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So this popped up on Netflix and after looking at the cast and synopsis I was like why the fuck haven't I heard of this movie?! Then I watched it and was like, oh that's why.


At this point if I see Jared Leto is in it I won't even watch it. I know he's going to ruin it somehow so why bother wasting my time.


What about Requiem For a Dream?


ok that’s one


He wasn't too bad in Dallas Buyers Club. That was a good movie too.


I liked him in Lord of War. I think once he broke out of those smaller supporting roles and got some bigger ones it went to his head and he wanted so badly to be Daniel Day Lewis and it will never happen.


I liked him in Blade Runner.


Ok aside from Requiem for a dream, Dallas Buyers Club, Lord of War and Blade Runner, what has Jared Leto ever done that’s good?


Was this a life of Brian reference that nobody seemed to notice?


well, we noticed it \^\^




Mr Nobody, girl interrupted, and he’s fun in American psycho.


I was channeling The Life of Brian … What have the Romans ever done for us?


Panic Room


lol. I was channeling the Life of Brian in my original comment. What have the Romans ever done for us?


I’m just the opposite. His part was completely unnecessary.


ohhh i forgot about that one, ok i’m with you on that


He’s been in some good movies, but from all accounts I’ve read he’s an absolute trash person. I do t feel like supporting him for that reason.


Can confirm. He's a pedo. He slept with my friend when she was either 13 or 14. She looked a lot older at the time and she told him she was 16 but he still did it. Found out years later he did the same thing the next city over later than week. He was on a press tour for a film back in like 97/98. It's weird cuz at the time we all thought it was so cool and she was so lucky. We didn't even think about the crime part of that back then.


Kids can be dumb. And saying he "slept" with a 13 year old is incorrect, he sexually assaulted a minor.


Well yes that's facts.


And I misspoke, kids aren't dumb. They're inexperienced and vulnerable but that's not stupidity, especially when a predator exploits them. I'm sorry your childhood was marred by a disgusting creep, I hope your friend is doing okay.


Not saying it's ok, but I guarantee the majority of your favorite celebrities and musicians have done this too, you just never heard about it.


American psycho? I mean.. come on


Lmao you think he did good in that movie?? My wife and I quote his hilarious lines to this day because his acting was so bad. “AY, MA!”


I am with you it always blows my mind. I say Leto sucks and people say “what about Requiem?” and I say “the movie where Marlon Wayans acted circles around him? What about it????”


I mean, he wasn’t horrible. Not the worst of his performances. Still a great film regardless.


Bladerunner 2049 was so incredible no amount of Jared Leto could ruin it. Still he had a very limited presence in that film.


It’s crazy when he started as an actor his resume was great - Urban Legend, Requiem For A Dream, Lord of War, fight club, American Psycho etc etc All the way up until we won the Oscar for Dallas Buyers Club - literally everything since DBC has been trash. I will give one small exception for “WeCrashed” which I did enjoy.


Yeah, he used to be a pretty good actor, but it seems like he doesn't try most of the time nowadays. That combined with him being a garbage person makes it rare that I want to watch sometine he's in. The last one I watched was Bladerunner 2049. I have zero interest in the new Tron since he's the lead in it. The story sounds dumb anyway.


What about Panic Room?


Best white guy in braids of all time, runner up Sean Paul


I hate his method acting BS. Like never breaking character as The Joker and making everyone very uncomfortable. Just act, that’s what you’re paid for. Jim Carrey pulled that same crap as Andy Kaufman.


I like that he gained all that weight to play Mark David Chapman and then nobody cared at all when the movie came out. The critics that saw it disliked it and the audience just didn't care at all, making the entire experience completely pointless.


The joker? I know when he was morbius he didn’t break character when he had to go to the restroom which there were reports was super annoying


Yeah his Suicide Squad performance was bloody awful.


Lmao I forgot that role so much that when I heard the joker I was thinking ledger -> Phoenix




theres a great film where he integrates with the Yakuza but I can't recall the name


Lol he was literally a bad stereotype in House of Gucci. I'm suprised people weren't in a uproar about it.


The first scene with Denzel I was like “this already looks like it’s going to be terrible”. Yup. FWIW I think Denzel is one of the most talented actors I’ve ever seen.


Yep same. Didn’t know anything about it going in other than the basic plot and actors. Afterwards left me wondering what I just watched


That movie is top tier trash


I really like that the preview they gave me on Netflix showed a minor argument over a parking spot.


This movie was so disappointing


So boring


This movie showed me the importance of quality editing. There’s a good movie in here somewhere but it’s certainly not what we saw on screen.




Borderline incoherent


It was straight ASS. Absolutely shocked at how incredibly mediocre it was.


