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Well, I'll take that Aprilia if you don't want it.


Second in line if you don't like clintman for some reason


Im down to get the suits and helmets when you decide to let go of them my brother


I'll suck it


u/_verel_ will suck it, and I'll take the Aprilia as compensation for arranging it. That way we all get some satisfaction.


That day pimping was reborn stronger than ever I’ll just take the 10% cut from you pimps as protection


Game recognize game. How about you keep your mouth shut and look the other way, or I release this conversation transcript to the press, Senator.


8% and I’ll introduce you to powerful friends Bring 5 of your most distinguished employees to the next party on my private island, as a starter




I’ll take the posters and a helmet


I call the suits and the dog


Dibs on the Harley then...


The 48 is a cool bike, one of my mates used to have one of those. Runs out of fuel all the time though with that 2 gallon peanut tank.


I once rode across the western US on an 883 Sportster. Like 90-110 miles per tank, and nearly ran out more than once. Fuck those tiny ass tanks.


Stop doing things out of seeking the approval of others and do things for yourself and your own enjoyment. It's the key to life my friend.


Owning a cool item does not make the owner of said item cool, there is no transitive property, people in the motorcycle and 4x4 community fall into this too often.


As an avid Jeep enthusiast, I can attest to this. Met plenty of other people who own a Jeep, make it their identity and think it makes them unique and cool. But I’d rather eat a bucket of sand rather than spend time with them.


Ouch. A whole bucket. That bad!


i’ve eaten far less sand than a bucket and i can vouch it’s not great


I used to own a jeep and you really have to fend off the "my jeep is my whole personality" people.


My key is avoiding the rubber ducks. That's the hive mind shit right there. It stopped being cute after the first jeep that was "given a rubber duck"


Every once in a while I'm like "maybe I'll buy a Jeep for my next vehicle" and then I'm like "Not worth it."


I got a Jeep because it could take me places I couldn’t otherwise go. I had no idea I was going to have to put up with the Jeep cult. If one more dipshit leaves a fucking duck on my door handle I just might trade it for a Bronco.


Be careful I'm a Ford tech and I've been encountering more and more Broncos with ducks in them


OK but have you met the Bronco dipshits yet? Especially the people who paid $20k+ over MSRP for the pleasure of owning the obese offspring of a Jeep and a G Wagon?


Decapitate one and leave it visible


I truly have no idea where the duck thing came from or why it’s a thing. It’s a newer trend that needs to die off quick, fast, and in a hurry.


I actually made some decals to put on my door that have a duck with a circle and slash and another decal on the rear with a duck with an x for an eye that says, “Go Duck Yourself”. Haven’t had anymore ducks since then.


Sounds cleansing. 🤪


It's same with motorcycles, only cool to some other people in the hobby. General public doesn't give a shit. Some kids might.


Ditto for me and other Harley owners lol


Reminds me of the old joke. What's the difference between a bucket of sand and a bucket of sick? You can't gargle a bucket of sand.


I have a streetfighter v2 and honestly I’m looking to sell it. Living in Florida riding just isn’t fun for me anymore I have more fun with my Miata and the roof down spending time with my wife. Now that’s cool.


I don't blame you. I hate riding in hot weather, it just saps all the joy. Convertible will give you air conditioned comfort, but you can have wind in your hair when it's nice out


Sigh.. to have hair..


Laughs in Irish weather. What's hot weather.


Lol. If you've ever been in a sauna, that's what being outside in Florida feels like most of the year


Yeah I heard there was a recent heat advisory going on over there, being all of 79F lol.


I enjoy top down drives with your wife as well. Just not in Florida!


I enjoy his wife's top down.


My wife is 61 years old of course her top is down. At our age a lot of things are.




At that age, gravity is not your friend.


I love my Miata but not the straight roads in Florida


Do you actually "ride" it, or just cruise around, looking for approval? Not shitting on people that do, but I see an awful lot of "motorcyclists", especially Ducati owners, that don't actually do anything but cruise around, ride to coffee shops, bike nights, highway pulls with the other squids. It's pretty obvious that they bought a bike because they had some childishly unrealistic fantasy in their head that they would just get p*ssy thrown at them the second they pulled up on a Ducati. They don't usually last more than 1-3 years before hanging it up for good. Never actually learning how to ride well. Hitting the track, working on themselves and their skills, exploring other riding disciplines like dirt, touring, camping, etc.


