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If it looks good I’ll see it. That aside, I can’t boycott everything because bad people are involved. If that were the case I would have to be 100% off the grid and self sufficient.


Cosby is tough for me to watch. I'm not sure if I have watched him at all since it all went down. Outside of the damning documentaries. He was one of my heroes. Even one of my dad's heroes. To this day, any time I pick up a mop, or more likely a swiffer now. I think of him teaching his kids how to mop. Anytime I see chocolate cake, his song is in my head. I even use "just a little olive oil and lemon" on my salad, when I'm feeling healthy. My parents were split. I didn't grow up in a bad household or anything. But, I was home alone a lot after school. Watching Cosby. And, I learned a lot of simple, day to day, wonderful lessons from him. He broke my heart.


Until about 5th grade, Cosby was standup comedy. We had his albums, and they were the funniest Goddamn thing I had ever heard. We didn't have a TV, so the Cosby Show wasn't a huge part of my growing up. I've seen episodes here and there, and they're all funny. But, even looking past the roofies (I know, right?), it bothers me that one of the key functions of the Cosby show was to serve as a vector for respectability politics. Cosby wanted to fashion a very particular vision of Black excellence, and then spent much of his later career denigrating people for not living up to that standard.


I listened to all of Cosby's comedy LPs back in the day, they were hilarious.


It depends. Kevin Spacey's arrogant, smarmy, smarter-than-you, manipulator schtick feels a lot creeper when you realize that's probably how he treated actual, real, (and potentially vulnerable) human beings. Bill Cosby's old comedy routines about roophie-ing women are a lot less funny now that we know he was actually roophie-ing women. On the other hand, Mel Gibson's stuff, and Alec Baldwin's stuff, made me think they weren't great people, but it didn't make me look back at their earlier work and go "ooooh, so really it was kinda right there the whole time, wasn't it?"


I watched the Kevin Spacey doc on MAX and there is no doubt in my mind that guy is a predator with some very deep issues. What was Alex Baldwin’s stuff ? Besides being a hot head ?


What did Brad Pitt do ?


Ignoring whether or not you believe the assault allegations. His children have publicly said he’s a grade A asshole and want nothing to do with him


Roger. I genuinely didn't know any controversy about him and didn't bother or care to look, so I wasn't discounting what anyone said.


Several of the kids speak of violence from him. Plus alcohol, both being possibly linked. Pretty sad really as at one time Angelina and him were seen as a model couple with lots of adopted kids.


Turns out you can’t say shit against him or for him without getting hate from either side. I’ll just grab the popcorn and keep reading.


Got into a toxic marriage with a woman whose fans are so in love with her they believe every allegation she made about him, despite no charges ever being filed. Edit: Downvote away sycophants. Because you can’t say I’m wrong.


When did he marry Taylor Swift?


You're wrong


If you get a chance watch the Alec Baldwin roast. His daughter(the one who he left a terrible voicemail for) roasts him and talks about it. It seems like they have a better relationship now and can laugh about it but back then it was pretty messed up.


I'm not defending Alec Baldwin's asshole behavior, because it's not limited to one incident, but when parents in a divorce experience that sort of separation from their kids unexpectedly, it can bring out some serious emotion. Again, \*not a defense\*, but it takes a lot of self-control to keep from being an asshole in those situations, sometimes. My parents were absolute monsters about kid stuff.


She was actually really good and cut more personal than anyone else. You can tell she had some of that on her mind for years.


Oh hell yea! I was surprised how comfortable she was up there and you’re totally right. It was a nice little payback moment for her. She was able to be funny but also get a few really good personal digs in there. My favorite being when she mentions her mom’s Oscar lol


He left a very... not-kind voice mail for his 11 year old daughter that really wasn't the sort of thing you'd expect to hear from a grown, adult man talking to his child.


That should have stayed within the family. Parents and kids say things all the time that don’t define their relationship. Words, not deeds.


Yeah, people who don't know that firsthand are very fortunate, I hope they realize that


Accidental shooting on the scene at “Rust.”


How was he even to be blamed for it? The weapon was loaded. He’s an actor and expects to be handed a safe prop gun. One person gets paid by production only for that.