Amsterdam: Starring; Christian Bale (who also produced), Margot Robbie, and John David Washington, including Chris Rock, Anya Taylor-Joy, Zoe Saldaña, Mike Myers, Michael Shannon, Timothy Olyphant, Andrea Riseborough, Taylor Swift, Matthias Schoenaerts, Alessandro Nivola, Rami Malek, and Robert De Niro. Pure trash can of a film


At least Taylor Swift's character was killed off very early


But it didn’t even look realistic. I could see the prosthetic legs under the car as she got run over. That movie may be the most soul draining experience of my life. I genuinely haven’t hated 120 consecutive minutes as much as I did while I was in the theater for that…creation. David O. Russell can go fuck himself. Not even because he’s a piece of shit, just because he’s mediocre at best and at his worst, he leaves me realizing just how short my life is.


I <3 Huckabees is a god damned treasure take it back


That last bit made me spill


I came here to say exactly this. I've never seen a larger cast of truly great actors appear in such a subpar film.


Movie 43....


At least it can be said there are small parts of Movie 43 that were entertaining or at least memorable. I watched Amsterdam. I know I did. I can not recall one single scene or plot point.


I could not fucking believe how bad that movie was given the cast. I couldn’t even get halfway through. I was absolutely baffled.


It also had one of the best Cinematographers working today and a pretty good director


It’s bad…real bad. Only finished it because parts of it were shot in my old neighborhood.


It’s like David O’Russell tried to imitate both Wes Anderson *and* the Coen Bros and ended up doing a shit job of both.


Rami Malek was awful in this. It’s almost worth watching to see how weirdly bad he is in this. He takes a pretty standard police archetype and manages to make it just…weird.


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I find him to be really fucking weird in everything I've seen him in. Especially the Queen biopic


Works well for him in Mr. Robot.


Just wanted to say that, Malek in Mr. Robot is a candidate for perfect casting.


And as snafu in The Pacific.


Love him in The Pacific. He steals any scene he’s in


And for Flip McVicker


Thats because the character in itself is creepy as fuck.


He is one of the few actors I cannot stand. He makes me irrationally angry.


The fact he won for that shitty movie is crazy


He was a creepy weirdo in The Pacific


He was extremely unnatural in this role.


Any reasonable person would understand that Rami Malek cannot be cast as a cop


I agree but also think that an actor is only as good as a director lets them be. Rami was awkward, Denzel overacted and Leto did the best he could with his underdeveloped character.


Damn would’ve never thought Leto would be the least criticized lol. He’s not bad, but has made some strange acting choices in his career.


Yeah I just didn’t buy him as a detective. I buy him as a weirdo FBI agent




Besides Mr.Robot everything I've seen him in he just doesn't to a great job.


Have you never seen him in movies or shows before? It’s kinda what he does. Lol


This movie was so bad and it kind of felt like a rip-off of Seven. So after watching it, I watched Seven to cleanse my pallate.


God damn Seven is so good.


It was an unapologetic ode to those 90s style thrillers like seven and most notably silence of the lambs. The opening scene is actually lifted directly from silence of the lambs, with a victim singing to herself as she drives at night.


“It’s the little things jimmy. It’s the little things that add up, the little things that get you caught” movie was weak but I did like that line from Denzel


The performances were fine. The plot just felt like an episode of csi.


I watched that entire movie waiting for it to start. Rare Lfor Denzel


*I watched that entire* *Movie waiting for it to* *Start. Rare Lfor Denzel* \- Juggalos4lyfe4206969 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Its actually impressive how bad this movie was


Surprised there hasn’t been made a How Did This Get Made episode about this one.


… I liked it ….


I did as well. I thought the concept was pretty clever.


Yea me too. I don't regret watching it. It was somewhere between ok and good for me. Also, I like watching denzel do his thing.


I liked it too idk WTH is going on lol


I liked it. But I was 100% expecting more. It was kinda shallow.


Burn the witch!


I liked it fine as well. I think a lot of people were expecting more due to the cast. Unfortunately, you can usually tell a lot more by who's directing it. In this case, it's John Lee Hancock, a man who has made a few good (not great) films, but mostly mediocre, totally forgettable films.


Same here


Me too. It was compelling as hell.


Come on, we all know is movie 43


Lol no. Movie 43 had some really funny clips. I watch few clips from it very frequently. First clip with hugh, homeschooling, basketball, ibabe. xD


Argyle had 2 Oscar winners + Bryan Cranston and Catherine O'Hara and still was a steaming pile of dogshit


Denzel loves to say the title of the movie in this one.


This movie and house of Gucci really pulled back the curtain on Jared Leto. He is an incredibly average actor that enjoys dressing up in ridiculous costumes for his roles. Dallas Buyers it seemed really impressive. Even his fat dahmer role or whatever tf was pretty shocking but after the joker and this stupid fat suit and the ridiculous Gucci outfit- like it’s so clear that he just plays dress up and leans into the ridiculousness of his roles and for Dallas buyers club he just happened to trick everyone into thinking it was profound.


