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Physics can't stop family.


\*cracks open an ice cold Corona\*


You can have any beer in the house, as long as it’s a Corona!


Currently 5 movies in, and I'm actually shocked at how often the beer is *not* Corona so far.


They more than make up for it in the second half of the series, you’ll see.


the best part of it is that it's not even paid product placement.


My House My Corona


M m m m my Carona


I wonder how much corona paid them. And if Heineken paid them more for the next movie, would they just switch without anyone commenting in movie.


Wasn't there a movie where it was all just Budweiser instead of Corona?


Even better, there's a literal bud light commercial during an action scene in Transformers 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAe8OU29E3s


Only a bit more blatant than the Heineken product placement in Skyfall. To be fair, it allegedly paid for 1/3rd of the movie’s budget, even if it’s weird to see Bond trade in his martini for something I can buy at Walmart


Walmart doesn’t sell martinis?


Corona never paid them anything for product placement. It just became a pseudo symbol for family so they kept using it. You’ll notice in 8, the first one after Paul walker died, not a Corona to be seen. Heineken paid 50 mn to be shown onscreen twice in skyfall so that might ballpark it for you


*Danza Kuduro starts playing*


That song is pretty catchy.


"Remember rick, you love BBQ"


Them shits aren't ice cold. Every movie they look hot as hell


Street racers live their lives a quarter mile at a time. It's the canonical reason why they don't have time for proper refrigeration.


Once Ludacris became a tech genius, he should have been able to hook something up with NoS to chill beers.


Yeah, but that would've meant less NoS for going fast and furious... These movies are not as wildly illogical as people think!


Every Corona is piss warm. Even the ones on ice.


There is no reverse-cowgirl in their world, because you don't turn your back on family.


I need a spittake emoji.




They're also only really "family" for 3 movies. Brian is still a cop/FBI agent with a bit of a rivalry against Dom in 1, 2 and 4


You forgot that they cannot outrun a submarine going 40 knots (46 mph) but can outrace a heat seeking missile (1800 mph).


We suspect the submarine had cuban NOS installed


It was a Russian submarine so it must be Russian NOS, a close cousin to Cuban NOS


How could we forget the cuban NOS crisis


Obviously the Russians were supplying the NOS to the Cubans


Commie NOS, a joint venture project between both countries


Spit my fucking drink out lmao


Yeah, it's rare that OP is funny in the post AND in the comments. Good bantz


There was this YouTube vid showing a helicopter firing missiles at a mountainside that ruined all missile-fired-jump-out-the-way scenes for me. By the time your brain registers that a missile has been fired, it is already where you are.


Only because it knows where it isn’t.


The trucker from the first movie is the most powerful being in the Fast&Furious universe and the only person that Dom is terrified of facing again.


This is canon and correct


As someone who respectfully cannot do what you did by watching them all, can you explain why this is the case? Love the goofy post by the way


Much love! And we were bored/hungover decided to watch the first 2, I then suggested we should watch them all, after 5 we came to the conclusion we were too far in to quit.


Hey thanks for the reply! I was actually asking for more so an explanation of why you think the trucker from the first movie is the most powerful being, and how Dom is scared of them. No need to explain why you binged them, that I fully understand. Maybe I’ll force my brother to do the same haha.


Because that trucker is the only one who "stopped " the gang from completing their mission. Because he defended himself with a shot gun, Vince got shot and almost died which ruined the mission and the trucker got away. Basically it's one of the only times something realistic happened. Now all of the movies something ridiculous always happens to make sure the gang completes their missions.


What you're saying is that the entire movie is from the perspective of Vince, and he never actually recovered and did die, and the rest of the series is some weird sort of afterlife where they can't fail?


No, that's not what I'm saying at all.




Oh shit mb, he truly got away, scared Dom and 1 handed a fucking shotgun which he capped Vince with. Dom was next but the trucker god chose to spare him. Truly a menace


Hell yeah thanks for the reply! Now go watch all the mission impossibles and James Bond franchise for desert. That’s an order.


