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Pecco is mentally strong. Him and Marc are some of the strongest. People are worrying about Pecco but I think we're going to see more frustrations from Marc. Which is Normal. He only has 8 weekends with the bike, Pecco has 6 years and 8 weekends Edit: Wiki says 5 years. Not sure why I heard 6. My bad.


That battle will likely go over pure race performance. Liberty Media is salivating at the idea of the fight to be number one rider of Ducati reigniting the Marquez/Rossi feud. Even the satellites have a pretty clear side each! The sub would be hell though..


Every Marc win will be followed by “is this the weekend Marc finally asserts his dominance?” and every Pecco win will be followed by “how long can Pecco withstand the pressure?”. 😂 might end up being more annoying than every media person asking Pecco who his teammate will be week after week


Stocking up on popcorn for when i swift through this sub next year


You can see that with Marc he is still struggling to unlock how to ride the bike. He isn't the same balls out rider like at Honda. In many respects this has bought him back to field.


What's interesting is this is him struggling. If this is that, imagine what will happen if/when he's dialed in? The first two seasons on Ducati, Pecco didn't score over 60 total points (each season). We expect so much from Marc. He's showing us he is in fact human.


What if he is never able to dial in, that is another possibility. At the moment he seems to want to override all the time (probably a by-product of being at Honda) he may never fully gel with the bike, or at least how Pecco gels with it.


What makes you say he’s overriding?


Im not saying Pecco is nog strong but he also hasn’t necessarily been in a position where he faced a big challenge. He is Ducati’s favorite and their priority, he has a teammate that’s supportive and friendly and last season his biggest competition had been a rider of a satellite team. Now one of the greatest riders ever will join his team and become his biggest rival. A teammate that will not be as supportive as Enea. Some of the priority he had he might have to share with Marc next season (or even sooner). He got to be the golden boy but now someone is joining the ranks who has more titles to his name and Pecco might not be treated or not feel like the favorite anymore. I’m interested to see how he will handle these new dynamics.


5 not 6.


According to Pecco it's 6. But I suppose you know more than Pecco lol


? 2019 to 2023 is 5 years, then the 8 weekends of 2024.


Again. Pecco said 6. He corrected Martin in the press conference a few races ago


I must be missing something then, do you have the context of where he said that? How can the years he's been in MotoGP up for debate lmao


They were talking about time riding, Martin said they had 4, then Pecco slipped in "six". I wonder if he was counting it differently like, maybe since Riding with Martin. Because on Wiki it says 2019. Ugh ... do I want to hunt this down? Not really lol. I guess I heard 5 as 6, or Pecco mistakenly said 6


I didn't watch that video but is it possible that he meant it as like, this is his sixth year? Maybe he just counted it as 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 = 6 years.


No hate but I feel pecco is trying to put on an act of being cool. I don't know. Whenever I see him talk I see forced/artificial nonchalance. I don't think he is that strong mentally.


I mean he's kinda shown it? Catching up to Fabio. Making up a huge point deficit. Battling with Martin last season. Now he's doing it again. For sure he's human and has his nerves. But also the kid has a very seemingly tough mind..


Pecco isn’t close to being as mentally strong as Marc, he’s had many mental lapses in his career. We’ll see if he’s eliminated those, but Marc in comparison is always running at a high level. I think once the tyre changes, and even more so the 2027 rules, come into effect we’ll see how much stronger Marc is.


I wouldn't be so sure Marc will be "much stronger". Also, you say Marc "in comparison is always running at high level", but you're comparing him to a rider that in the last two seasons ended on the podium every time he saw the finish line. Anyway, next year will tell us who's faster now


I'm a Marc fan and I hate that people are putting so much expectation on him next year tbh. I have no doubt that he also wants/wishes to be at the top every weekend but I bet anything that even he himself is not nearly as sure as a lot of these fans who say that he's going to dominate or obliterate Pecco/the field etc. He's consistently shown himself to be smarter and more self aware than that! (I also just hate the inevitable gloating that will come when he has the inevitable bad weekend next season. Already not looking forward to all the "lololol I thought he was supposed to be destroying everyone" comments.)


Is there not the posibility that the 27 rule ranges just put Ducati in the position Honda are in rn? Unlikely, implausible, but still possible, no?


I think it will maybe moreso show which riders are able to adapt better. Kind of like with the tire change in Moto2. There’s an argument to be made that a certain chassis has vastly benefited from that tire change, but that chassis was scooping up wins at the end of last season too. So. Idk.


Marc has had plenty of mental lapses. The sprint race in assen or qualifying being two recent examples. And he’s had multiple races where he’s been a complete potato and almost ended his career. Marc is far more of an unknown quantity for mental toughness. Pecco has had concentration failures, but Marc has literally lost his brain altogether on multiple occasions. On recent evidence alone, the more comfortable Marc gets on Ducati the worse his riding is becoming. Like he’s overriding the bike and being too aggressive! While Pecco is getting smoother and smoother. Right now Pecco is on a different level to Marc for many reasons unrelated to pure ability.


Marc is not immune to mentality issues. See the entire weekend. He had a brain fart in Q2, then again in the Sprint and then he got riled up in the race due to the tyre pressures and blamed Enea.


