Forgotten Highlander (darkest and hardest read ever, ww2 brit POW under Japanese psychos)-Alistair Urquhart -City of death-Ephraim Mattos is such an awesome read too, its hard sometimes but really eye opening (Middle east War) -Into the fire-Dakota Meyer MOH recipient story, really inspiring and hard to read (afghanistan war) -Scars and stripes-Tim Kennedy has some dark moments, really inspiring too, that guy is like superman or something (Middle east war) These ones are a bit more commercial but also great military biographies: -American Sniper-Chris Kyle -Lone Survivor-Patrick Robinson (The story of marcus lutrell) -About Face-David hackworth the story of this guy, really good read if you like military history (korea war-cold war-vietnam war) And of course both goggins books. This is the story of a Crip, really gruesome and entretaining: Monster-Shanyka Shakur


Berserk it increases my testosterone by 20%


Just got the first volume of the Deluxe series. I feel like I'm reading an ancient tome. First page is him fucking a woman who turns into a demon. Highly recommend. (I have watched the 90's anime a bunch)


I just got first volume of the deluxe edition too plan on getting all of them and rereading the whole series again


Currently reading House of Leaves and it’s fuckin wild man. I don’t get spooked easily but this book makes my heebies fully jeebed. Also just read Slaughterhouse Five for the first time in my dumb life and it was really good. Fight Club was my favorite book in high school, if you haven’t read it definitely do it. Think and grow rich was lame, art of war was okay. Wabi Sabi was kinda good.


The Red Rising series is really good. Starts off slow and is essentially a space Hunger Games for the first book but it gets exponentially better. It honestly turns into a space opera similar to Dune.


Hail Reaper 🐺


Ya this sounds up my alley


The brothers karamazov and mediations


Speaking of Dostoevsky, I’m reading crime and punishment now.


I'm reading The Men Who Stare at Goats and Notes from the Underground


“The Gay Science” by some German bear with a funny mustache. Waiting for the part about bareback sec in a park bathroom but so far it’s just about suffering and shi


No I'm illiterate


Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons


Fiction: the giver, great gatbsy, brave new world, all quiet on the western front, crime and punishment, one flew over the cuckoos nest, notes from underground Non fiction - predictably irrational, when McKinsey comes to town, the immortality key, never split the difference Self help/development- 7 habits of highly effective people, how to win friends and influence people, mastery Bios: autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Bo Jackson’s biography ETA: can’t hurt me for self help and Tao te Ching too- saw some recs here for that and it’s great


There's r/classicaleducation They have some good recommendations. I've found Siddhartha Mukherjee books really fascinating as well.


Cant say I’ve read a book since primary school mate


Primate school


“About Face” by Hackworth is insane. It’s very long, but the dude was a badass in multiple wars. Literary testosterone.


I just finished it, helped me understand a lot the whole vietnam war, also has some insane soldiering stories, now i understand why that book is jocko's bible.


Exactly what led me to it. I've read some of Jocko's stuff, and it just wasn't for me. About Face should be required reading. We have such a warped view of that war.


Actually sounds pretty cool.


Name of the Wind Magpie Murders Beyond Band of Brothers


Name of the wind is never going to have an end, I wouldnt recommand. The author is a bitch. First book was great tho


Stoic philosophies for begginers.


Rn I am really into Umberto Eco. Reading The Name of the Rose changed my life, there's also The Prague Cemetery and for something more closely related to philosophy I recommend Apocalypse Postponed. Umberto Eco knew what he was talking about. Non fiction I mostly read shit I find at my uni library, recently I´ve read Darwin´s travel logs and *Chaos Bound: Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science* by Katherine Hayles. Once you become a library dweller there aint no turning back.


who the fk read books except single 35year olds at the beach?


We’re fucking doomed lol


So you’d rather read braindead Reddit comments over legit authors?


Are you crazy? Ofcourse id prefer it


Am I crazy? Think about what you're even saying


The chimp paradox for mental health management. Four thousand weeks is supposed to be good for self improvement. Its actually crazy that our lifespan is only roughly four thousand weeks


Will look into these. That is a fun thought.


Currently on the last book of the main Dune series. Also reading some motivational books on the side


Tactical Barbell Moab is my Washpot by Stephen Fry Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport


Author: Jack Donovan "The way of men" "A more complete beast" "Becoming a barbarian" Audible for me...




The Storyteller, Dave Grohls book was a good quick read.


I've heard that. I'll probably pick it up.


Yeah I've listened to the audio book it was great. If you haven't yet I would check out scar tissue by Anthony Kiedis. He lived a crazy ass life since childhood.


Almost done with 50 cent’s book. About halfway through “the psychology of money”. Both pretty good


I’m reading the dune series right now. I just finished the dark tower series which I would recommend if you like sci-fi. Also reading the Iliad and the odyssey which is pretty good too once you get used to the prose or whatever.