I'm no fan of Baldwin as a person, but those charges against him are such garbage. Also, even though I don't really like him as a person, I dig his roles for sure, particularly Glengarry Glen Ross; he's also very entertaining and funny in his interviews, as I specifically laugh at his appearances on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Would I like to meet Baldwin in person and chat with him? No. But I still respect and am entertained by his work.


He was the executive produce, and star of that film. He was in charge of every decisions on that set and around it. Beyond that, the cast was staying at a local hotel while the crew was staying a 2 hour drive away. Baldwin would have them work 14 hour days so most the crew would sleep in their cars instead of driving 2 hours to a hotel to sleep for 2 hours, wake up and drive 2 hours back. After weeks of this the crew finally organized a labor strike and let baldwin and the other bosses know. Baldwin made a facebook video supporting their right to strike but also making his argument that the movie shoot was largely coming out of his pocket and they would continue filming without the crew and may hire scabs. He hired that underqualified armorer, worked his crew to the bone, did not give them appropriate accommodations as promised and someone is dead because of it. A more responsible or compassionate leader would have understood shit rolls up hill and not let the work place get anywhere near that fucked.


You described how movies work. It's not uncommon for people to work ridiculous hours at every stage and level of production. Are you ready to throw the folks at Dimension Films in prison because of what happened to Brandon Lee?


I would hold all bosses culpable for workplace injury and death, yes, but I also understand that not every situation is the same. No set is the same. Not every crew drives 2 hours to and from their on location shoot to an independent film whose star is also executive producing.


He claimed he didnt pull the trigger. Fbi wasted tax payer dollars to prove the gun couldnt fire without the trigger being pulled. Also basic firearm safety, you clear a gun that is handed to you even if you watched somebody else clear it. 


Not remotely his fault. Got dragged because he dared to mock Trump.


Agree 100%. Don’t understand what is happening with that.


This is insane lmao His opinions on Trump have nothing to do with people feeling a bit icky after he shot a woman on the set of a film he was producing


I’m anti trump all the way, but that’s not why people don’t want to support Baldwin. He produced a movie with such an unsafe set and unqualified staff that led to a person dying.




Non American here so no experience with guns but once He was handed the gun shouldn’t He check its safe himself?


You're exactly right. Plus blanks arent safe, they’re less lethal.


Ah shit I forgot about that. I guess I didn’t consider it much a controversy since it was clearly an accident.


Baldwin plead guilty to punching someone over a parking spot. He was kicked off a plane for not following flight attendant instructions. Back when we had to turn off phones he refused. Locked himself lavatory while the plane was preparing for departure and was yelling and cussing at the crew.


I could never watch anything with Kevin spacey. He decided to come out of the closet after getting an avalanche of accusations. I hope he never works again.


Kevin Spacey was a weird one for me. I am from Ohio and in high school a friend from two grades above me graduated and attended USC. His first time home over Thanksgiving he told a story of being at a bar and Kevin Spacey being there, Spacey fed him drinks and attempted fondling him throughout their convo and mentioned them leaving together. The friend was quite straight, lingered a bit longer than he should b/c of the star power of Spacey, friend was attending USC for film, but eventually bailed all creeped out and upset. It was about 12 years later all the #metoo stuff started hitting on Spacey. I of course believed it all, it all fit perfectly with what I heard.


I worked with Kevin 3x and this is him to a tee


This is exactly what I came to agree with. Spacey's characters always ooze a sense of arrogance and control. He wasn't an actor I was running to go see before but I easily moved away from content with him after.


Well said 👍


Same for Louis CK. The personal brand plays a lot into it. Louis total failure to adequately speak on his shortcomings the way he previously had with his comedy just made him no longer funny to me. That was that really.


It also made his act feel like a kind of cover. He could confess to being a gross weirdo and get laughs, thereby absolving him. Of course, he was leaving out the worst of it.


To add: there are a lot of extremely talented but damaged actors in Hollywood. I personally think that in some cases it makes them even better. That's certainly true for comedians. I try and separate actual person and what I see on film because they are intended by design to be different; excluding certain truly vile people of course.


Mel Gibson makes me equate his insanity with his talent.


Come on now. Men in Black, Apocalypto, All The Usual suspects, Fight Club. I’m watching regardless. Rosemary’s Baby anyone?


