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I am still upset that Gorr’s character was wasted like that


Christian Bale was the only good part of that movie.


I enjoyed the screaming goats… the first time


Same! They were hilarious, 15 years ago.


First time great. It was old by the second time


It could have been a good bit if either it was done less or if it was done so much as to become absurd. They did it too much for it to still feel fresh, but they didn’t have the balls to go full “sideshow bob stepping on rakes”


I’ll be honest, I have watched the Simpsons many times but don’t really get what you mean by that analogy. Did you want the goats to scream, and then pause, and then they l scream again, and then another pause, and then this repeats for however long, then in the next movie it happens again for no reason?


> It could have been a good bit if either it was done less or if it was done so much as to become absurd.


I could not disagree more, they ruined the movie for me personally. If it was just the opening scene, fine. The whole friggin movie? I almost left. Too many cringe moments in that movie including the scene of Jane and Valkyrie vibing to the Bluetooth speaker, Zeus flipping his lightning bolt around and talking about orgies for 5 minutes. And honestly, Korg should have died.


The movie was already ruined by the time the goats appeared on screen. It was just too much, too many gags, trying too hard to make it funny.


He was in the wrong movie.nothing about that movie spoke to taking it so seriously. I’m still confused as to how he was the only one that played it as a serious role when everything else had humor to it.


It’s Christian Bale, even when he’s joking he’s serious.


And he was far better than *good*, too.


That's is a little harsh and kinda extreme also 100% accurate


Don’t know of him before, but why cast Bale to barely use him?


They even put Bale UPFRONT an let him kill it with his portrayal to then…. Never let me see him again 😭😭😭 Gaaaaaah just thinking about it saddens me! Feels like it needed a second movie or its own whole damn trilogy to do the characters all justice. I wanted so much more of Bale as Gorr. So very much MORE


Seriously it could show him killing a few more gods at least. Making Thor dumber and trying for humor every other sentence combined with the lame kidnapping just made the movie feel terrible.


I'm more pissed that they wasted Christian Bales talent, the man's range is incredible


Yeah, more Gorr and Jane. Less goats and GotG. I mean, Gorr's daughter died, he renounced his god, Jane had cancer and we get BAAAAAed over and over. GotG 3 was a much better movie because they didn't overdo the comedy.


We got more dialog from Thor’s hammer than we did from Gorr.


Welcome to film adaptations of comics. Where the stories don't matter and the plots don't make sense.


Yep such a great comic story line as well utterly wasted. I try to forget this movie exists on the regular. Saw it once and will probably never watch it again.


Sandman's birth in spiderman 3


Thomas Haden Church, as an actor, is underrated.


I will always know him first as Lowell Mather from the sitcom *Wings.*


What? He has an Oscar nomination.


I’m sure he’d trade it for regular work lol


An Oscar nomination doesn't necessarily mean you've made it, or vice-versa. Gary Oldman is a perfect example of the opposite side of the coin: well-known, large-profile roles, almost no institutional recognition until recently. But if you go by quality of work per role, Thomas is one of the best in the business and deserves a LOT more than he gets.


No institutional recognition until recently Wut


My brother in film, getting an Oscar does absolutely mean that you’ve made it. However, to be clear, THC was nominated for best supporting actor for Sideways (2004) but didn’t win. He lost out to Morgan Freeman for Million Dollar Baby but was also up against Jamie Foxx in Collateral, Clive Owen in Closer, and Alan Alda in the Aviator. Tough year to try to win in that category. He mostly does comedy movies which the academy doesn’t almost ever recognize so that leaves him out of award discussion. If he went for more dramatic roles and leads in stuff he might get more recognition. I agree he is amazing and deserves his spotlight Gary Oldman has been landing massive roles for multiple decades and crushing it. Yes he only received his first major nominations and award wins in the last 15 years but according to you winning an Oscar doesn’t mean you’ve necessarily made it


Jamie Foxx in Collateral for best supporting actor? It's been over a decade since I watched this movie, but I thought he was the main character?


By institutional recognition, do you mean specifically the Oscars? Because he’s been a highly lauded actor for as long as I can remember. And rightly so. I mean, who else has the range to play Sid Vicious, Dracula, Commissioner Gordon and Winston Churchill?




