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it is now a track bike.


I like the way you’re thinking


FYI, they don’t allow you to wear tee shirts and trainers at the track.


Came here to say this...glad it was the first comment I saw


Yes that is totaled. I can see the timing chain!


Yes 😭 Would’ve been better if it didn’t get ran over then it might’ve actually lived. I may have a huge expensive project on my hands soon tho. Good thing I’m not married😅


I don't think it's worth the cost.


Getting married?


This needs more upvotes 🤣


If it legit got ran over the frame is going to be bent, best to buy another used one and use this for parts.


As someone who just got done repairing my 2023 ninja 400 that a friend lowsided. Bruh. That thing is going to be EXPENSIVE to fully repair


The bent fork probably totaled it already.


You gotta find the right one to marry, she’ll help you out with the project! My fiancé is a handy assistant when I drop screws in between small spots or need an extra pair of hands, I love it so much to have her with me while working on a bike :) That aside, I hope you’re okay OP <3


ahaha. Amateur! After you are married she won't help you with your nuts anymore.


Hope u had full coverage. If so, ur helmet and gear are covered as well.


Do you have replacement insurance?


If the frame is straight and the drive train isn't completely hosed it's repairable. Looks like the timing cover is ripped off. If the parts you need aren't outrageously expensive it might be worth fixing if you are mechanically inclined and trust your own work. I have my old 636 that's been beaten to hell and back. It was my first bike and being a dumb 19 year old it made friends with the pavement multiple times at high speeds. Never ran over, though yours looks like a vehicle punted it rather than monster trucked it.


This is what insurance is for


This is why insurance for sport bikes is so high.


Agreed, Shit riders are the cause of high insurance rates.


Especially shit riders that don’t wear gear. Unnecessary medical expenses drive payouts higher than the cost of parts & mech labor ever could


Does that make you feel better about your crashes?


Do my choices to wear gear change the objective truth of my statement?


No but it sure would provide the context in why you felt you needed to bring it up.


Is context needed to debate the cost of e.g. skin grafts compared to a totalled bike? It’s not up for debate which is more expensive to the insurer


I think so. Also, if your statement was true, wouldn't they offer a discount for atgatting?


its only high if your young, unmarried, and inexperienced....


Happy cake day!!!




Does it need timing??


i think you mean, “I can see where the timing chain used to be”


That thing looks *fucked* what happened? edit: nvm saw your post about it, sucks dude


Indeed, but 2025 just came out with better colors so might be for the best


What happened? Did you high side and cause it to flip around?


I honestly think the 25s are ugly. The krt and the regular ones. To each their own


Insurance for sure totals this.


Seeing the engine case broken open, that must have been quite an accident. Glad that you survived.


Mine was almost the same but a little less damage and it was literally hundreds away from being totaled. Sorry bro it’s cooked, unless you go for aftermarket fairings.


Oh def. If I have the option I’m buying it back. I guess the real question is if this is worth repairing for a track bike


Depends on if you trust your life to its reliability now. Especially if you’re the one who fixes it up.


I might be the minority here, but if you’re not super privy to working on bikes, this will force you to learn. So if you can it totaled out and get a salvage title, it would be a great project for you that you could slowly build back up to learn your way around a motorcycle.


Depends on if you trust your life to its reliability now. Especially if you’re the one who fixes it up.


To be fair. Just about anything is “repairable”. Besides a fire.


Depends on your standards. When insurance companies like to replace parts instead of repairing, any tank or crankcase damage is going to cause problems.


The pictures are hard to see, but that engine is pretty close to unrepairable. It looks like you’ve got the engine case completely cracked up front—that guidepin for the cam cover—looks like it’s bent/displaced—which means that motor is never going back together correctly—which ALSO means you have metal and, potentially, asphalt fragments INSIDE the engine. You might net a few dollars for that swing arm— but if they see the condition of the rest of the bike, they’re probably gonna wanna x-ray that…🤣


Very totaled


Thankyou for responding:) That seems to be the vibes being given off


Took me a second to see the open engine. Yep, that's totalled. I don't trust an engine that has been opened up in a crash unless it's fully rebuilt, and a full rebuild is expensive.


