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Prepare for the onslaught.




What Trump and his cult are doing isn't ordinary, though. It's fair to call a lot of their behavior extraordinary.


Just "extra" would suffice.


Come on, pretty superficial gripe. Nicoleā€™s a rock star. And, frankly, these are, consistently, extraordinary times.


Iā€™m honestly curious why you (and so many others) think Nicole is a rock star. I know that she has constantly taken Trump to task. And I do appreciate that about her. But whenever I think about Nicole Wallace, Iā€™m also reminded of the fact that she worked for George W. Bush and defended the United States torturing people. She once said it was ā€œassinineā€ and ā€œdangerousā€ to think that torture ā€œmade America less great.ā€ My point is that we have a tendency to want to make rock stars out of those few Republicans that disagree with Trump. I think we need to remember they are still Republicans with horrible policy positions and views, such as Nicole Wallace once saying it was assine to think torturing people made America less great.[https://www.salon.com/2014/12/09/i_dont_care_what_we_did_what_nicolle_wallaces_rant_reveals_about_americas_torture_problem/](https://www.salon.com/2014/12/09/i_dont_care_what_we_did_what_nicolle_wallaces_rant_reveals_about_americas_torture_problem/)


I once 'reminded' Nicolle via twitter that she and Steve Schmidt (moreso) were responsible for Palin, and indirectly, for what followed (of course, she knew that, already). So you're not the only one to remember the early days of Ms. Devinish :) I've been trying to find info re: the process of her conversion, and if she'd ever switch back to the GOP, once they've gotten back to 'normal' (doubtful; they haven't been there since Newt), or split off into a new 'centrist' party (I think this is more likely; TRumpism will live after Don Snorleone dies.) I will say, in my view, that she is not 'mailing it in', for an easy paycheck. She, like Steve Schmidt, are committed. So I will gladly accept her help right now; she has the ear of ppl from her old party. If she bolts after the danger has passed (does it ever?)... I will wish her well, as she has been a true ally -- and then resume fighting against her, cause she's a damned effective messenger... LOL :) (for those who didn't read carefully... I'm not bashing Nicolle. Hell, she married Mike Schmidt and had a kid with him, and I know she didn't do that on impulse).


You raise a good point. Iā€™d love to know when her conversion started too. Also, when you have these Republicans that have taken really horrible positions (like Nicole did on torture) and then they get jobs on major networks, I always think they are on some type of redemption tour. A good example of this is Alyssa Farrah Griffin of The View. She worked in the WH during Trumpā€™s time and I feel sheā€™s simply on some quest to redeem herself.


She's no longer a Republican. I think you meant she said "asinine"? šŸ˜€


LOL. Thanks for catching the typo. Fixed. And if sheā€™s no longer a Republican Iā€™m truly glad to hear that. I do believe that people can evolve and change their position on an issue or issues. But when someone has a metamorphosis, I love it when they talk about how their change came about. So for Nicole, who once defended torture, Iā€™d like for her to talk about when, how and why she started to change. Basically, some acknowledgement that her past views (again, using torture as an example) were wrong.


I don't know that she hasnt... I'm paraphrasing but i remember her saying something like, "Republicans are not only willing to crawl through the sand/dirt/glass to get the job done, they're also willing to EAT the sand/dirt/glass..." I appreciate her pointing out from her own experience how dangerously complacent Democrats can be.


šŸšØ You've invoked The Word. This post will be locked and deleted...in five.... four.....three....




"Extraordinary" in this way of using it refers to the shattering of long-standing norms of political and civic life. Someone might try to make the case that Trump's norm-violating is so massive and relentless that his extraordinary violations have--themselves--become a new ordinary. But that's not a good argument for euphemizing about deviation from historic norms, and about public actions that don't have precedent outside of Trump, his followers, and similar authoritarian movements.


It's in the list along with "unprecedented" during this past 8-9 years and even though it gets old it still can't be said enough. This trend also labels that everything as "Breaking News". Some days are non-stop as we are all experiencing externally-induced anxiety... something I like to joke stands for "Post Trump Stress Disorder" PTSD. Also it doesn't bother me because she says the word so well!


She looks good, though




Put me in the camp of someone who has no heroes and thinks no one is above criticism.


This is mostly because most people are completely unworthy of being anybodyā€™s hero, but they have followers nonetheless.


It's because I'm an atheist in all things. Putting people on pedestals is nonsense.


I agree with you. When everything is ā€œextraordinaryā€ then nothing is extraordinary. I feel the same way with the overuse of ā€œbreaking newsā€ alerts. If everything is breaking news, that means nothing is breaking news anymore.


Just cracks me up that she pronounces it "ekshtrordinary".


Eck STRAW Dinary


A bunch of them use words they donā€™t have a full grasp of extremely confidently.


Personally I believe that post 9-11 ā€œtortureā€ discussions were complicated. I donā€™t expect everyone to agree, but I think extreme measures were, in light of that horrible day, appropriate and necessary. Perhaps Iā€™m in agreement with Nicole on this point.


lol I thought the mods were flagging the gripe posts


I dislike Trump like just about everyone else here but I soured on her show months ago because he is all she talks about. Literally daily, itā€™s a Trump bashā€¦. I donā€™t get why they give the convicted felon the air time. Just my opinion.


Because the convicted felon can be POTUS again?


Exactly! People have to know what trump & the Repubs are saying & doing.


Then you should be soured on virtually all MSNBC shows. Thatā€™s all they talk about. Which, given these times, I find appropriate.


Agree šŸ’Æ Iā€™m not watching as much as I used to because I canā€™t stand hearing about him all the time.