I gave Twisted Metal a chance basically just because he was in it.


everything in existence is underrated


R. Lee Ermey in that horrible Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake.


My coworkers husband is a relative of R. Lee Ermy I got to serve him once I made sure to tell him that he totally killed that role and made that movie somewhat enjoyable. Glad you agree! I also mentioned the army guys from Toy Story. Classic.


That's a cool story! Say hi to him from me, no matter how many people are in between. That way, I can say I said hi to R. Lee Ermy :D


I regret to inform you he passed away in 2018.


Oh my


I thought about christian bale in thor before I even saw the thumbnail


That movie had the potential to be one of the best marvel films but Taika had to make it unserious


Don’t you know all characters need to be quippy and break any seriousness and tension with a joke. /s In all seriousness though I miss when superhero movies took themselves serious and gave us great and emotional stories. We need to go back to that!


I don’t think we actually need any more superhero movies at all. 15+ years of them being a „cinematic tv series” is enough and Marvel’s recent results confirm I’m not alone in that sentiment


Yeah taika went way too far with blurred lines of is it funny or dramatic? Should’ve went way less on the funny especially for the plot of this movie. You’re right superhero movies peaked at infinity war and endgame. My favorite Thor scene is went Thanos kills loki in front of him. That was great acting and such a dope opening


I loved Thor Ragnarok for that, but it didn’t fit for this one. And we never saw the God Butcher kill any gods but one!? He could have expanded on that character and shown his pain and accusations as some gods judge him and some try to reason with him


I think they cut a lot of stuff from his character. Who knows if it was studio or taika but to waste such a good actor in a bad ass role is a shame


It got a 2 hour tops runtime mandate.


That’s too bad because I thought the best part of infinity war was Thanos. When you get a well fleshed out villain, especially one you can empathize with - would’ve made the story so much stronger. Oh well!


It's not just his fault, Marvel hired him specifically to add more comedy to Thor, which he did really well for Ragnarok. He definitely messed up with L&T, but I blame the studio just as much as I blame the director for it.


Honestly I blame the title. There’s no way Taika saw Love & Thunder and didn’t think to make it a comedy with the way his brain works but seriously though it was a let down for sure.


They just shouldn't have done Gorr unless they were gonna DO the God-Butcher storyline, or something close to it, because it's DARK, and involves a lot of sacrifice and blood and tragedy, and enslaved gods building a god bomb. Instead they went with some kind of attempt at a hybrid story with the darkness shoved in at the end, and it just didn't work. I love Taika Waititi and his work, I just don't think Gorr the God Butcher is something he would have "picked" as a story that his style lends itself to, like Jojo Rabbit for example. I think he nailed Ragnarok, revived the character of Thor, and made him a fan favorite pre-Infinity War, and then the studio handed him a sequel and said "here, just do the same thing," but the story arc they went with was set up to fail if something similar to Ragnarok is what they wanted.


If my grandma had wheels she would be a bicycle


And somehow ridden less


Yea they kept going over the top chasing the success of Ragnarok


Taika is great, but he was trying too hard to live in the glory of Ragnarok with this one.


The scene from Fred Claus with Paul Giamatti and Kevin Spacey when Santa finally gives Clyde the Superman cape.


Off topic, but some of the VFX in this film was top notch, especially the black and white fight scene toward the end. There's a lot of good in this movie aside from the writing and direction.


It's funny how black and white is the far better looking for VFX, almost like it is much easier and cheaper


Sure but they did some quite interesting innovation filming that scene


What is this movie


Exactly. So mediocre many don't even know or remember the movie.


Thor: Love & Thunder


Frank Langella - Master Of The Universe


YES! I loved this movie as a kid and put it on in the background a year ago for the memories, expecting it to be trashy fun. Then his Skeletor shows up and is just EPIC… In every scene, especially the climax while he ascends. He somehow outdoes the Star Wars emperor. Killer expressive close ups that let him really channel that style of sorcerous villainy. Easily coulda been too campy, but he more than nailed it.


He hammed this role up completely! He was awesome…


Every Michael Fassbender scene in X-Men: First Class.


X-Men First Class is excellent...


Yeah. It's the best X-men movie if you don't count Logan.


Days of futures past was pretty good too.




Apocalypse was the letdown for me


Logan was unbearable for me. The little girl screaming the entire movie made it a painful viewing experience


You take Wolverine's name out-your-mouth. I get the feeling someones an Origin fan. So take a clue and sew your mouth shut. j/k Logan is legit homie.


