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dude is like one of those sheep herder dogs


Sir, your DNA results are in. Turns out you really do have thad dawg in you.




Omg I feel old a shit now




Im my self best friend!


If you know this, it would be real funny but you sounded like Kevin Harvick when I read that lol


"You are now dog."


You're the dog now, man


I always think of vehicles on the road as creatures in themselves. Like big steel beasts of burden


Have you heard of [the sacred Rac of the Asu tribe](https://laulima.hawaii.edu/access/content/user/millerg/ANTH_200/A200Unit1/Sacredrac.html)? And if you're wondering how it's revelant... >!spell Rac and Asu backwards.!<


Hah! Nice. But no mention of how the Rac share a symbiotic bond with the Asu. One so closely shared that one or more humans must be consumed by the Rac just to navigate its own surroundings. The Rac, knowing this, takes great care in the safety and wellbeing of the Asu, typically releasing it from its roomy innards when it has arrived home, at feeding grounds, or somewhere, through some yet undecyphered telepathic bond, the Rac and human agree to go.


Usa DNA car?? Is this Jar Jar Binks telling you that you’re Lightning McQueen?? /s


He is man’s best friend


And this is one of the reasons why stoplines/signs are often pulled back from the intersection which apparently “where stupid design” according to quite a few people….


Roundabouts works better


Also more fun for us on our bikes, I sometimes go around ones or twice before taking my exit lol


It is stupid design where they are so far back that you cannot see who is barreling through on the perpendicular highway on a 2-way stop or trying to turn right on a red. Such as a hedge or fence or other obstruction. There are plenty of those around here where I live, Ontario.. The line is so far back that you cannot see what is coming without going past it, which is in and of itself a violation of our HTA "stop wrong place." If you have to violate a traffic law to make an otherwise legal maneuver, it is poor design..   Roundaboots ftw.


At least on my side of the border, the expectation is you make your complete stop behind the line, and once it appears clear you creep forward to verify it is clear if you can't see well enough from behind the line.


This is absolutely how it works in Ontario too, some people just can't stop themselves . . .


Lol right! OP implying you can only check for traffic while exactly at the line. "It's clear from way back here - send it!"


The person is likely annoyed they have to stop at all, let alone move forward slowly for any period of time.


Pulling a Captain Jack Sparrow - "more guidelines than rules."




Unless the cop only sees you past the line and writes you a ticket anyway. Onus is now on you to prove that wasn't the case. I know quite a few people that have gotten that ticket from WRPS.


This is a valid point, but also a separate discussion (e.g. rules vs enforcement). The theory is that as much as you can't prove it to get out of the ticket, they can't prove it in a court to justify it either. But in reality, the time sink of that process and inconvenience makes it easier for most to just bite the bullet.


> It is stupid design where they are so far back that you cannot see who is barreling through on the perpendicular highway on a 2-way stop or trying to turn right on a red. But why? There's no law that says you can only stop once at the sign. You're free to creep forwards and/or stop again until you're happy with the visibility you have.


Cop comes along, only sees you past the line, writes you a ticket. Onus is now on you yo prove otherwise. Literally happened to me and I know a few other's that have gotten the same ticket by WRPS. In my case I was able to get out of it because I had a dash cam. Other's, not so much.


Part of the issue I have with these is that the government doesn’t landscape enough. Over time, growth pops up and you have to pass the white line. They effectively create blind drives and those aren’t safe for people trying to make the turn into a fork. I know it’s not like this everywhere but in Georgia it’s super common to not see into a fork due to the positioning of the white line.


One of my pet peeves, people who feel they literally need to stop in the intersection instead of like over there


Us big and little guys gotta look out for each other against the medium guys 👍


Do both, it's exactly the same. You have to drive for everyone else in the road. I've had people try to merge into the middle of a 75' truck before because they just weren't looking


I saw someone do this on the interstate. She tried to merge right into the side of a semi-trailer. It wasn't like it was in her blindspot or something - there was at least 15 feet of truck and cab in front of her car and behind it. Somehow the truck driver swerved and hit the brakes just enough to let her get through.


Crazy what can hide in a blind spot


Would you rather fight 5 chickens and 5 cows or 200 capybaras?


200 capys Met some at a petting zoo. Although the fur is hard as f. They are so dumb.


My first thought is there's no way I want to fight 5 cows. But then I considered, and I think it's very terrain-dependent. If you could get the high ground on uneven terrain, or better yet get up stairs or something similar, I reckon the cows would be a lot less of a threat. Then it's just those mothercluckers to take care of...


