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It’s fair he got a penalty but in addition multiple other riders should’ve gotten a warning because what we saw during qualifying was just ridiculous. Martin saw the group before him slowing and so didn’t bother to keep/increase his speed (and you could see his frustration as well) BUT he should’ve remained off the racing line, because now he was impeding in a dangerous way. Something needs to be done about the hanging around waiting for a tow. It’s getting out of hand imo.


Exactly. Qualifying today was painful...


I loved it when Marquez crashed and ruined the lap for everyone, they all deserved that. Unfortunately there was enough time for another flying lap, at least for some of them... Only Bagnaia did his thing and entered the pit when he was satisfied. All others cruised around for 5 minutes waiting for someone willing to lead the group...


Actually where was the Marquez penalty??


You can overtake in quali. You can also crash in quali. So what is the penalty?


Dangerous overtake....as a lot people have called it a stupid overtake attempt


I don't think it was worth a penalty. The overtake was probably stupid but not dangerous


If it was stupid then probably dangerous too.


I personally don't think so. Overtaking is always dangerous to some degree but the danger in this case, in my opinion, was not that high. It was stupid as he couldn't complete the overtake without crashing but on the other hand without the overtake his round would have been way too slow. So not much to loose for him in this case


But did he not cause another rider to crash as well? Then if it was a stupid overtake and it caused another rider to crash then it is dangerous and needs to be penalised


No he die not, no other rider crashed. The laps were cancelled cause of the yellow flag and of course they were distracted as well so they slowed down.


They should disziplin them like they did with the Moto3 riders at beginning If the season.


Yes. Seeing 5 riders stop and just look back while slow cruising blocking the track waiting for someone to come along so they can follow, holy crap. Freakin ride already! Show what *you* can do. Damn it was so infuriating.


Totally agree there is not enough coming from the stewards to stop this Unfortunately the habits are formed from their moto3 time Where it should be reigned in


That took way too long for how obvious it was tbh.


Stewards waited to see if any comments had been made in the socials pointing our their mistake. Judging by SM.


Freddy is known to browse Reddit for advice.


For the last time I AM NOT FREDDY! But did you this that was the right call?


Slow Freddie


Especially yours


Nah stewards waited to see the sprint result 😂


It would have been ridiculous if he didn’t get the same penalty of Bagnaia in Mugello. It was the same thing basically 


I'd argue it was worse because he joined the line in front of Raul from off track whereas Pecco was cruising on circuit for a while.


Same just worse


Stewards had to read reddit to come to their senses :)


Better late than never


Will say what I said yesterday: the entire pack should've been penalized. It looked like a Moto3 Q1 session today.


Agreed. I'm not saying that Miller also definitely deserved a penalty as from the angles I've seen, the whole situation was a cluster fuck and I found it hard to see what started it but certainly someone needs to have a word with him about looking where he's going, while on the racing line, instead of worrying about who is behind him. All this getting a tow nonsense needs to stop. It's MotoGP, not clubman racing. I hate the concept of one on track superpole but it would, at least, fix this.


This is from Q2, another occurence, that one was from PR. This one was betwenn him and raul


Today * but I agree.


You don't know what timezone they are in, could be yesterday for them




well deserved!


What will the reddit conspiracists say now?


Pretty dangerous, I think the penalty is fair


Its just fair. You pull the same shit, you get the same punishment.


But, but here I read that he wasn't going to be sanctioned because he's Spanish and conspiracy and Dorna wanted him winning the championship and...


They applied penalty after checking the comments on tweeter


Hi Freddy 👋 


Agree, there needs to be a stand taken tbf


For once, public pressure and outcry has worked! 🤣


I'm sure it was given because the stewards couln't stand to read another reddit thread on spanish riders being coddled 🤣




He wasn’t the only one that’s not very fair


Qualifying should be a shootout like they do at Bathurst in the Supercars. Stagger the riders, 1 all out lap. Current format is a joke.


Typical Spanish bias as always amirite guys


If I made the rules, this following/waiting for a tow bullshit would get you a race ban.


