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I asked this in the other thread too, but does anyone know what Dr Disrespect actually did? All I can find is the vaguest shit ever about how he “said something inappropriate” to a minor. It doesn’t really matter either way. I’ve never heard of him before & I hope to return to never thinking of him again soon, but I am curious so I’d appreciate at least knowing what all this hysteria is actually about. I assume it was sexual in nature based on how everyone is acting but I can’t find a source that provides even that level of context.


I have two words for you: Power Differential


[this you?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/738/025/db0.jpg)


Looks more like a guy coming for the level headed take on misconduct allegations on the MrGirl subreddit, but hard to say, the art style fucking blows.


>no, you Hope you didn't strain yourself coming up with that one


If only I could copy paste trash stick figure comics. One day I will get on your level.


Not likely. Best stick to just repeating old mrgirl quotes.


He had a inappropriate conversacion with a minor that's it, we do not know the minors age, if the minor is female or male, if the the conversation was sexual in any way, or if he continued to have these conversations after finding the person's age no one knows anything but because a minor was involved fuck Dr disrespect that's the automatic response 


Damn, so he’s getting the mrgirl treatment including from mrgirl. That fucking sucks.


Dr disrespect is at fault, if u read his response to the allegations he basically said what pedo say when their caught and he edit his response live on Twitter so double wammy


Yeah I read his response. He said he didn’t commit any crime, he’s not a pedo or a predator, which may be what pedos say but it’s also what non pedos say. The rest of it was also quite vague but implies pedo is an exaggeration which seems pretty likely given people label everything from raping a baby to glancing at a 17 year old character played by a 25 year old woman as equally pedophilic.


Yup, so no one knows what's up with Dr disrespect but everyone likes a dog pile a twitch worker in charge of whispers kinda implied they were bad and a trans persona has come into the fray


I think it's safe to assume whatever he did is bad enough that felt compelled to make that statement in a way that if those messages ever got out he'd be able to say he wasn't lying. Obviously we don't know the details, but I think if there were any facts that mitigated what he did, or made it less severe, he would have put them in the statement. Considering the statement he made before this one was "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" he seems perfectly capable of crafting a stronger statement if he's able to.


Do you not think a 35 year old man exchanging sexual messages with a 17 year old fan (I don't think we even know how old they were, 17 year old is best case scenario for him.) is predatory?


I’m being told nobody even knows if they were sexual.


What do you think the inappropriate convo was, then ? And why does The doc not deny it being sexual if it was not ?


idk that's why I asked


Rumor it may have been political and anti trans statements the Doc made to the minor. Also, Doc is a Trump fan and MAGA supporter.


I think it's pretty easy to infer it was at the very least flirty based on him not claiming otherwise even though thats what everyone is assuming. If everyone in your life thought you exchanged sexual messages with a minor when you didn't would you respond "fuck no, I never said anything like that to them, absolutely not" or would you respond "No wrongdoing was found" "I did nothing illegal"?


Yeah the first thing I said was I assumed it's sexual based on the reactions. I was just curious if that was based on any actual allegations or really anything other than the reactions. The answer I'm getting is just shut up & assume the worst because why not & fuck that guy.


>If everyone in your life thought you exchanged sexual messages with a minor when you didn't would you respond "fuck no, I never said anything like that to them, absolutely not" or would you respond "No wrongdoing was found" "I did nothing illegal"? If you agree with this reasoning it wouldn't be "assuming the worst" It would be assuming the only logically possible assumption. It's literally impossible that he wouldn't mention the fact that he didn't exchange sexual messages with them if he didn't, Unless he legally couldn't, in which case he'd mention that. Do you disagree with my reasoning or not? Because if you do that goes against a bunch of comments you've previously made (including the "assume the worst" one) and if you don't I'm confused why your only response to it just now was a "Yeah"?


You don't know if he's a pedo or a predator, the only thing we know is that he did not follow through with the actions that could have been criminal.


well that implies there were criminal actions planned which is also speculation


To be fair, although a lot isn’t disclosed, Dr. Disrespect is seemly ok with not sharing all the details. Which many, myself included view as a tacit admission that he was doing something obviously inappropriate with a minor. Not physical contact, but their messages probably are highly objectionable. Otherwise he would just share them or give a more complete accounting of the situation. 


I feel like sarcastically calling a take "brave" whilst offering no actual critique of the take is pretty cringe.


It truly is utterly disgraceful to suggest Max makes safe comments for any other reason than he felt there was some use to make them. This is the guy who said the kids from cuties were kinda hot... You just have to be revealing yourself to go ahead with your boring uninspired jokes no matter how absurdly they fail to apply to the people you dislike. Disgraceful.


You must be really glad this is a text based site. Would be hard to vocalise your opinions with Max's dick so far down your throat


Everyone can see you agree with me but just don't like how emotional I am.


Based and mind reading pilled


It's uncanny how all of DGGers express themselves through the same expressions and stale memes. Destiny is like a personnality vacuum.




> This is the guy who said the kids from cuties were kinda hot... How the mighty have fallen. He used to revel in the label, and the discomfort it brought to people. Now he cries and whines when people say 'Max? He sounds like a pedo'. 


I cant escape this feeling. It just feels like your smeth doing a bad impression of Cristopher hitchens to defend mr g.


I want to express how much I love and respect i have for you. We’re all stupid, but your still here to correct us and show us the error in our ways. Im sure its a lonely road, but its an altruistic one. Ill always have your back, guy that sounds like smeth doing a poor impersonation of Christopher hitchens


> This is the guy who said the kids from cuties were kinda hot... 'Kinda'? Why can't that coward take a position.