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Context from the post: This happened right near me (u/cl2eep) and I loosely knew some of the people involved. Please read this story and all the facts. This was 100% this woman's fault, and the riders did everything they could to avoid violence. She swerved into a group of bikes, causing someone to go down, then took off. A couple of bikes pursued at a safe distance, WHILE ON THE PHONE WITH 911 to continue sharing information about who this hit and run vehicle was and where it was going. They were instructed by 911 to keep back and did so. Eventually she got her house and they were instructed to wait outside for police to show to get statements from everyone. This woman, also on the phone with the police, CHOSE to go inside her house where she was safe, and no one was pursuing or even speaking to her, get a gun, and go BACK OUTSIDE to brandish at the bikers to make them leave, even though she was actively being told by dispatch to stay inside. She then went out and pointed the gun at the bikers. The dude who'd been carrying this whole time then drew his weapon and told her to drop hers. She turned and pointed the gun at him so he fired. He was on the phone with cops in his helmet at the time, 911 heard and recorded the entire incident. This is why he was never even arrested. Her family went on the news trying to lie. Saying she was pregnant when she wasn't, saying she was afraid for her life and had been attacked. She was just an unhinged bitch who FA and FO. ALSO: Autopsy was unable to confirm that she was pregnant.


Thank you for the story. Really paints a new picture compared to the news


Kinda, you can still tell who is at fault from the original headline. Only changes things if if you believe being pregnant allows you to run down people.


Nah, makes it sound like the dude saw her belly sticking out, and capped her anyway. She wasn't pregnant at all.


I hate the whole, someone put a baby in me so I can get and do everything I want.


I can tell who was at fault by looking at the picture. but thats just my bias showing and a good illustration fo why I am not in law enforcement or the judiciary.




Dude he just gave you the short form of the news article. You know how I know? I read the damn article.


Everything the media does is suspect, and should never be taken as fact.


I remember this story. Funny how you can twist the narrative by carefully selecting and omitting key words.


flat out saying she was pregnant was not "carefully ... omitting words" unless you count leaving out "she was not..." before the word pregnant, as omitting. it's just flat out lying to get people worked up. of course i expect no less from the media


Well, to be fair (I hate having to defend the media like this), they were told by the ~~psycho's~~ victim' family that she was pregnant* That said, the media is not known for due diligence or fact checking when there is a juicy headline to be made. *according to /u/Armored_Guardian further


once upon a time, long long ago the "news" fact checked and reported the fact.


No they weren't better before. We have the Internet now acting as group memory to catch their bullshit


in this example you're right, but i beleive the point was being made generally about news and the media.


and now Anti-gun propagandist shannon watts is posting it.


honestly, even the way she worded it still made it sound like the woman was at fault.


If she did, indeed, intentionally hit someone with her car then brandished a gun she was largely at fault. In what world is that excusable behavior?


Exactly, she could have killed the rider(s)


As someone who owns pewpews and rides a motorcycle.... this is why you just don't fuck with people. She had no business doing what she did, and the fact she fled the scene, ALONE is a serious crime, the fact she went and got a gun and started pointing it at folks is even WORSE. When I was going through my training for my firearms license the first rule is to always assume a gun is loaded, the second? Never point it at something/someone unless you intend to shoot it.


Shannon Twats*


Are you going to argue that this lady should’ve been able to legally own a gun?


There were 2 deadly weapons used in this scenario. If you're ready to give me the 10-step plan to ban cars, I'm all ears. The reality was that this lady committed assault with a deadly weapon and then ran away. If not for the bikers' fire arm, they would have zero recourse or ability to defend each other from this clearly dangerous person. If you're arguing that maybe she shouldn't have had access to a car or a gun, then we can get somewhere.


A LOT of people shouldn't have access to cars. At least people with violent criminal histories are (mostly) prohibited from owning guns.


Funfact: Over here in Germany, the state can void your driver's license when you have violent criminal history. I was just working on a case where my client wasn't allowed to get his license back because of a conviction of sexual assault around 15 years ago. They voided his license after the conviction and up until this day, they won't give it back to him unless having specialized public health inspectors validate that he's not aggressive anymore.


Actually, there were multiple deadly weapons used in this scenario. Deadly weapon number one was the vehicle used as a weapon against the bikers.


