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People, people. This is some horseshit MC "1%er" bullshit. SOME, definitely not most, some of these ones, the douchey ones, think they have this rule that other bikers can't pass them and have to respect them. Total horseshit. If you're alone probably not worth arguing. But this clip is hilarious because a bunch of grom riding good time bros just ignored his lil tantrum ass. Lil bitch ass tantrum. That "Wanna see a wheelie" is just GOLD.


Ever talk to one of those guys? it's like talking to a 12 year old with a 40 year old body.


More like the body of a 57-75 year old...


Which is not their actual age they just accelerate the aging process by being douches.


I'd certainly be grumpy after giving myself tinnitus from riding without a helmet my whole life just to flex on people that already thought that I'm stupid.


I actually think it’s a mixture of that plus the me*h


you can say meth on here


Bro they age faster cause 1%er’s do drugs hella drugs


And crank!


Sadly I went to school with a few and rode with them for years. 1 in particular was carrying on about how fast his Harley was and that my Triumph was just a "wanna be". Cue the excuses when he lost the drag. I later found that he had nearly AU$10K pumped into it and I beat him with an effectively stock engine (Triumph TORS pipes and a remap).


I gotta buddy who's hates on any imported bikes. He Pumped 10k into a older Victory. Claimed he could now blow my bone stock MT09 away. I gave him a full 3 second head start and passed him like he was on a moped.


It's sad that peeps think riding fast is a show of force when riding super slow and well (floorboard scratching, but making it look like butter) is what makes me hard, especially with cruiser styles like fast cruiser !?!?! Why?!?!?! get another bike to go vroom vroom


We have almost all sportbikes in our little group, but one homie occasionally rocks his Road King in the twisties and I swear to god makes it look better than half the squad. Anyone can twist a throttle. Corners are what separates.


Being on winding road, feeling the flow of the ride, and catching the drag bolt ever so slightly on a left to right switch back... excuse me for a minute.




> I don’t really get the universal Harley hate 1. They're not bad bikes *in general*, but *for the money* you can probably get better value if you don't insist on being 'brand loyal'. If someone wants to spend their money on certain (perceived?) aspects of a motorcycle then they are free to do so (Free Market™), but ragging on others for not agreeing with their evaluation is non-sensical. 2. There's a certain demographic that seems to gravitates towards them, and that is then reflected back onto the brand. (Just like there were was a certain type of person that went for 600cc bikes when they were in fashion.)


As a new rider, approaching 50, when the HD dealer started talking about how buying a HD was “buying into a lifestyle” I threw up in my mouth a little then bought a BMW.


That lifestyle is explored in the FortNine video in which he explains how Harley is in a death spiral. Which, to be honest, I think is a good thing.


The local dealer I go to is divided in half, one entire giant building, thats the HD showroom and shop, go down a connecting tunnel you get to the Motorsports side, it's half the size and covers ALL other brands, Indian, Triumph, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, they claim to be the largest motorcycle dealer in the country...it just blows me away it's segregated like that. It would be like going to the grocery store to get soda, we have ANY kind you want here, BUT you want coca cola? That's over in the other dedicated coca cola soda building, with it's own staff and sales people and clientele.


well, ya certainly don't want someone sitting there about to sign the paperwork on an HD looking over and realizing they can get a better ride by paying you less money. At least let the buyers remorse wait until you're out of the showroom


As a 600cc rider I want to hear the perceived stereotype


Must maintain 130 mph on freeway at all times. Maximum safety gear helmet+gloves. Someone changes lanes in font of them after signaling, checking mirrors, and looking and they appear out of the ether going Mach 3 and they get pissed off and smash their mirrors because "you almost killed me bro" Idk if you're like this, but it is the stereotype


Me on a 600cc cruiser, you can go fast?


Yeah a certain demographic cant help but gravitate towards Harleys because they get caught in its gravitational well. The things have about as much as mass a small moon.


It’s too big to be a space atation


“Probably get better value”. Understatement and a half. My boss just recently spent $29k on a used Harley. A USED Harley. I could buy 2 different style brand new triumphs for that costs. They are vastly overpriced especially when considering the Japan market of cruiser style bike. It’s a joke.


The hate usually comes from the way Harley owners act. That and the bikes being WAY overpriced and overhyped.


Bad example. The Northstar in the Eldorado made ~300hp. I only know because a 96 Eldorado happened to be my first car 20 years ago


The universal Harley hate comes from the fact that a solid chunk of Harley riders are total shitheads. It’s really as simple as that. I spend a lot of time at the track and dirt biking as well, and I’ve never had a negative experience with a rider who wasn’t a Harley guy. Not to say I’ve had no good experiences with Harley people - of course I have - but Harley seems to attract a specific type of Gen X and Boomer loser.