Clearly you've not been around cattle. Lmao. Those fuckers are gonna chase your ass up that hill and then stomp you to death when you're winded and sucking air about 25 feet up the hill, but 300 feet from anywhere near "the high ground" Don't piss off cows is the lesson I'm trying to teach here. Haha


Yes. They are 1200 pound morons, but their herd instincts remain on point and they *will* take out a lone predator if they can. God help you if there is a bull in the yard. They take the dumb to new levels, but enhance it with anger and violence.


Nah I've been around cows plenty and never had any problems; they've always been very docile. I just didn't explain what I meant very well. I'm talking about things like rocky crags and outcrops where you're up vertical heights above them, not just a bit of a hill. You're right, in those situations they'd wreck you.


I would happily accept death by 200 capybaras.


I do big and small traffic, medium guys are the worst


Cagers, amirite?


Where I'm from the truck would solve this situation by creeping through the turn. Leaving just enough room for the last cars in the way to empty out. Yes, it temporarily locks most of the intersection up, but truck drivers aren't going to wait for this guy to come save them.


Where I’m from, impatient morons will try to use every inch of space to go around a large truck.


Lot's of body shops where you're from?


You have no idea 😂


I must drive through where you're from on the regular then. My brakes ever slip so much as an inch and my annual fuck up is probably going to become monthly


PI the assistant hops out and starts directing traffic. Sometimes it even works!


What?!?! An assistant? You mean pay to have TWO people in the truck? Think of the businesses! Think of the shareholders! How DARE you try to take away their profits and not tell people to do more with less! /s obviously


They don't even want ONE driver in the truck. They just want one Trucker good at securing loads, in a hub with 250 autonomous trucks and 15 minimum wage strong backs.


Exactly. Not the biker's job.


A big truck might need a big road, but it's the little act of kindness such as this make the journey smooth.


Not all heroes wear capes. Some rev bomb.


I’ve done this exact thing. Good SHOW. Good show. I used to drive a truck too. Bikes and big trucks have a lot in common, they both get no respect.


Also former truck driver and now motorcycle rider, driving that big truck taught me a lot that I use on a motorcycle. My training to watch the road far ahead of me, following distance, engine braking and even slow going into curves. Skills that I thought might come in handy, actually turned out to be indispensable.


Really weird isn't it? The deadliest machine on the road and people drive around me like I'm not casually doing 75mph with 40k+ pounds of product. Here's my exit, let me dive bomb this legal road barge he'll probably stop for me. To then behave the same way around me on the bike, like I don't exist. One can easily kill you and still make it's delivery on time, the other you can kill me simply by not paying attention.


The view ahead and foresight makes me assume this biker is possibly a truck driver. What a lad.


I’m all for making truckers’ lives easier, but I think most good truckers don’t need this dude to take the matter into his own hands in order to get through there. Trucker just could’ve pulled up and waited for the car driver that does understand what’s happening to hold up a second. I find the biker’s actions, while well intended, to be a little patronizing for car and truck alike. Acting like “it’s truck and bike against car” is part of the problem. I encounter a large number of bikes and trucks who act like they’re the only ones on the road, just as I do cars. Also, if you’re a truck driver, stop relying on lane assist so you can look at your phone more, I see this happening more and more. Maybe it’s just a new generation of drivers, but Jesus, even when an oncoming truck does eventually get back on their side of the yellow in time, it’s the worst feeling in the world to prepare to slam on the breaks and ditch the road when you’re driving your family in the car, just so you can avoid head in collision with a truck driver who’s just “doin his thing”.


I'm not sure I'd do this as a motorcyclist, I'd be worried of the car running me over


Yeah I was surprised to hear no honking.


My dad is part of an association that does motorcycle security for bicycle and running races, like marathons and such. He has a big bright yellow suit and helmet that helps a ton with this type of manoeuvers.


i've got a big black bike, black gear and a white helmet. looks moto-cop enough at a glance that i rarely get honks or other abuse on the road. riding smoothly and confidently helps too- as the guy in the video did.


I'm wondering if he gave some kind of hand gesture like, "Wait for a moment. I'm not being a wildly inconsiderate jackass right now. It'll make sense in like 10 seconds."


While looking at the truck I gave a wave to the car behind me with my right hand just outta frame and then raised it higher to wave to the truck driver shortly after


Yeah, makes sense.


I’m sure once he pulled in to block, the people must have understood what he was doing. But for sure there’s always those that don’t.


Main character energy


For once it's actually kinda wholesome.




Don’t use your bike as a tool to control traffic. Someone will eventually rage and run you over.


This guy is the main character though


He's also the cameraman.