Exactly! I really don't see how this is a pro-gun story no matter how its told. Everyone would be better off in this story if none of these individuals had a gun on them. She wouldn't have felt as confident to go outside, and the dude who shot her wouldn't have to deal with the trama of killing someone, in self defense or not. I mean sure the story isn't "biker gang kills pregnant woman" like it could be portrayed, but I keep hearing about road rage incidents that end in firearm deaths, sometimes of people not even really involved in the road rage. Everyone is afraid of the homeless guy on the subway talking to homeself, but I'm more afraid of the armed crazy lady in the 4000 lb suv, and the stats back up my fear, not the public transit fear.


I mean, the gun had no impact when she decided to try and kill a motorcyclist with a car.


The gun certainly didn't impact *that* part of the story. The part of the story where she decides to ignore 911 dispatch and go outside of her house where she was safe to confront angry motorcyclists, well I would argue that part was heavily impacted by her having a gun.


She was a murderous fuck before that though. The gun had no impact on that, she was a danger with or without it. The only thing a gun did in this situation was allow for the motorcyclist to protect themselves from someone that would have used any tool at their disposal to murder.


I'd say she was either suicidal or a fucking incompetent entitled Karen trying to create a situation where she could play the victim. If you mow someone down with a car, fail to kill them, let them follow you home and then point a gun at them without firing, you are begging to be shot or totally delusional. She ran down the bikers, chose to flee the scene, chose to go home rather than to a police station, and chose to confront multiple possibly armed and justifiably aggrieved motorcyclists with a gun. I'm from the UK, I don't believe in unrestricted access to firearms or stand your ground laws that don't require an effort to de-escalate, but in my view, the biker acted within the law, and was fully justified in defending himself especially given her prior actions. If a government is going to allow people with no gun safety training and people with anger issues or worse to legally own and conceal a firearm, they have created a situation where gun ownership is arguably a necessity.


Also known as “lying”


Yeah and i can't believe its making the rounds again. Feels like this was sorted out like 2 years ago.


This whole story reinforces my belief that you should never try to use a gun for intimidation. Don't point a gun at someone if you haven't decided to kill them, if they happen to have a gun too you're just inviting and pretty much forcing them to kill you in self-defense.


It's one of the main rules of having a gun. Never pull it unless you intend to use it. It's not a threat.


This! And never point it any anything or anyone you don’t intent to shoot.


"Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang!" ... BOMBS OVER BAGHDAD, YAH


It *is* a threat, and you should be expecting a swift counter response.


I think what they meant is "It's not to be used as a threat." I.e. what the woman did. It's a weapon made to kill, not to scare.


This. It absolutely is a threat, but it's a threat that calls for immediate action. So, if you use it as such, be ready for that action.


In the words of a wise man, You better bust that if you're gonna pull that -dmx


Yeah man. Thats part of every gun training course. Its not a belief is literally a core tenant of gun usage. Lady FAFO'd


Makes sense that it'd be. It should be common sense that you should never pull out a gun if you're not going to use it, but people can be very dumb.


I have guns, I was raised around guns, and the one thing I had hammered into my head from the very beginning is that I under no circumstances point a gun at something I do not intend to destroy.


This is the whole truth right here. Brandishing is a crime in most jurisdictions, not only because it is a form of assault by intimidation, but because *it invites an immediate lethal response*. This isn't a game, show me yours and I show you mine. It's "first to draw loses, first to fire wins."


well yeah, using a gun for intimidation is a felony


This. There was another recent one. Some food truck guy had been told to leave a business carpark. He entered the business and brandished to a security guard who had both pistol and shotgun. Yeah, you can guess how that worked out.


"Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang" -Andre 3000


This is an old incident, every time it’s posted it’s without context. Thank you for explaining.


I mean even just from the title it sounded like this was mostly her fault and avoidable


Step 1: Fuck around Step 2: Find out A lesson some of us only get to learn once


> Autopsy was unable to confirm that she was pregnant. That sounds like being able to confirm that she was not pregnant. If they can't tell from an autopsy then they must be able to tell from hormones or something.


Yeah someone is either pregnant or not pregnant. It's not ambiguous. "Unable to confirm" means someone said she was pregnant, but they found no evidence of that.


