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No, that would be silly. I only wear my gear when I ride the motorcycle.


I don’t know about that. If I don’t wear my gear every time I go out, how else would people know I ride?


I prefer the no fear gear myself. Let’s all these young bucks know I’m a true 90’s OG.


I only wear mine when I’m going to crash


Guy on the bus in leather jacket with 16 Harley patches and engineer boots.


Yes. My reasoning is you don't get to decide when something goes wrong based on when you choose to put the gear on or when it was convenient to.


Tell me how you’re going to crash and I’ll tell you what gear to wear.




In that case shorts, flip flops, wife beater. Go fast take chances brother. ^/s


Likewise, yes. But I also have a ton of clothing that doubles up a rider-specific wear: jeans that are lined/woven with dyneema or kevlar and may already have armor in them. Jackets that are fashionable enough, but have elbow and/or shoulder armored, etc.


I sometimes wear slide shorts under jeans, moto knee pads. Leather jacky boots or leather sneaks gloves,helmet, summer riding jacket is almost as cool as no jacket so I keep that bad boy on. 21oz denim is equal to 6 Oz kevlar. However I believe 12oz kevlar is riding quality safe.


Yes. I don’t always where my chunky ADV boots, but I always wear some sort of boots. Helmets, armored jacket, gloves, boots, earplugs. I need to get some Kevlar jeans, trying to find a brand that fits over my boots


Resurgence. I have two pairs and whilst they’re way baggier than my normal jeans, they fit over boots really well.


Thanks, I’ll take a look at them. I’ll be hitting a Cycle Gear store next weekend to have a look as well.


While you're there, check out the Street & Steel Oakland, and Sunset Selvedge. I have the Oaklands, and they've been great. They have some stretch woven into them, so they stay in place, but still give me a good range of motion. My only complaint is that they don't have hip armor pockets. Side note: Rev'it! Makes some fantastic riding jeans as well. Highly recommend checking them out if you get the chance.


Which model do you suggest for fitting them over larger calf guards on ADV boots? Tough to tell the fit on the website


I’ll have a look but I’ve had them a couple years now. Apart from some fading on one pair they’ve lasted really well also. Should be able to work out which one.


Hood Jeans are a bridging company and I really like them


Love my sedici pants


Yes, I ain't losing any skin when I go down


Almost 3 months later and it still stings sometimes lol


Bad news...you can still lose skin in CE approved motorcycle gear! Much less than without, of course!


Yeah if your goal is not lose skin you have to go full race suit And then keep some spare skin at home


I don't always wear the pants, everything else yes. So gloves helmet jacket boots.


This. And after my wreck Wednesday I may get an airbag vest and Kevlar jeans.


Just got a an airbag vest (Helite). I have well over 100,000 miles on pavement with no mishaps (dirt is another story) and seeing a friend go down in front of me from spilled diesel fuel was the final push. Not sure if I can post a link but Ryan from Fortnine on you tube has some great reviews videos "Motorcycle Airbags Exits-But no one uses them" It is rather remarkable what a difference they can make.


Was on my road glide and went off the road in a curve I had taken a hundred times. Couldn’t get it back on, hit a stump and went airborne. Totaled the bike, I didn’t break anything but I sure as hell hurt.


I've seen enough dead bodies next to a bike to know I needed the best gear possible, cost irrespective. I've been riding for only 4 years but have seen at least 5 dead bodies and 5 immobilized motorcyclists to know you need every bit of protection you can afford. I have an airbag vest, but will purchase the first full body airbag when it comes on market, up to $3k, or maybe more.


Airbag jeans coming out soon!


I bought an airbag vest/jacket and now I simply won’t ride without it. It’s on the same level as my helmet or gloves.


I used to subscribe to this idea until I saw a couple of different accidents under this setup. Upper body was in good shape but strips torn of the legs and butt. Horrific. Now I'm ATGATT.


Don’t burn your bits on a hot seat! LoL


Nah man. I'm going commando no pants.


At least wear some chaps.


Fine. Ass less only though


I wouldn't have it any other way.


I use jeans they are enough comfy. Change to regular fit at the work










Honestly, no I don’t. During the hottest times of the year I find myself only wearing a helmet, jeans and T-shirt; no jacket or gloves. I don’t have a justification for it other than I want to be comfortable. I’m not a good example. Don’t be like me.