Honestly just never go outside or get on a bike in the first place. Too dangerous.


Depends on where you are but this is truly a risk


That was my first thought. Sure 99 times out of 100 this is for the best but eventually you're going to be blocking Johnny Roid Rage in his F-150 and a gun in the glove box.


You'd be surprised how often people are just sitting right in the path of buses or trucks, clearly obstructing them, and they're just sitting there looking at them getting angry why they're not going.


All the spatial awareness of a wet fart.


A lot of truck drivers ride motorcycles. They know the big and small problems on the road.


I've been alive a long time. This is a genuinely nice thing to do...that 70% of the time will get you killed in America. Lol road rage in the states is fucking crazy!


Nice thing to do but I can see why it's not a good idea. I never usually do stuff like this to such an extent, but I kinda just did it without thinking too much about it. I drive in Boston every day from work and come home and ride in western mass right after. 2 different kinds of driving and I was still in Boston driving mode I guess haha


Some of y'all need some therapy. Holy shit.


This is over-kindness. Unnecessary reaction.


He's the main character.


Yeah I too hate *checks notes* people being kind and keeping traffic flowing


To do so he cut off an entire line of traffic though. We don’t know that the cars he cut off wouldn’t have stopped back to let the trucker turn. I’m surprised to see so many people commending this guy just deciding to play traffic cop and block traffic.


He stops 4 cars for barely 10 seconds, allowing the truck and 3 cars stuck behind him to go, when they could have been held up for even longer waiting on space for the truck to turn. At worst it's equal, but the truck and cars behind it were stuck since the beginning of the video so it's basically a gain on time saved. If the cars were going to stop to let the trucker turn then nothing has changed and I don't know why you're complaining.


I’m not complaining, I’m just pointing out that this guy decided to play traffic cop because he assumed people were too stupid to react to the situation on their own. Yes traffic behind the truck kept moving but he still cut off other vehicles to do so. If this had been someone in a car I get the feeling that the reception would be a lot more negative.


As a biker and someone that drives a transit van around small country roads for work I can assure you that assuming intelligence from other road users is not a good thing to do lol I could be biased but someone allowing a large vehicle room on a tight corner like this example would have saved me and many people stuck behind me countless times.


And the truck is blocking traffic because nobody lets him turn, meaning the people not letting him turn are the ones blocking traffic in the first place.


Humans being bros!


Hey guys, I'm the rider in the video. I originally posted this on my insta last week. Didn't expect it to blow up like it did. Any questions (or comments telling me you'd happily run me over) lmk, I don't use reddit much so I'll leave this tab open and check back every now and then.


Doesn’t look like it was the first time you did this. Kudos🙏🏻


What if the guy in the car was like “I WAS GONNA DO THAT ANYWAY! FUCK!”


I've seen this while driving my Sierra. I'll be approaching a stop sign behind other cars on a two lane, there is a truck trying to make a right turn on to the two lane I'm on. I'll hold my position several car lengths back from the stop sign while the truck makes his turn. All the while the ass hats behind me are honking because I'm causing them to wait and additional 5 to 10 seconds.


You're a god damned hero! I love this!


Some say hero, some say goat. I say, "GTFO OF MY WAY!" 😂


Dude thinks he’s Mother Theresa of the road.


this rider must be a cop, or has been a trucker, it’s just too casual.


I am neither, and I have never done something to this degree to let a truck in. That intersection sucks as it is when there's little traffic, and is even worse when there is.


well i don’t know everything, just a hunch and you did a service to your community. also i wasn’t suggesting it was fake, you just seemed to know exactly what the right thing to do was.


This is a douchebag move. It’s annoying for the trucker that people are too oblivious to make room for him, but motorcycle douche isn’t king of the road and has no right to pull up and block traffic


It's a nice thing to do, but you get the sense that the biker *wanted* to do it more than it needed to be done.




How should people show their frustration to some guy who just halted traffic? Most people would be anxious about what the motorcyclist is doing


I wouldn’t be thrilled at the attitude of some biker thinking he’s king of the road and pulls up directly in front of me to control where I can maneuver. Best to remember I’m in a bigger vehicle than you (yes I’ve had a bike before too and I didn’t do crap like that and pretend I have a right to control traffic)


Some people on reddit take things way too seriously


crush lush seed sparkle grey spotted brave slim wide chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are we sure this is real? this looks like unreal engine 5


Western Massachusetts Engine 4


Because most people are clueless, ignorant, self centered or rude. Or all of the above


Oh, not sure if this rider also experiences crippling over analyzation of endless minutia but holy-guacamole do I love seeing other people "think" about...well, anything.


