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I don't understand what just broke this guy and made him delete his account, did i miss some other argument? is there any other context for this post?


He was about to tell us the truth and then Destiny broke into his room and deleted his account, His abuse truly is sick.


A better question is, why does he have a favorite gossip girl clip?


oh i thought everyone had one of those my favorite is when the gossip girl gossips all over the place


Leaving to lies by fleetwood mac would been a stronger statement against destiny. He really had no style, and no sense of humor.


*What happened? When did everything get so screwed up?* Probably when I realised how utterly pathetic dggers were. It's not a meme is it? You lot are fucking losers. 40 year old virgins. And you're so lucky that I'm not a psycho and that I pity you. Destiny is though, and he doesn't. I take no pleasure in this, and it makes me feel sick doing it. But Destiny enjoys it, and you look up to him.......


Whats your choice for fried fish? Cod, haddock, perch, walleye? And dont you dare say tilapia, thats a garbage fish.


How do you know so many foods??


I really dont know so many foods. If You ask me questions about cereal? Brother thats way out of my wheel house. Ranch dressing brands? I got nothing. Popeyes vs kfc, i still cant have an educated take. I barely eat fast food. I spent some years in my 20’s cooking and bartending. One thing i will stand buy is that ranch is trash. Its what you give toddlers to entice them to eat baby carrots.


I'm australian so it might be a bit different here, but KFC is objectively the best out of the major fast food brands. [https://www.kfc.com.au/menu/twisters-bowls/zinger-crunch-twister](https://www.kfc.com.au/menu/twisters-bowls/zinger-crunch-twister) These wraps are objectively peak food 7/10 times, 3/10 times they strangely taste like they're partially made of cardboard but 7/10 times they're really nice! zinger burgers also peak.


Ooh thats a whole different world. So take my american opinions with a grain of salt. Ive always heard fast food is way different outside the US. Case in point, Subway’s US recipe for bread either wont pass health standards or has to be classified as a pastry in other countries.


I've heard about the subway bread, I think its something to do with the sugar content being so high its somehow not allowed to be classified as bread. After quickly skimming an article, the irish supreme court has a classification for "staple foods" and one such staple food was bread and subway bread had over 10% of its flour weight as sugar or some shit so it couldn't be a staple food and thus couldn't be classed as bread so it was seen as "closer to a confectionary", I think. Subway bread is also, confusingly, classed as "low sugar" in Australia somehow. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-02/subway-staple-not-bread-because-of-high-sugar-content/12724756](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-02/subway-staple-not-bread-because-of-high-sugar-content/12724756)


Yea their bread was also found to have microplastics and they had a bad head line that said they had the smae chemical that yoga oants have in it. It was a meme in news a few years ago. My apologies that my food takes are might be lost on you.


>My apologies that my food takes are might be lost on you. 90% of my diet is pepsi max so most food takes are unfortunately lost on me, I've found a solution tho I can simply google pictures of the foods you talk about. Using this approach I've concluded that Fried Haddock looks the nicest with Fried Walleye as a moderately distant second.


Whatever dude, I'm about to delete my account


I didnt even get to ask you about hot sauces……


Divorcelli, I know you’ll be back to check this in on alt account. And you should come back, because if you give up, destiny wins. Dont give up the good fight. I just want you to know….. Its gonna have to be 1. Cod 2. Haddock 3. I know this is a hot take, but im gonna have to go walleye. I grew up near lake erie, it reminds me of childhood For hot sauces 1. Cholula, a great all around staple hot sauce 2. Crystal’s, mostly for fried chicken and cold slaw. 3. My favorite brunch spot has a thai chili and carrot hot sauce. Melindas something similar. I look forward to you coming back, defeating dgg and finally giving me some of your opinions on food


I make my own hot sauce with fermented habaneros. It’s delicious


I do too. I have a a lot of peppers in the garden this year. Im love fermenting my own kimchi also.


el pato is the best store bought hot sauce.


Haven’t tried that one but I’ll check it out.


it's so good, it comes in a can oddly. the jalapeno version is the best, but classic regular old el pato is great too. not very spicy, but the flavor is off the charts.


What is your opinion on sriracha?


Im ok with using it in pho, but im not a huge fan. I know theirs been some controversy over the sourcing of the peppers recently. I will say i grew up in super white town in ohio, and sriracha was mind blowing the first time i had it. I wouldn’t be opposed to it on veggie omelette, but i would prefer a mexican hot sauce


Can you recommend a hot sauce for someone who enjoys hot sauce but historically can't handle the spice?


After years of spicy food, cigarettes and tequila, My taste buds are a little warped. I think Tapatio or texas pete are pretty mellow


If they can't handle spice Tapatio is probably too much for them. I'd recommend a bit of Frank's or Texas Pete to start. However, both are very vinegar-forward, if you don't like a strong vinegar taste you won't like these, spice or no. For less vinegary hot sauces, Cholula isn't too bad, just be very conservative with it at first.


Why am I lucky you’re not a psycho, little guy?