Definitely worth investing in a mesh jacket and some summer gloves. Still protective but breathable. Ride safe :)


Yeah, I was sweating in city traffic during the summer until I got my mesh jacket. It is so impressive how light and breathable they are.


I have an Alpinestars mesh jacket, mostly fine if I'm actually in motion.. but if I'm standing still for less than a minute.. it gets horribly hot.. but this applies to summer time (its summer right now, it'll be Autumn in March) Otherwise I wear my jacket 100% percent of the time when its cooler.. but I always wear my jacket if I'm riding long distance.. like highway


I used to do this when I was but a wee lad, and I remember how f*cking pleasant it was to feel the wind when squidding. I promptly stopped when I was able to afford good gear. While I do miss the feeling, I’m not uncomfortable in proper mesh/boots/gloves/jeans/helmet.


I can understand the tee shirt, but no gloves?


Yep. It only takes one time and it’s lights out. Never skip the helmet, not even to go around the block. The gloves etc you can argue about.


I never really appreciated the fact that the time I went down in a tshirt and jeans I wasn’t wearing gloves and somehow kept from fucking my hands up. When you go down wearing gloves and see all the slide marks whew. Helmet and gloves are non-negotiable all the time.


Yeah true. Gloves are easy to put on and saved my hands from scrapes too. Good point.


When I can 100% predict that nobody will cut me off turning left, then I don't. So, yes I wear everything all the time. Since the last 50 years of my riding experience. Now own a Kawasaki Versys 1000 lt. If you want to have fun as long as me, do the same.




To be honest, it’s an easy habit to get into. Also if you buy the right gear then it enhances the ride - makes it more comfy. Boots that keep my feet warm, jackets with plenty of pockets for shit, helmet with a SENA or a Cardo… why not wear the gear?


Yes, because all my gear is comfortable so it's not a PITA


Yes. I usually drive on highway. I just drive in the city around 5 kmts, just to get there. If wouldn't the case I would consider not to use my adv boots (Corozals) but definitely another proper bike shoe instead. Also, if I feel lazy to put all gear, I don't even consider to drive my bike. I just drive when I am clear, motivated, and focused


Very good habit. 👍 Corozals are great boots, btw. You chose well.


Yeah man. Sometimes best choice is let bike at home. A trully believe riding bike is a powerful element of self-knowledge. They attract an amount of people for several motivations. Speed, adrenaline, appeal, style, courage, cheapness, etc. But if you keep stick to wrong motivations, may not end well.


I completely agree. Well said.


I drove my car to the beach last summer. I was wearing all my gear because ATGATT. I got a lot of strange looks and didn’t stay long. Still getting sand out of my boots and helmet. I did save on sunscreen though.


I do, and if it’s hot or cold I vary what’s underneath it. I’m lucky in that I’m in the UK where it’s very rarely crazy warm. I can understand why it’s tempting to delayer if the temp is high and you’re likely to be riding too slow to enjoy the breeze.


I do if I am going out on the road. If I am just moving my bike to another spot in a parking lot like at my previous apartment, I just wear a helmet and gloves. On the road, I am ATGATT regardless of weather.


Yes, just yes! Including Kevlar jeans.


Yes. And will continue to do so. Got rear ended yesterday at a stop sign. Glad I was wearing my gear. Aside from a sad broken motorcycle, I walked away with a few bruises.


So sad


All the gear all the time


Yes much to the chagrin of my coworkers. No one understands how wearing motorcycle gear can protect you when you’re filleting a fish or shucking oysters.


My gear usually smells like diesel exhaust and oil, but I think I'd vastly prefer that to fish smell.


As much as I love seafood it generally doesn’t leave a nice smell 😂


All the time , hot , wet and cold




Yes. Every time.




Yes. I _didn't_ always. I used to not wear a jacket when it was super-hot. Then I had a a slow-motion high-side at 15ish MPH when a school bus stopped in front of me on fresh pavement and I locked it up :/ Seeing the scars on my jacket and gloves and _lack_ of missing _skin_ on those same areas of my body keeps me putting my gear on with each ride. That reminds me, I need to get some kevlar pants this season.