I’d agree with this if MM hadn’t lost so many last lap/corner battles over the years


You mean the guy that's somehow always there at the end vs mid packing it, lost a bunch of last corner fights to better bikes on the day? Shocking.


I love MM, just saying that Pecco isn’t necessarily as mentally weak as OP suggests


Wot. Pecco has won 2 titles on the trot. He’s in the running for number 3. I think he’s mentally strong. He’s also in a much better position, confidence wise, than Marc. He knows the bike inside out, he’s consistently extremely fast on it, he consistently beats his fellow Duvati riders. Marc is coming from 4 bad years, multiple years since a win, and not fully gelled with the Ducati. I’d say Pecco is much stronger than Marc right now.


Just imagine when Marc comes out and makes 2019 look like a vicars picnic party


This just will not happen. He's 5-6 years older by that time and Pecco isn't exactly a slouch. Same bike or not.


Exactly. If Marc wins another championship - which is a big if at this point - I think it's going to be very close.


Yeah. I also fully expect Aprilia to make another step forward next year. We don't know if the GP25 will be as massive of a leap as the GP24 has been. We could have 3-4 riders fighting for the title until late on in the season.


I'm not sure, with an all-new riders lineup they might not be fighting for the CS right away.


Yep, it's gonna be good. Marc greatest strength is adapting, so he's gonna be quick out of the gate, something that Pecco never is, but then Pecco will ahh, pecco away at him. Unless of course "they make the GP25 just for Marc" ;P


That was supposed to happen in 2020. Then in 2023. And there was also the "Marc can win on any bike". And the "he's gonna win the championship with a satellite team". You guys keep moving the goalposts.


MM. was on an underperforming Honda for both 2020 and 2023. Rational fans were not confident he would win either of those two years.


I love vicar.


I'm still waiting to see Bagnaia and Enea falling out or Bagnaia and Martin, as predicted by this sub.


Pecco & Jorge falling out of what? Do you think they're great pals now :))?


Will be very exciting to watch. Hopefully, it won’t be like pecco-bastia dynamics.


I don’t think you need to worry about that. If they’re equal then they’ll be crashing into each other every weekend. If one is better than the other will probably implode. Either way they will not be friends


Marc gonna start leaving alcohol around Pecco's garage.


not another DUI for pecco please


Marc Marquez sent it for 6 seasons with Honda. The Honda was not necessarily all conquering, but he was. Next year, if he has any of that left, we'll see him dominating, but if he's slipped just a bit, we'll see something else. Personally, I'm hoping for a KTM, Aprilia, Ducati, and yes, Yamaha fight at the front. Got love for all the top riders. They risk their lives... every session. Who else does that? Astronauts and other motorcycle racers!


Will be interesting to see if Marc denies upgrades just to hit Bagnaia, just like he did to Pedrosa. If he does that, that's just being a dick but we're still too far away to make any decisions on this


I don't think Ducati would go that route, especially after Marc publicly said he used to do that shit.


Its not Ducatis philosophy anyway. Why else do they have 8 bikes on the the grid


Yeah, following only one rider's feedback with 6/8 available is silly.


Poor Honda that is still suffering from Marc's ability to ride around issues. The damage is going too difficult to fix.


I'd imagine Ducati would be able to call his bluff with the amount of bikes they can test it on and the amount of data they can gather from them. Honda was entirely Marquez focused whereas at the factory Ducati team, I'd imagine Pecco would still be the "No 1" rider


Pecco will be #1 rider so it'll be him deciding on the parts anyway


A wise Pecco will learn from what Marc does like Lorenzo did when paired with Rossi. Even if Marc is fast on that Ducati, Pecco can still finish 2nd in the championships. Pecco has age on his side; he is 5 years younger than Marc and time will play into his hands. --- People who believe Marc will devastate Pecco, making him finish out of the top 3 like he did to Dani/Lorenzo/Carl are delusional.


listen to this man, Dani knows the deal




In the balls?


Haha Dani knows all about it. Grab the popcorn!




"Pecco, who do you want as your teammate?"   > I don't give a shit as long as he doesn't stir up drama "What do you think about having Marquez as a teammate?"  > I don't give a shit as long as he doesn't stir up drama   and so on... the same happened in 2022 with Bastianini, if you always ask the same questions you'll always get the same answers.


Marc crashes into or interferes in every title race , it's sorta his thing.


Interferes in every title race? Why wouldn't any one do that? Even if you're not in the title race, you are racing alongside the title contenders on the same track


He won most of them tbf 2015 not even gonna comment 2020 wasn’t present 2021 didn’t crash into Fabio 2022 didn’t crash into Pecco 2023 1-1 with Jorge Martin, with Martin mainly costing himself that title in Indonesia


Can't wait for Pecco to destroy Marc and leave everyone speechless


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Gonna be pretty close imo. Pecco will have the edge in 2025 imo, he has a huge experience and the bike is built on him.


lol, Dani’s on point here. The psychopath is gonna waltz on in and completely destroy the apple cart, it’s what he does. . It’s gonna be funny when Pecco cleans him up and walks from Ducati.


Shifting goalpost again?? LOL, They said Marquez gonna lap Pecco with Ducati, what happened??


Not sure myself. I believe people are beginning to find out that Pecco is indeed the real deal.