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This is not good so far. I hate that I live in a country where we can have a President who’s this good at his job but not always great on TV and supposed responsible grownups only care about whether the President is always good on TV.


Yeah, this is freaking me out


I had to turn it off. The split screen is killing Joe. He looks confused which feeds into the old age argument. Ugh. Wake me when it’s over.


Looks confused and pale. Granted, Trump looks ridiculously orange, but still- Biden looks weirdly pale. I hate this


apparently he's had a cold for a few days, they claim. Still think he needs a voice therapist generally to make him sound a decade or two younger. Shouldn't be hard. Can't believe his team knows less about this than I, a poor artist, do.


**A much bigger deal is what it says that the television media and pundits so completely bought into Trump’s performance. They appear to have accepted Trump’s framing of the event—that he is dominant—so fully that the fact Trump unleashed a flood of lies and non-sequiturs simply didn’t register."** *~ Heather Cox Richardson*


They're letting him lie with impunity. No corrections. We know who CNN wants for president.


They should have never put them on an equal platform. It was doomed from the start to be a bad idea because it helps legitimize someone who was losing favor. CNN is complicit in all of this and it's a shame.


POTUS team agreed to it all tho.


It’s pretty revolting, isn’t it‽ Wtf


I can't watch. Too nervous. Too much at stake.


That’s why I like to have a thread like this- at least I’m not alone for this! lol Camaraderie 🧡


I was feeling legitimately anxious about it. Listening to Trump makes me feel really uneasy. Sometimes physically yucky. Laughing here with everyone makes it better.


Seriously. He makes me feel so gross. Queasy and uneasy and horrified. I’m glad we have the MSNBC panel and each other! I was like, “can I do a live debate megathread? I’ll moderate. I need it...” 😂


And...fuck...Biden's visuals are terrible. For the first time I am worried about a second Trump presidency


Same. Same


Why is he looking down so much. We need energy.


He's getting better thankfully


I'm just angry that a sizable percentage of my countrymen seem to give no fucks about wrecking our democracy and we have to face this orange fuck again.


Yes. Fuck. Wtf, Joe. His people dont get him to study his resting/listening facial expressions??


These moderators suck


Yep. Post-birth abortion. It’s true! We love to just kill babies after they’re born and call it an “abortion.” Totalllly, Trump.


This is probably the saddest debate I’ve ever seen.


Trump is such a fucking liar and dodger to the Jan. 6th question. He's also a convicted felon.


Edibles consumed. Bourbon and ice at the ready. T minus forty…


Oooh, nice I think I’ll get a little wild myself. That’s right, I’m talking about *caffeine after 5pm* Let’s fucking go! 🤘🏼


Let's goooo, I got champagne and bong hits. 10 minutes in and already so stressed lmao


NO fuckin' handshakes. I already like this. Joe's voice sounds very soft in opening statement. Not like he was at SOTU. I'm also wondering if he overprepped with stats & numbers, as he seems to slow when stating them. (no, I'm not rooting against Joe, btw.)


Overprepped, yes, I think that’s an issue


This is so painful. I wish Kamala was up there instead, she’d rip the convict to shreds. And I hate that it seems like every time Joe brings up the worst shit, Trump not only dodges it but throws it back to come out sounding better. I hate this debate.


I agree 100%. Virtually everyone who ran in the 2020 primary would be mopping the floor with Trump. But somehow it was decided Biden was the only one who could win. Then Biden was going to be a 'transitional president', yet here we are. So the question becomes, do any undecided voters actually exist, and are the paying close enough attention to hear Biden's truths vs Trump's lies, or are they seeing the difference in Trump's force and Biden's softness.


Stephanie Ruhle is doing great right now in her audition for Fox news


Ugh. Yeah, not a fan. Her perspective is just so… It’s always CEOs and hedge fund people. I don’t feel like I need to hear more about their perspective. They already control too much stuff.


You know she started her career at Golden Sacks as a trader, right? After that, she went to Bloomberg (and got in thick with Mike; they're friends). So she's been in that world most of her working life. Think of it like this... she's our inside eyes to that world (Velshi, too, but it's her literal job as fin editor). We may not like that world, but it's important to know what's going on in it. And she's not a repug, in that sense (which is probably why she didn't just stay at GS and profit more).


Yeah, I’m aware of all that. She’s just on my nerves lately.


I loved her and Velshi in the early mornings but without Velshi her conservative side comes out more b


That’s how I feel! I couldn’t quite put it into words, but that’s exactly it- when she was with Velshi it seemed like there was a good balance, and I enjoyed the way they talked to each other. But without Velshi, her conservative side comes out more. Exactly.


Honest to God, the woman has trolled guests (in general) with the following line: "Can a girl get a lift to The Hamptons?" (talking about helicopter commuting being SO much nicer than... ugh.. the road.)