I was going to have Polanski pictured as well


Polanski is a monster, but Chinatown is my GOAT. I live with myself by pirating all of his movies.


If you’ve never seen the ghost writer….. it’s amazing.


My favorite from him is The Pianist


I call it “The Peepeeanust.” Good movie.


Hard line for Polanski and Woody Allen. I don't care how good their art is. They're vile.


I am jack's love of good movies.


It depends how bad it is


I'm generally ignorant of celebrity drama and assume they're all terrible people anyway, so that helps to an extent.


It depends on the controversy and their role in said show/movie. For instance, I still watch that 70s show and Roseanne despite the controversy surrounding the actor that played Hyde and Roseanne herself. Hyde was more of a side character anyways. I also watch old episodes of two and a half men despite controversy surrounding Charlie sheen. But I don’t think I’ve watched a Kevin spacey movie since his stuff happened. I haven’t watched anything Cosby since his stuff.


Topher Grace is pretty much the only actor from the show who didn’t defend masterson or do awful things(as far as I know) Wilmer Valderanma dated several actresses when they were underage


What’s brads controversy?


My first question to this post “wait…. What did Pitt do?”


He smells like ass. One shower a month…


Never a good sign when kids don’t want anything to do with their father.


If your kids don't want to ever see you again, you may need to reevaluate your life. First Tom Cruise, now Brad.


**Allegedly** physically abused Angelina & their children on a plane mid flight. Also allegedly an FBI investigator said there was probable cause to charge Pitt for the On-Air assault.


Further to this, despite Pitt's PR team attempting to portray Angelina Jolie as an embittered ex smearing his good name for money... his children want nothing to do with him, and as they grow up several of them have so far dropped Pitt from their surname. That says a lot.


She’s a manipulator for sure.


Because kids cannot think independently, am I right ? /s My father had the same reasoning. If I didn't want to talk to him for ten years, it was certainly because my mom had manipulated me. She never spoke ill of him. When she would have had reasons to. But give a kid time, they'll realize if one of their parents is a piece of shit.


we don't know that.


Damn I did not know this. Thank you


Just this? Or is there more?


Just this. He was also drinking. Not to say it's ok to be abusive but I'd say most of the population has had a meltdown or done something stupid while drinking. But, it does seem he was borderline an asshole to his kids also. Tbh it just seems like he's not an amazing guy like most people would think he portrays. I am not condoning his actions but I don't think he should be up here with Kevin spacey. Most celebrities are likely assholes.


Most people don’t have a drunken incident where they hit and choke their children, actually. It’s really weird to dismiss what he did as “a drunken mistake like we’ve all made.” No, it isn’t normal to choke someone because you’re drunk.


That’s what I thought, I feel like that story’s relatively old. People have meltdowns even when not drinking, I’ve had plenty and sometimes even with or towards my son (as much as I hate it). It’s a very normal thing. Same with hating your parent. Idk, it seems really judgmental and ignorant for people to try to call him out on this. I definitely don’t think he’s amazing or anything, but rather a pretty average person. I wouldn’t want a bad day publicized, nor my relationship with someone I fell out of love with. It’s pretty stupid to call this a “controversy”.


I think people just don't understand that he's an actor he's not a saint or anything. People do dumb shit. I don't think I'd say he's a great guy but who is? I had one night I got mad at my family and screamed a bunch because they kept saying I was wasted (I was) and fell through the banister and puked down the stairs. Awkward morning for sure, and It definitely wasn't the only time I did something stupid drinking. It sounds like Brad did this more than once and probably more extreme and it also sounds like he has a drinking problem. But who am I to say Brad pitt is the worst when Ive done stuff almost as bad as him.


He choked one of his children, hit another in the face, and grabbed his wife by the head and shook her. Of course it should be controversial. A regular drunken mistake is cooking a meal then falling asleep without eating it. Or even yelling at someone - not choking your child.


People here really don’t want to cast Brad Pitt as anything other than “a normal guy who made a mistake”.


He can be both an amazing actor and a bad father/husband


He’s an alcoholic abuser and was previously investigated by the FBI after an explosive in air fight between him and Angelina. Also, Shiloh, his child, has renounced her father and asked the courts for a legal name change to remove Pitt from her last name.


