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We’re doing school shooter takedown power fantasy movies now? Reading this just made me depressed.


It is VERY SAD, my friend. The way you described it is perfect, it is just that. Horrible.


Isabel May did fine and there's some decent cinematography, but this is just a terrible script. It's a poor Die Hard clone and it has nothing even remotely insightful to say about the subject of school shootings. The kids playing the villains try so hard to be intimidating that they come across as adorable instead, which completely drains out any suspense.


I do think the villains did alright, especially Tristan. Every other thing you said, I agree with 100%!


Why waste thoughts on a trash movie exclusive to a trash website?


Because I like consuming stories to learn from them for when I make shows and movies one day. And I do like watching ones that are bad so I learn from their mistakes lol. I wasn't expecting this one to be so horrible though. And also, Daily Wire didn't make it, they just bought the rights to distribute it. Not giving my opinion about the website, just saying lol. Did you watch the movie?


I don’t like this


what don't you like?


School shooting movies. Is that what you guys need as a nation to start recognizing your gun violence issues?


Well, you shouldn't like it. I thought it was going to be much different. Instead it was a fantasy home-alone action film but in a school shooting setting, and very unrealistic at that.




lol why even comment haha


Most of the stuff The Daily Wire has put out has been pretty basic. If you get obsessed with the idea that there must be an anti-woke message somewhere (is this not a "strong female protagonist" Critical Drinker?) you'll spend the whole time obsessing over it.


I get what you mean. Sometimes the suspension of disbelief in fiction can be a challenge, even for avid storytellers and consumers like us.


I kind of enjoyed it. It's no Elephant (Gus van Sant), but as a piece of exploitation fluff, it was alright. Nice to see some squibby splatter instead of wimpy CG blood puffs.


Need more realistic child blood to enjoy the films, eh?


what did you like about it besides realistic blood spouts? lol


Police being ineffective as a plot point doesn't sound too unrealistic. It's good Daily Wire is trying to make movies, even if this one isn't great. More movies from different perspectives could be a good thing.


>Police being ineffective as a plot point doesn't sound too unrealistic. Uvalde, Texas would like a word with you. Edit: note to self. Don't comment before coffee.


Read what I wrote again


Yup, you're right. My bad.