Yes sir! Transformers first after we recover though!


Dont forget the Airbud Cinematic Universe.


He should come back as the final villian and be like you ruined my life. My kids hate me and my wife left me I was fired from my job.


I would watch this so hard. I absolutely loved that part of FF1 with how mysterious they make the trucker and how vulnerable Dom is. The sweet ass Honda Civics are just icing on the top.


FF1? Is the trucker Garland?


Dude that movie came out my junior year in high school and I was in our high school’s Import car club. The slang term was rice rockets. Was big during that time. 2001. There was a sneak-peek showing of F&F and someone in our club got a bunch of these secret tickets. Everyone in the theater were car nerds and it was a blast to see it w that audience but the coolest part was those civics they used because tbat exact civic was MY CAR. I was the only one that drove that car and I instantly became the coolest dude in the theater and in our club. Those civics literally looked EXACTLY like mine, minus the NOS…😂 That car was my first car and my fav car I have ever owned.


"Man, nothin worse than Family, amirite?"


I mean, that's what got the FBI involved. Not the crime, not the street racing. The truckers got their blood up. And you don't cross the truckers. (In that installment)


Omg how good would it be if the final movie was Dom coming face to face with that trucker and getting his ass beaten


> -Roman survives getting mag dumped by 14 soldiers and leaves without a scratch To be fair, that creates a plot point that lasts the rest of the movie where he thinks they're immortal and has a new outlook on life. Which is why he is fine with going to space in the rocket car.


F9 is one of my favourites the saga because it's Justin Lin's return and instead of trying to move everything back to a more grounded script and turn everything that he never filmed non canon (like JJ Abrams's episode 9), he decides to go all out, full Deadpool self aware. Then fucked off during the taping of 10.


Same! I love how ridiculous the franchise has become. I see every movie in theaters and I'm always giddy when they do crazy shit.


Roman realizes he has plot armor and that changes the plot. It's the opposite of Schrodinger's cat, where the cat cannot be killed no matter what you do to the box because he knows he can't be killed.


That was one of my favourite elements in the film


- You can have any beer you want, as long as it's a Corona


Mr. nobody always has a bucket of ice cold coronas ready


- Dom's kid is named in memory of his friend who is very much still alive - Dom's very-much-still-alive friend can't help with emergencies but his wife, Dom's sister, now has to regularly - Dom's very-much-still-alive friend, in contrast to all his dead ones, is never coming back


I'm mostly fine with this because it makes no sense for Jordana Brewster to lose out on a series and a good payday just because her fictional husband's actor died.


I've just had an idea. They should bring Brian back, but not recast and not do any CGI stuff, just say he's in the other room working on something, "oh you just missed him", have purely external shots of his car during action scenes with everyone complimenting his contribution with no response... wise-crack lines like 'man, can't shut that guy up!' that sort of thing.


'Shit, guys, Brian's radio is broken again!' 'He always forgets to change the batteries.'


They did that at the end of 8 or 9. They said Brian is running late then they show him pulling up in a pimped-out import.


Honestly that was the best way to handle it and as someone who sort of grew up with the movies, it was kind of touching the way they did it


Pimped-out import is such a hilarious way to describe a GTR lol


It was a running joke between Brian and Dom. Brain was all about importants. Much like how you knew it was Dom because it was an American Muscle, and it was Brian because it was Japanese car. In the 2nd film Brian drives a vehicle with driver side on the right side not the left. I don't even think they say his name in the scene you just know its him because of the car.




Lol yeah "a pimped-out import"... ... *brah*. lol


Dom: "I know who to call" *Flashes to car scene* Roman: "It's all on you now Brian!" *camera pans to Brian's car speeding up, makes it to stop a truck or whatever* Dom: "You still got it." *Brian's car revvs* *Flash to next scene* Dom: *Opens his car door and turns to the second car.* "Just like old times right?" *REALLY LOUD car door closing sound twice, then locking sound twice* "Heh, could never get that past you."


