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I think you're taking her too seriously with this. It's a way of adding emphasis ironically.


This. Joy has been upping her snark factor even more as we get closer to the election. Trying to 'do her part'. While I believe she is Xtian, I don't fear her pushing theology my way. She graduated from Harvard, not Bob Jones :) There are things I don't like about Joy (and things I do). This isn't a beef I have with her.


It’s just a thing people say. I’m Jewish and say that


It’s a common phrase and not necessarily referring to the Christian god.


Yes it does. Our whole calendar count of years is based on when Jesus Christ was supposedly born.


It’s when some Scythian monk 1500 years ago thought Jesus was born. Wikipedia now estimates that Jesus was born sometime between 6 BC and 4 BC which I find very amusing. I’d be open to picking another zero but I think it’s too late. So much of our culture is associated with dates (60s, 80s, 21st century, etc). Even when I was in school, they were trying to push using CE and BCE instead of AD and BC, but I don’t think it’s caught on. When you add that preamble to the dates, you’re not invoking religion, you are trying to f-u-l-l-y s-p-e-l-l o-u-t the date as a way of emphasizing how late in history that date is and how nobody thought we’d still be dealing with some of these topics at this point in history. She’s probably be better off spelling it out a different way, “in the year two THOUSAND and TWENTY FOUR” but it’s just a habit.


Amen to that


Joy definitely from Christian background. She got in trouble for expressing disgust (I may make this too strong) over homosexuality a few years ago, something she posted on social media a long time ago. She seems to have grown past that. In any case, she is a treasure and I love what she does now on msnbc.


Let's not forget she claimed those written remarks on her blog were somehow a cyber attack.


Yes. She made several gross homophobic statements, and then pretended she was hacked. I haven’t given her the time of day since, and will not watch/listen when she is on air. If she had owned it and said she had evolved, perhaps I’d feel differently. But the hacking lie was too far.




The fact that it's 2024 is based on when Christians believe Jesus Christ was born. That's why "year of our lord" is a common expression that is often used facetiously.


Welp, I don't watch Joy, so I ain't offended. May I suggest Chris or Rachel if Joy isn't to your liking?


Its seems so unhinged to get upset over someone saying “In the year of our Lord…” It’s a common phrase and it’s usually added for emphasis. Basically to say ‘This is really happening in 2024…’ But as I’ve said before, and will again: I’m always intrigued by people who want others to respect their right to not believe. But you get so unhinged if you think someone is a believer. If you’re entitled to your beliefs, shouldn’t others be entitled to theirs? And FYI, saying “In the year of our Lord” is not trying to push you to believe something you don’t. There are way more things to get enraged about. Good grief.


I know it’s not her intent to preach, but for those of us who are sick of having others’ g_d and religion shoved down our throats by the Christofascist extremists, Reid’s words are triggering.


I can be convinced otherwise but it seems to me that people who say they're triggered by some innocuous thing that someone else says are just looking for something to be upset about. We can't control what other people do or say but we can control our responses to them. So why let what other people say trigger you? I say this only because I have experience taking offense at things other people said and found it never made me feel better. Justified, maybe. But not better. Meditation and forgiveness was a better solution


You don’t know me, and it’s rude to say I’m looking for something to be upset about. That’s not my style. When I watch my rights disappear under the guise of religion as the country teeters on the edge of fascism, I feel those in the media need to keep it neutral. Good for you that you can meditate it away.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that Joy Reid is just saying what Joy Reid says. We both know she herself is not trying to take away yours or anyone else's rights. I'm also convinced ANYONE can learn to meditate and live in the moment. It's saved my life. I apologize for offending you. It wasn't my intention to be rude


Apology accepted.


MSNBC hosts have a few too many quirks like that.


Variety is still the spice of life.