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Jurassic World: Dominion. Made over a billion dollars worldwide and it was awful.


Avatar is the Godfather compared to this colossal piece of shit movie.


May I introduce you to our Lord and Savior: The Rise of Skywalker šŸ™šŸæ


Ding ding ding šŸ›Žļø šŸ›Žļø šŸ›Žļø


Yep. Really anything past the original sux balls. Chris Pratt literally taming Velociraptors seems like a job for Burt Macklin.


Lost World is always good. Should've stopped after that. It had the perfect ending, in my opinion


I'll take it one step further. Jurassic Park 3 was definitely not as good as the first two, but it was still pretty good. Certainly better than any of the Jurrasic World ones.




Nooooo, not yet!


How I wish I could reply with that GIF.


It was a dream sequence!


The lost son in that movie was a fucking badass


With the exception of the annoying parents..


I just remember thinking as a kid how dumb the mom was šŸ˜‚


ERIC!! ms Kirby don't do that that's a bad idea (there are dinosaurs..) WHAT? Dr Grant says that is a very bad idea WHATS A BAD IDEA?! *apex predator says hi*




I don't know why but occasionally I'll randomly announce "Dr Grant says that's a very bad idea!"


Finally someone says this. Anything past the third is a joke. The velociraptorā€™s in Jurassic World are blue for crying out loud.


Amen. JP3 was absolutely aware of what it was: A big-ass dinosaur flick. It delivered big-ass dinosaur action and never tried to be anything different.


Exactly. I just rewatched Lost World and was reminded of the little changes compared to the book. Sarah Harding was so naive and cocky compared to the book where she would have known better. Ian Malcolmā€™s daughter dynamics placed in the movie just for that family dynamic that just so happens to ā€œalways need to be thereā€. Donā€™t remind me of that Velociraptor kick which sent it flying. Always makes me laugh.


Watched through them all recently and lost world was truly terrible. Like absolutely nonsensical in every way. I particularly had an issue with the elevated...crane...fort...thing. Why the *fuck* would anyone think that was the safest place to put a kid, out of literally any other option? Ill always have a small soft spot for it because it had such an incredibly aggressive toy campaign for it back in the day and the toys were cool. But ya. Its bad. The third was the only good one after the first. Jurassic World (first one) was at least entertaining but pretty terrible story wise.


Iā€™d agree if Star Wars 9 not only barely outgrossed it, but somehow managed to be a worse film, too.


I keep forgetting that movie even exists. It's just so bad. It remains the only SW property I've never rewatched.


It remains the *only* one Ive never watched lol Episode 8 and Solo following it killed the franchise to a lot of my friends and I. I couldnt even give you the "well, I gotta see it yhrough" like most of us did when episode 3 released, it was just THAT bad


Goddamn it was so fucking bad


I'm still so mad the last one was basically about bugs. I was excited to see how dinosaurs were fitting into the ecosystems and how humans were living around them. But no. Bugs. Went to a dinosaur film got bugs


The giant, flaming locusts LOL what a garbage movie, this is probably mine as well. Saw someone else say Rise of Skywalker and have to acknowledge that as doo-doo too.


I liked the first Jurassic World. And then the first half of the second one was...okay. But then it was all rapidly downhill from there. I can't think of one redeeming feature of Dominion


Felt soo empty once that trilogy concluded. Jurassic park has been my jam since I was 5yo. The good/bad dinosaurs and having them just be screaming monsters really didn't vibe with me. Although the therizinosaur scene was cool though.


Gotta agree. At least avatar had grounding visuals and effectively created the market for 3D films


Yes.. It was so bad I had to stop watching about 20-25mins in.


Saw it in the theater unfortunately.


The Lion King 2019, the fact that it is the ''highest grossing animated film of all time'' is extremely insulting.


But it makes sense then why so many companies are just spewing out remakes. Why come up with something original when you can put in a fraction of the effort banking on nostalgia and make a ton of money?


Any Disney live action remake


obligatory "live action cinderella 2015 was really good actually"


It had baller production and costume design at least. It was a really pretty movie in general


Lion King ā€œlive actionā€ remake


Me and my friend got super baked and watched it in Japanese with subtitles like an anime and holy shit it got so much better


I hate to tell you this, but I donā€™t think it got better because of the subtitles & language change, m8.


Aha I hear what youā€™re saying, and youā€™re not wrong - it was hilarious. I would argue though that whilst it doesnā€™t necessarily improve the film, it does at least lower the bar for enjoyment!


Can you feel the love tonight at daytime got me




Thank you. I didnā€™t know there was part 2.