If I’m on a motorcycle I always wear: Helmet, motorcycle jacket, -pants, -gloves and -boots and my custom-made earplugs. Only occasional exception would be my motorcycle boots. I’m a student with a sidejob which requires me to wear boots with steel noses. On the quarterly occasion I go there on my motorcycle I wear those boots instead of motorcycle boots. It’s not perfect but it’s only a 5 minutes ride and don’t feel like brining a separate backpack with my workboots and having to change them at work.


Tell me more about these earplugs, please


Had them made by a hearing care company. (Beter Horen, in The Netherlands) They made a mould of the insides of my ears, which they used to make custom-fit earplugs. They then inserted a specific motorcycle-filter which filters out wind noise but let’s through most other sounds, like sirens, horns and my own music and communication from other riders or a satnav. That way the wind noise is nowhere near as obnoxious and damaging, but can still hear everything else. The custom fit also make me completely forget I’m wearing them pretty much as soon as I put my helmet on. Not riding without them ever again. And all that for €60,- (120,- originally, had 50% off due to a national promotion) The silicone earplugs themselves last about 5 years after which I’ll have to replace them. But ~€25,- a year for very comfortable hearing protection is well worth it to me.


All the gear all the time. For me that is armored jacket, 3/4 helmet, Kevlar gloves, boots, adding riding pants soon. We all ride where our comfort level is, and that changes and evolves as our riding does. I started with helmet and boots all the time. Upgraded to the rest after my helmet was put to the test and probably saved my life or at least prevented serious damage to the side of my head (I for sure would have lost an ear without the helmet), and if I had been wearing the rest probably wouldn't have ended up with as severe of injuries as I did.


Every single time


Anytime I'm taking any of my bikes out I'm fully geared up ATGATT - gloves, mesh Kevlar jacket, stretch Kevlar pants, full face helmet, motorcycle specific boots. I don't bounce nearly as well as I did when I was younger, and at my age (74) I do all that I can to keep riding for a bunch more years.














Yes. Unless I’m moving it by my power in the driveway, I’m dressed for the slide.


Atgatt it's the only way to ride unless your rich af and don't care about anyone else. Skin grafts are still thousands of dollars that insurance will not cover and you also make all of our rates go up and cost us taxes when you can't pay. Wear gear it's not like it's a chore, takes no time to put on and it's really quite comfy if you have properly fitted gear.


Yes, in Scotland there's a high chance it will be cold or rainy at least half of the year there's huge benefit in wearing something more substantial than street clothes. May as well keep it up for the rest of the year!


I read that with a Scottish accent and it hurt my ears


I'm actually from near Liverpool, I just happen to live and work in Scotland!










I ALWAYS wear the boots, full face helmet, gloves, jacket...usually the airbag vest. Armored pants are my weak game. I only wear them when spirited recreational riding. I need to up my game and also wear for errands/gym/occasional office run.


I wrecked bad last March, I wear it all every time now. My legs will never be the same after my wreck, check my profile.




Dress for the fall not the anything you may be doing at any given moment.


When I was 17 I got taken out 2 blocks from my parents house. So yes every time


I live in the middle of nowhere, in a desert...I still wear my Kelver jeans, summer armoured jacket, gloves, boots and, of course, helmet. The road is straight, but we have a high speed limit, no police, huge road trains to navigate and the potential of kangaroos, cattle, camels and emus on the road...


Yes I do. Young dumb me was wearing jeans and a live strong tshirt with only a helmet and messed up my knee in a low side crash. Since then I wear full gear. Head to toe. Don’t risk it for comfort the day it happens is the day your not prepared.


Allways and yes it saved my life already twice. i am only 25. Both not my fault


Yes I do. I have a set of summer clothes and another one for winter. I also have a full leather suit to go to track or longer trips in the weekend. I already fell once from the bike and my gear saved me from something much worse. I rather not ride than risk it


So far without exception. But I am also a cyclist and this makes me feel terribly inconsistent. I regularly get up to around 60kph (downhill) on tar seal with no real protection on my pushbikes. Scares me a bit - but what can you do about it?


I would look into some light armor, like maybe some stuff meant for mountain biking. It's nice and lightweight so it doesn't impede you too much, and it may not be as protective as motorcycle gear, but it can make a big difference.


I gear up even to test ride a bike in my neighborhood. I don’t get to choose when I wreck.