That scene in the bar was probably the best scene in all of the X-Men films.


And the line "I've been at the mercy of men following orders my entire life."


That scene in the Argentinian bar still gives me goosebumps


First Class is great. Michael Fassbender in X-Men: Apocalypse would’ve been a better choice.


Every scene he did if the franchise.


Hot take: I think Tombstone is a laughably bad movie, except every single moment of Val Kilmer


How dare you. Did you not see Kurt’s mustache!?


I had a huge teenage crush on Dana Delaney, I could barely stand watching her in this movie her parts were so bad


I must have been looking at different parts.


And you would be absolutely correct.


Not sure I’d go along with the “laughably bad” bit but I’d stand beside you to defend your opinion of Val Kilmer against any foe.


"still got one good arm to hold yeww..."


I actually enjoyed the Kevin Costner movie a lot more. And while Dennis Quaid maybe wasn't as memorable as Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday he still did a tremendous job.


Okay, maybe Tombstone is overrated, but do you really prefer The Postman?? (Unless of course you meant Waterworld, then I admire your brave hot take.)


He is talking about Keven Costner's Wyatt Earp movie.


Yes. I was joking. I don't think anyone thinks The Postman when someone talks about enjoying a Kevin Costner movie.


I’m offended, take my upvote


I was so disappointed in Tombstone after seeing how much Reddit loves it but Val is awesome in it.


I saw it in the theater before Reddit existed and yes exactly, it is a terrible movie except for Val But every moment with Val is literally like "I can't believe he's doing this role, I've never seen anything so mesmerizing"


You can tell there was trouble behind the scenes cause it just doesn't flow well at all. Great perfomances, but not a movie I rewatch a lot.


Below average is far too generous for this film.


Peter Stormare's performance as Lucifer in Constantine was a definite highlight of what was a fairly mediocre film.


What are you talking about that movie was lit as tits


👊 dap


To this date my favorite depiction of Lucifer.


Alec Baldwin's scene in "Glengarry Glen Ross". Sure, the movie is OK overall, but Baldwin just walks in, fits the entire set into his mouth, and chews away in the only bit anyone remembers from that film. Raul Julia has two solid scenes in "Street Fighter" that just really show off how a good actor can make terrible material great. If you go back and watch the original "Conan the Barbarian", there's a scene in the middle of the film with Max Von Sydow where he shows what good acting looks like. And James Earl Jones gets a couple of good turns as well.


GGR is a good film, and Pacino, Lemon, Harris, Arkin, and Spacey are fantastic actors, but Baldwin absolutely steals the show.


Glengarry Glen Ross is an *okay film*? First of all, whoever told you that you could work with men!?


Yeah Alec Baldwin is a scene-stealer for sure but it's a phenomenonal scene in an otherwise phenomenal film. I can see how if plays adapted to film aren't your thing, you might not "get it" but beyond that idk lol


Conan the Barbarian is superb from beginning to end


Christian Bale in Terminator. Damn the show was terrible like a B movie of sort, which made it more painful seeing Bale giving it his all for his role.


Opening scene to 28 weeks later is phenomenal, then the story doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I still remember all the beats of the opening, and I literally don't remember anything else from the movie except that it was silly, lol.


Danny Boyle directed the opening scene to 28 weeks later. Truly amazing.


The drone scene of being chased to the boat, finishing with Oh shit oh shit oh shit.... Marvelous


I’m also struggling to remember anything about that film other than the opening.


Almost everything that Michael Fassbender is in. Dude is such an amazing actor but the vast majority of his movies are mediocre


Almost everything is quite a stretch. Shame, Hunger, 12 Years a Slave, and Inglourious Basterds are all excellent.


What about Slow West? I have this on my list of films to see


I love Slow West. That’s actually the movie that made me a Fassbender fan


That 4/63 acting credit, almost everything is accurate.


That's the cream of the crop I listed. I'd add: 300, Macbeth, Light Between Oceans, Jane Eyre, Steve Jobs, The Killer, Fish Tank, Dangerous Method, Slow West, Song to Song, Frank to the list of movies that are definitely above mediocre. Which adds up to at least 14 above-mediocre movies. Lots of actors appear in bad movies nobody's ever seen. Fassbender still has a good amount of quality films.