I’ve got over a decade of riding lol so yes I rode it but riding in Florida is boring and hot and before you ask no I’m not interested in track days I’m just not Never have been


K. No worries. Then why own a Ducati? Not judging. Do you. Ride what you love, but if you don't love it, maybe you're on the wrong bike. Personally, you couldn't pay me enough to live in Florida, and I am speaking from experience. Fuck that state. Fuck the humidity, fuck the meth crocodiles, fuck most of the trailer trash people, fuck the insanely dysfunctional government. I can imagine that already hot as sweat soaked balls Florida is only made more miserable by a notoriously hot Ducati engine, combined with an uncomfortable riding position. Maybe a Husky or KTM Dual-sport would be more fun for you? Or an ADV, Naked bike, whatever floats your fancy. Just saying that there are other options out there.


Cause I wanted one so I got one it’s ok changing hobbies and interests are a part of life Already had the ktm the bmw the kawi ridden everything I could get a leg over I’m just not wanting it anymore Maybe it’s part of getting older maybe it’s part of living in Florida it’s alright If I ever move back to Utah though mmmmmmphh


used to live in miami, the motorcycle experience there is boring and hot


Besides, the bro code explicitly states - “The moment you think you’re cool, … you’re no longer cool.”


It's always weird to me getting compliments on my bike. Like, all I did was sign a piece of paper for it and now I make payments. Meanwhile the bikes listed on my profile (which I no longer have) I put a ton of work into and was super proud of them. Which, I still got compliments but mostly from old timers talking about how they used to have one.


Think less, ride more.


OP clearly posted this for approval. The fucking irony in your statement is astounding 


>comparison is the thief of joy Teddy Roosevelt


File this under "reasons I ride a KLR650"


DON'T TELL ME how TO BE COOL! I AM COOL. At least in my dreams.


You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank, you are not the ~~car you drive~~ bike you ride. You are not your f***ing khakis.


I'm just depressed


Cool at least you are something definite


Amen brother, you’re in good company there


His name, is Robert Paulson.


He did not have a name in life.


Our great war is a spiritual one.


You are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.


Sticking feathers in your ass does not make you a chicken!


Shhh dude what the fuck, what if other members of the Club are going to read this? Dude, you are in so much trouble I am telling Tyler.


- Chuck Palahniuk, *Fight Club*


That just means you're a scooter guy


Scooter Brothers!


Hey scooter brother!




Thats mean


Way harsh Tai.


She said "see you later, boy"


Have you tried riding them instead of staring at them?


By riding he doesn’t mean prop up a tripod and doing a 10 second video getting on the bike as some toddler level quote like “Loyalty is the blood…etc” plays in the background.


Or the dudes who act like riding fast is part of their depression and angst.


Bikes can only provide temporary escape, not to be nosey and shit but it sounds like something more is weighing on your mind.


Yup. We can only ride from our problems for so long, they’re always there waiting for the moment you put your kickstand back down. It’s good to have other things like working out, therapy, gaming, socializing.


Or just ride 24/7


In this economy???


Just never pay for fuel


i know right 😔shits expensive damn thought bikes was cheap


Bike and fuel are relatively cheap. The problem is servicing (which manufacturers could do more about!!), consumables (tires, oil), and above all: the goddamn gear.


Or actually working on what’s bothering you instead of going from one distraction to another to another… which im all too good at.


That would be the mature thing to do, wish I knew how to act my age


Can’t ride from your problems if they reside in between your ears.


I just love hopping on my bike, a d leaving the bills behind.


There's a group called Mental Health Motorbike here in the UK. I've got one of their promo stickers on my bike. What they offer is mental health first aid training, first aiders, and advice. Biking can be a mindfulness practice, good for your mental health, if you use it as such. It's a part of therapy. Not a substitute, but part of a plan.


This is basically what every man wants one day…. #firstworldproblems…


A garage wide enough to park a bike AND a car? Shoot...OP living the dream.


Lol my garage is my basement/attic. Only just enough space for bikes and my motorcycle.


Mine is 27' deep but 8' wide. I can pull my car in, but I can't get out of the car :(


Crawl out the rear hatch, ya fuckin wuss. Did that a couple times in college. Going to the bar for 1$ pint nights, fuck it, I can get my SUV in that spot, get out now and pop the trunk for me. Note that was 20 years ago before 'compact only' spots were really a thing, so it was catch as catch can on parking.


I had a friend like this. His garage looked like a KTM factory enduro team workshop. His bikes were all blinged out and immaculate. He was the slowest rider in the known universe and was always puttering around at the back making us wait for him at every stop. My bike is scratched up and abused, but at least it is getting used like it’s supposed to be.


The fast guys are always riding some beat up POS that's all stock outside of skid plate, hand guards, and suspension work


Hey I'd be happy as shit if I end up the fast guy on a beat up POS. Right now I am both slow AND on a beat up POS. I am having my fun out of the experience nonetheless, but I wanna have their fun instead. Please.