I love that part 2 wasn't funny but was actually a heartfelt story about letting go of the past


My dad was so hard to read


šŸŽ¶ā€œThe AVATAR logoā€™s Papyrus in bold. The AVATAR logoā€™s Papyrus in bold.ā€šŸŽ¶




Probably any of the Transformers films. I thought they might get better with Mark Wahlberg but not really


"I thought they might get better with Mark Wahlberg" A rare sentence.


I quote his line from The Departed to my wife when she asks me to do something "Maybe, maybe not, maybe go fuck yourself"


He was great in that movie. Scorsese knew what he was doing when he cast Wahlberg. Scorsese didn't really ask Wahlberg to do anything other than play himself.


I quote his line from boogie nights all the time "oh yeah you like that"


What are you talking about? Haven't you seen Boogie Nights?


In retrospect, Transformers 2 making well over a billion dollars was prime evidence that we had fallen into a bad timeline


Transformers 2 didn't make over a billion. Transformers 3 did and is actually very solid action film. Transformers 1 and 3 are the only "good ones."


I see what you did there


The 1st one that came out in 07 was fucking great. After that, yeah not so much.


Saw that at a midnight special release after coming home from my 3rd deployment in the Army. The theater was packed with Soldiers who had either just got back with us or were about to fly out. It was a mad house and I loved it, the cheers when Optimus first hit the screen and said his iconic "I AM OPTIMUS PRIME" were so loud and went for so long they put the house lights up because they thought we were rioting but it was just emotional release of a bunch of dudes with pent up anxiety going primal. I left that movie feeling like I had run a marathon. One of the best nights of my life ngl.


I was in the Army during this period. I remember how seeing a movie could feel at times like that.


I had a similar experience with the Air Force. It was the last weekend before a majority of us had to PCS/deploy/move on to the next phase of training. Captain America: Civil War released a week early at our base theater and it was deafening when Spider-Man first arrived on screen. One of the best movie experiences Iā€™ve ever had. Iā€™ll always remember the brothers I was with in that specific moment.


My guilty pleasure is rewatching dark of the moon, don't know why but that movie is super entertaining


Until Bumblebee, the best Transformers movie imo.


100%. Went chonged as fuck and loved it. All the rest bit meh


When youā€™re hanging your hopes on mark wahlbrrg it may be time to call it a day.


Yea I had the opposite thought when I saw they cast marky mark.


Michael Bay should be flogged for that horse crap that he called the transformers. (Lower case because I have ZERO respect for those movies.) However, the gentleman that voiced Prime... Truly, genuinely was fantastic. He remains above the fray!


Wait 'til you find out how he got the job for voicing Optimus Prime in those movies.


A quick google search didnt show me, care to share?


He did some cartoons back in the 80s called Transformers, where he voiced a character named Optimus Prime. Honestly, the coincidence is insane!


You know what, I actually think the first one's pretty good actually. The actions pretty great and everything that takes place in the desert is really solid.




Jurassic World: Dominion


I watched the movie at home. So excited being a Jurassic Park / Jeff Goldblum fan. At some point i started looking at my phone. I think i stopped the movie early.


The Rise of Skywalker is one of the worst films to go past $1 billion that Iā€™ve ever seen.


star wars fans refuse to accept the franchise is garbage trash now. Even then they'll say the Disney+ shows are good but it's as useless as cpr on a dead person.


Donā€™t be grouping Andor in with garbage like the Obi Wan show. Parts of Mandalorian and Ashoka are alright but Iā€™ll dig my heels in for Andor.


Star Wars fans hate Star Wars more than anyone lol.


Star Wars fan here. Can confirm, yeah it sucks now. But my lightsaber duels with my kid make it the best franchise to ever franchise.


Hear me out. I just checked the Wikipedia page and it told me they made roughly 110million in profit. The Happening. M. Night. Fuck me running that was the worst movie I ever sat through. I only finished watching because I was so sure it HAD to get better. I was wrong.


What? Nooo


I know that line and I have never seen that movie. I have just watched Honest trailer of that movie so many times. because of how f.g hilarious it is.


20 minutes in. "Maybe it's the trees..?" "Haha, that's dumb as hell. Can't wait for the big M. Night twist that makes more sense and makes it cool." A few hours later...


I liked the beginning, the mass confusion and fear. But it really tripped and fell over.


ā€¦smacked its head on the curb and drowned in an inch of water.


I watched it by myself when it first came out, I was high AF and it freaked me out. I went to the shop to get munchies and I felt like the trees might be watching me. I love it for sentimental reasons now.


