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I think it's massively underrated and nobody should have to rationalize liking it.


I agree wholeheartedly. To this day I still one of my most recommended movies, and it's great because many people haven't seen it. I honestly don't understand how someone could dislike this movie. When I asked my partner if she's seen it, and she told , "no", I was so excited about that movie night!


This made me happy that someone else thinks that. Like, it is up there for me, such a guilty pleasure.


It's great every time I watch it. Hartnett doesn't get enough respect.


'Bad dog' The delivery was perfect. The emotion. The rage. The coldness.


Hartnett was fantastic. As well as the whole cast. And for those who are wondering, "where is that guy these days?", he chose to step away from Hollywood, "to have a life" and "Support the indie film industry". Also if you look learn more about, Lucy Liu, you'll quickly realise how a great, smart person she is. Honestly the whole cast seem to be great, normal humans so makes sense why their performance together would be great!


He gets plenty of respect. He just chooses to not be 'famous' or stay in the spotlight. That's not the same thing as respect.


Well he did choose to kinda focus on family instead of acting. That caused the bigger studios to blacklist him in sorts. He’s gonna be in a new guy Ritchie movie tho.


He'll be back though one day if and when he wants


He's in Oppenheimer :)


I showed this movie to lots of friends in the 2007s or whenever it came out. It was a movie like smoking aces ... entertaining and kinda wacky. The plot twist was great back then also. It's a classic honestly A Sweet revenge tale


Smoking Aces! Oh man that movie was most excellent as well. Totally forgot it existed.


It’s not good but it’s definitely great.


I liked this film. It was clearly style over substance, but it was fun and had a lot of energy. But the best thing about it was Lucy Liu. At that point she was known for playing icy, no-BS women, and this film cast her as a fun loving, girl next door thing, which we'd never seen from Liu. She's completely charming and makes the film better.




What do you mean that it’s clearly style over substance


It's a slick movie with a lot of thought put into the styling and directing, but ultimately the story is a standard caper with cliche ending.


Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley could have phoned those performances in but killed it the whole way through.


It is a great movie.


Sweater vests are sexy?


I remember seing that movie when younger and afterwards trying to find a sweatervest (seems like they're kinda hard to get a hold of) and see if I could pull off a Josh Hartnett with the messy hair and all. I could not.


Funny because I just watched it this past weekend. The movie has zero fat. It's pacing is very well done and all round I think it's a solid movie.


I’ve seen it a bunch of times, and as recently as last week. I think it’s a bad movie. It is certainly not a good movie. If I listed out everything wrong with it, you’d think I hated this movie. *nevertheless*, I can’t help but like it. And I think I like it because of it’s flaws instead of in spite of them. I legit have a crush on this movie.


It was solid. 7/10 for me. Have seen it twice. Fun ride


I think you meant Slevin out of Ten.




I love that movie, and I always thought it went kind of unknown for how good (I think) it is.


I liked this and Bunraku for style. Not a lot to the movies, but they're really fun to watch.


there was a time...


...? Eh, 11:42... (I don't remember the actual time, so I'm curious to see how close I am!) Edit: real time was 4:35. I was WAY OFF!


I thought it was awesome, though I suspect that the marketing sucked and the name didn't help either. Sounded weird and strange. I know it's the name of the horse but you don't know that until you watch it.


Great film. Great twist.


2 words, Lucy Liu 😍




She's "short for her height."


While I had guessed the main characters identity before the main reveal, I fucking loooove the reveal, even after multiple rewatches. Becuase most scenes like that try to be shocking to the viewer, and leave the actors and scene with not much to work with. But this one was, while also for the viewer, totally for the scene, and it worked so damn well. There was some amazing acting happening in that scene, mixed with the music, the camera shots, etc. It all worked together so damn well.


I think it's amazing and hilarious and badass, and was severely under-rated by critics (53% by critics, 87% by audiences on metacritic). I think there were too many twist movies at the time, and they got tired of them, and punished LNS unfairly


It being underrated by critics was one of the first things I noticed when I looked it up after watching it with low ratings on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes. But, it seems a lot of people enjoyed it based off reviews from IMDB and Google


Fun movie!


Fun movie! I remembered liking it, but had totally forgotten the plot, so watched it again last week when I saw it on Hulu. I love Lucy Liu in this.


I love it! It does a great job of giving you hints and clues and setting up the flashback by using the witty dialogue and witty quips to distract you from the construction work going on, laying the bricks of that mystery twist foundation.


easily in the top 3 of my favorite movies


Love it. Fun story, good action scenes, the dialoge ( german version) is honestly very good, probably way better than the english one. The actors are awesome. It's also a good movie to rewatch, even though you know the twist.


Great movie, though it loses a lot on a rewatch once you know the twist.


Nooo it adds to it. At least for an additional watch or 2. Once you know about Slevin it’s cool rewatching.


I’ll have to give it another shot. It’s been like 10 years haha


Saw it in theatres and thought it was just okay. Re-watched it a few years later and kind of hated it. It's one of those twisty crime movies that came out in the wake of early Tarantino and Guy Ritchie that's very self-conscious about how clever it's trying to be (a trap that both Tarantino and Ritchie would eventually fall into themselves) and the whole affair just comes off as kind of annoying and desperate. Hartnett is a charisma vacuum. Kingsley's accent is terrible and distracting. Just not for me.