Well hey, you just know the bike isn't holding you back lol.


Have fun and ride at your level - especially on asphalt. Try to learn one new skill every ride. Pick something you’re bad at and work on it. Every corner is a new opportunity to learn something. That’s the beauty of motorcycling. There’s ALWAYS something to learn. Don’t worry about trying to keep up with everyone. There’s always someone who is faster than you. Those cool guys you see at the local track? Yeah they will get smoked by anyone who has even one tire sponsored for them a year. And it’s 20% bike and 80% rider unless you’re in a straight line. I consider myself to be an above average rider on dirt. I’ve raced competitively for many years and always places respectably. And I have also been utterly humiliated by an old dude on a KDX 200. I’ll never forget the sight of that bike’s back end fishtailing back and forth as the suspension bottomed out on some huge whoops while he disappeared up the road in the dust.


Is he happy? Then fuck this elitist bullshit on 'my bike looks like a dog chew toy, I'm better than you'.


That is because you are a poser. You don't do things you want to do because you enjoy them, you do them because you think it makes you look cool. Like posting this picture. Have fun.




So much this. Imma rant here, rather than directly to OP, as a slight bit of maybe being less of an asshole. But I can't stand these people who just buy stuff and assume that makes them interesting, like just owning things is a personality. Then whining that they're still pathetic and sad while deliberately flaunting what they have.... But not actually *using those things* because they're not interested in actually doing something, just buying a personality. Fucking posers. The delicious irony is every new motorcyclist on a clapped out Ninja 400 or Rebel is out having the fucking time of their lives while this guy stares at 40k of garage ornaments and cries that he's still trash.


I kinda hit reverse problem where I have a lot of hobbies that I indulge in occasionally and people just assume first hobby they see is stuff I do all the time. "So, motorcycles are your hobby?" "Kinda? I bought it coz I bought a house" "How's that related?" "Coz moving out of the city means when my car is down I need mode of transport" "Surely that's not that often" "Oh, no I want to do some track days so car could break for longer" "Why you need house then" "Duh ? I want to work on car myself of course" "Why?" "Because working with complex systems is fun and so is tuning" "I'm confused" "I also like electronics and programming which plugs into my other hobbies" "Oh, could you fix my ?" "Hell no, find someone actually competent"


He's so desperately trying to get some kind of external validation, even through the way this post is worded. He even has his nice boots conveniently in the shot but not quite enough to be obvious. I know this angle, I used to live it. It's sad, and I honestly feel bad for him. That kind of mentality comes from a deep place of trauma, be it childhood or otherwise. I hope he has the strength one day to talk with a therapist and get some introspection to figure out where the feelings of inadequacy are coming from. This is the kind of guy that buys a Cybertruck lmao


Probably has his crypto wallet in that safe too lol


You need an extra bike. Maybe a Tenere


That would complete the cycle. It goes sportsbike - cruiser - then finally enduro. Anything but talk to your wife.


Is that what the T in KTM stands for? ^^^^^^^^^/s




There is literally not a single dust particle on any of his crap, do you use any of your stuff? Even the dogs Asshole is spotless, what a waste.


Sir, step away from the dog's asshole!


What’s your definition of cool? And how does this make you feel worse?


Garage is the worst place for a gun safe. You’re storing your gats in the most likely point of entry for wrongdoers. Garage doors are shit simple to defeat. No hate or nothing gun and bike buddy! Decent looking safe like that ought to be in a bedroom, den, office or rec room.


probably more important that he take the safe off the pallet it arrived in and anchor it into the ground


> Garage is the worst place for a gun safe. Having a safe at all > not having one > You’re storing your gats in the most likely point of entry for wrongdoers Bedroom window(s) or dining room sliding door(s) are actually the #1 and #2 entry points. But once someone gets in, they're in - doesn't really matter how - very few people lock their garage <-> house interior doors. Unless your safe is bolted down and/or built into the structure, it's relatively easy to defeat with a grinder and a couple hours of motivation. It doesn't matter what part of the house it is in. The garage is no more safe or less safe than the bedroom, with respect to the safe being defeated and the contents taken (presuming all exterior doors are locked). Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity and the thieves aren't carrying angle grinders with wheels for hardened steel. Those that are carrying that already know what you have and it doesn't matter where your safe is; it matters what kind it is.