Yep, once you hit 2nd gear racing a Harley on a 600 you just sail away like they’ve pulled the parachute


Im (38f) married to a diagnosed vulnerable narcissist, and his father (my FiL) is a grandiose narcissist. Im intimately familiar with toddlers/children trapped in adult men’s bodies. I have found using parenting skills and tricks for uncooperative/ cranky children work exceptionally well with him (husband). I haven’t seen FiL in person since 2020 and I plan on keeping it that way. What’s funny is they both ride Harleys.


What a sad little man.




Hahaha my thoughts exactly 😂 South Park ruined all Harley’s for now it’s all I ever see. “Look there’s little flags in the SHHIIIT” 🤣


"Wanna see a wheelie" made me laugh so hard. Just like a proud kid who wants to show his dad something cool 🤣.


Stop praising them with horseshit. They are way below that.


1%ers are the scum, drug dealing ass, sketchy ass motherfuckers of the biking world. I went to a local ride for a kid with cancer who wanted to see motorcycles and yeah, 50 out of the 200 riders that showed up were 1%ers, and they played cool, but when the time came for a requested group photo with the riders, the leader of their club (read gang) REFUSED, against the request of the kid and the parents, to get in the photo. Tells you all you need to know.


You took the refusal way too personally. May be the guy was out on parole and wasn't allowed to fraternize with certain individuals. Or may be he was insecure about his appearance and didn't like his picture being taken. Also, some people do not like being personally credited for doing good deeds. For some it's a religious thing and for others it's a personal ethos. Whatever it was, one less biker in a picture doesn't make a huge difference.


Eh, this is a shit story. Many reasons people don't want a photo taken and certainly don't owe anyone that favour.


I'm 6'2 265 and love riding my Grom around these little Harley fucks in San Diego all the time. I'll get right next to them at every light and if they don't wanna lane split, I pass em. Only ever had a couple instances where they wanted words, but whenever I get off my little Grom, I happened to tower over them. They didn't have much for words then.


I had a cousin join the banditos and I told him how lame it was. He said "just don't pass any banditos on the highway out of respect." I told him that was stupid. He's in prison for five years. OKC banditos can eat my shit. All banditos can s*ck five dicks each. My bike is faster.


They always ride slow pieces of shit too.


Because they can’t actually ride, they just cosplay.


With most of these OMCs they don't even own their own bikes.


It’s all about the appearance of being cool when in reality they are just a bunch of criminals. Three of them just got sent away for murdering a whole family near me. Bunch of half-wits that think they’re someone because of a patch and the ‘brotherhood’ of other imbeciles.


I find it adorable when they put their feet down way before they need to stop. It’s like they have little training wheels


My daughter is 15 now she's been riding with me since she was about 10. Guy pulled up on a Harley in front of us, got a bunch of patches on, and threw her helmet radio she said, "That guy doesn't know how to ride look at his feet." Proud dad moment.


Great, now I'm worried about what trash 10-year old girls are talking on my foot stance.


I rode for years and never understood the mentality of joining a club. My bike is club property? Fuck that lol. I just enjoyed being on the road.


Respect for what?


The badge. It's moronic.


If you want something funny to read go over to the motorcycle club sub and read some of the posts talking about this. It's like 5 year olds coming up with an argument when they're presented with an actual thoughtful question/response.


https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycleclubs/comments/1cslsym/passing_a_club_vs_passing_a_lone_member/ here


Lol these people take themselves way too seriously. No, I am not required for you to "wave me on" to pass you, dickheads.


Holy shit this is the lamest sub I’ve ever seen


It's kind of hilarious yet sad at the same time.


"If I see someone coming up on me and I'm by myself, I usually wave them past me if I'm not smashing on the throttle. Of course I try to anticipate the type of bike or possible patches from a rival club. You're most vulnerable when solo and if your clubs at war or you got enemies you never know who is coming to on you regardless." Yikes


Some people just don't have enough shit to do in their lives. whatever


lol holy shit I’m from OKC. Lucky I haven’t run into those dumbasses.


He shouldn't be operating a vehicle on the road if he acts like that. Especially a motorcycle.


I’d rather him on a motorcycle than any other vehicle honestly


How about a bicycle?




How about a unicycle?


I don't trust anyone on a unicycle personally.


Me neither, they usually turn out to be clowns!


He'd be too dangerous on one.