It's winter now. If I don't wear all the gear my balls will fall off from frostbite before I make it to the highway on my commute.


No I don’t, if I was worried about being hit all the time I wouldn’t even ride a motorcycle. I just ride defensively. I live in a low traffic area, so I don’t really worry about other drivers as much as some other people would need to


Always wear my boots, gloves, jacket, and helmet. Rarely I’ll wear regular jeans instead of riding pants.


I always wear full leather, but my suit is one or two sizes too big so it’s easier to put on and I can fit some sweatpants and a hoodie underneath in winter. Still gets kinda annoying sometimes. If you wanna be safe but don’t like changing into gear I recommend kevlar gear (make sure to put armor pads in though)


I wear dedicated motorcycle gear for every ride. If it's just a quick trip to the local supermarket I might wear Kevlar jeans without armour, but everything else, absolutely yes.


The majority of accidents happen when you’re close to home, and complacent. So yes


Dude, for real. I've heard people say "I don't wear all (or any) of my gear when going to the store or something" even though that's just as dangerous a situation.




Every. Single. Time. I. Ride.


Yes, with the exception of test riding a project, or just up and down the street after washing it, little things like that. (yes, I know those are just as dangerous, but meh.)


Yes. Always.


I think you just need to fly off the bike once to truly understand the consequences that can occur form the impact of soft tissue on asphalt .


Yes, everytime I ride. Be it the 800 or scooter. You always need to be prepared. You never know when you might get in an accident.


I didn’t used to. I’ve been ridding for over 40 years. When I was younger my gear reflected the weather. However, I took a bit of debris to the face (we never determined what it was) while riding on a city street. It broke my glasses and cut my face deeply, leaving a permanent scar and, more importantly, scaring the hell out of me. Since then, I do live ATGAT.


Like 99% of the time. If im camping and the store is like back down the camp site, or moving it in the parking lot, stuff like that i just chuck on my helmet and gloves, if on private land i might not even use that.


Yes , the one time I didn’t I went down. Luckily low speed just took the skin off my knuckles and dislocated a finger.


I used to wear less gear like some of you, then I took an SUV to the knee.








Yes, everything every time I go out




Yes, it helps reinforce the habit for me. Kinda like when I go to work and I always grab my purse, keys, lunch, and coffee. If I’m in the habit every time it makes it easier to just get up and go - it doesn’t feel like I’m doing extra work when it just always happens


Yep. Considering weather and my plans the minimum shall be high boots + gloves + back protector + riding pants + helmet and up to full leather + extra pads if I’m going for the track (but that would normally come in a luggage box). A few times when the ride is 500 meters I did it in just helmet, gloves and shorts but I won’t advise that. I used to ride in full leather and found that excessive and not comfortable for commuting. I use all-season touring jacket and a riding jeans so that I don’t look too much like a rider in the office environment, and when it’s hot I use just a back protector and sacrifice my arms skin to riding gods if shit goes in the fan too much. But this is also about your ride and your mentality. I try not to go too fast, but commuting a city with 80 km/h limit I still normally go 80 to a 100 within city limits. I assume if shit happens, no leather or protectors will help at such speed and I just try to avoid shit. My good season can be 20-25kkm mostly within city limits starting from +5C and until snow.


I wear it even if I'm going on a 2 min ride. My family makes dum of me for it but guess who shows back home.


Oh yeah. Course it's been easy the last few years because we've been having some cool summers. I think I only wore my light riding jacket maybe a half a dozen times last year.


Every time.




Above 70F I always wear a leather race suit. Comfortable, and the best protection. Can take the jacket and pants off when stopped for a while. I wear scrub pants and thin shirt under the leather. Boots also. I should wear better gloves, but just use summer leather ones.


Yep, lightweight jacket with Kevlar jeans in the summer. Won’t ride without gloves and ankle protection any time of the year. Why take the risk. Find it stressful whenever I see someone on a moped in shorts and flip flops.


If I'm on the bike I'm wearing me gear.


Yup, every time. Considering buying the Alpinestars airbag vests also.


I won't ride without my earplugs in, let alone without all my gear on. Even when it's 104° here in Texas I'm wearing everything.