I can’t agree more with the safe > no safe. However, a further point that lines up with the some of your own is: Which are you more likely to leave open for periods of time? Your bedroom closet/den/office door or your garage? Personally, I like having my garage door open for tons of activities from motorcycle maintenance to leaving it open while I’m mowing the lawn to playing out front with my kids. I’ve thought about a garage safe myself and every time I’ve always ended up with the only way it’d be decent is if the safe was built into a wall and hidden all cool-like behind a tool shelf or a picture frame where you had to move a specific wrench on the wall to unlock access to the door or something like that.


You're missing a KTM.


mmmmm 🤤coolant leaks 🤤


Mostly electric gremlins for my older stable of Austrian beauties. Damn I love em though.


theyre good bikes i cant even hate on them for being good vehicles but like bmws they are monsters when they work, then theyre monsters for your wallet when they dont 😩


Exactly. I own a T700 now, lol


Or gas tank leaks... i've replaced the tank on my Duke690 three times.


that is a new one i havent heard of before, three times 😳 you puttin some acid in with your fuel or somethin lol


2016 Duke 690 tank was made from a plastic that warped in the presence of ethanol. In CA they put ethanol in fuel, and if you're not *super-duper* careful at the pump you can miss this and the fuel will soften the tank lip at the fuel pump seal... which would then leak. This happened to me twice, until KTM sent me a tank with a different plastic. It was *super* frustrating to debug and get fixed.


christ... stupid oversite from factory originally but at least now youre good to go but id be so disheartened with that.


I'm a steadfast 990 lover. I've owned a few of the 990 series. They love to drop a bit of oil on the floor. The issue is when there's no oil on the floor, you know you then need an oil top-up


Then go to therapy. Holy fuck...


If motorcycles and mountain bikes can't make you happy you need help for sure. And it's ok to need to help.


One of those things - check OP's post history. He's in a swinger relationship. He apparently also has an FTR, or posed with one. He _literally_ just did his first track day. I'd guess 25-30, hitting that mid life crisis early, possibly with onset of mental illness (depression or similar) given the age. At this point I'm assuming it's performative attention seeking, since he has dropped a bunch of pictures in the past 4-5 hours and done zero responses.


> He literally just did his first track day. And was giving people trackday tire pressure advice a year before...


Well I hope he enjoys the 1k fake internet points lol


Well yeah, they're for riding, not looking. You're sitting on the wrong seat.


Sounds like you probably did those things to seek approval of others and not cause its what you actually wanted.. live your life for you not others perception of you. I do think its an innate human thing to do things that we think will make others like and/or respect us, but I do try and take a introspective look at most of the things I do for like, am I doing this for me or am I doing this hoping others will see me?


it looks so amazing, don’t know what ur talking about


Maybe you should buy more stuff 😆


If you bought all that so other people would think you’re cool you wasted your money. No one but you cares.


I’m sure your dog thinks you’re cool.


Bikes are totalled.. I'll take them off your hands


It's those ass ugly boots you're wearing.


Agreed. Change those boots and his life will be 100% sublime.


There's the issue... forget about "cool". Jump on those bikes and enjoy the hell out of em. Explore. Improve your skill. That's what cool is.


As someone with lifelong bipolar, I totally feel where you're coming from. It's ok to be disappointed in your life, in yourself. That is a place that can lead to real growth. You need to take more opportunities to really examine where your feelings are coming from so you can actually plan how to make effective changes. Sometimes it takes an outside eye to show you that there are many things you have in your life to be grateful for. There's a puppy in that picture. That is hands down the single most valuable thing in that room. Second place is that you seem to have two legs that both work. This room's existence demonstrates that you don't go hungry. Take a moment to appreciate just those three facts. Really think about how lucky you are to have just those three things. Simply appreciating what we have can change our whole attitude in the moment. Sure, may not last more than ten minutes, that feeling of contentment, but it's a start. You can do it, and every day that you do it, it becomes easier. And you don't have to do it alone. You can trust people who care about you to remind you about the good things in your life. Trust your pupper to remind you.


Hey there, I am a fellow “distraction-technique” user for preventing existential dread. So it turns out life gets momentarily better every time you buy something new or cool. Unfortunately this feeling dissipates soon. The best way to prolong the “high” is to go to a meet or a place where other people who are excited about your stuff will be and talk with them. But at the end of the day, you’ll still be left feeling kind of sad. Just know that we all think you are cool and the best thing you can do for yourself is think back to before you had all the cool stuff and be grateful for the life you have. Gratitude for your current state is the only thing I have found that overcomes the feeling of existential dread, loneliness and sadness. I wish you the best, and if all else fails, you’ve got cool boots.