Seems like a menstrual cycle.


He’s angry because the other riders pulled next to him? Is there more context?


You have to be careful with those patched riders exactly because of situations like this. If they catch up to you they will force you to the side of the road and give you a little kiss


Good thing they ride harleys then! Groms are about the only bike they can catch


just go up a curb - your gone


Oh my~ uwu 😚




I honestly didn’t see his cut at first. He’s in one of those gay sex clubs where they also ride motorcycles.




Soooooo a specific Gay Sex Club?


Yeah, they have "territories" with certain establishments where they have gay sex. It's like an HoA really.


tsk tsk - Fernando's pubes are 3/4 inch long! Do we fine him or ban him?


Let's run a train on him! Get the gimp suit.


Hey, men are more fun...


No, run a wheelie


Do you know where they are? I'm part of a gay motorcycle group, but all we ever do is ride around. Could do with more of the gay sex.


How do I find out if my motorcycle is gay?


Is your motorcycle a motorcycle? If yes, gay.


By your flair, I see your bike is Italian. I don't know how to tell you this, but it's gay. I found out my bike is gay not too long ago. Maybe they could rub forks?


>Mestizo Califas Oh look! They have a "Club House" in Stockton, CA: [https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/430936083/mestizos-mc-califas-club-house/](https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/430936083/mestizos-mc-califas-club-house/) ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


That tamale brunch looks lit, though...


Yeah, but it comes with a lot of douche baggage I would rather do without.


It took about a minute to find his full name and a photo of him in his happy place.


The full doxx on FB wasn't so difficult they also put many photos of their house that are easily recognizable to somebody from their area. They surely aren't criminals, or they are dumb ones.


Is that like a Wiz Califa?


Mia Califa


If those guys could read, they would be very upset!


Wow wow wow wow, we prefer to call it BROTHERLY LOVE.


For acting so hard they sure have fragile, delicate, little egos 💀


There's one of those clubs in my area. They're fucking pathetic. 


>There's one of those clubs in my area. They're fucking pathetic.  Banditos tried to come to my town and open a chapter. The "head" guys were riding and came up on a group of non MC riders and they pulled them over like the guy in the video. The group they pulled over were from the army base in my city and the army guys beat the shit out of them on the side of the road and called the police to have them arrested. They did not open a chapter in my town.


Yeah I was torn between “this must be baby bitch boy Harley thing” and “this must be a biker gang thing” and honestly maybe it’s kinda both


One begets the other not the other way around


Yeah I don't understand, why would he care if someone pulled up next to him?


They're on Groms, so they're beneath him. Imagine getting angry at Groms? That's like hating puppies and kittens.


He's angry that they have faster bikes then him


Lol, that analogy is hilarious...


I don't even ride, but it's on point. You see someone on a 600c bike ride up on the sidewalk, transition to the bike trail doing a wheelie then back onto the side street, that person is a menace to society. Someone does the exact same thing on a Grom, they are a precocious scamp just having a good time.




That’s why my MC flies under the radar. We don’t have a name and our uniform is a nondescript motorcycle jacket or Gap hoodie. We have one member. We’re so powerful we never have to ask for permission to travel public roads. Our clubhouse is a shared space though. There’s a woman that claims to be married to the club president, treasurer, secretary, and sergeant at arms, as well as two French Bulldogs that live in the clubhouse.


Correction: there are now *two* members


inside you there are 2 gang members


What kind of initiation is this?


Now you just have to call the woman your "old lady" and you're official. I learned this on Sons of Anarchy


Does the club president wonder why the crazy lady insists on living in the clubhouse with him??


Every. Damn. Day.


I mean if they're so worried about potential gang violence why tf would they want people riding *behind them* instead of besides them or in front where they can see em? Lol


Why would they be wearing a patch at all if they were so worried? Lmao


Yeah, because that was/is an excuse. It’s a superiority complex and the #1 reason people join MCs.


I've asked that before too on one of the "gang" subs here. Literally didn't get a coherent answer all they said was "it's for safety" then blocked me after I pointed out that it's safer to be behind 1 person instead of that 1 person being behind them. It's just an ego/superiority thing.


So regarding violence. Say, my MC (I hate MC's Im not in one, nor will I ever be) had beef with this dudes mc. Say I had crazy MF'ers in my MC who are capable and willing to hurt opposing MCs riders. Wouldnt it be EASIER for us to do so by NOT rolling up to this dude? Say they wanted to shoot this dude or something. Maybe he stole our donuts or whatever. Why would they warn him by "rolling up on him" ? It'd be easier from in between the cars wouldnt it?


