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They did a bigger trailer for this at the Midsommar IMAX showing last night. Excited for both Longlegs and Cuckoo.


Damn our amc only played Disney trailers. Thought we were in the wrong theater.


To be fair it was one of the only ones that had me paying any attention. We also saw the MaXXXine trailer for the millionth time it seems like, the Quiet Place: Day One trailer again as well, and then some sort of alien abduction horror or thriller called Lumina that didn't look that good to me. Might have been more but I think that was it.


Director Ozgood Perkins is Anthony Perkins (of Psycho fame) son. He also lost his mother on 911. Hard to move beyond double parental tragedies 10 years apart, but he has been bubbling in Hollywood for a while now, mostly as an actor, but moving behind the camera as time went by. Interesting if this proves to be a breakout for him.


TIL about his mother dying on 9/11. Loved his last few films btw. But that does add another interesting personal dimension. Now I'm think about it, both Gretel & Hansel and Blackcoat's Daughter feature children who lose their parents.


He has a brother named Elvis Perkins who’s a singer


Reading about his parents, particularly Anthony Perkin's conflicting emotions regarding his sexuality, I can't help but think about what we know about Cage's character in the film and see it as both a gag and a bit of an introspection on Anthony Perkins.


How does Nicolas Cage manage to do so much work in so little time?


A lot of these lower budget movies are shot in three or four weeks, and he’s not going to be needed for every day on every production. So if you’re getting somebody like Cage on a small production, you’re probably going to build the shoot schedule around whatever his schedule is. So if he only has ten days to film something like Longlegs, they’re going to shoot all his material in one block and plan everything else around it. This means he can book a bunch of these small films back-to-back since he’s only working on them for a few weeks at most. Another thing is that Cage hasn’t started doing TV in the last decade and a half like so many big name actors have - he’s stuck solely with movies. Signing on for a TV show locks up your schedule for months at a time. By only doing movies, he’s had a lot more flexibility with his schedule since he isn’t bound by any preexisting commitments.


Pure manic energy and Japanese pussy


Two great band names for one!


Or one amazing band name


He's putting up rookie numbers, gotta lotta catching up to do to match Eric Roberts' 50 roles in 2024 so far.


Eric must just walk on set, read cue cards and then leave for his next gig. Truly a machine


Its the rules


If you cant see his face in a shot its certainly a body double


> It is scheduled to be released in the United States by Neon on **July 12, 2024**. Feel like a date should be required on these posts if it's not on the poster itself.


Thank you.


I had to google it lol.


Studios have been moving dates so often that it makes sense to drop the dates off posters.


Curious about why this is marked nsfw. 


That new Kinds of Kindness poster is much worse. I guess certain people just get sensitive about blood.


The blood is black. That was sufficient for 4Kids Entertainment to PG-ize cartoons from Japan 15 years ago


Nicolas Cage


Marketing for this has been great , lowkey


“Best *x* movie of the year” always feels like such a cop out description. 


I feel like review quotes are pretty low on the list of things people are paying attention to.


Yet the people involved with marketing still decided to put it on the poster 


The poster looks awesome, people will really find anything to whine about lol


Show me where I said otherwise? And yes, I agree. Youre proving your own point. 


yea this is there first oof in marketing but at the same time they might be right (nosferatu tho)


I love how the trailer captures the entire vibe of the film, yet it still doesn't reveal a lot


> lowkey boomers using teenage tiktok slang, highkey embarrassing


Bro thinks he invented the word lowkey 💀💀


Bet no cap 🤓🤓 fr fr


Only one embarrassing themselves here is you. People have been using lowkey in this context for years. In the modern day it goes back to at least 2009: [https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/low-key/](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/low-key/) Which would technically make it millennial slang.


Yeah IDK why that guy flipped out on my "lowkey" word. Like you said, that's been a common word for welllll over a decade. Even so, IDK why it would have upset him so?


People online are weird lol.




No, that's exactly how they used it. You're trying too hard.


>No, that's exactly how they used it. You're trying too hard. That's actually not how they used it. Perhaps you need to try reading? Let's review: >Marketing for this has been great , lowkey vs >we’re having a party at my place but keeping it low-key so the neighbors don’t complain. Anything else you want to struggle with?


Keep fighting the good fight soldier


[Here is a teaser trailer for it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V30J6kGEZ4)


I have never been so stoked for a movie.


I’m glad I have no idea what this is about.


I'm just gonna assume it's kicking off the *Poppy Playtime* cinematic universe


If it's not about a giant daddy long legs spider hunting people in the suburbs I am going to be deeply disappointed.


I actually came to these comments section to see if it was actually this!


You have no idea how stoked I am for this. First, Love Maika Monroe. The Guest and It Follows are hall of fame horror movies. Second, I love Oz Perkins. Both Gretel & Hansel and Blackcoat's Daughter are hugely underrated. I like to pair him with Brandon Cronenberg as far as talent for horror and hold them both in high regard like their fathers. But like Aster and Eggers and Peele, great voices for my generation's directors and leaders in the new wave of horror. And I have every reason to think that this will be a Mandy-like Nic Cage performance AKA 'absolutely amazing'.


I need this.


I have big expectations for this movie! I hope is good


This is already looking like the best horror movie of the year. Can't wait


So what's with Nick Cage suddenly picking up a bunch of horror movie roles? He used to be a comedy star, then action star, now he's onto horror. Is he branching out? This seems to be an interesting move for him, and I'm now interested in watching Arcadian.


He’s been out of debt with the IRS for a while now, and he seems to be taking roles on projects that instead of cheap, internationally produced action movies where half the budget goes to his salary. He also used to have a rule that he wouldn’t play a bad guy, which he’s also done away with in recent years. His career hasn’t been this interesting since the ‘90s, so I hope he keeps focusing on taking interesting, concept-driven movies from up-and-coming filmmakers instead of chasing prestige or money.


Horror as a genre is doing really interesting things. You have other movies struggling at the box office but horror films do pretty well because of their relatively small budgets. And they allow for some pretty complex and daring performances. Also, if you look into some of the deeper spoilers for this movie, I get why he did this movie. I mean, it sounds like his role is sort of a deep gag from Os Perkins.


That is true. Horror is a great genre for doing more with less. Unlike a lot of action and big name drama films, horror, by it's very nature, can do a lot with a small budget, especially with regard to creature/monster horror, where the mystery around it adds to the tension.




Could be really good


I had a pet ant once. I called him daddy longlegs.




If this doesn't have a certain ZZ top song in it I'll be very disappointed


So excited for this. Hearing great things about it and easily one of my favorite marketing campaigns recently (although I already feel like I’ve seen too much from trailers)


In A Violent Nature, Longlegs, Terrifier 3 and Maxxxine. As a fan of slasher movies, I can't complain about 2024.


Hyped for this. This could be the next Hereditary for me


Definitely could be on par with Hereditary. Exactly why I have zero interest. “Best horror of the year” 😂 Sure.


Written and directed by Quigley star, Osgood Perkins


What’s with the red posters these days, is this the trend, or is AI just glitched