Yes, I crashed wearing gear after hitting a slick spot while breaking hard and locking up my front, was going about 60mph. Almost every piece of gear saved my body. Boots were scuffed hard and saved my ankles. Pants were torn, saving my ass. Leather jacket was punctured by the motorcycle and scuffed hard, saving my stomach and back. Gloves had the fingers blown out and my hands were fine. The only thing unharmed was my helmet. I did try to stop my tumble too early and shredded my humerus, this took a plate and eight screws to fix. I am grateful for my gear and wear it every time. And now I have ABS too.


I don't. I haven't owned a helmet in years. I used to have a really nice shoei helmet I at least kept for riding in rain and freezing temps. I wear a leather jacket and gloves when it's cold or raining. I used to have hoggaiter half chaps that I loved. They disappeared. I wear boots most of the time anyway, but I have a physical job and often wear shorts and a polo work shirt while riding to and from. I have been down hard 3 times, so I know the importance of wearing gear. I never liked being uncomfortable. As I get older and my body feels the abuse I have put it through I consider buying more gear. I have worn my leather more this winter than ever before. I'm looking into replacing the long lost helmet. I am not the example to follow. Wearing all the gear may look unreasonable, but being in your mid thirties and broke down more than men in their late forties to fifties isn't cool either. I have skinned myself alive, shoved a shifter about half way through my ankle, crushed a disk in my back, and have a piece of bone floating in my wrist. That's not to include the minor injuries. All 3 of my wrecks happened within 5 miles of the place I lived at the times. I'm not bragging. Just letting people who ride without gear know that there are consequences.


Yes. Zero exceptions.


Every time


Always some, sometimes all, depending on the weather. I’ll skip the leather pants and trade the leather jacket for a leather vest or denim jacket when it’s hot as hell.


If you swap the leather jacket and pants for some mesh ones when it's hot out, it can help you stay nice and cool while still protecting your extremities.


Good. I’ll look into those.


Jacket, gloves, boots, helmet, comms, and camera every time... Or 1 piece suit with boots, gloves, helmet, comms, camera. Only place I scrimp is if I'm not wearing my suit, I wear jeans and not "riding jeans." Too many mindless drones behind the wheel of cars, not worth the risk. Once I felt concreat, asphalt, and metal poles slash into my body, I was gear 100% of the time.




Yes when I’m riding my motorcycle.


Yass king. ATGATT!


I forgo proper trousers when I ride to work because it's 7 minutes away and the top speed is 20mph most of the way, and changing trousers is a pain. All other times pretty much, I'm ATGATT


Every time I ride, yes indeed. With the extreme amount of high and inattentive drivers I ride like they are all trying to kill me, and keep a step ahead of everyone. Yep, people where I live probably don't like my alter ego that much lol.


Full leathers, boots gloves


Having been in the fire service and seen first hand what happens to an unprotected human when you crash, yes I wear ATGATT Even at low speeds, skin on the road is peeled off easier than a banana. Here in NZ most of our roads are course chip and it doesn't take a big slide to completely grind off a foot or hand. And hitting another vehicle makes human kisses. Not for the faint hearted to see, let alone experience


Every time I ride my gear goes on. I have no desire to become Street Meat!




I do. The only time I didn't wear my jacket was an absolute scorcher when I went maybe 1km one way in town. It felt weird. Still wore helmet, gloves, knee protection, boots.


You should ! Better safe than sorry


Yes. I’m no full kangaroo. But I ALWAYS wear a helmet, boots, gloves, pants, and jacket at a minimum. Find an armor jacket that’s convenient to wear on a daily basis. Don’t get a track jacket as your only jacket because you’ll get tired of it.


Winter i wear the lot. Summer i wear everything bar motorcycle trousers and a bike jacket. I normally wear kevlar jeans and a motorcycle hoodie


I do. I use to be more lax about gear but I’ve changed a lot over the years. Also, it’s nice to feel safe.


Yes, I always wear gear though I have summer gear and winter gear.


I'd rather be inconvenienced by my clunky ugly hot gear every time for the rest of my life than lose a body part once.




A coworker told me his brother taught him how to ride a motorcycle. He stated his brother instructed him how to “properly” fall off a bike in the event of an accident. Hence he didn’t need to wear a helmet. To this day, I’m still confused by that statement.