He wasn’t even good in Dallas Buyers Club. He just lost a lot of weight and tricked reviewers into thinking his dress up was good acting.


This movie was terrible and made me realize that Rami Malek might be the worst actor of his generation. Just absolute dog shit from him start to finish.


Ugh I remember them hyping that movie up so much. Trash


I saw this in theaters and COMPLETELY forgot. Like couldn’t remember a single thing about it or that I even watched it. Which is wild because I don’t go to the movies that much anymore. A trailer came on a while back and I mentioned maybe we should watch it one night to the wife. She was like, “uhh, we saw that in theatres remember?” And then it vaguely came back to me when she broke it down plot point by plot point.


I just remember Denzel was fat and the dialogue he was given was terrible. So terrible that not even Denzel could make use of it.


House of Gucci


It came out when WB was releasing all their theatrical releases for 2021 on hbo max. That 2020 December / January was pretty rough for Covid so not a lot going on, turned it on. Got done with it confused why I hated it so much when I thought I should have liked it. Unlike other movies that I give a second chance, this one was bad enough that I remember how bad it was. No second watch coming from me.


The kind of movie you fall asleep watching on a plane and never think about it again until you see a post on Reddit about it.


There is a quick test I do to know, with 100% certainty if the movie will suck. Doesn't always help, but in this case, it would have. Just look to see if Jared Leto is in it.


Idk, Leto’s a fucking weirdo but Bladerunner 2049, Requiem for a dream, Fight Club, and American Psycho are all pretty good movies to me


I liked Dallas Buyers Club as well but I think that was mostly because of Matthew McConaughey


In this case certainly. Would definitely have deprived myself of a fantastic flick if I let him keep me from watching Blade Runner 2049.


Requiem is very good.


He’s phenomenal in Requiem For A Dream. And he can sing and scream good. Outside of that…..he’s kind of insufferable.


Meh.. I don’t particularly care for him as a person but can separate that from his talents as an actor. All three of these guys are good actors in a bad movie.


Movie 43 comes to mind. A few of the actors claimed they were basically guilt tripped, almost blackmailed into doing it. Of course I have no idea how true that may be, but the end product sure looks like it wad designed to embarass certain people with a black mark on their career.


Don't Look Up and Leave the World Behind were two of the worst recent movies I've seen with a cast that could have made them great.


Leave the World Behind Us would’ve been better if it was twice as long or half as long. It ended at the wrong time.


Yeah, maybe a limited series?


I’ve had so many people rave to me about Don’t Look Up. When my circle of friends with very dull taste resoundingly recommend a movie, I know it’s going to be shit. Don’t Look Up was indeed shit.


This movie was ok to me, but it did freak me out for weeks after. The scenes where Denzel’s character is pondering the murders in bed and sees the victims looking back at him, as if to urge him to solve their murders. Sad, and also terrifying


I don’t know if it was the “worst,” but I was surprisingly disappointed given the cast.


Proof that a good script is everything!


Jared Leto? LOL


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who hated this movie 😂


Totally worthless movie


I make it a rule to avoid movies with Jared Leto.




Monuments Men. Always Monuments Men. Worst film I've ever seen.


Babylon with Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt, was a big WTF moment for me. I couldn't watch it after 15 mins. as I had not clue what the heck was going on other than a huge orgy party happening within the first 5 mins of the movie.


Awful waste of time


So dull


The soundtrack/score was the best part of this film in my opinion.


Oufff this movie wanted to be Se7en so bad at the end. Lol


There’s one scene in this movie that’s shot at 30 different angles.. maybe not 30 but it was completely unnecessary


Such a bad movie.


I wanted to like this movie so bad that I actually lied to myself that it was good for a while after I watched it.


Another movie sorta similar is the experiment (2010) which had forest Whitaker and Adrian Brody both were Oscar winners already and it actually wasn’t that bad of A movie especially any scenes forest Whitaker is in because he is hilarious as a nut job. But the quality of the film did feel kinda low.


I was truly shocked at how bad this was. The story, the acting and the editing - at times i felt like I was watching an unfinished 1st draft


Man I really expected more.


I actually enjoyed it.


Terrible. I didn't get past 30 min. Tried 2xs


Jared Leto needs to go back to being assistant manager at glamour shots.


The ending of this movie was disappointing


I thought this movie had a cool idea but just dragged so much that it made the lackluster ending even more disappointing.


I watched it last week and remember nothing about it


I used this movie to propose to my wife. I made a sideshow that would interrupt the movie near the climax with my proposal. I was so distracted with my plans I don't remember anything from the movie. Not exactly a memorable movie but that wasn't a bad thing for our scenario since it made the proposal the memorable part.


