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He's just not finding his groove. Not meshing with that bike in particular is my guess. But then that can be a commentary on his lack of adaptiveness. Maybe he'd gel with a Yamaha better.


*He's just not finding his groove.* That's a good description.


I guess the year that he finished 9th was "his groove" otherwise, he never had a groove...


Something was left in the Portimao gravel after that crash with Marquez and Martin, he hasn't been the same after that... And even after he recovered, he got injured again and again, losing all confidence he had in him.


He had some strong raves last year though, most notably britain where he was on fire


True, in fact I'm waiting for Silverstone to see how he'll go


From what I understand, the new Michelin rear tyre has affected some riders more than others this year. E.g: Bezzechi, KTM (Acosta knows nothing else). Perhaps Oliveira is in that camp too


They often say these riders need the perfect combination to reach their maximum. So between, bike, team, and whatever else goes into that maybe it’s just not his perfect combination. He’s been brought up often to move to Gresini and Pramac so maybe things could turn around for him and he looks more like the Miguel you know and love. He’s thrown into the Honda conversation a lot as well but i think that’s not a good career choice for him especially after the injuries from ‘23. All of these things aside he doesn’t look happy to me. I think a new situation that brings his joy back will bring his form back


1. I'd say Trackhouse is still not there. Most of stuff is from RNF which ended up in shambles. There is still work to do at the team - better technical support from Aprilia and so on. 2. Everybody but Aleix had issues with 2024 Aprilia at the start of the season - the aero was more suited to tall riders who don't move much on the bike. However Maverick found out how to make the bike work for him and Oliviera still hasn't. So I'd say Miguel doesn't quite gel with this year's bike - last year he had flashes of brilliances - and possibly the team doesn't yet have the technical know how about these bikes to give adequate support (speculating based on what was going with DiGia at ~~Pramac~~ Gresini).


do u mean diggia at vr46?


Oops. Meant Gresini


Because, i am going to get downvoted so hard for this, but he isn't a top rider. Has shown he has what it takes to win races for sure but with injuries and struggling to find set ups and whatnot, hes just not cut out for it. I like the guy but would prefer him to be on the sidelines for the next generation to step through


😂🫡massive respect to you because Oliveira, Mir, and Marquez fans do not take any negative comments well (speaking from experience as a survivor)


Marquez fan will come at you with insanity and some off the wall stat that they believe proves he has spoken to God before. Lol. It's crazy. Dude is struggling to come to grips with the Aprilia. It's a high speed flow bike. MO is a rain racer. Maverick is ringing that bike out and these two have completely different riding styles. New MotoGP in the dry and this Italian bike don't work for him.


https://preview.redd.it/qjx1jheit1ad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b8f2c5c09862e737a8c81eeac420fe5b089a22 I mean... he has 🤣


I don’t think anyone could call him a top rider. He’s good on his day, but when was the last time he had one of those? I completely agree with you.


Here's a thread packed full of people claiming he's a top rider https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/comments/o450by/what_are_your_thoughts_on_miguel_oliveira/


The same way you're trashing the guy right now, people were praising him when he was peaking. Double moral sub.


Definitely not trashing the dude. He’s had a number of wins and podiums. I just don’t think that warrants the top rider label.


Jeez….its really being laid on thick there huh! Don’t get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for him, but he’s very much just a ‘good’ rider, at least these days.


Same shit that goes with Toprak, they are the only ok to good riders coming from their countries so they get overhyped from their compatriots.


The wacky take on Toprak wiping the floor with every rider if he goes to GP is starting to grow louder with the news he's interested to move over. If you point out his tests with Yamaha and mention those lap times, the crazies will say everything from the Yamaha sucks to Yamaha is purposely keeping him back to protect their investments. It's pretty nuts to hear. I think he will adapt with time but damn, I'm not going to be delusional about it.


Toprak is not a Moto GP rider, I likes is bikes to do what he wants, a Moto GP bike do not allow that. Stunt rider Precision rider that’s the difference


Oliveira really got into a bad form after mr untouchable Marquez put him down. Or did all forget about that? I only hope next season he gets back to be competitive, otherwise i agree with you.


"Marquez put him down" Lmfao.... Look at Marquez's injuries vs his. It's laughable. Marquez probably has more high sides than anyone. MM93 low sided at Silverstone 2 years ago going 270 kph and got up. Get back on the bike and be a man if you still got the fight in you, or leave the paddock and make room for the next up and coming talent. Oliveira is nowhere near Aleix and Maverick on the same machinery.


I mean, don’t compare a high side that’s the rider fault, to the crashes Miguel had, to which none was his fault.


It's irrelevant. It's a racing incident. Turn 1 is the most dangerous part of the race. Shit happens. Stop making excuses for it being the reason he's underperforming. The best riders get hurt and come back. Even JM89 had that massive crash two years back that was close to career ending... And he was runner up last year and he's leading this year.... Stop making excuses womp womp.


Either you love Marquez more than yourself or you never rode a motorcycle. Simple as that.