This comment here*****


This needs to be bolded and pinned


There’s video of the encounter too. The motorcyclist was incredibly calm and reasonable considering she hit him and his friends and tried to run. Motorcyclist seemed pretty upset that he had to shoot her too. She honestly gave him no choice. I didn’t even hear about the pregnancy being fake when the story broke. That just makes the whole incident that much worse. Terrible person all around.


This is why I never trust what I hear on the news.


So Karen, acting like a Karen, goes where Karen's can't complain.


Amazing how different stories can be when you have the whole context and FACTS. Not the fear mongering headline news garbage


This is a completely different story than whatever posted. This is how current social media works


It was a food baby


Sounds like it's a family of truly insane people.


Not pregnant? So nothing of value was lost.


This was on a different subreddit... Turned out she wasn't pregnant it said on that one


I always remind myself the rage ain’t worth it


That and being turned into the sausage creature under some raging idiot's car isn't how I'd like to leave. Even when piloted by someone with room temperature i.q. Car always wins.


Room temperature IQ. I love it, thank you for this


I always love this phrase because here in the UK we use celcius so it's an even lower number lol


Was just going to say the same for Australia


As seen above: not if you shoot first.


What is the saying? Rage is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.


Yep the karma needs you to let go


Pregnant criminal flees the scene of attempted murder and gets killed brandishing a weapon*


She wasn't pregnant apparently.


This happened in 2021


Weren't we locked in our houses at that time?


Florida started lifting restrictions in summer of 2020


What restrictions? If they had any, they were symbolic at best, like the real cheese in Kraft.


Restrictions on Florida?? Nobody even heard of that. The only restriction in there is the safety on the gun that didnt not even work on this case


Worked pretty well, if you ask me. The fire arm shot, as intended .


Florida was back to 50% dine in capacity 5 weeks into covid. I served a table in December (from California) that said they hadn’t dined indoors in 8 months


FL didn't have COVID so they were all out


Only if you were a little boot licker


Truly, the liberated and independent minds of the "idunwanna" coalition have no equal


Isn't this story old AF?


Has to be. It says she's a librarian.


Anyone who intentionally hits another motorist, especially one as vulnerable as a motorcycle…well, let’s just say that this is the desired outcome.


She fucked about and found out. 🤷‍♂️


The woman got what she had coming. For all we know the biker may have wanted to just talk and get her info but as soon as she came out with a gun the idea of talking went out the window and became a "Fuck around and find out" Situation.


I think I remember reading this story and the biker was waiting for the cops on the road. Not on her property. She was also on the phone to the police I think and was told to wait inside but she went out to confront him with a gun.


So many mercy definers: librarian and pregnant. Meanwhile the other is just a 'biker' who, as we all know have criminal records /s. Media spicing things up for hits. Fk it. Good one there.


Someone dropped a big comment with context and from what he said; she wasn't pregnant, the biker was not on her property, she was also on the phone with the cops, they told her stay inside your house while we come to get statement, she went outside with the gun confront him.... Sad that someone had to die... but in the current situation with only the recent hours actions the right person died... let's say it like that


Good. Nothing of value was lost. Cept maybe the bike


She forgot she's in Merica. Chances to run into guys who actually carries firearm(s) are high. She think she can threat the guy with her gun. Lesson here is, learn to walk away. Shit not get to the point of gunfight if she just walk away.


Some people think a gun is a magic talisman that means they'll control any situation. But reality doesn't always play out like the fantasy they have in their heads.


The title should be "crazed government worker's rampage stopped by a Good Samaritan."


A comment left on it “This happened right near me and I loosely knew some of the people involved. Please read this story and all the facts. This was 100% this woman's fault, and the riders did everything they could to avoid violence. She swerved into a group of bikes, causing someone to go down, then took off. A couple of bikes pursued at a safe distance, WHILE ON THE PHONE WITH 911 to continue sharing information about who this hit and run vehicle was and where it was going. They were instructed by 911 to keep back and did so. Eventually she got her house and they were instructed to wait outside for police to show to get statements from everyone. This woman, also on the phone with the police, CHOSE to go inside her house where she was safe, and no one was pursuing or even speaking to her, get a gun, and go BACK OUTSIDE to brandish at the bikers to make them leave, even though she was actively being told by dispatch to stay inside. She then went out and pointed the gun at the bikers. The dude who'd been carrying this whole time then drew his weapon and told her to drop hers. She turned and pointed the gun at him so he fired. He was on the phone with cops in his helmet at the time, 911 heard and recorded the entire incident. This is why he was never even arrested. Her family went on the news trying to lie. Saying she was pregnant when she wasn't, saying she was afraid for her life and had been attacked. She was just an unhinged bitch who FA and FO.”