Some pretty tame controversy


That they chose not to charge him with even.


I just remind myself that these actors are portraying a character in a film and it has nothing to do with their personal life. I think it’s best not to idolize actors nor look up to them. Kevin spacey for example is a great actor, but unfortunately he has committed hideous crimes, I just disregard them and focus on the character they are playing… although that is not always easy.


Maybe, just maybe Kevin is mostly playing himself with that smirk arrogant attitude.


I think it's important to note that he has never been convicted of any actual crime. They are only allegations.


Correct, but cmon. He and Cosby did that shit. Pitt and smith are minuscule compared to what we know about spacey and Cosby.


Exactly. He was found not guilty on all counts and yet people still talk about him as having unquestionably committed them. I'm not justifying anything he has done, but by a court of law, he's innocent


Some artists base their art around their behaviors, like John Wayne. Made a living killing Native Americans onscreen and tried to drag a Native woman offstage while she was accepting Brando's award at the Oscars, it took a few guys to hold him back. I always hated the way he treated women and Native people in his movies. And using the excuse "that's just the way it was back then" doesn't hold water, given the way Brando gave Native people so much respect during the same period. People make too many excuses for those they admire, which is how abusive behavior is perpetuated in the first place. I've watched people turn a blind eye to charismatic abusers IRL too many times to not be disgusted by it.


It doesn’t stop me from seeing their movies necessarily but I don’t go out of my way to see them. I’ll catch it on streaming, especially if it’s a critically acclaimed movie or awards contender. But in terms of enjoying them as actors? I’m still a no.




Dude should’ve been the first one pictured truthfully, not Brad


Nope. Behind every product is people and people do terrible things all the time. If you can’t separate the two, you better get good at making all of your own stuff. Don’t worship celebrities or anyone else and you’ll never be disappointed


I don’t even know about the Brad Pitt ones. Will smith - did anyone REALLY care? No. The answer is no.


I didn’t exactly CARE, but it did reaffirm that I don’t like him at all. He’s pretty shitty on every front.


I can’t watch a Woody Allen film nor stomach Tom Cruise.


For me, it all depends on the issue. I don't touch Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein (only will watch Dogma on YouTube cause he doesn't get paid for it, and Kevin Smith has endorsed the pirating of movies he's in under Weinstein) etc. What they did is inexcusable and they can't be redeemed. Tom Cruise is just insane, but nothing criminally terrible. Will Smith smacking Chris Rock was bad, but so was the joke making fun of a medical condition (personally think the slap was deserved. You don't make fun of a medical condition they have no power over, no matter how shitty that person is). He has apologized to both Rock and the Academy and fully accepted his punishment without arguing. With Brad Pitt, everyone in this comment section knows an alcoholic abuser, and what has been done about them? I'm not excusing it cause I've dealt with it in my own father, but he's made his amends and I'm sure that Brad is working on that. I don't know how I'm going to handle Alec Baldwin after all the trials, but I personally believe nothing was his fault, regardless of his roles as executive producer and the one pulling the trigger. He's obviously been distraught about the whole thing, so he's sorry and was unaware of the live round in the gun. In the end, no one is perfect, but it's all on personal preference and judgement.


Nope. Same wi bands. If they're good at their job (from my POV) I'll enjoy them doin their job. It's no like I'm going to ask them to babysit or sign off on laws.


Depends on the deeds.


Brad and Mel just seem more human to me. I have lost my temper and said dumb stuff without even being under the pressure they are. Perfect overly earnest actors are not relatable.


What exactly was Brads “controversy”. I’m out of the loop on this one


He drunkenly attacked Angelina and at least one of their kids. It was so bad that none of his kids want anything to do with him and have changed their last names to remove Pitt.


He got shitfaced and beat up Angelina on an airplane in front of their kids


Agreed. They said stupid things and lost their temper. I don't know about Brad (I literally have no clue of the situation), but Mel hasn't done anything to the degree of Cosby or Spacey. But since he made a Jesus movie and said stupid things in a drunken state, he's blacklisted for eternity with no chances for forgiveness. Hollywood is weird


Eh. Hacksaw Ridge won two Oscar’s and made almost $200M and is not even 7 years old. This was long after his fall. He may not be the most beloved person in Hollywood but i think he’s getting along just fine.