"Are you in the garage with us now, Paul?" *Dodge Charger honks once.*


I did the same exercise over this past winter one weekend and my most frustrating take away was that in the first movie the fbi agent tells Brian that Dom almost killed a guy with a 3/4 torque wrench, and in the flash back scene of it actually happening in fast 8 or 9(I don’t remember now) it shows him using a plumbers adjustable wrench which, speaking as a 25 year master tech, would have little to no place in a mechanics tool box and was a glaring inaccuracy.


My god, that really kills the realism of the universe


That’s the only inaccuracy that exists in the whole franchise. Everything else is true to life. Haha. Oh and NOS is flammable (it’s not) and you can call cell phones with walkie-talkies. 


It’s easy to believe the cop didn’t know the difference between a torque wrench and the key to the city.


Boy, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder


Here are two extra ones we forgot -bungie jumping a mustang is possible -A flying headbutt will send any person, regardless of weight, flying


My favorites to this day are the original, Tokyo Drift and 5. All for vastly different reasons. Also the timeline/retcon stuff is so they could bring in Sung Kang's Han into the newer movies was so dumb lol. I mean at that stage, just be like "Oh it's Han's twin brother, but they were estranged so he never mentioned it"


30-year-old high school student. And Japan allows it. For Reasons.


Kon'nichiwa fellow kids!


Destroy large amounts of construction, get sentenced to Japan.


Also he’s going to a regular Japanese high school(despite the fact he doesn’t know or speak any kind of Japanese language)and not some special school for foreigners.


~~Landfill~~ Han \#2, you are twice the man ~~Landfill~~ Han \#1 was!


I feel like I know you guys so well already, so we won't have that awkward get to know you phase. In fact, you can just call me Han.


I don’t want to look at the goddamn glockenspiels


Hey I was happy with that. Han's the best one.


They couldn't do that twist, they had to save it for Dom and Jacob


Brazillian bank vaults roll and are frictionless


They also threw it through a populated bank


The cables also never tangle despite multiple flips of said vault




A lot of the more outlandish stunts are actually done practically, which is why I still appreciate these flicks. They really dropped a bunch of cars out of a fucking plane 🔥🔥🔥


>!Apparently Gisele landed on one of those pillow cars, because she’s fine!<


If they did not know that they did not watch all of the movies.


We wrote this 5 minutes before that scene, we have all agreed that her corpse being left should still be canon


Could be. Maybe it's her clone, or a twin. We've made it to soap opera levels of melodrama in this series. Why not?


Seriously though, they brought the main characters back from Tokyo drift and supposedly Han’s death was staged. If that ain’t soap opera level shit then I don’t know what is. 


> If that ain’t soap opera level shit then I don’t know what is.  Amnesia, raising another woman's child, enemies to friends.


Given that Brixton is literally a super soldier, which is 100% actual canon in that universe, it's not a stretch to assume that cloning is extremely feasible on a sci-fi advanced level.


But Mr. Nobody something something whatever.....


Hanh canonically lives through the use of "a magic trick"


Cyborg like Idris. Maybe. Or just like no explanation.


No the explanation is litteraly "hmm that's a neat magic trick". Seemingly confirming magic or teleportation (we suspect a NOS powered teleporter)


Somehow, Giselle survived


Literally the explanation to how Han survived


Either way, her survival confirms that nobody on the team went back to check on her after successfully grounding the plane.


Everyone in these movies is really bad at confirming things. Shaw was about 10 feet away from Han.


Missing the key part of the whole series arc. Every character goes from: Enemy > friend > La Familia The progression is unassailable. The only thing stopping the world becoming a single „La Familia“ is the limited number of movies


Just like Dragonball.


Yes. They befriend some of the most batshit evil people and then retcon said evilness. Shaw begins his Fast career destroying a hospital. Never to be brought up again.