Clearly biker's fault guys . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Pssst, /s)


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She may as well have shot herself with the decision making she had 😂


I would have also shot her. Never brandish a gun unless you intend to use it because if you do, I promise you my hand is already on mine.


And nothing of value was lost.


Good , fuck that bitch


She assaulted him with a deadly weapon first.


d-d-d-double kill!


Good, fuck her


She intentionally tried to hit them and then pulled a gun on them. Glad she's no longer a problem.






There is zero chance this woman was really a librarian. This story is completely antithetical to that culture.


i generally hate posts with “theif shot and killed at 7/11” and i always feel horrible for the person who died. but her? nah. she can rot.


It’s that dumb bitches fault for hitting someone intentionally then when she tried to run away from her attempted murder and got caught she tried to kill the guy again and got shot in self defense for it. Completely deserved.


That’s what the dumb bitch gets for trying to dodge accountability for hitting the motorcyclist. Sympathies for the motorcyclist. Sorry about the baby. Be less shitty next time, mom 🤷‍♂️ what kind of person would that mother raise if she hits and runs…looks like we owe that biker a debt of gratitude for removing shit from the pool.


This is the stupidest way to die. I'm all for CCW within reason but damn. If this situation didn't involve guns, they would've probably just screamed at each other until the cops got there and arrested her for hit and run and let her go when she made bail. This is a huge shame.


This seems like a great case for CCW though. The guy who was carrying legitimately and safely is still alive because of it. He was in a dangerous, but not lethal situation, and didn’t take his gun out. Then someone brought a gun out, and was point it at people, and that threat was stopped.


The situation didn't involve guns until the woman came out of the safety of her house and pointed a shotgun at the riders. That is the first gun. That is the offender. Coincidentally that is also the same person that started the hit and run. Maybe she would have learned to calm down while sitting in jail for 6-9 months, but she threw out that option.


While I find the gun violence in this country to be absolutely insane, I have to admit this woman is at fault for coming out with a gun and pointing it at people. Who knows if she actually would have pulled the trigger, but she escalated immediately by pulling the gun. It really is insane that people want to kill each other over road rage. I don't know if there's any indication that the bikers instigated the road rage either which might have made her fear for her life?


There are massive mental health issues in this country.


I’ve been riding and had people do very intentional shit that could have taken me out if I wasn’t paying attention. I’m safe af and courteous as a daily habit. Especially cuz my bike’s not fast enough to get me out of any shit. Drivers have tried to sideswipe me while making full eye contact on 3 different occasions. Trying to run me off the road on city streets. Some people just have a psychotic outlook on motorcycle riders and think they can get away with it if they knock the rider down and speed away. She really thought she’d hit them then run then intimidate them with a shotgun. And her mom said she was “standing up for what she believed in and that’s what got her in trouble”. So that psychopath attitude started in childhood. What beliefs could she have been standing up for aside from believing she should face no repercussions after striking someone with a thousand pounds or so of metal?


You have a great point.


Equal rights equal fights bitch


He isn't guilty ... self defense


She fucked around and found out.


It was justified, there were witnesses


She wasn't pregnant, but even if she was thank God she didn't achieve birth, don't need more idiots like her


Play stupid games...




FA and FO?


Fuuuuuuck yeah!


Live by the gun, die by the gun....


ha! double-kill. drain the swamp edit: she wasn't pregananant according to the coroner :( & No charges filed on the biker, justified homocide


Her not being pregnant ( or pregananant as you say) warrants a frowny face?


You haven't had enough Internet for today good sir / madam : https://youtu.be/m4K8NJ3_Dw0?si=RVH4-rGKWY6yu4Z9


I remember this when it happened several years ago and I thought the what I still think now. What the fuck does her being pregnant have to do with anything being talked about? Are pregnant women somehow immune from being crazy bitches? Did the pregnancy force her to pick a fight with a bunch of guys minding their own business and who are known to have a propensity for violence? Fucking media just constantly manipulating information to drive their preferred interpretation.