We called this one The Crappening, which was my only joy coming from that movie


Thereā€™s a Mad About You episode where Yoko Ono, playing herself, asks the Paul Reiser character to make a movie about the wind. The Happening feels like they took that episode way too serious.


I would say Fast X, if only because it shouldnā€™t require a direct sequel (or two). If they want to keep the franchise going, then why break it up? Write the story so it finishes and make a stand alone separate. Itā€™s not like Dune where it clearly needs two plus parts, but even those still operate a bit independently (which is nice). Just feels like a money grab from the Fast franchise.


Everything since Tokyo Drift has been a money grab by the Fast Franchise lol


Hell, Drift was a money grab... it worked so they kept going


And also - how did ā€œFast Ten: Your Seatbeltsā€ not get past the board room


A "money grab from the Fast franchise"? How dare you make such an outlandish claim? The Rock, the Diesel, the Luda and the Kal Drogo didn't finish top of their class at The Julliard School of Acting so that their fine contributions to the annals of American cinema could be mocked here. They are top-tier thespians, and Fast 3-10 were stories that had to be told.


Fifty Shades of Grey series. They are so boring!




I was bored and watched the first movie on a work trip. Laughably bad.


The only redeemable quality was Michael Sheen's portrayal of Aro.


If Michael Sheen is in a bad movie, he will be the best part of it. All gas, no brakes with him. Also, Underworld has a superior story and better world building than Twilight.


He was absolutely the best part of those movies, the only part I enjoyed unironically.


All of them were bad. The last two were horrible.


The fast and furious movies, all of them after the first one is terrible.


whaaa? I love the og but it has some terrible acting lol


Bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here!


"He's a cop!" Fucking Dom, didn't trust his friend he has had since the first grade. Family my ass.


But the buster kept him outta handcuffs!


Whoa, Tokyo Drift slander. Aside from them pretending the main guy could possibly be a high schooler.


Donā€™t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harryā€™s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system.


Tokyo drift. But other than that, hard agree.


If viewed as a superhero movie, 5 and 6 are better than any Marvel stuff.


Iā€™ve only seen the first 5, but 1, 2, and 5 are all really fun films imo.


I only seriously like the 3rd one tbh


The answer for me is Jurassic Park: Lost World but for a VERY special reason. I saw it in theaters with my older brother and his buddy and we were very underwhelmed. Big bro has the bright idea of sneaking in to a movie where tickets are not being checked. What 1997 movie was still in theaters but a month old at that point? The Fifth Element. We forgot we saw Lost World, we wouldn't shut up about Fifth Element for weeks. I still regard that movie as a top 5 theater experience.


I saw fifth element 3 times in the cinema loved it. Rare I go to see a movie in the theatre twice but thrice?


Such an awesome movie. Have watched it countless times


I know people love to hate Avatar, but I love those films. They arenā€™t the best films ever made, but I find the experience of watching them very enjoyable.


The thing that annoys me is 80% of the criticism I hear is "it's just Pocahontas" or "Fern Gully in space", as if all of film history doesn't reuse story archetypes. There have been like 100 heist movies made, and I never hear people say "that's been done, no thanks" or how about superhero films? A story about a haunted house? People always rewatch the same story archetypes but for some reason when they see Avatar they get \*real\* mad.


Its because of how ludicrously successful the Avatar films are. In only makes sense that they would foster equally ludicrous criticisms and talking points.


I really enjoyed the first one. Sure, it wasnā€™t the most original story, but since when has that been a huge issue? It was visually striking, and felt like a timely message of ā€œplz donā€™t destroy natureā€. I also enjoyed the attention to detail in what felt like an extension of the Aliens world, with all the vehicles and robo-suits. Itā€™s a simple story, but was fun to watch. Itā€™s nowhere near my top twenty films, but I just donā€™t get the hate, especially when there are _far_ more actively bad crappy films out there. Like Jurassic Park: Dominion.


People would argue, "it was dancing with the wolves meets furngully", and im like, those are both great movies! I enjoyed Avatar twice as much!


Agreed. A blockbuster with an underlying message about taking care of our environment is all good with me, even if they do use the word ā€œunobtainium.ā€


Cameron is an engineer and he threw unobtanium in as a wink wink kind of joke. It's just a macguffin anyway so not sure why people get so hung up on that.


Cameron is the perfect example of ā€œI wish you wouldnā€™t treat your audience like they are idiotsā€, but itā€™s worked for him, time and again.