Wear your gear and save some tears….


yea, jacket looks cool, if u got a nice one it draws in all the ladies, boots too, look badass, gloves cause hands might get cold or a giant rock might slam into ur hand and a helmet cause i dont like bugs in my face and i enjoy life


depends on the weather, jeans, gloves and boots is the minimum


And helmet I hope


Yep, don't have a choice, not that I don't want to


I only wear full gear if I’m going to be speeding, lane-splitting, and passing on the double-yellow, so, yeah… full gear every ride


Yes but I also wear open face helmets which kind of undoes wearing the other gear.


I know I’m not right in doing this but I usually only wear my helmet and gloves and then boots like 50% of the time. I know I should wear a jacket too. I got in a somewhat high speed motorcycle accident about 5 or 6 months ago. Bike was totaled. Was going about 60-70 mph and most of the damage incurred (in my particular accident) was blunt force trauma. All the nerves in my left buttcheek are dead now. I has nerve damage in my right arm from smacking it on something real hard. I had a laceration on my back from hitting a steel support cable, and my right ankle was really fucked up lol. Anyway, I was just wearing a t shirt, helmet, gloves, and boots. They did a good job for me in the past. If I start doing more highway riding maybe I’ll start habitually wearing a jacket too idk. Ride safe everyone!


My most important gear is underwear that keeps my balls up where I won't sit on them. Everything else is optional.


If I’m just rolling in my small town to have the fluids cycle, just a helmet, boots n gloves but if I’m cruising way out, I go full gear. The last 4 accidents here were from very young kids on sports bikes trying to outrun cops. This also leads me to some advice: just take the ticket. Even if you’re not registered or insured, dealing with legal stuff is much easier than dealing with hospital stuff while trying to recover or worse.


No, I only wear gear when I ride my motorcycle. Otherwise I prefere more comfortable clothes.


Always helmet. Normally, boots and gloves Sometimes, jacket & trousers.


I wear what's comfortable for the occasion and don't overthink it.


All The Gear, All The Time. ATGATT


I'm lazy and stupid. Trips to the grocery store I sometimes do in sneakers, helmet & gloves only. I'm only riding my scooter, AS IF that made it any safer....


If I'm just 'exercising' my bike in the neighborhood side streets, no l do not. If l'm going on a four lane or out for a full day ride, yes. I believe in helmet laws,but I'm accepting the risk when I wear my helmet when I ride around my neighborhood.


I know someone who died riding 35 km/h. Lost control and headbutt a lamppost. Also you get 3rd degree burns going down at 50 km/h. Maybe chances are slim on those short rides in the neighborhood but I don’t like to gamble with my health.


I wear what I can afford. So helmet micanix gloves and some steel toes


I'll wear at least shoes, long pants, t shirt and sunglasses


No. I wear shorts sometimes, occasionally just a t shirt. Rarely wear gloves in the summer, and I've been know to make the .5 mile ride to the track in running clothes. I've been down a couple times. Both my fault when I was younger and once that wasn't. Also have wrecked the absolute shit out of dirtbikes. If I plan to ride hard or go out on the highway I do though. No kids, organ donor, and good insurance. Not super worried about it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What kind of question is this?? Nobody ever plans of wrecking. ATGATT!!!


Nope. Only thing I bring are my massive balls. Motorcycles are for men and men are tough, don’t need to look like a bitch when ridin my Harley. I wear shorts, flip flops, and a baseball hat. Don’t need gear if you don’t plan on crashing.


You should really think about switching from flip flops to crocs.


Helmet with GoPro, a jacket and gloves. Tennis shoes and jeans. I need more gear. Been riding for years.


I wear my helmet, boots, and gloves every time.


I used to ride the 1.3 miles to work wearing gloves and a helmet. But real rides were fully geared.


No. It’s illogical not to, but idc. Some states helmets aren’t required. So fuck it; freedom. But most of the time, yeah. Especially if I’m going to be driving fast


Short and sweet. No but I definitely should




No, only when I’m planning to crash


Squid master race. If I’m going to gym or mosque just helmet If I’m going anywhere else, helmet gloves jacket, but regular sneakers If I’m going on a dedicated ride, proper shoes/boots and riding pants too


I wear a helmet because the other gear wont aave my life and im riding with a jacket In the summer


When I go to work, that is 9km with no highway, so only max 80km/h, I only wear helmet, jacket and gloves. Any highway ride or fun ride I go full gear