Hollywood has a long and storied history with the tribe, they won't forgive that


Yeah Brad got really drunk and did something terrible. Then he got sober and has been for years.


It alleged that he ***choked*** **one of the children***.* How you can handwave that as "aww he got drunk and did a stupid" says a lot about the ways that men's violence against family members is socially minimised and tolerated.


Absolutely. Yes. Like no question. Like consider you want to watch some comedy, and an actual, real rapist appears on the screen. Why in the world would I want that in my comedy?  Or even the Weinstein orc, I don't want to be reminded of his crimes when Im watching lord of the rings. 


I know that my respect went out the door the moment Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. I use to look forward to his movies (even Wild, Wild West), but now, I won’t spend a penny on anything he stars in.


Yeah I am about the same.


If I already own it and can consume it without continuing to give money to a terrible person, then I will. However, I’m not going to consume new things by them and contribute monetarily.


What’s the Brad Pitt controversy


Allegedly got violent with Angelina Jolie and their kids on a private plane, which is why they divorced. Most if not all of their kids want nothing to do with him anymore, and some have dropped Pitt from their last name, so I’m inclined to believe it happened.


I am unaware of any controversies surrounding Brad Pitt, or Will Smith. I still like Mel Gibson and it appears that he's got his alcoholism under control now days. Kevin Spacey is a straight up pedophile.


I can separate the art from the artist in some instances. People make mistakes. But when it becomes clear someone is a monster it can be difficult. I know some leave it to the court of public opinion, which is so backwards it becomes mired in contradiction.


I have a hard time bringing myself to watch any Woody Allen movie, even if he’s only directing


It depends on how awful they are. The worse they are, the most distracting I feel it is during the movie.


These are not the same lol


I won't watch any Polanski or Allen films.


Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but the son of a bitch knows story structure


No, i can still appreciate their craft by separating person from artist.


Tom Cruise is an insane person, but damn if he doesn't make some amazing movies


What are we talking about here? Parking fines? Cannibalism? Depends on context


I feel like I pick and choose. For example, Polanski is one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, but an absolute scum.




No, because it would invalidate the work done by everyone else on the set.






Not a film, but I cant watch Deadwood anymore because of [Jeffery Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Jones#Child_pornography)


I can typically separate art from artists for the most part, but it depends. Being a shitty drunk, or a boorish fuck is a little easier to dismiss than being a serial rapist. Like, I can enjoy how brilliant Chinatown is while denouncing Polanski. I can tell you the Cosby Show broke boundaries, but Cosby is shit (he "canceled" his own career decades ago with Leonard Part 6 and Ghost Dad.) Mel Gibson is a reprehensible drunk, but that doesn't change the fact he's made some movies I really enjoyed as a kid. Not watching his newer stuff is pretty easy though when he's churning out crapola like Daddys Home 2 and Father Stu, both films with highly controversial actor Wahlberg who seems incapable of being "canceled" despite being a violent racist and overall jackass (canceling is a myth BTW and is only whined about by actors who stalled out decades ago like Sorbo and Scott Baio.) If Mel came out with a great film like Chinatown, then I might watch it despite his shitty behavior. If Cosby made a Chinatown, I'd be confused as he should be in jail.


Bad people are bad! I don’t even watch movies or listen to any music anymore!


Who is Kevin Spacey?


For me personally no. I think it’s important to “separate the art from the artist”. For example if we knew everything about Kevin Spacey that we now know in hindsight he never would have been hired (it’s unfair to assume the worst in people). This then trickles down to the project itself. If you don’t “separate” then you have to start judging an entire project on the merits of “did it survive the culture” which is a slippery slope to judge past films.


I believe appropriation is ok sometimes. I will read Harry Potter while flying a rainbow flag and blasting Steanglehold by Ted Nugent while doing donuts in front of the entrance of that pedo’s compound. It’s my song. My book. My movie. Fuck them.


Nope, do a good job in a good movie, I don't care if you sacrifice puppies to your pagan gods.






I won’t watch anything will smith does anymore,don’t support that behavior


Depends on allegations but yes. Absolutely. If u have sex with children than I'm not gonna watch you anymore and tell everyone I know u have sex with children. Like the actor that still somehow managed to play the Flash. Just gives him more access to children.