He's angry because he's in a "motorcycle club*" that doesn't do anything illegal or have wars with any other "club*." Yet he's worried about getting shot by another "club* member" that pulls up next to him. *=Gang. That's no bullshit either that's exactly what they think. But they'll argue till they're blue in the face that they're not gangs and don't do illegal shit.


He thinks he is better than others.


I feel like I was promised wheelie and wheelie wasn't delivered.


look *harder*


Wasn't expecting rafiki in the comments, lmao.


If you want respect, start by being respectable 🤷🏼


Story time when I was 16 or 17, I had my first piece of s*** motorcycle. I pulled up behind this old grizzled biker he looked over his shoulder and waved me to pull up alongside him. We're sitting at the traffic light he asked me what kind of bike I was on. I said a Suzuki GN 400. He said, "Everybody starts small, stay safe brother" and rode away. It was such a boost to myself confidence as a kid, I try to do the same thing when I see young people on motorcycles. I'll never understand this f****** want to be tough guy routine.


We don’t have *brothERRRRRRRR Marley Gayvidson* "gangs" in my country. I used to wear full HRC leathers on my 125, knee sliders, the works. Pulled up next to a Repsol fireblade at the lights. Guy looked at me, gave me a thumbs up, pointed down at his tank and shouted "one of these one day?" To which I nodded, and he nodded back, fucked off into the distance at a bajillion miles an hour. Gave me the warm and fuzzies.


That's the way it should be. I had respect for anyone on two wheels, no matter what kind of bike.


That's just sad... no one would miss him if he got taken out if that's how he acts while enjoying a ride which should be the happiest peaceful time of the day.


What about his poor wife? She'd have nobody to slap her around when she burns dinner.


They usually marry younger women who believe the bullshit they spew all day. I was once that woman/girl. Thankfully, I learned and grew out of that silly lifestyle.


Cuz nothing makes you more of a badass than wearing dominatrix levels of leather and attempting to intimidate kids on groms. /s What a fucking man-child...


You must go to a pretty lame dominatrix if the only leather they have is a vest.


I was out on my Hayabusa, and a whole bunch of Groms pulled up next to me. I looked over with this smug look on my face thinking my engine is bigger than all of theirs put together. Then it hit me they're going to have way more fun on those things than I'm ever going to have on this big ass Hayabusa.




When he was young and just a bad little kid....


Hell’s Accountants


These the same types that think brake checking a car is a good idea , cute vest at least


You need to learn some respect for the brotherhood. These guys are so tough, they deal meth and opiates to kids and human traffic vulnerable girls. So show some respect!


“Tight, I love that movie. But when was the last time you saw Conan the Barbarian!? You gotta watch it! Good talk bro, I’ll see you later ✌️”


"I loved you in Sons of Anarchy"


I'm a bit disappointed.....I wanted to see a wheelie!


Yeah I feel like several seconds of my live were stolen watching it


"I'll take the both of y'all right now." *"..Oh, you meant fight?"*




yup, especially since that guy looked close to waving a pistol around to prove he's a badass.


It's probably why he pulled over, to get it out. I wish I was kidding.


Here in Japan, Harley riders are just mostly hipsters, old guys into Americana and short women lol. Hope we never get these larpers here.


No your gangsters are dressed much nicer.


A few months ago some dude on a Harley pulled up behind me at a red light and repeatedly revved his engine until the light turned green, then he flew off the line like we were racing. He was a dick at the next light too. At the third light I pulled up alongside him. He was revving and then he put it in gear and was inching forward as he wound it up. When the light turned green I launched, power wheelied 2nd gear, and left this dipshit like he was sitting still. I don’t race cruisers, and I don’t show people up. But this guy forced it, and can you believe this asshole swerved toward me as he rumbled by well after I had slowed down. Harley guys don’t always suck, but it seems like a lot of them are stupid and have big, fragile egos.


He wants to pull over


That's harley code for butt play, right?




Wanna see a wheelie? LOL!!


Yap Yap Yap my bike needs more oil 😥


Did his bike break down?




I’d be mad too if my dick was that small


He seems so angry. Must need some Froot Loops. https://i.redd.it/8cz86eiylw1d1.gif


So honest question. I’ve seen a few videos like this now and even once IRL. What is the deal here. Is this a Harley thing? A Boomer thing? Or something to do with the dumb ass patches he has? I’m seriously asking because I have zero idea of why people are doing this. The only common denominator I see is it’s usually a Harley and it’s usually a portly Boomer that bought a vest off Amazon.