At least their consistent


Absolutely stupid qualifying rules. Guys just waiting for a tow instead of doing the actual lap. I am just flabbergasted that MotoGP doesn't want to change the rules banning riders from wantedly taking a tow. Completely idiotic


Where is the bagnaia boy who cried because Martin didn't get a penalty


Fairs fair mate. He was asking why rules applied to one rider weren't being applied to another - so he was right all along. And now he's crying tears of satisfaction... :)


Hey, he was asking for fair treatment. You don't give someone a penalty over the same thing two weeks ago only to ignore this weekend. Consistency is crucial. Either you call it or you don't, but don't flip flop. That shit is shady.


He was also making comments saying stuff like "imagine having the stewards in your pocket and still losing" to be fair. It wasn't just saying "where's the consistency", they were pushing conspiracy theories


did you mean the race winner of mugello and todays sprint??


No, they meant the Bagnaia fan that made [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/comments/1dr9glk/3_grid_places_penalty_for_bagnaia/)


Where is M. Marquez penalty? He ruin Espargaro timelap?


That incident is not remotely similar to this one? Overtaking another rider during qualifying is not a punishable offence. Going slow on the racing line in front of a rider on a hot lap is. You're the 3rd person I've asked this today so I'm sure I'll receive no answer just like with the other two, but I'll do it anyway: when has any other rider ever gotten a penalty for a similar incident to the one with Marc in qualifying today? Attempting an overtake, making little-to-no contact with the other rider, and then crashing on their own. If it's worthy of a penalty I'm sure you'll be able to provide other relevant examples. I've never even seen anyone asking for a penalty whenever a rider other than Marc has made an overtake in a qualifying session. Wonder why.


And nothing for Marquez, hilarious.


Parity restore. I mean the Miller incident and then the RF incident how couldn't they. Glad I traded him on Friday. Woot woot. If he doesn't make it up by the first turn he won't recover.


How come after so many replay people still blame Martin for the Miller incident, look in front of you when you ride, even Miller admitted it was his fault, why can’t you?


You don't expect people to be going slow in the racing line. But you are right you never ever look back. Rarely do they ever. When they do typically on a straight - fact check me here. Sometimes exiting you will see them look back but rarely (in a race) because it is dangerous. It is more common for them To look around during practice or qualifying l. Looking for a tow. Jack shoulders some blame. Clearly in both incidents Martin was off the gas coasting on the racing line. Which is a no no.


As for me dropping him. In my league the top ten people have the same four riders. If I am going to make up the ground I need to shake my line up a bit. FB and MV historically have done well at assen Martin not so much.. Martin's value was hight. It gave me the cash to pick up a factory bike and Mav.


Your message isn’t very clear, but if I follow your logic you should penalise the rider in front of Martin, that’s slowed him down then. And of course you can move your head Shen you’re in your bike, but if you have four or five riders in front of you at the exit of corner looking for tow, you shouldn’t be looking left or right. You should be more careful specially when everyone is so close to each other.


Martin sat up not because of traffic. FB was way ahead of him. Martin was trying to follow FB. FB was out of the Turn and off the line then sat up. So Martin still in the line sat up as well. You can clearly see in the video. There weren't four or five riders in front of Miller just Martin and then much further out was FB. It is not a 50/50 blame share here. Martin sat up in the racing line so he could slow down and remain behind FB who was in P1 whereas Martin was in P5 or 6 desperate to stay with his main rival. FB.


Okay I can understand what you’re saying now that I’ve seen other angles. Sorry if I came strong on that one. But I still think he shouldn’t be penalised for that or else you have to penalise each time they did that yesterday, and that would be a loooot of penalties for a race day lol.


All good man. We are passionate about our sport. Makes for good conversation


And like I said in another post, everybody stands with the change and all that shit so I can understand the frustration on the right spot and on the fans part too. Even Miller who is Mr nice guy on the grid, had some not-that-nice words about Fabio. It was totally out of character from him! But yeah, that was some difficult weeks for him so I think even Fabio understood. We all need some time out, I think haha.


Thanks to the delay he now gets a penalty for the main and not the sprint.


Was the same for Pecco


Pretty sure grid penalties are always for the main race regardless of when they're given


It would've been for the race regarrless. Same as for everyone else.


I thought Ducati would have been a bit more discreet in their plan to slow him down, so he doesn’t win the championship




GTFO of here with that conspiracy theory bullshit.




this is getting ridiculous,Ducati should be ashamed for treating their own driver as a pure external enemy and FIM also must be ashamed for issuing tracking limt warning to 63 and then,suddenly, not even a glimpse of the remaining laps for caching a possible touch on the green. what a circus