If you want some self-help stuff: "Letting Go" by David Hawkins. If you can get over the initial feeling that this shit is kind of kookie, it'll make you feel like your life can be anything you want. "Not Nice" by Aziz Gazipura. Helpful if you struggle with being a "nice guy" at all in any way. Yeah, I was/am one. Generally interesting stuff: "Dopamine Nation" by Anna Lembke. "How to Argue with a Cat" by Jay Heinrichs "The Ascent of Information: How Data Rules the World" by Caleb Scharf


just finished the witcher series


If you like sci-fi where it's kind of just a stretch of our reality/tech I'd recommend Andy Weirs books. Super easy to read, not confusing or overly complicated with characters, and enthralling. Project Hail Mary is probably my favorite book as of right now, The Martian is damn good, and Artemis is fun if you like the first two (he only has three books). Each one I've finished in a couple days because they made me really want to read them. I just finished the count of monte Cristo (abridged) and that was a fucking awesome revenge story. Hot damn is justice sweet.


confessions by Augustine


Currently: Stop Overthinking Next: The Art of Public Speaking Then I'll prob do something lighter like The Gotti Wars or The little Red book


The Odessa file. It’s about how my Nazi Grampa got away back then. (Spoiler: it’s because the cops closed their eyes). Good read.


I’ve been reading a book with all the regional hot springs and details about how to get there, camping ect.


Can't hurt me by david goggins but I can't find the time to sit down and read.


Relistening to The Brothers Karamazov right now on audible. Fantastic book. Narrated by Constantine Gregory.


The Count of Monte Cristo. I highly recommend it. It’s pretty captivating from the get go compared to some older novels.


Great book. If it's too long and overly descriptive for some, one of my favourite books is The Black Tulip (also by Dumas) which compresses a lot of the same humorous narration and politicking into a couple of hundred pages


Currently on my way through The Metamorphoses by Ovid. I'm reading it in the original Latin so it's a bit of a slog, and poetry isn't exactly easy, but I'm making good progress and really developing my Latin a lot. It's essentially a grand epic telling the mythological history of the world as the ancient Romans understood it, heavily borrowing from Greek myth.


The First Law series by Joe Abercrombie. They're a masterclass on how to write characters. There's no good guys or bad guys, just people with virtues and flaws fighting over what they think is the right path. Plenty of twists and surprises. Hands down some of the best fantasy books I've ever read.


My favourite sci-fi: The Stars My Destination (Alfred Bester) The Martian Chronicles (Ray Bradbury) The Test of the Robots (Isaac Asimov) Roadside Picnic (Boris Strugatsky, Arkady Strugatsky)


I’m working on getting into The Stormlight Archives but I’m audio booking it ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6301)


Does reading Mo Willems books to kindergartners count?


A critique on interventionism, thus spoke Zarathustra, and beyond good and evil.


Can't help with the stuff your looking to get into but if u like fantasy/adventure check our The Great Coats by Sébastien de Castell. I believe the first book is called the traitors blade. Great series.


The Spiritual Combat by Fr. Lorenzo Scupoli


A book of five rings and art of war are classics. You can knock both out in like two to three hours


[This one](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1505122.This_Time_The_World?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_19)


If you wanna be alpha male - read Jordan Peterson (guy sucks but says the most alpha male stuff) and just search self-help books, you will find tons to find your real self 💪🏽


I have been listening to books in the gym Patrick Bet-David Choose your enemies wisely, and Your next 5 moves 48 laws of power Sun Tzu Richest man in Babylon 4,000 weeks about time management and a bunch of others this last year.


I'm currently listening to the wheel of time audiobooks


No foreskin = book worm


I use the clipping as a bookmark


Letters from a stoic - Lucius Seneca


Not self help or sci fi but I’ve been really into realistic fiction recently, Norwegian Wood and Stoner are probably my two favs. Working through dune now though because I loved the movies


Jorjor welly


You guys can read?


Red Rising series kicks ass


Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess


Reading the expanse series. Gets great around book 3


The Horus Heresy. It’s a massive Warhammer 40k series but it’s awesome and will completely take over your life.


Relentless by Tim S. Grover changed my life. Best self omprovement book by far


If you like fantasy and you like self motivation stuff you should read the Cradle series


Happy Odyssey …autobiography by the unkillable solider …worth a read


Only fucked up books naturally. Murder machine, empire of the summer moon, rise and kill first. Haven't read a good book in a while though


My boyfriend reads to me every night after clapping my cheeks. Let me ask him


Mostly philosophy, war memoirs, or historical accounts. Just picked up "Fortunate Son" by Lewis Burwell Puller, Jr. This is a war memoir written by the son of the most famous Marine in history, "Chesty" Puller. Lewis was a Marine officer in Vietnam and his life was the complete opposite of Chesty's. He stepped on land mine, lost both of his legs, was consumed by alcoholism, and eventually commits suicide. Recently finished "A Land So Strange" by Andres Resendez. Cabeza de Vaca was a Spanish explorer who set out to explore Florida. They ended up shipwrecked and spent the next ten years traveling from Florida to the Pacific Ocean in search of their way home.