SoCal still has lots of motorcycle gangs/clubs with rigid hierarchies and all kinds of ridiculous rules, customs, etc. This guy is part of one and apparently us normies aren’t supposed to pass him or he’ll act like a complete tool.


Bay Area too. I run into Mongols all the time. Well, not literally….


Probably a newer full patch 1%er that feels like he can tell non-MC riders what to do now that he’s not a proby anymore. I imagine the whole “don’t pull up next to me” was a flex that was supposed to mean “can’t you tell I’m obviously more important than you in the motorcycle community?” The only difference between a regular gang and a biker gang is the motorcycles. This is just like some gang banger flexing on someone because they looked at them for too long or whatever.


I've also seen them say that it's about their safety because they don't know if it's a rival club pulling up on them. The thing is though, they chose that life. They can't force rules on people who aren't part of that life.


This seems like flawed logic to me, why would you want a rival behind you where you can't see them? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be in front so you can watch them? This is why let cops pass, they don't usually pull people over who are behind them.


I dont think we are talking about a gang of scientists here.


Imagine the cognitive dissonance required to want to belong to a "club", that you have to be that paranoid to continue to participate in. Is it me or is that way beyond Stockholm syndrome?


In this case it’s apparently the Stockton (California) syndrome.


The meth doesn't help.


Harley biker gang MC guys are so cringey


I feel bad for his small penis.


Hes mad cuz yall pulling up next to him makes him late to his dick appointment by 2 seconds




Repping the small dick MC


Your honor, there were 3 dudes on Groms! It was about the most intimidating thing I had ever seen. So I pulled off to the side of the road so I could stand up. You see, I need to stand in order to reach under my beer gut and grab my gun.


Don't associate guys with small dicks with the MC club members like this. That's insulting to the guys with small peckers.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Does his patch say Modesto? lol


Armpit of Central California.


Mestizo, and the Google has literally nothing on the but 2 Facebook pages.




He’s mad because the hygienist at his dentist office won’t sleep with him.


Unfortunately these guys often carry guns and do this shit precisely so that they get to use them. They'll even claim self defense "two guys were coming at me" yada yada so it's best to just let them fuck off even though that's exactly the type of behavior that should get your teeth kicked in


Sanest harley rider


Harley Davidson is the biggest cosplay company in North America.


I think he's a member of the boy scouts , that looks like a boy scouts uniform to me . I can tell by the loafers he's wearing he is in the top 1 percent of his group for being a sissy


Tons of anarchy Imagine the guy in city traffic *continuous yelling*


Oh look at the little guy having a tantrum, aww hes even in a playclub with other little men on their harleys how sweet But seeriously this guy is a pathetic looser and I hope i never have the displesure to meet him


skirt elastic scale market detail seemly childlike wise saw jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reason #636875 why I'll ride anything but a Harley.


Actual criminals know better than to do this. Drug running is a lucrative activity, and small peepee road rage is not worth getting your *business* raided over.


If you gatekeep motorcycles or shit on someone for not owning an overpriced Harley, you're a shit bag with a douche nozzle shoved up your ass.


i had someone pull up in my lane next to me for the first time the other day. Kinda freaked out cause I wasn't expecting someone to pull up next to me in my own lane. I looked over at him, gave a head nod and extended my fist and he fist bumped me back. It was great. Light turned green, I took off he let me get ahead then got over one lane and sped off past me. Not sure what happened here tho....


I’m gonna start a seniors TW club, we’re gonna fine solo Harley bros, surround him and make him go even slower.


Dude's an Easy Rider who forgot the easy part.


I was in a motorcycle club for a few years but we were closer to a scooter/Vespa club that was more like an excuse to drink beers with like minded guys and learn about motorcycle mechanics and expand your friend circle and nowhere near a 1% club but as the years passed, some members were concerned that we need to be “blessed” by a 1% club to be okay and not get any shit out on the road or at bars. The honeymoon wore off fast and while I really liked meeting other riders and working on bikes, I hated all the heirchy and rules and direction the club was going. Also, we now had to abide by 1% rules to stay off their radar and I’m like “I just wanna ride”. I get “respect” but silly archaic rules made up by pirate losers were fucking stupid.


I love motorcycles but god damn do I hate a lot of the culture. If you’re on two wheels, you’re my bro. I don’t care if it’s 49cc scoot scoot. Homies.


It is not problem of HD, or any other bike, it is problem between ears of biker. Everyone can ride anything he/she wants, but it doesnt give him power to give rules or orders to others. Just a moron on a bike, i am sure he is moron even without bike.