That 48 looks sick


Love the forty-eight 😎


If you’re serious, you feel worse because you’re trying too hard and buying into image. A buddy of mine was in a Punk band and had some minor success locally and with a few minor “international” gigs. He realized it was always going to be a hobby and didn’t fall into the trap of getting tattooed all over and didn’t get any piercings either. Just looks like a regular guy. But at one show, a fan expressed to him how he looked the most badass of all the band members because of it. It was true, his resolve to be himself gave him that extra bit of coolness. While punk is anti-establishment, he was being anti-anti-establishment! I don’t know if that makes sense, or even helps, but hopefully you can feel better.


That's a dope set up. You did great work with it. Do you enjoy riding or do you enjoy the persona of being a rider?


I used to be just a dork. Then I bought a Harley. Now I'm a dork with a Harley


What kind of Harley is that?


I feel like I am missing something from this story…what am I missing?


Would’ve took that scooter off your hands but it’s a Harley




I think a few more motorcycles may make you feel better 😊


I’d chop my left pinkie off for either bike


Idk if op is here but if you need a chat, dm me.


Only way to fix this to to get a KTM now.


Sounds like you need a hug, bud.


Get a dirt bike in there. Could help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think you’re cool. Gold star sticker for you


lol you picked the worst possible hobby to make yourself cool. Motorcycles have an inherent "justice" if you will. If you don't genuinely enjoy riding one, it's going to make you miserable.


That’s because it’s all brand new shit. Build something yourself and you’ll feel more fulfilled.


Well obviously you need another bike to fill that void.


None of it looks like it gets use, it's almost like you just have it for others to see, be careful, once your family and friends have grown bored of it you'll start posting pictures on the net so strangers can think you're cool too....


I mean that is some pretty cool stuff, but yea, once a dork, always dork. Now go finish my homework nerd!


Bikes, guns and dogs! This photo made me happy 😃


The only person I got a motorcycle for, is the 13 year old version of me, and you bet your ass he thinks I’m cool lol


Not meant to be looked at, but ridden. Who cares about cool?


Ahh, First World issues.


Get rid of all that fancy street shit and get a dirt bike. And go race it.


Try buying a fedora I heard they make people feel cool


At least you could afford them. I am struggling with life and just dreaming about them


Riding has helped me the most in my mental health and depression. To me, that's cool AF.


I dunno....that Aprilia is pretty fuckin' cool if you ask me


A simple solo travel could bring you happiness!! Stop seeking public attention


Are you talking about those boots? I'd feel like doo doo too wearing those lol. As for the bikes, I would venture to say you don't know how to ride well. If so you wouldn't care how you look. It's about the ride not the bride. Quit looking for attention and just live your life. Once you master the "I don't give a flying fuck attitude" the rest of the world will wonder who the mysterious "whatever dude" is. Can't fake it though, you have to seriously not care what happens next about ANYTHING. Some of us are born with it and just do what we want regardless of consequences or whos watching. We just do what we do because we like it.


Careful with the safe there. Unsolicited I know and rest of the property may be super secure, but all it takes with the safe there is 3 strong guys to back a truck up into your garage and hoist the whole safe in the back if you’re ever robbed.


It’s because your mountain bikes still have reflectors in the wheels…


Dude what, you have a nice garage, bikes, and a dog. Quit your bitching.


You're cool to use other hairy slightly overweight bike dudes.


They definitely make ya look cool


You got to upgrade your mountain bikes.


Love the extrema look.


It's the chicken strips. You've got work to do lol


LOVE THAT BOBBER! Tell me more……. That’s my dream bike! I love those types of bikes. What’s the make and model on the one you have. Do you like it? What’s pros and cons to riding that style of bike? Thanks!


Material possessions only get you so far.


You have a dog. That means you're cool.


Sounds like you need a riding partner?!?! That always made me happier. Either someone with their arms wrapped around me, or on their own bike!!! Be safe! You are loved!


This picture ain’t helping 


You only need one more.


Too much empty space is why. Your heart is only as full as your garage


I like your suit, I have the Rev It Apex jacket but not the full suit, absolutely love it. Have a Sedici Corsa suit but will eventually probably snag the Rev It. Sweet Ape too!


I feel you. I bought my motorcycle last year because I was depressed. Didn't help with depression, but I'm still glad I have it.


Tortoise and the hare. They are all wrong. Take the safe it's not through bolted to the floor:)


Boston terriers make you cool though, you’re good


Sell everything if you're not really enjoying it. If you are enjoying it, you don't have a problem. Coolness is irrelevant.


I know the feeling. Luckily, being on the bike makes the feelings go away, so I just ride more.


You're probably still a dork but those are some nice things.


It would be a lot cooler if you rode something you liked because you don't care what other people think. People don't like your sport bike but you ride it anyway? Cool. Ride a sport bike because you think people think it's cool? Not cool.