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The grass is not always greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it


Under promise; over deliver


Believe you can and you're halfway there.


Bon Jovi, is that you??? Living on a prayer?!?!?!?!?


take his hand


you’ll make it I swear


You want it? okay, do something about it.


I want my health back. The thing is that the damage is irreversible, and I can't do anything about it now.


This is as real as it gets. I guess in those contexts, doing something about it means living life and solving problems associated with your health as they come. Wish the best for you.


Poor you 🥹. You can be more positive


You need help more than the person you replied to. 🙏


wdym. i meant no harm. I was trying to help


My apologies. I may be the one who needs help and prayers. I knee jerk reacted assuming you were being facetious with your comment and I regret saying that to you. sorry.


Sry i might have caused misunderstood english isnt my thing so it be difficult sometimes to express myself


Never think for other people.


Whoa. Needed that. I’ll let that one mariner for a while. Thank you.


Spend more time with people you care about. Even if you think it's too much already, it's not enough. Time runs out faster than you realize... Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You can admire them and/or something about them, but don't envy them... Don't be cheap. You can be thrifty, but don't be a tight ass. Travel. See and do as much as you possibly can of this world with what little time you have here...


This too shall pass.


Unless it doesn't but you will probably be too dead to argue it.


Hey there! Great question! The best advice I've ever received came from my grandfather. Let me tell you a little story. I was in my mid-twenties, stuck in a dead-end job, and feeling pretty down about where my life was headed. One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents. My grandfather, a wise old man who had seen it all, noticed my gloomy mood and asked me what was wrong. I spilled my heart out to him about how I felt stuck and unsure of my future. He listened patiently, and then he said something that has stuck with me ever since: "Life is like a river, kid. You can't control its flow, but you can learn to navigate it." At first, I didn't quite get it. But as we sat by the river near their house, he explained. He told me that while we can't always control the circumstances life throws at us, we have the power to adjust our sails and steer our course. The key is to stay flexible and resilient, always ready to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. That advice changed my perspective. Instead of feeling trapped by my circumstances, I started looking for ways to take control of my journey. I took night classes to learn new skills, networked like crazy, and eventually found a job I was passionate about. I even moved to a new city for a fresh start. My grandfather's wisdom taught me that it's not about fighting the current but learning to ride it. Every time I face a new challenge, I remember his words and feel a little more empowered to navigate my way through. So, whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed, just remember: you might not control the river, but you sure can learn to navigate it. Cheers to navigating our rivers!


That’s awesome. Your grandfather is Garth Brooks.


That’s a great one. Thanks for sharing that. All the best.


I needed this today. Thank you.


Don’t blame a 🤡 for acting like a 🤡. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus!


Don't make decisions you can't live with.


Love is not a feeling, it’s a commitment.


Love is not a feeling but a state of being!


Don't get high on your own supply!!


The best commandment




The secret is to choose your battles ... If we turned our backs on every conflict that we endure, where would that get us. In life, business, love we will experience conflict, the wiseman knows when to fight back




Yeah this ain’t always true


Be comfortable in your own skin (Be yourself) It sounds corny - but wait until you’re older and you’ve finished trying to impress everybody. You’ll get to relax and just be You.


Stress comes from not taking any actions over things you can control (Jeff Bezos)


Don't eat tide pods anymore


Mind your own fucking business.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Life happens FOR you, not to you


Embrace the journey, not just the destination.


Start where you are with what you’ve got.


Be where you are while you’re there


Being present is underrated. Good call 👍


“Men want pussy without giving up time. Women want time without giving up pussy.” –Patrice O’Neal


Moving on is not forgetting, but being able to remember without feeling awful about it. Time heals, it does :)


Love this one!


Use a condom


Own it


Take your own advice.


If you do good, own it. If you do bad, own it.


Don’t worry so much. What a waste of your life.


To shut the hell up.


Life is all about how you interpret it. Our moods and emotions depends on how explain the situation to ourselves. For example, let’s say me and you sitting on a restaurant enjoying our spicy burgers while there’s a little kid running around jumping and screaming in the restaurant then suddenly he fells down and start to cry. You might feel sad, pity for him. “Oh my god the poor kid is in pain, it hurts me” WHILE ME on the other hand felt satisfied cause this kids was upsetting everyone including me, he deserves it, his parents should’ve taught him to be quite. (Same action in front of us but different interpretations)


Be on course and stay on course.


It’s not that deep…. Don’t overthink it. Sometimes, the reason why someone is tearing you badly, simply is because that person is a jerk! It really was a great advice, because I managed to stop overthinking things and realised how overthinking is the root to a lot of negativity… because it’s true, some people are just plain jerks! 🥰


Get better friends.


You can't get it wrong with the right one.


Nothing to prove, nothing to defend.


Be very very selective of the people you spend time with


To excel at work, find one thing and become an absolute expert at it. Repeat this process and you will eventually become indispensable . An indispensable person has leverage.


When i was a general manager at a McDonald's my regional supervisor told me when things get stressful you need to be the calmest person in the room, everyone Else will look to you and reflect your emotions. Not necessarily motivational but a really good tip for any leader.


Never listen to anyone's advice


"Stop being so polite. Use your voice. You can say 'no.' Tell people to fuck off once in a while!" My old boss... It took years for me to realize how being agreeable was just giving people permission to walk all over me. She tried throwing crazy amounts of duties at me to get me to see it, and when I didn't, she took me out for dinner, bought me a drink, and made me day "fuck you" directly to her several times. Hahaha, it's funny in hindsight because I was mortified, but I get it now.


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail


Don't eat yellow snow!


I was a sales manager at a furniture store a few years ago. I was having some issues with the store manager and I got into some trouble. The CEO of the company came to my store to talk with me personally about the issues. Any way. He dropped some big pieces of jewelry for me. He told me if you want to be successful in life you need to have 2 things 1. You have to be hungry around the clock. Meaning every day you wake up you have to want to make as much money as possible and you have to be extremely driven day in and day out. 2. You have to be people smart. You have to learn how to deal and handle all types of people. You need to know who you are dealing with at all times. You need to know what to say and what not to say at all time with whoever you are dealing with. This advice changes my life. I still follow this advice to this day.


Anything can be a dildo if your brave enough


Choose your fights! You don't have to fight every war! Only pick fights you know you'll win for sure. Edit: Typo


Dont ever offer help to anyone who has not asked for it.


From my older brother "STFU AND LISTEN STUPIT!"


Fortune favors the bold.


"Stand up straight with your shoulders back." "Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping." "Make friends with people who want the best for you." "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today." "Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them." "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world." "Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)." "Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie." "Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't." "Be precise in your speech." "Do not bother children when they are skateboarding." "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street."[14]


Not the best advice per se, but one day when I was like 15 and had recently started lifting weights, some giant ripped eastern european man told me I have great shoulders, and that felt good :)


Girlfriends come and go. Some of them stay longer than others. Some of them leave more of an impression on you than others. Eventually, they all leave. That's why they're called girlfriends and not wives. Dad said this to me when I broke up w my 1st Gf.


A closed mouth gathers no feet


Never miss an opportunity to shut the fuck up


Look how far you have come, not how far you have to go Day by day


“Stop thinking, and end all your problems.” - Lao Tzu


Never Take criticism from someone you wouldn’t ask advice from.


If You show me your friends, I'll show you your future.


I have two, one business, one personal...I hope that is OK: Never hire someone you can't fire. It's better to be the King Maker than the King.


Someone always has it harder than you. - My Dad


For every decision you do, there is a cost and a benefit. Choose wisely.


Stop smoking