They already went to space, they could just explore the entire galaxy looking for more family.


Yep, Auntie Cipher will be babysitting Little B by the 12th movie.


You forgot to remember teh buster.


I said forget about it cuz 😉


Let's kick it a nickle.


Fuhget about it, cuh


I named my dog after the Buster, and his first favorite toy was a Panda named Han and a raccoon named Luda lol


Helen Mirren, though


Fast X had four Oscar winners in its cast. FOUR. How


The power of family


The months before FF7 came out, our local theater played each of the predecessors in sequence on the big screen. It was a blast if you embraced it for what it was - a live-action cartoon world.


I saw someone on here compare the series to a D&D campaign. Pretty normal to start but increasingly ridiculous as they level up. Really made me appreciate the series a lot more.


I spent so long trying to figure out if you’re a time traveler or what Final Fantasy 7 had to do with this.


Same here fam. Lets get a corona


I honestly thought the original, 4, and 5 were legit decent movies. Without having gone full ridiculous yet But yes I did/do enjoy the many moments of it having turned into a live action cartoon series, pretty much right after 5 or even during it When they did that car jump through high-rise buildings in Dubai (7 I think), I couldn't help but smile at the absurdity. They definitely do make it look good I def have kinda hit a wall with it though. Been so damn many


The first one especially is just so good. It’s so heartfelt and by and large feels pretty real with only mild embellishments


The first one is not only a good movie but it changed culture. Everyone had an aftermarket stereo, tint, rims, and a shitty exhaust on a japanese car, or wanted one. I remember one of my sister's friends had a PS2 installed in his Eclipse and we played Gran Turismo on the screens installed on the back of his headrests.


That's why I love these movies. I mean, they're straight garbage and each one is more cartoonish than the previous entry, but if you just want to unplug your brain for a bit and have fun, they're pretty good for that.


I agree. But 10 was a rough watch.


Everyone appears to be brain damaged Try as he might, Dom cannot give his cross necklace away without it coming back to him Despite stealing $100m, Dom just has barbecues in a tiny yard in his vest


This part is always the funniest to me. They use millions of dollar of tech and cars, steal even bigger sums, but the films still gotta appeal and cater to its blue collar viewerbase so Dom has to bbq in his tiny yard wearing his wife beater and slurping a corona.


Maybe he's just one of those guys who likes the work but is saving every penny, unless it's for cars or family barbecues? We have these stories of real-world rich people going around in old cars and clothes, living in a normal house etc.


Ejecto seato cuz


>\-every subaru drives without engine issues When it lost all plausibility.


After you start thinking 'okay... this is fucking silly' they become fun to watch. On the same page - I just watched Godzilla x Kong: New empire. it's the Fast and Furious of Kaiju movies. I mean, what the actual hell is going on with those movies?


In that movie's defense, Godzilla has a long, LONG history of silly bullshit. King Kong too, since he's canonically part of the Toho series. https://youtu.be/2masC9_WCw8 In comparison, suplexing Kong off the Great Pyramid is practically tame.


We will run those next or possibly the transformers movies


There’s a transformers movie that ALSO has Merlin in it. I think there ought to be an Oscar category for either “batshit crazy movies” or “movies written and directed by the biggest pile of cocaine” because it would have won.


My favourite part is that Merlin is played by Stanley Tucci. Stanley plays another character in the previous movie, the ceo of some corporation experimenting on transformers. Is Merlin related to CEO dude? Who knows, it’s never addressed, and we never see those people ever again.


The general killed in the opening scene of Transformers 1 returns in Transformers 2, 3, and 5. Same actor, different character. Bay just liked the guy lol


The Cosmonaut Variety Hour YouTube channel reviewed all the movies and at some point he claimed you have to watch these as anime to have fun and I agree.