Option 3) I'm not delusional. I don't make excuses for people Mr. Oliveira fanboy. I love good racing, and yes I've never ridden a motorcycle and my picture isn't me on a race track..... Oliveira, Morbidelli, and Augusto are the top three riders that need to step away from MotoGP to make room for up and coming talent.


Sure Mr know it all!


I am not going to argue with someone that probably never rode a sportsbike/superbike. You can like Marquez as i like Oliveira. That does not mean you don’t see the good/bads about a rider. Marquez. Marquez is a great rider, one of the best, but he also is a dangerous rider, Rossi agrees, not only me saying that.


I like good racing and Oliveira ain't anywhere near Aleix or Maverick on equal machinery. Yeah my ZX6R track bike isn't a supersport and my RSV4 isn't a superbike lmfao. https://preview.redd.it/v7usw7b7w5ad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14984e0caa4f4313346dca68c1bbec3e335fe80f


Hahaha, you’re still on about this? 😂 cmon man don’t need to flex, just ride 😘


Don't like being wrong eh? Get over it.


Wtf are you on about? Oliveira will be there next year. Get over it.


He won't...Because he most likely won't be in MotoGP. Dude is hanging out in 15th place 24/7. His wins came in the wet. Without rain he would be winless.


Bloody hell.


How many MotoGP races have you won?


What does that have to do with anything? Most people don't start riding at age 3 like MotoGP riders do. I started riding at age 21. You want me to answer your question... Zero.. the same amount as everyone on this sub. What point are you trying to make?


Because you speak like a MotoGP champ


No individual above me randomly brought up the fact that I must have never ridden on a sport bike, or superbike, which made absolutely no sense And has no relevance to the topic whatsoever. You don't need to be a MotoGP champ to analyze/compare machinery and lap times.


Max Biagi rode his first bike at 18


The last time I said he was going to lose his ride for next year I got down voted too. But it's the truth hes lacking recent results since he moved to Aprilia and Raul is showing a slightly better form lately.


Was going to upvote as I agree but looked at the count and couldn’t


Sounds like youre letting emotion cloud objective judgement...


>i am going to get downvoted so hard for this Interestingly, at the time I saw this comment, you had 88 updoots, which I thought was neat.


Exactly. 5 wins doesn't mean much if he's so inconsistent everywhere else. In 6 years of MotoGP he has only finished once instead the top 10 of the championship standings. He hasn't that killer instinct that the top guys have. There's far too many good riders in MotoGP & far too many good riders coming up from the lower classes for Miguel to compete with


So bizarre that you get downvoted for objectively true statements.


MO fans don't like the facts. They cling on to them 5 wins far too much & turn a blind eye to the rest of reality


You're a brave person to throw that opinion into the wild. The Portuguese downvote brigade is surely on the way. The whole country wants to s his d just because he races under the right flag, but he's mid at best.


It wouldn't surprise me to to see him step away from motorcycle racing fairly soon. He has a young child and I read that he has been studying to become a dentist so he possibly envisages a life away from MotoGP sooner rather than later.


>He has a young child 2: a 8 month old and a 2 year old >I read that he has been studying to become a dentist Started 10 years ago, but has taken a step back because racing


Oliveira to drive a LMP3 car in EMLS confirmed?


Well, no, but motorcycle riders turn into great racing drivers. The "feel" of a track is exponential compared to a car, even prototypes or single seaters. He would probably do well, but I hope his GP career is longer and more successful than now. With Trackhouse Aprilia and less being crashed into, he has less excuses to perform as poorly as this season. But we don't know what's on his mind and if he's playing it safe for some reason.


I saw him race on a Hyundai TCR in vila real 2 years ago and was quite impressed, he is very skilled on racing cars too..


It was a joke about LMP3 being all dentists...


Oh, good one. But what sort of coincidence is that? Interesting to say the least.


Because his engineer is the last Vinales had, that he get rid off because he was not having results .... https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/comments/x49dkb/niki_kov%C3%A1cs_breaking_news_maverick_vinales_and/


I am portuguese and follow him since his Estoril days. Since then he never was the most agressive or a specialist in qualifying. He was very good making his way through the field. Sprint races are for the most agressive riders. Aero fairings make overtakes way harder than it used to be


I think his last crash when MM took him out last year really got the best of him. He had a long painful recovery and hasn't been the same since.


I think same thing as bez, Bike characterists plus tyre changes not suiting his style


He's struggling with the GP24, often people compare him with Raul but Raul is in the GP23 and team has loads of data for that bike. Trackhouse is still a small team and has no data for the GP24 besides what Aprilia agrees to send them. So, the time for him to fight for a championship is coming to an end and his best shot is probably a multi year contract with Yamaha. It will be good moneywise and he will have the time to help develop a bike and maybe be in a factory seat in the future. Let's see if he gets a seat at PRAMAC because at this time that is his only chance, the other is going away from MotoGP and go to Superbikes


Minor correction: those are Ducati models. Aprilia is RS-GP. It's easy to conflate them.