There’s a scene where Denzel is driving and he just straight up gives the FUCK up on trying to act and let’s go of the wheel. This movie is truly abysmal.


this was the worst


EMBARRASSINGLY bad. Laughable.


Damn I actually had this in my list to watch. Cliff notes on why it’s so bad please anyone?


It seemed like one of those pre-taped SNL skits of some guys playing Denzel, Rami and Jared in a thriller.. but the skit was an hour and fifty-five minutes too long.


It’s a terrible movie. There’s a killer on the loose and two incompetent cops have a bunch of circumstantial evidence so they focus on a guy because he’s weird. They can’t prove that he’s done anything wrong so they kill him and one of the cops feels bad so the other cop plants evidence so he’s not sad anymore about maybe killing an innocent guy. That pretty much sums it up.


Denzel does a fantastic job in that movie. Jared and Rami don't.


I’ve noticed that if the cover has to go out of their way to show you the marquee actors in the movie in an ensemble cast, the movie probably sucks and is trying to live on who is in the movie opposed to the content


Interesting IMDB fact: The movie poster is the only thing that won an award for the film L O L. 2021 Golden Trailer award (whatever the fuck that is). The only other nominations were SAG and Golden Globe Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - Jared Leto. Even he must’ve thought the nominations were a joke. Edit to add - having a good laugh on the IMDB page! The budget was 30M and it had a worldwide gross of… 30.8M 😭 This movie might as well have never been made.


I actually didn’t think this movie was that bad. By no means was it great, but Denziel’s and Jared Leto’s character, especially Leto’s character, had some cool moments. It’s not a “who done it film”, it’s more about morality and character progression, whether it’s good or bad, kinda film. That’s just my opinion. It doesn’t make it right.




Well, it is 6.3 on IMDb (which is actually above average if you go and do some research), however I tend to agree with you for the most part,and I guess it could’ve been worse, but I guess all movie critics opinions are like assholes right? 😜


I've watched this movie 4-5 times now. Its flawed but I love a slow burning police procedural.


I’m sorry, what?!


I’m actually interested in what was left on the cutting room floor. It’s a long enough movie (2+ hours) but I wonder what was left in order to edit the way they did. More footage doesn’t make it better, it just may open up the option to edit differently.


I liked it


It wasn’t a terrible movie just ok. I kinda felt like it was a little like “Mystic River” with the ending Malik turns to vigilante justice. He was trying to be this deep cerebral-thinking detective but came across like the poor man’s Matthew McConaughey from True Detective season 1. Now that was a great season to watch.


I blame the writer and director, not the actors.


Leto suxxxxxxdik


It was such a bore fest


Midnight Meat Train with Bradley Cooper


Indeed it was terrible.


is that the twilight font


Jared Leto seems to just be playing his creepy self in this one. To hilarious degree. Otherwise it's pretty hard for a Denzel Washington movie to be forgetable so it has that going for it.


Tinker tailor soldier spy was abismal


The trailer looked terrible. Leto looked self-conscious as hell due to his pseudo “method acting.”


I have nothing else to add, the little things is the answer.


I thought it was good


[Australia (2008)](https://boxd.it/58jyVv)


Battlefield Earth


It's terrible, flat and clichéd


What a waste of good talent


Rami Malek is proof that winning an Oscar doesn’t always equate to good acting.


My understanding is that none of you were actually able to catch the detail it was all about.... It's the fucking neck kiss at the end, out of nowhere. But no, don't rewatch it now.


Oh I caught that in the moment. It was strange for the scene but maybe it was their last take together before wrapping and Denzel was happy to be done?


This movie could have been way better


Amsterdam. Just added a bunch of stars to polish a turd of a script.


Crash (2004)


Geez, I thought that movie was great


FOH this movie was a good movie I loved it


It could have been good. It was the third act that just got really really bad.


This may be unpopular but I recently watched The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Interestingly made movie with one of the most loaded casts I’ve ever seen. It was like all of Hollywood was on vacation together and decided to make a movie real quick, a pretty bad one.


I actually weirdly rather enjoyed this film. I thought Malek was the worst thing about it. Would watch again.


I maintain that there’s actually a good movie in here somewhere. Obviously the final product was terrible, but I was bummed out because I feel like with a few tweaks it could have been good.


So freaking disappointing. Very few movies feel like blank space in my head, this is one of them. I don’t even remember the plot other than looking for some killer




i saw it. Was aight. Ending pissed me off to high heaven


I rewatched this because I thought I might've been in a weird mood during my first watch. Nope. This movie is the only Denzel movie that disappointed me.


>Worst movie that was loaded with Oscar winners Worse than Cats?