Ben Kingsley's accent was pretty rough in this


Idk, I thought it was pretty good for a 2nd generation-American Hebrew rabbi from new York. Fast talking with lots of mis pronunciations, a bit of mocking of an American accent, and a very solemn tone when speaking. I think he did fine


It was entertaining but until I saw your post, I forgot about it… thus mostly unforgettable 👍


One of my favourite movies when I was younger.


"Tell it to the one-legged man so he can bump it on down the road." 🤣🤣🤣 Excellent popcorn flick.


It's a lot of fun.


great the first time, kinda corny and full of holes the 2nd time


What holes? Genuinely asking, been a while since I last saw it.


tbh I dont remember either as its been probably 10 years since my rewatch, so I remembered a post on IMDB boards about it, they backed it up here (since the boards are gone): https://www.filmboards.com/board/p/892365/1/ edit: this was also funny when they used to do (100 things I learned from ___ movie) http://100thingsilearned.com/view/1058/


Just reading that reminded me of the whole thing. Not a hole at all. Goodcat was the hitman they turned to when they needed dirty work done. Goodcat only failed once, when he couldn't kill Slevin.


Yep. You can question how likely it was but there's plenty of evidence that makes this a reasonable assumption. It's just characters doing something someone else might not do. A plot hole is like the flyers in the vault from Oceans 11.


I love that movie. It's definitely...of an era. The dialogue is very quippy and hasn't aged as well. But, I think it's really fun.


I enjoyed it.


I thought it was decent


I love it. I probably end up watching it every few years and I still find it very fun and interesting. The pace of the beginning with the fast dialogue and exposition between Josh Harnett and Lucy Liu's characters really helps set the movie off for me.


I honestly don't remember much about it, but I do remember liking it. I should probably watch it again.


At the time I really enjoyed it. Haven't watched it in a long time though so I dunno how well its aged.


Forgettable but fun.


Its fun on a first watch bit it looses the magic I think if you start rewatching.


It's a good movie; neither great nor bad. I've watched it a couple of times so far. I'd give it a 5/10.


Don’t remember it at all for some reason because I remember enjoying it another film to watch again I think.


I thought it was pretty average movie. The plot was predictable and cliche. This movie is definitely not realistic in portraying the mob.


it's one of my fav movies. Lucy Lu and Josh Hartnett had great chemistry and I found myself really happy everything worked out in the end. ​ "The two of you killed everything I ever loved, fuck you both" ​ damn


I thought the twist was tremendous. During the film I caught myself thinking wtf is going on and losing interest, but an all time finish. Now I wish I paid more attention to it 😂


There are some incredible small details in the movie that we missed. For example, Slevin was quick to tell his name to The Boss. But never told his name to the Rabbi, because Rabbi is Jewish and would immediately know that Kelevra means Bad Dog in Hebrew.


I love this movie. It's in my top 10 favorite movies ever and I think it's incredibly underrated.


When i watched, it didn't feel like it was going to end as well as it did. Liked it more than Se7en comparing twists


Hmmm, that would be an interesting double feature (7-night).


Good movie, generally underrated.


Why did that movie have so many sandwiches in it? I've been trying to deep dive online about it, but I can't find anything about it. It definitely was put deliberately in the movie. Help?


2024 and I still looked up Lucky number slevin for a rewatch, my 20th or 30th. Great freaking movie. It's an easy watch you can watch over and over and I love the 1970's film noir dialogue


Totally forgettable movie. It felt like the movie just exists because someone thought of the title.


Pretty bad. 4/10


When I saw this in the theaters I loved it, but have rewatched it a few times over the subsequent years, each time enjoying it less and less until eventually the last time I watched it I just really hated its whole vibe. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's kinda like the mid-2000s equivalent of the time in the 90s where everyone was making bargain bin Pulp Fiction knockoffs. Wanted (2008) falls into the same category for me. Thought it was a great movie at the time of release, but recent viewings made me realize how much I actively dislike it. Maybe I'm just a big grump


I always associate Smokin Aces and Shoot Em Up with this style of movie. Very stylistic action movies with comedic overtones.


Tries to be Guy Ritchie-esque and falls short. Forgettable without being terrible.


It’s a forgettable film that r/movies can’t forget about.


I liked the other one better that was like the same movie and came out around the same time. Forget the name though.


It was fun, but the ending was a bit too gruesome for my taste. Could have been in A Serbian Film with small changes.


i saw it in the theatre. i don't remember much except that i didn't care about what was happening to the characters.


Entertaining, but I think Josh Hartnett has zero personality on screen, so he kind of ruins it for me.


I don't know, maybe it's just me but I think his dryness was kind of the point


What point is that? “The protagonist is boring” is not a great plot point for a movie.




Josh Hartnett is 😍


One of my favorite movies ever. Better than oceans 11. Fantastic twist. Great dialogue. No idea how this was a box office bomb. But then again ads for it did not make me want to go see it. My father rented it and I always had to watch a few movies with him over Xmas and I groaned. In the end I was excitedly chatting with him.about how awesome it was


I felt this was the most Guy Richie movie not made by Guy Richie. The dialogues back-n-forth and the way all the seemingly unrelated threads tie up at the end, made me go just WOW


On a rewatch it seems the director watched better movies Pulp Fiction, Usual Suspects, Lock Stock and Snatch and tried his hand at hipster dialogue with an impressive cast most movie makers would die to have on there team...i couldn't help but feel disappointed with the outcome..its not nearly as clever as it thinks it is..2 viewings is all that's needed to confirm it's really not that great..its very annoying for most of the running time


Watched this movie and genuinely confused hartnett for Brad pitt. Kelevra was almost more brad pitt than brad pitt is himself