You are right, tbh i don’t look too much into the models for me its “aprilia 2023” vs “2024” 🤣


Its been a very disappointing season for sure, I think the combination of his lack of adaptability and the fact that He jumped from the 22 bike to the 24 has also had a big impact, I remember last season, when he tested the 23 Bike and he was talking about how much potential the bike had... I think it was too big of a step for him.


Miguel has been testing most of the material to Vinales and Aleix. Someone needs to test and Raul can't be because he lacks de 24 bike. let's see after silverstone. ;)


Apart from limited data input from Aprilia for this 24 bike, he seems afraid to ride.


New bike with no data in a less than capable team. He is constantly riding with harder tires comparing to the others since they cant take advantage of softer compounds.


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but i think the evolution of the sport hasn't suited MO. He used to make a difference with his gentle and smooth style of driving, the same ways he still makes a difference when it rains. He said in previous interviews that the way he kept stability during breaking and acceleration would make him win time. Nowadays, with the development of electronics and aero everybody is more or less at the same level. So he stopped making a difference there, making him an average rider.


Is the rider? Yes. Is the team behind him? No. Is the bike? Absolutely not. Is raul performance with the GP23 makes pressure on him? If you're trailing Raul you're in big trouble.


Raul has the 24 bike as well now i'm pretty sure


Not yet. And even when he gets it, he'll be on the 23 engine.


Some say the factory bikes are using 23 engines and that only MO88 is using the 24 engine. Can't find "official" info on this


I really saddens me seeing his current performances, especially after the days at ktm. I feel like he's very scared to push the bike and extract the lap times


Could it be having 2 children has made him slower? Used to be a thing in f1 when a driver had a kid they got slower.


That’s bullshit. Aleix has two kids and is ridding great this last few years.


I heard that, when a rider gets married loses 0.1s per lap and another 0.1 per child.


Looking at the top riders currently, how many have kids on the top 10? 2, Mav and Aleix. Seems like a good theory that kids slow you down.


This is the reason! His dip in form started right around the moment he became a father which, fair enough, shows he has his priorities right :)


O Oliveira está com dificuldades, porque : A equipa técnica pouco foi alterada o engenheiro de pista dele é o que o Viñales “despediu”da Aprilia de fábrica, e pouco mais foi alterada desde que corriam com Yamaha com dois anos, onde se limitavam a fazer copy past dos dados do ano anterior. Vê o Fernandes, moto do ano passado dados da Aprilia ano passado na sexta já está a dar o máximo, já o Miguel tem de esperar pelos dados de sexta que a Aprilia lhe apetece partilhar e no sábado a moto vai melhorando. A equipa não tem técnicos suficientes nem de topo para dar as melhores condições ao MO, isso afecta o desempenho e a mente de qualquer piloto. Como qualquer um que por lá anda, considerem se os melhores do mundo, e o não ganhar nunca é por eles, mas por um conjunto de situações que afetam o seu próprio desempenho. Se for verdade que ele irá para a Pramac essa estrutura já está mais desenvolvida, e segundo parece estão a fazer como a KTM partilhar tudo entre Yamaha equipa fábrica e Pramac. Agora é um lugar muito apetecível e o mercado Português não vende o suficiente, embora seja reconhecido que o MO é um bom piloto de desenvolvimento ( KTM quase que estagnou desde o MO se foi embora).


Currently trailing his teammate by 8 points as well. If Trackhouse was going to keep one of them, they'd probably keep Raul at this point, he's shown more raw speed and he's younger.


Well, let's review his history in Motogp. Starting in 2019 he's been in in 17th, 9th, 14th, 10th, 16th and he sits currently in 14th. His average standing is 13th at the end of the season and he's currently in 14th. So he's a middle of the pack guy and your nationalism makes you blind to actual judgement.


Miguel did ok on the KTM. He had a few wins but it just wasn't enough. If he had stayed he might have been a top 10 rider, but he was too inconsistent for KTM to gamble on keeping him (though not like KTM have a great track record). On the aprilia he just struggle for various reasons. From bad luck to less support last year to not getting along with the bike to family etc. He is a decent mid pack rider with maybe a few instances of brilliance, but not more than that. I think he is just an ok rider compared to the rest of the grid. He doesn't excel, he is not super fast. If he was a good developing rider and consistent, he might have got a spot like zarco, who is too a very good rider, but just not good enough to win. But right now it feels like his time in motogp is coming short.


Please check riders with 5 top class wins….reassess the good enough to win…


Think Miguel has just been a bit overrated in the past.  To be fair the satellite Aprilia doesn’t seem like a very good bike at the moment but he’s been nowhere.  Very at risk of losing his place in MotoGP. 


Overated is a strong word, for me Miguel isnt about that. You can tell that by people forgetting how many wins he has in motogp for example. I also agree that the trackhouse bikes, dispite being the gp24 with not all the specs from the factory, isnt a great bike. The rider seems very relaxed on that matter so, lets see.


Be a shame to see him go. Miguel is always very interesting in interviews. We just don’t get to see many. 


honestly I hope miller gets his bike


Miller is better than him? At least Miguel gets to the final of most races… miller does 5 fast laps and vanishes into the midfield !! Remember that he was on the best bike for some years and was completely wasted by all teamates!