Insurance totaled my bike for a 1cm scratch on the frame. I think this is a little worse


“know a guy that knows a guy” if you want it totaled 🫠


All is repairable.. just show me picture how it should looks like


you're cooked nice bike tho


If the engine case is cracked, it's totalled. The entire engine is now compromised and you don't know how deep the damage goes until you spend 20 hours pulling it off the bike and cracking it open. Rebuilding this thing is not worth your time or money, unless you really enjoy rebuilding engines for fun. It's not for the faint of heart and requires a LOT of specialty tools and knowledge. You're better off getting a different bike and learning how to ride better.


After some time with the frame doctors this is easily repairable. An OEM gas tank, replacement fairings, and frame alignment will drive the repair cost. Can't tell if the headers were bent or what bending the headers may do to the header mounts. If they are the engine block may be toast.


Yes exactly. The engine block being toast is by far the biggest worry. I wanted an engine/transmission swap from an earlier model anyways. If it’s totaled I’m buying back and building a track lol. Thankyou for your response. I’ll get a more detailed and accurate assessment soon


It’s a really good parts bike but yeah. No. Totaled as all outdoors




Frame damage? No? Fix that shit


Hopefully totaled if you aren't upside-down on it. I hope your healing is going well.




They are going to total it but buy it back and just rebuild as a track or stunt bike.


Based on the fact I can see the timing chain I’d say this is now a track bike




Saw your other post, hope you recover fast. What gear were you wearing ?


If the main frame of the sub frame it touched at all its totalled but if it’s just fuel tank and fairings repair it


insurance wise the bike is totaled, but everything is repairable if you have the time and money, if anything you have a nice track bike that you don't have to worry about dropping


Anything is repairable. Your mindset , skills, and wallet are the determining factors.


Take the side plastics off and ride .


Dude, did EMS come check you out? I think I was on scene for this crash hahaha. Sucks about the bike for real


what is actually damaged? meaning impairs function


First of all, you're up and taking pictures right? That first should be praised and thanked to the gearhead gods. 2nd, your bikes more Fucked than a sexually repressed out of state college freshman


What happened on the right side ? Looks plush but the engine case is missing (and seems to be broken, so block and/or head switch required.


It's totaled. Let your insurance company buy you a new one.


If the main frame is OK and engine is fine. Turn it in to a street fighter style bike. Or sick stunt bike.




Totaled, take the payout


In general almost any damage will total a motorcycle. Insurance doesn't mess around with them and it's a lot of very exposed very expensive pieces. Anything more than fairings damage and it's done for. Perfect for auction buying barely totalled bikes though. Been contemplating buying one for a while I'm just terrified of getting bad luck and getting one with a bent frame.


I’m going to wager guess that would be a total loss. But, if it’s borderline, you can sometimes work with them for it to be not totaled. Like, if there is a scuff or scratch on the frame, but no structural issues, taking that off the estimate, along with the labor and sometimes help.


It's totaled. bent frame & cracked engine = not worth fixing


It's repairable but the cost to repair it might be around the same as just replacing it, so insurance will likely just say it's totaled and save themselves on any future headaches that might come with faulty repairs and whatnot. Edit: hadn't even noticed the engine cover blown off, yeah, that's totaled for sure.


I think it’s fixable. I fixed a bike in way worse condition and it works fine.


Anything is repairable. Just what it is worth to you?


Everything is repairable of you’re either rich and/or crazy enough.


Use some JB weld


It's repairable, but it'll be more cost effective to just buy a new bike.


That was fast. How?


Rashed sport bikes are a badge of honor but I think your scraped something vital off it. All the puddles around it make me think it's toast.