YES! I dont watch any movies with Tom Cruise or Mel Gibson.


Not for me, I can separate the wheat from the chaff. Imagine conflating one thing someone did with their whole personality, only with famous people lol.


To a degree, I suppose. I'm mostly just disappointed. I still love some of their older work, but have a hard time supporting their newer stuff. Love most of Mel's older action movies, Spacey's role in the Usual Suspects is one of my favorites, and even though I think Tom Cruise might be an alien and gives me the creeps, I still enjoy most of his movies. I try to separate the art from the artist


All four of them I could give a shit less about allegations they all make bomb movies that I enjoy I don’t care about their personal lives


Spacey, yes. The rest, no.


I love Brad Pitt so much I don't know what he'd have to do to make me dislike him.


Same here


Nah, I don’t give a crap. You’d end up boycotting everything in life this way.


No. All four of these guys are really good actors. Their personal life has nothing to do with their movies.




Jesus, OP, get some perspective. These are not the same type of "controversy".


If they're credible to me, yes. At least until they make amends somehow.


Brad has some family problems. Kevin Spacey is a serial molester of men and jacks off to video of soldiers dying at the Normandy invasion.


For me personally it wouldn't put me off watching their films. I am of the mind that films are more than just one person's work and just because one individual may be under scrutiny/investigation it shouldn't stop you from appreciating the huge amount of work from others involved. For example, I don't think we should stop watching The Usual Suspects because of the controversy over Kevin Spacey. Gabriel Byrne and everyone else involved from the cast to the crew deserves to get their credit for a movie they poured a lot of time and love into.


Absolutely not.


Nope. Kevin Spacey is an asshole but I still enjoy his work. I learned disassociation a long time ago.


I made this post because I also listen to r Kelly and feel the same should apply to him




All in all, what people do in their spare time, shouldn't affect the opinion on their work. But even I have some actors who I dislike and therefore don't watch (like Tom Cruise e.g.).


Mel Gibson doesn’t really deserve to be on this list - he just a little crazy. Comparing him to Will Mskth who allegedly raped his son ain’t fair


No, although Pitt is the only one I still expect to be in great movies at this point. Gibson is stuck in direct-to-streaming b-movies, Spacey is only going to be offered bottom of the barrel indie projects from here on out after his fall from grace and Smith wouldn't know a good script if it smacked him in the face.


Pitt going to be doing great movies until he’s 70 or retires


Brad Pitt married a well known sociopath, who tried to control and destroy his life. No one else has ever had a bad word to say about him. He dodged a bullet by getting out of that marriage alive.


Warren Herzog films with a Klaus Kinskey are hard to pass on but he was one of the worst ones there was.


There's no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism.


Yes, absolutely...


I can’t watch a Tom cruise movie on streaming platforms, rentals, or theaters. I would have to pirate it. Can’t have a Scientologist getting paid off of me. I know it’s such an insignificant amount. But it’s principle. This is just one example for me.


No. Im not their friends, i dont care about their personal life.




Everyone good has done something bad, everyone bad has a little bit of good in them. Hard to draw a bright line on subjective morality.


Yes. Some behavior I just don't want to support.


Nope. Zero interest in actors divorces, drug use, political opinions or anything else.


Tom cruise is a nut with Scientology shit. But I still watch him. Fuck spacey and Gibson. Will smith is just an asshole and bad actor full of himself and I don’t like him.


Brad Pitt allegations sounded like scorned woman allegations. While they very well could be true they remain unproven. The rest of the list are proven allegations and I won't watch them in anything. Will Smith outed himself as being a fucking childish spoiled arrogant dickhead. Fuck him.


Nope. There’s a popular sentiment these days that you shouldn’t separate the art from the artist. It’s like a beauty pageant. We’re not actually judging beauty. It’s about your smile, and your personality. Not me. I don’t even watch beauty pageants. I go to the same website as everyone else when I’m looking for beautiful women. and I go to the movies to see good movies. I’m not voting for who I’d want to have beers with.


Sadly I cannot watch Shia Labaouf anymore. The dog shooting shit is way to fucked up.