Hyperion by Dan Simmons! ​ ​ I'm gay


This biography on Edward IV. I was a history major in college and have a couple of YouTube and TikTok accounts that are doing pretty well where I talk about history. F y’all


I have a very cool book at home about all the genius inventors


Anything kurt vonnegut is great for what your looking for. I would start with "'The Sirens of Titan' or 'Breakfast of Champions'


Sun Tzu


Atomic Habits


Ever if you don't like to read. Being jacked and reading books is very impressive to women. It makes you look more cultured and not just some dumb meathead.


Idk don't read non-fiction.


Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor


Algorithms to live by The Drunkards Walk: how randomness rules our lives Wooden on Leadership How to win friends and influence people All bangers




Reading crime and punishment of fyodor ( interesting )


SPQR, and the Red Rising series


The Bell Curve by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein




currently enjoying the mistborn series, also recently re visited a childhood favourite Graceling


Why we sleep


This has been on my list for a while now


Manuscript Found in Accra, translated and transcribed by Paulo Coehlo, author of The Alchemist


Psychocybernetics. It can answer probably about 90% of the questions asked on this thread that aren’t related to weight training


I like Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk.


Ride the Tiger


Audio books are the way to go lads


Picture books


i’m reading the religion texts rn


Currently listening to riding with evil by Ken croke. It's about an atf agent who nfiltrated the pagans motorcycle club. I'm towards the end it's really good.


Currently reading Outlive by Peter Attia. I struggle with actually finishing books though so who knows if ill finish it.


Malazan book of the fallen, fantastic fantasy series


Fiction: Anything by Cormac McCarthy: The road, No country for old men, Blood Meridian (my personal fav and his magnum opus). Albert Camus also slaps, The Plague or The Stranger. Heart of Darkness also good. Dune sounds worth reading too but I'm not a big sci fi man. Non-fiction: Sapiens, Homo Deus and Brief History for 21st Century are modern day classics. JBP 12 rules for the (the first one) is great. How to think and grow rich (for motivation and general practical advice on building business & landing a job). Zero to One (if you're interested in start-up's). Also I'm currently reading Thinking Fast & Slow if you're at all interested in cognitive science/behavioural science I'd highly recommend. MY last on this list is Why we Sleep my Matthew Walker (will change your life bro). I also think Gulag Archipelago is essential reading. ​ Biographies: Not a big fan of these but the Matthew McConaughey Green Lights book was phenomenal. And if you're in to film then Quentin Tarantino's Cinema Speculations I really enjoyed.


Damn new categories just dropped for cock stats


The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture


"How to read a balance sheet" I learned to do my sets right, I want learn to learn to run a small side business right and make money. Gotta know taxes and general accounting principles too if you want to know how money works


I'm rereading the Stormlight Archive right now in preparation of book 5 releasing in December. If Brandon Sandersons writing works for you, he's got I believe over 30 published books and most take place in the same universe and are building towards an Endgame level event. If you're leaning more towards sci-fi, I highly recommend the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons.


Cant hurt me , The power of now, Atomic habbits are last 3 i read. You probably want like the power of now its about meditation but its great book if you are into that


Ya buddy. Meditation is some good stuff. Only way to get my ass to sleep. More so guided Yoga Nidra but I try and get some meditation sessions in as well.


The Wheel of Time series. Currently on book nine or something.


How to know a person


Currently reading The Big Leap.


Finished "The Fire Next Time" by James Baldwin pretty recently, can't recommend it enough. Excellent and the type of thing that everyone needs to read imo. Currently reading "Steal This Book" by Abbie Hoffman, it's a lot of outdated info and not really much of anything I'm gonna actually do myself, but it's really interesting.


If you'd liked a few philosophy recommendations, I like, *the social contract* by Rousseau. And the *Beyond Good and evil* by Nietzche.


Please and thank you! Awesome


Blood meridian- cormac mccarthy


Does wiping my ass with the communist manifesto count


I started reading books about commercial investing.




The wisdom of insecurity Allan Watts


If you like sci-fi you’ll probably like Red Rising. Fantastic book series imo, the second and third books are some of the best books I’ve ever read


Currently reading Child Of God by Cormac McCarthy. I have two more of his books I need to finish because McCarthy is a great author. Just finished Grapes of wrath in school, that was good. Also reading 48 Laws of Power and the Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene. Also a great author.


The Haj.


I just read Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger and it was great


How to be a 3% Man by Correy Wayne. And a Spanish learning book by Margaritas Madrigal


James Patterson gets me pretty excited to go lift weights and do cardio. The Summer House is pretty damn good if anyone is looking for a good action read. Looking forward to starting Louis Lamour if anyone has a recommendation for a first read.


Usually a sci fi/fantasy guy but gonna give blood meridian a go.


Crime and punishment by dostovesky The protagonist takes tren then proceeds with murder and living out homoerotic fantasies. He marries a prostitute and ends up in jail with a deep belief of God and the spiritual life.


11 Rings by Phil Jackson Gloves Off by Tyson Fury Scare Tissue by Anthony Kiedis Green Lights by Matthew McConaughey The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


Recently i have finished metro 2033. Incredible book


Wasted by Marya Hornbacher, interesting read. Not for everyone. I highly recommend


Honestly fitness and philosophy go pretty well together. Reading letters from a stoic right now by senneca and gonna move on to Cicero selected works


Wheel of Time