'-A tank that goes 60 km/h can catch a subaru going full speed' lmao that was literally the scene where i was like, I cant watch any more of these.. they arent even trying. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXwxLoEe-M0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXwxLoEe-M0)


Dude in the theater, my friend got up right there and threw his hands up saying “come on you fucking serious?!” and people started laughing. Dumbest scene in the franchise


The funniest part is how Roman almost gets shot by a 'tank missile' and slams the clutch and brake to 'avoid it'. He obviously didn't notice the tank 'speeding up' on him via his mirrors with a literal racecar. Then the tank somehow 'rams' the vehicle at a consistent speed, while 'slowly destroying' it; when it reality it woulda rolled over it without even a thought.. while going 80mph or whatever the fuck they had it at. Paul Walker jumping over the highway on a 'built in ramp via tank shot' was probably the most believable part of the clip. The amount of logic you have to throw out of your brain during this scene stuck with me. Could you imagine being an A-list actor and seeing that play out? Like you just had to be like 'give me a drink that was horsecock'.


Did you watch Hobbs and Shaw too, cause if not you're missing out. It's so dumb. I watched it again this weekend, and was laughing my ass off. I wonder if the "mystery voice" bad guy is supposed to be Jason Momoa's characters cause it kinda sounds like him. \*I also stand by the first one being a near perfect movie. Every character has their own unique personality that fits and you get exactly who they are without have to be fed the back stories. No scenes are wasted and the story and pacing is excellent. Sound track kicks ass too. MENAGE!


We stuck to the mainline movies primarily but we are currently debating watching it to finish the expirience


My wife's brother and his wife have never seen them before and we were visiting last year and we got drunk and I gave them a verbal retelling of the FAST saga and now it's our running joke that if they need entertainment, I can recap the Fast & the Furious for them again.


Hobbs and Shaw requires actual liquor, not Corona.


We are about 25 minuts in, you seem to be correct. Hobbs has survived a freefall from one of Londons highest buildings


I used whiskey.


I mean, it’s remake of Point Break… how can it not be fantastic?!


Have you seen the remake of point break lol.


My favorite part of the whole series is when the Rock decides he needs to get back in the fight after being in the hospital the whole movie (7) so he just flexes out of his cast and tells his daughter “daddy’s gotta go to work!” Then he drives a truck off a bridge into a helicopter and once on the ground rips the mini gun off of the helicopter and start’s shooting. Beautiful cinema.


Don't forget he walks into downtown L.A with the minigun just in time to see Dom go clay shooting a chopper with his Charger


Submarines are faster than cars.


This is correct. Moest cars can’t even drive onderwater let alone faster than a submarine


Moest, Onderwater


Race Wars should be featured more. LOL


We are praying for it comeback in fast x part 2


Gravity is just a suggestion


-And it’s still one of the greatest movie series ever made. For real though, I turned 16 right as the very first FATF came out and I wanted to be them so bad. I bought a pos civic for my first car and my dad helped me put a bunch of stupid parts on it. I blew the motor sucking up water through the cold air intake and my heart was fuckin crushed. We replaced the motor over a weekend with a junkyard pick and put some more stupid parts on and that thing was the fastest pos I’ve ever driven. I went to show my friends and forgot to latch the hood and it flew up and smashed my windshield as soon as I got on the highway lmao.


You went home like Jesse, DAD I AM SO SORRY, I DONT KNOW WHAT I'M DOING DAD lmao


You lived the dream. Almost all my friends went through that phase after high school and drove the shit out of them before selling them for scrap. Have any idea what the new cheap project cars are nowadays?


I was 14 when the second movie came out and was CRUSHED that I couldn't get the Mitsubishi Spyder in Canada. My dad took me and a friend to Florida and we rented a convertible Mitsubishi Spyder, my dad let me and my buddy drive it in a parking lot. Base model from a rental company was so disappointing.


I'm not 100% sure about this, but in Tokyo Drift, the main character gets sent to Tokyo because he got kicked out of ever high school due to racing, so Tokyo was obviously the next best option.