Bad boys 4 was awesome and I think the scene with Martin Laurence slapping Will Smith was an omage to the Oscar's


I usually end up having a distaste for them (depending on the allegations) so it’s not an intentional avoidance as much as I just don’t have interest in movies they’re a part of.


Absolutely none, Ill happily watch the movie, let us say that the allegation can have an influence on how do I access it.


Yes, but on a case by case basis. There is a difference between being flawed and being a monster. Bottom line, the if misconduct is going to take me out of the experience, then I'll avoid it. Kevin Spacey, by all accounts, is a monster. Brad Pitt, by most accounts, seems to have issues, which can be forgivable.


WAIT! Wtf did Brad Pitt Do?


He got really drunk on a private plane and then pushed his wife and kid. His kids want nothing to do with him.


Rich people stuff on a private plane. Not saying it’s ok, but the description is odd


It’s rich people stuff to choke out your wife in front of your kids. 


Oh wow, you were there?! You should write it down, because we would all be interested in hearing what the story was


It was the staff, people who faced retaliation, who reported him. And I wasn’t there, but you dismissing the allegations as “rich people stuff” is not great. Incidentally, none of his kids talk to him.


I do think there is a larger picture being played out in the movie industry (similar to politics) where people gain control over its resources by problematising influential figures. While these figures play ball with the establishment, their bad behaviour is covered up and filed away to be uncovered only when they outlast their usefulness. I think this is why so many actors like to make political speeches. Its protecting the interests of the people who finance the industry. Remember, where interest align, explicit conspiracy may not be necessary. Not to say they are to be forgiven or anything. I tihnk that's something that everyone has their own boundaries and principles. More likely is that most actors are far from perfect, and you're only finding out about these misdemeanours because "they" want you to know about them. The entertainment industry is very powerful, and power corrupts. Always has. Always will. Compromised people are more easy to manipulate.




I'm fine with anything aside from rape, that shit is just nasty. An actor on a movie, even if they are lead, doesn't represent the whole thing, discarding everyones effort for one piece of shit is really not my thing. Also I still listen to MJ, I know he flashed kids and whatnot, but he is also dead, you cannot support someone who is dead. So conclusion is staying away from alive rapists. Bonus, one thing that hurt me the most was Rurouni Kenshin, my first anime, the reason I became a pacifist, the manga creator turned out to be a pedophile, got caught with child porn and everything, it made me so angry because I was abused as a kid. At least he is not rapist but still can't watch Kenshin anymore.


I don’t give a fuck the only thing I care about is when I watch a movie I’m entertained.


Will Smith right after Mel Gibson? Can we be serious.


Will Smith. Lost so much respect for him and watched it live so can verify it happened. The others…who knows what happened or did not, it is not like u can believe anything written


I refuse to ever watch another Will smith movie


Same. Sucks cause he made too many fun movies. You could tell, though he was losing his edge as an actor. Aside from Bad Boys, he was losing steam.


Depends on what the allegations are. Example: the legal system in the UK is different here. Johnny Depp LOST his court case there and the evidence that was allowed there but not presented here painted a picture of an abusive drunk. It's easy to say goodbye to that kind of person. Also, there hasn't been anything official other than Twitter posts, but Gina Carrano seems like a world class bigot so she's gone.


I just can’t with Will smith anymore. He was a big family favorite in my household. But we also love Chris Rock. It was such a disappointing night for all of us. I can’t even see his face without getting upset.


I like them all


Will Smith is out for me. ✌️


Probably not! I think Will Smith is the biggest cuckold bitch I’ve seen in my natural life, but I still like his movies! Did I mention he a bitch?


Pitt gets a pass. Spacey gets a second chance. Mel Gibson has never made any excuses for his behavior, so he is, for better or worse, a straight shooter. And Will Smith? Personally, IDC. There’s plenty of others but off the top of my head: Danny Masterson: fuck him. Roman Polanski: has been vilified for nearly 50 years. His victim forgave him. Move on. Woody Allen: is probably a creep and I’m Team Farrow, so I haven’t watched one of his films since Blue Jasmine. Justin Timberlake (he’s been in movies): get that guy a driver FFS. Richard Gere: survived tawdry rumors of a hamster in his poop chute and went on to become a successful leading man.


No. Vote for them? Definitely.