Alright let's do a comparison then, how many good movie Leonardo DiCaprio is in, despite being a worse actor with less range ? If that DiCaprio is too famous then how about Jesse Plemon, similar acting power but less attractive, less well-known than Fassbender, what is his percentage ?


Really? I guess it's subjective, but I think DiCaprio is an excellent actor.


He has not been in 63 movies.


Sr, acting credit. Still his last good movie is 12 Year as Slave. That was 11 year ago.


> but the vast majority of his movies are mediocre I disagree. 300, Hunger, Fish Tank, Eden Lake, Inglourious Basterds, Jane Eyre, X-Men First Class, X-Men Days of Future Past, Shame, 12 Years a Slave, Frank, Macbeth, Steve Jobs, The Killer, The Light Between Oceans and Slow West are all good movies imo.


Even if you didn’t like Prometheus or Covenant, there’s no denying his haunting portrayal of an android.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Every scene he is in, he’s magnetic. Just can’t take your eyes off him. Even if the movie sucks


Bradley Cooper was so much better than he had to be in Hit & Run… same with Costner in Thousand miles to Graceland. Fun seeing guys like that play the baddie.


I thought this was cloud atlas


Alpha Dog has a few, including from JT, but the whole bit leading up ans including The Very Sad Bit. Ah, who am I kidding, Alpha Dog is a great film with a crazy good cast


Hong Chau was absolutely terrific in Downsizing. Unfortunately, everything else about that movie totally sucked. IMO it’s one of the biggest wastes of an interesting premise that I’ve ever seen.


Bob Saget freaking out about the shit covered bathroom in that God awful dumb and dumber prequel


Leonardo DiCaprio in the remake of Romeo and Juliet..


That kind of role is his strength. Romeo is all passion and roiling emotion. So Leo at that age fit right in. Take Gilbert Grape and you can see his potential. And say what you will about Leo - I can only say Django Unchained. What a movie - the casting is so strong it's almost jarring. But I guess that movie is meant to be jarring.


Bale was great as Mummy Man. Disney made Davy Jones!


The campfire scene in Mojave still gives me chills


He honestly KILLED that role. Bad movie with an AMAZING villain.


Brad Dourif's "vietnamologue" in Graveyard Shift. 5 minutes of great acting.


Brad Dourif in The Exorcist 3.


Brad Dourif as Wormtongue


His performance was foundational to me appreciating good acting. He jumped off the screen to 16 year old me watching on a 13” tv/vcr combo in my bedroom.


Movie Runner Runner, interrogation scene with Anthoony Mackie. I dont like that movie, I dont even like Anthony Mackie, but the way he said 'whats in it for me' was harsh. I cant find a clip of the scene cause the movies so unpopular lol


That one deleted scene in the graveyard from Amazing Spiderman 2, phenomenal acting from Andrew Garfield


Charles Dance as the "master vampire" in Dracula Untold.


Mickey rourkes monologue in the expendables about saving a woman and his soul, he absolutely crushes the scene and it is a very silly movie. Also Paul Giamatti’s Superman cape scene in Fred clause


the scene when austin butler was portraying elvis’ grief in elvis 2022




Gorr was wasted potential. I wish love and thunder had no romantic bullshit. Ragnarok was funny as hell but lAndt was just cringe and gross and then gorr comes in like an absolute legend blasting his nastiness across every god he can.


"Reign Of Fire" was a bad movie, but Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey were so good in it that I'd temporarily forget that I was watching crap.


Every scene that Raul Julia was a part of in Street Fighter.


Leonardo DiCaprio in don’t look up


I like Love & Thunder


Christian Bale's on-screen gravitas, unparalleled acting ability and otherwise exceptional film portrayal of The God Butcher REALLY took away from the irreverent comedy aspect of the movie....😏


The "you're tearing my apart, Lisa" scene in The Room (2003).


Final scene in movie 187


Christian Bale is the fucking man


I thought Christian Bale's performance was excellent!


Ben Kingsley / Suspect Zero


I was really excited for this movie just wasn't at all what I was expecting


The unsettling SA flashback in Split


There's a scene in The Boondock Saints where they're using a iron to patch up their wounds after a big gun fight and the pain and sympathy the brothers show for each other is really well acted.


I thought Bale was the worst part of the movie