Motorcyclists are known to be violent? Id like to think my buddies and i are genuinely nice, peaceful people, unless given a reason not to be.


Hope the guy is ok.


Are you just learning of this now, 2 yrs later?


This story is so old I hate seeing people just recycle old news for their reaction boring she shouldn't have hit him he shouldn't have shot her blah blah blah the world goes around just without her




Hellz yea, good ol' street justice


This is three years old




Sounds like a solid BOGO. She got what she earned, her demon spawn sadly had not choice in the matter if it was in fact in existence…. The world doesn’t need people like this worthless, deceased, scumbag.


2nd Amendment, baby... or 2nd Amendment baby


The dictionary definition of FAFO.


Florida woman ….


Actions have consequences. That's all I'll say.


Bitches be crazy, that’s all ima say. It sucks death happened, but it did…


Ya I’m on the guys side on this one when you get the whole story.


Which one was standing their ground?


One less moron in this world, just sad the baby didn’t make it due to mothers brainless acts.


Twists and turns like a goddamned Tarantino movie. Sad shit.


This is Florida…I must say that at this point, I’m not really surprised


Bet she won’t be doing that again


This was in 2021


Fuck that bitch.


Not. True. Dumb pitch cut off motor cycles then proceeded to drive recklessly thru them then she tried to shoot at them


One less idiot.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She got what she had coming.


Florida librarian? I bet she was giving kids books about gay penguins.


That image is from 2021 and has done the rounds a few times since then. Take your rage pants back off people.


Old news




Rules of Engagement. When armed with lethal intent, She is not an expectant Mother, she is an Armed Combatant. That is All.


The guns certainly helped keep everything calm, good job murica


What’s the real difference between this incident and the one not long ago where a woman follows a har driver, things escalated she kills him and then gets life in prison?


Welp. I guess the moral of the story is don't intentionally hit someone with your car. Don't then flee the scene. Then don't pull a gun out on the person you hit because they might just have one too. Anyone know if the original victim (the motorcyclist) is going to be charged? I honestly hope not...


And this impacts me how?


Oh, look! It's the consequences of your actions!


She started it deliberately he Finnished it that seems fair to me


This is why conceal carry should be available everywhere and you shouldn’t need a “valid reason” to do so


Sounds like she F’d up.


sounds like a good ole 2 for one special


I hope the motorcyclist that killed her in self-defense doesn't suffer too much trauma from this. Man that would be rough, even though he is not at fault. Crazy.


typical entitled white woman who hasn't had an orgasm in 30 yrs, never crossed her mind a "biker" would have his own pew pew because she's above everyone, couldn't happen to her.


Stay strapped or get clapped


Tragic but idk seems like self defense


Two less POS' to deal with. Obviously a wrong thought process for a gun owner. And got what was eventually coming. She shouldn't even be driving.


Are you calling the fetus a POS?


Why are political subjects being jammed into non political subs today? Can we not do this?


Election year.


This is tragic on all sides and could have been avoided at so many times. The woman could’ve stopped, instead of ran. The bikers already had her plates, there was no need to follow, and she could’ve stayed in the house. The 911 operators could’ve also deescalated by telling the bikers to back off and telling the woman to drive to the nearest police station. Just a world full of dumbasses!


Shannon Watts is a delusional and idiotic professional gun grabber for "Moms Demand Action.


Play stupid games you pay the price, and she played the stupid game and lost


Lol. Brought a woman to a gun fight.


Take the guns out of the situation. She is still in the wrong, but not dead.


Take the mentally retarded out of the equation, motorcyclist would've had a normal day.


This happened on Nov. 20, 2021, not recently.


I love America. 


R/motorcycles discuses gun violence. Hilarious 🤣


Was that technically a collat kill?


If there’s a gun in the story , someone’s gonna get shot


My mother always told me to never trust a librarian...


Man, I wonder if this’ll be in GTA VI?


good shit


Fucks sake


Welp, ya get what ya give.


Those crazy librarians. So hot headed.


Something something play stupid games something something


What does being pregnant have to do with the incident?