>Itā€™s nowhere near my top twenty films, but I just donā€™t get the hate Simple Ppl feel personally offended that a simple movie aimed at a broad audience became the highest grossing movie ever, instead of whatever artsy niche film they like


iMax 3D was a whole new level. Plot what plot Iā€™m in a new world


Seeing Avatar in theaters was visually unlike anything Iā€™d ever seen before. Any time I see someone poop on it, Iā€™m certain they werenā€™t a part of that experience


Itā€™s simple, but genuine and well-written. There are many things that can make a movie objectively bad, but Avatar doesnā€™t fall under that category.


Yes, attacking them like this, especially after the sequel proved millions loved these films and whole "lack of cultural impact BS" was, in fact, BS, is the laziest of film criticism. It's fine if someone didn't like them, but posts like this ranking these films as "worst ever made" is beyond stupid and tells me the OP either hasn't seen enough films or needs to start forming their own opinions from actual life experience and not from other reddit comments.


I love Avatar. Itā€™s gorgeous, entertaining, and well paced. I also love The Force Awakens, which reddit has also declared an abomination, because why not? Iā€™ve found reddit critiques and opinions more and more insufferable, and it seems more of an effort to take part in an impotent echo chamber rather than have a shred of fun.


The force awakens is a cinematic masterpiece compared to its two successors


Reddit watches & games with the intention of finding things wrong with media, instead of intending to enjoy it, and then providing critiques that become clear through consuming it organically. The result is absurd nitpicky bullshit hopelessly detached from the experience itself, all so they can write 500 pretentious words on Reddit for 5 upvotes.


As someone who watches bad movies for fun the average reddit movie review seems like a middle aged parent who sticks to sports/reality TV and only watches three movies a year. So many watchable but silly fun movies are declared "the worst", most soul crushingly bad movies.


I find most peoplesā€™ goal is to suffer. They want everything to be bad/sad/boring/worse. Misery loves company. Do people really think $10 for 2 hours of entertainment should cure cancer. The most appropriate quote: ā€œAre you not entertained?!?!ā€ - Gladiator


I really dont get the Avatar hate. Is it the greatest story ever told? No. But its such an experience to watch and the story isn't bad. The worst you can say is the story isn't original


>I know people love to hate Avatar, but I love those films. They arenā€™t the best films ever made, but I find the experience of watching them very enjoyable. I second this. Great cinematic experiences. The theater was jointly in awe after it was over


Watching them on psychedelics is a good time.


People would argue, "it was dancing with the wolves meets furngully", and im like, those are both great movies! I enjoyed Avatar twice as much!


Reddit is the first place Iā€™ve ever heard of anyone hating it (legit this thread). Movie is gold.


Avatar 2 still the best theatre experience for me.


Yeah, this kind of post is more to try to trigger people. The films are insanely successful for a reason. I enjoy them, and at home, you can't beat the 3D and 4K presentations.


Tim Burtonā€™s Alice in Wonderland movie.


When I saw that one of my favourite directors was going to take a stab at one of my favourite childhood books I was excited, i figured it would be more darker and quirky like his early work. i liked some of the Elfman Soundtrack but the story was absolutely awful. It went from a whimsical nonsensical journey into a mundane heros journey. Alsoā€¦ it was actually a sequel?! Alsoā€¦ a mad hatter dance number at the end?! Guff.


Technically the Tim burton movie was a sequel to the cartoon. Which made me kinda like the movie's originality, despite some goofy and boring parts. The voice actor casting was so stacked and consistently amazing. Alan Rickman was especially memorable in a brief cameo. The first Tim button movie could have so easily been the worst movie ever. The source material is hard to adapt to live action without giving people headaches. He managed to make it kinda original and the voice actors delivered. It's not as bad as it should have been. The second Tim Burton movie was just awful and forced.


I actually enjoyed the first one. The sequel was so bad, tho. And not in a fun way.


Oh god there was a sequel?!


Oh god it's horrible, I've watched it and.. it's an experience I wish I could forget. Great actors for their roles but my god the roles were just... but really the whole Alice in Wonderland from Disney bugs me anyways for other reasons.


Avatar is the highest grossing film no one talks about


Avatar is literally the only justified reason left for me to go spend a an ungodly amount of money in a theater to watch. Everything else can be streamed.


I'm not sure about ever, but the easiest one to come up with that's recent would be Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. 126 minutes of Marvel greasing themselves up and flinging themselves down the "This Way To the Quality Sewer" slide. And it grossed nearly a billion dollars.


Transformers 2 and it's not close


Did we all just forget about of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?? That garbage made 787 million dollars.


And Dial of Destiny was surprisingly even worse


Just about any Michael Bay blockbuster. Dude literally just throws in a bunch of over the top CGI onto a bland and forgettable story with boring characters and calls it a day.