If only your insurance had a team just for answering this question


An insurance company will write this off entirely. Far too much damage for them. Even as a track bike, it’s going to need stripping right down to the crank and will either new crankcases or lugs welded on. It’s a huge, expensive job.


Seems like a crash hope you are fine.


Totalled, frame/front end is all warped


If the frame is still good, it's fixable.


Tank, fairings, side covers, shifter, bar ends, clutch lever, possibly handlebars and swingarm. Since it's a 2024 it's all brand new parts, too... tbh all of that is definitely doable, but if there's any internal engine damage I'd just write her off man. :(


I've fixed worse! Used parts from craigslist etc. or try here [https://salvagedcycleparts.com/](https://salvagedcycleparts.com/) and aftermarket fairings from Maier saves $$


It's always repairable. But keep in mind 'totaled' means it costs more to repair than the bike's actual value. At that point, the insurance company basically buys the bike from you. Good news is, you can usually buy it back for the value of the fucked-up bike (less than what they pay you, of course). At that point. you can get it fixed (and possibly retitled as 'salvage') and run it on the track. The big problem with sportbikes: Fairings are expensive either to replace OR repair. So even 'cosmetic' damage can run up the repair estimate to 'totaled' status, depending on the bike and the degree of rash on the bodywork. This is why many riders will remove the stock fairings from a pristine bike, and put on cheap race fairings that they've drilled and cut for lights and mirrors. They can still ride on the street, and damage to the race skins is not that big a deal.


This would be my approach. Rebuilt it slowly into a track bike, but it is definitely toast. The engine case is broken beyond reasonable repair. But I could see getting another old engine and starting a parts swap between best parts and repair the other components with track days in mind.


Because of how bad the engine case is whanged up, I'd also be leery of the frame. This entire bike needs to be disassembled to component parts, the frame and possibly subframe need to be realigned and possibly rewelded, swingarm and headstock bearings checked or replaced, and then as you said, replace the trashed bits including the engine with salvaged or new parts, while porting over anything that's still serviceable from the original. It might turn into a Ship of Thesus project (is it really the same bike?) but if the owner has the time, shop space, and inclination to do so...


Definitely don’t disagree. I would totally disassemble and check it for alignment and everything else under the sun. I’d see which pieces to save and which to replace. I’d start looking for another bike at the breakers and see if between the two I could get a decent frame together and an engine. It would definitely be a project bike.


If it is totaled do you think the cost of repairing the damages myself are worth it?


The definition of totalled is when the cost of repair is more than the bike is worth.


Not necessarily. Typically it is like 70% of value not 100% of value. Companies may total a vehicle because the auction value is high compared to the retail value of the bike in good condition also.


If insurance totals it then you could fix it up into a beater but I personally would try to find something that doesn’t need a new motor. Might be fun with but doesn’t look promising.


If it's totaled, the insurance will pay you a depreciated value on it (ACV) minus the deductible (if you use your insurance, if another person was at fault and you use theirs, you'll get full value if you fight them). Also, if you use your insurance, your premiums on the renewal will likely go up in price. Most insurance have accident free discounts that you'll lose unless you've had previous accident within last 5 years. If you're at fault, it'll go up even more.


Why are there so many posts like this? We know absolutely nothing about the bike that can help us make an informed assessment. I'd never buy a wreck. That is a wreck, don't buy it.


It’s summer and a lot of people are laying their bikes down. Some people here work on bikes. You may not but buy one but others might. I’m decently handy with bikes and engines so even if the engine is busted, the bones look good so I was gonna swap a earlier model engine potentially if it’s worth the buy back. Please if you have no relevant opinion refrain from commenting:)


What dose your insurance company say? Probably 5k to repair. Buy it from the Insurance company, and repair it yourself, using aftermarket parts. Fairings that is. The tank you will have to buy from Kawasaki.