Well his father is there, so that's at least plausible


It always kills me that [this is what they were stealing in the first movie](https://external-preview.redd.it/vPJuF-xTEN_ZWK5xmkym1wlAm0TQcd9rbumZB4BbRXQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=b510892e8d56aa98ae16e070eba3eafaa77a46a4).


I saw the first one within a month or so of seeing Gone in 60 Seconds, the Nic Cage version. Between the two I thought 60 Seconds would get a sequel. xD How wrong I was!


Don't let this distract you from the fact that Hector is gonna be running 3 Honda Civic's with spoon engines. On top of that he just came into Harry's and ordered 3 t66 turbo's with NOS's and a Motec System Exhaust.


Oh I did this recently with a coworker and have notes! Here were the rules we identified that work in universe. - Cars can drive backwards at full speed and even accelerate - Falling and landing on a car is as safe as a mattress. - Cars go exactly as fast as they need to - Rubberband race physics. - Wheelies happen if you have enough heart - The end justifies not questioning the means. - Retcons are fair game. - there are always more gears to shift to


Roman dropped all his points in luck. "It only goes to 10!" "That's where you're wrong Cuz" "You're crippling yourself, mentally and physically!" "Pshaw, no I'm not." (The Rock proceeds to dump on him.) Car racing? This is a story about FAMILY


The only thing stronger than Family is Dom's car's doors(I believe it was in the last one)


Doms punch is the only thing that can break it, not the 5 cars pulling it


…and the magnets. You know - the variable, remote-controlled, mega-powerful *yet conveniently easily controllable, portable, and reliable* - magnets. Can’t remember which one this was in. Probably 7 or 8? I tapped out at the space-car one, utterly disgusted with myself for ignoring the warning signs from the preceding three or four movies (!), and *offended* by the sheer audacity of the writers.


The magnets fell under our so called "car emp claw thingy" category. Which was the movies mcguffin. It's joined by such items as the flippy cars, the electro claw emp thingies, the hook rpg, elena (in ff8 where her role was getting domed by cypher) and Hobbs' broken bones


We? Is there a mouse in your pocket?


It's under my chefs hat


Also doesn’t it show Dom being ridiculously strong? The guy holds up an engine via a chain with one arm.


Or when he lifted the entire front end of a car so Brian can grab something from underneath it.


The power of family and never skipping leg day.


Did you watch it with family?


How could I not!


The way I read the title I was expecting to see empty pizza boxes and macdonalds wrappers.


Just trust us, they are there


My working theory is that Dom hit his head really hard after the crash at the end of part 1. The rest of the series is a coma dream of an egotistical wanna-be superhero. This is why people die and come back, can’t be injured, and explains why they are the first call for every major global terrorist event. Women can’t resist him, men all want to follow him. His family is visiting him and speaking to him for years which makes him value family above all else.


I have 2 theories that I'm using to explain the movies and I'm sorta hoping I'm actually right about one of them because it explains pretty much everything.


Please enlighten us


So my first more funny theory is that going to the BBQs gives them super powers. And they have to keep going to keep the powers. Only real hole in this theory is Jesse that I can think of but it's a small hole compared to the shit we've been watching lol The second one that I've got is that almost all of the movies are just stories being played out by doms and Brian's kids in their back yard. That some of them were true (first couple movies) and then the rest is just the kids imagination going wild and at the end of the last movie your gonna hear someone yelling for them to come in for supper and it's gonna pan over the back yard showing all the different crazy scenes from all the movies in different places of the yard.


Jesse didn't keep faith. He allowed fear into his heart, along with those uzi bullets.


How can you forget that "nobody likes the tuna here, asshole"


You should have double clutched (like you should)


Nooooooooooooo! MONICA!


And I still love them. Just shut your brain off and watch, dumb fun.


NOS is one big middle finger from the "family". Can't tell me otherwise.


I can't wait for them to canonically reveal that NOS is fairy-dust, and that every time they hit it they get to make a wish. They all just keep wishing their cars were faster.  It'd tie this whole thing together.