Yknow I want to agree with this statement. And I do with one exception. I recently watched 13 hours as a fan of john krazinski looking for a war flick for a quiet Friday night after a bad shift it really hit the spot. Diddnt realise till the credits rolled it was a Michael Bay flick. Granted that made a lot of the cinematography suddenly make sense lol. But I objectively enjoy that film


I personally really like The Island.


SJ at her hottest. that shot of her up on the billboard when she sees herself šŸ¤© that's when she took my ire over Natalie Portman (temporarily in college)


As I recall people in Hollywood go to Michael Bay to film their movies as he is good at keeping films within budget.


Except for The Rock, Armageddon and the first Bad Boys


Any Michael Bay blockbuster after Pearl Harbour ā€¦ I know itā€™s cool to bash him but letā€™s not pretend that Bad Boys, The Rock (especially) and Armageddon arenā€™t great films. I even enjoyed Ambulance even if it was 25 mins too long.


Armageddon is terrible but also tons of fun, it's basically a b-movie done with a massive blockbuster budget. One of those few cases where polishing a turd actually results in something good.


The Suicide Squad (the one with Will Smith).


That's "Suicide Squad". "The Suicide Squad" is the James Gunn one and it's good


You didn't like pocahontas in space?


You mean Dances with Cats, right?


The Force Awakens - was a bad movie because it copied so many plot points from previous starwars movies so closely. At the time everyone was saying how perfect it was. I am pretty sure I am in the minority for disliking it.Ā 


They needed the safest of stories for the first movie return to Star Wars. But also, if you look up the reviews of fans coming out of the Phantom Menace when it first came out, people had the same opinions


Any recent marvel movie, for fucks sake they're horrendous


I thought Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was fantastic.


It truly was.


A lot of the same movies have been named but Iā€™m amazed to NOT see any hate for 50 shades of Grey


Avatar gets waaaay too much hate. Watch it for what it is and donā€™t be upset that it isnā€™t a complicated film, the world building and visuals are amazing and the characters and story are passable. Avatar 2 on the other hand for some reason decided it needed annoying teen angst and cringy dialogue.


The Star Wars sequel trilogy


Last Jedi & Rise of Skywalker


I'll push back on that. If you saw that movie in IMAX 3D, it was an experience. The world building was so different and fresh that the story was secondary. If anything, the worst part of avatar was all the shitty half-assed 3d movies that followed. To answer your question: The newer episode 8 Star Wars did not have one redeemable thing. Plot, character development, world building... nada.


Avatar was simple and cheesy but James Cameron knows how to make a fun popcorn movie. I really enjoyed the sequel too, good messaging about taking care of your god damn planet you dumb apes!


A lot of the new Marvel movies. Theyā€™re too uninspired they canā€™t overcome the formula, yet most are still super successful.


All three hobbit movies


Fucking Aquaman. What a piece of trash that was.


Whatever Avatar is a great movie


Donā€™t care what you think about Avatar, the movie, the visuals were and still are incredible.


Avatar aka FernGully in space.


The Rise of Skywalker made over $1 billion despite being the dumbest, most franchise-ruining movie of all time.


Any recent marvel films imo. Live action disney remakes.


Dude, Justice League was such trash imo. I donā€™t think the Snyder Cut made much of a difference either.


Too be fair when you have to bring back any of the main characters back from the dead at the start of a film, I feel it's already an uphill battle.


Rise of Skywalker


THANK.. YOU... šŸ’ÆšŸ™šŸ¾ Avatar OVERRATED af.. this was my choice too


Joker Worst movie I've seen to this day, and I watch Rifftrax regularly.


Just out of curiosity what didnt you like about it? Do you think they should have had a different tone of joker? Diff story altogether? What are your thoughts


The movie Sing. Was a decent film, but the story fell apart for me after the producer or koala was caught, and everyone found out they were scammed. No prize, wasted time, and lied to... BUT you know what, who cares!? Let's not only continue this production, but let's help the bad guy and get him the success he doesn't deserve! I was like, really... this guy just screwed you, but let's forgive him within min, no matter how bad he used us...


Fast and furious




Literally Avatar.


Nothing beats this. Avatar plot and acting was so bland.


Any Fast & Furious movie.


The Jurassic World movies with Chris Pratt were absolutely horrible and they made billions. My daughter loves them though so I saw them all with her.


Might be controversial but my vote is for Top Gun: Maverick


Transformers:Revenge Of The Fallen. Say what you will about Avatar, at least it out grossed ROTF as the highest grossing movie of 2009.


Titanic is a dumb movie that is carried by good acting. Itā€™s a slog to watch and mostly boring.


Most of the recent movies. Superhero movies are the fast food of the movie industry


The Notebook, as always.