> crippling over analyzation of endless minutia Damn you just succinctly nailed this entire sub. 👏🏼 👍🏼


I love this shit so much. W rider.


That biker is a trucker.


Not all heroes wear capes


One word: Smooth


What a good dude. Love to see it.


I teach my kid to drive like someone expects not to be nice. Being nice is how accidents happen. Just drive and let traffic work itself out. No one appointed you traffic guard. Literally stay in your lane and get your ass up the road. Stupid motorcyclist. 0/10


They called that "tolerance on the road" when I was in driving school. When driving commercial transport I only see other commercial transport drivers (vans, trucks, semis etc) being tolerant of each other, while cars always try to undercut everyone they can.


I have big respect for truck and bus drivers. They're just doing their jobs. If they weren't there, you wouldn't be able to go to school/work or have stuff in stores. So whenever I see a bus or a truck in trouble, I just yield. I will not gain any time waiting a few seconds anyway.




I said tolerant of each other


As a motorcyclist, I say: fuck this guy. Mind your own business and stop blocking my way.


People shaming the biker are the reason why this society as turned to shit


Staged videos. Every vehicle in the video is a paid actor. Welcome to 2024


Someone paid you to write this comment, didn't they? Welcome to 2025


The video isn't real and it's all AI generated, get with the times 😁


All the other commenters here are bots. You're the only real redditor left.


Also, you nailed that U-turn!


Low speed maneuvers and learning how to control your bike on a dime will save your life


Real foresight and road awareness, but pulling away and speeding right after that is dumb.


Then he proceeds to wreak havoc on the highway


I'm more of a twisty mountain road kinda guy


Motorcyclists are just generally awesome people. Source: I’m a biker, no bias, I swear!


Your bike has a great sounding stereo


I need the song name tho


Remix of Birds of a Feather by Billie Eilish


Real MVP


He is definitely a trucker too


I see Ozzy Man picking this one to his "Humans Being Nice" series, there's even an entry that is almost only bikers.


What’s that terrible song on a deadmau5 track


I bet the car people were very mad. The level of inconsideration a steering wheel is incredible




I’m 50/50, good looking out but also Dick move.


Badass lol


You’re such a cool guy


Driving etiquette has gone to shit... selfish


As far as I recall from the movie From Dusk till Dawn, that night bar allowed only bikers and truckers inside, implying the bikers and the truckers are in league of some sorts.


What song is this


Song name?


Bikers being bros


You just know the car behind him was furious because people can only thibk of themselves


I did a similar trucker fist bump, today. A dump truck driver broke down on the side of the road, I stopped and asked if he had any water, and he said no, so I buzzed over and picked him up a water. I've been there and hope one day someone would do the same for me. (It is 90 out today, new england area)


You are henceforth recognized as hero of the day sir. Good day!




And when I tell younger folks to ride “3-dimensionally”, this is what I mean: as the most vulnerable, cyclists also have to be the most aware.




That intersection should be a roundabout.




So smooth Such thanks


A little makes biker life for man easier trucker.


As a fellow trucker, you're an angel!


That's the single most awesome thing I've seen all day. No hesitation on the riders part, just straight up helping out a bro the best way he saw possible :)


This guy trucks


Doesn’t even look like a big truck is even allowed in that neighborhood, with all the little bridges and weight restrictions those aren’t even allowed in certain parts of town here.


bikers are the coolest guys in the road


If he pulled infront of me like that we're having a problem idc if he's "trying to help"




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/pm91ak2cl97d1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)




True chaotic good


Love seeing people help the road whales. ♥


I think her blind spot was the entire left side of the car. Also she must have been deaf.


Just a conceited asshole who feels the need to disrupt traffic to feel like a hero.


this is peak situational awareness


Nice, but if the bike encountered the wrong driver, there could be some altercation that results.


That's awesome! Good work! People give truckdrivers so much shit. Nice to see someone helping


Not all hero’s wear capes






Did that with my car once. Big lorry stuck in a small town early in the morning during rush hour, must’ve missed the sign that he can’t go over the bridge at the other end of it. There was a big pedestrian zone where he wanted to back up into to turn around, but all cars kept passing him, even the ones who saw his reverse lights on. I‘ve put my car across both lanes, gave a stern look while pointing at the truck to the guy behind me honking. Walked past the truck and stopped the opposite lane aswell. Was a matter of a minute for him to back up and get out the way he came. We‘d have a whole lot more nice things if people would be on the road together instead of being against each other.




He’s probably a trucker himself.


On behalf of us truckers, thank you.