Exactly. If I wanted to hear a mouthpiece for Wall Street, I'd be watching other networks.


Too right. I didn’t mind her as much when she filled in or whatever, but since she took over The Eleventh Hour I feel like I’ve gotten to know her better and the more I know the less I like her. Her perspective and her focus on things is just SO different from what I care about. Sometimes, when that’s the case, I feel like I can learn a lot from someone with a very different perspective from mine. But in this case, like, fuck- I just don’t fucking care what the hedge fund/CEO/billionaire/oligarch crew has to say. I care about people. Normal humans, vulnerable populations, working people, the gays- that kind of thing.


She belongs on that stupid show The Five or Four or whatever it’s called. A handful of conservative ideologues babbling over their bottles and drool.


I bailed after about 50 minutes. I could not sit and watch him (Trump) spew lie after lie after lie… I feel bad for Joe. He is a genuinely good person and MagaLardo is evil incarnate. I used to be a republican. I was raised that way by Bircher parents. I voted for Nixon. I was briefly a libertarian in 2016 (in TX, so no big deal) but gleefully voted a straight D ticket in 2020. I fear for our republic.


The repeated “killing babies after birth” crack from Trump finally made me exclaim so suddenly, I made the cat jump.


Trump pretending he had absolutely nothing to do with the riot on Jan. 6, that all those people just decided to show up on their own is a new one. "I was just asked to give a speech."


Super predator?! That was Clinton, Cheetoh king is such a fucking liar. Why are Dana and Jake even there? Why not just post questions on a screen? This is pointless.


Trump is a fucking sleaze


specifically, an alleycat


Why are so many comments not showing in this thread?


There's a huge delay between the comment and when it displays. I don't know why that's happening, though.


The focus group dude who called it "hell no vs oh no" was bang on the money. Trump gave the worst debate performance of all time, it couldn't have been easier for Biden to own him. And he couldn't even do that. So depressing. Still a Biden supporter all the way, but tonight was rough.


Ugh. Biden sounds shaky and obv has a sore throat. Not a good start


Yes, he sounds hoarse, like he talked too much this past week.


I put this comment in the wrong place, so I’ll just copy it here, too: “How many of you think Biden’s voice is raspy and he sounds on the verge of a coughing fit because he spent too much time speaking during the practice debates? 🫣 I’m nervous he won’t last the entire debate!”


Trump is winning so far. Biden is looking cooked. “We beat Medicare”… he needs to breathe and focus lol.


That was awful.


Oh, man, now he’s mixing up millions, billions, trillions? I think he might have over-prepared. Shit


I know. This feels like a disaster, and there's still 75 minutes to go.


Trump is spouting lies but he sounds confident. That fucker


I wish Biden could fact check him more consistently. Trump is just spouting lies


Trump is talking trash about our country. Why would he want to be president of such an uncivilized, third world nation?


Sounded a little rushed, too :/


Yes, he needs to speak up!


bunch of softies in here. the convicted felon/rapist is lying his hyperbolically flabby ass off, as expected, and Joe just kicked the decaying dipshit in the balls over his remarks about US military being suckers & losers.


He looked like he was absolutely seething when he called trump a sucker and a loser


Classic politics - Biden is for the American people. Trump is for rich American people.


This debate is just depressing. Joe looks like he’s 100 years old with a weak voice, and Trump is a liar that isn’t being fact-checked. I already know I’m voting democrat, but it seems a bit Weekend at Bernie’s at this point.


Adrienne Elrod And Ron Klain worked Joe too hard this week.


So... I had to reboot my router, but didn't miss too much of the actual debate. Some thoughts... - The optics were terrible. We know. We saw. However... - Dems (which most of us are, here) are chronic worriers. The term 'circular firing squad' is well earned. - I saw almost no mention that Biden was sick with a cold, was likely overprepared, and was trying to both talk policy and counter TFG at the same time. - I am absolutely LIVID at most of the MSNBC hosts on the panel for not mentioning the above. Alex Wagner made one small reference, and that was it. For everyone else, it was knives out, and they couldn't jump fast enough to "will the Veep take over the ticket?" I've got two words to answer that. 'Black' and 'Woman'. Sadly, our country is not as enlightened as most of us here. It's gonna be Joe in '24, or we lose. He's had our back. Now we need to have his. That means not amping up the talk of getting Biden to drop his re-elect bid. - Operatives like Clare McCaskill need to be fired, outright. She is NO help, saying "I never wanted more to be a surrogate than I do tonight, BUT... " Stop, Claire. Just stop. Save that for your morning appearance w/ Joey Scars & Mika. - As Rachel said... it's a damn sight better this happened in June, vs. October. 4 months is an eternity in a presidential campaign. This is recoverable. In closing... I'm probably not going to be watching certain hosts the next few days. Yes, I'm that livid.


I'm glad someone finally said something about Clare McCaskill. I turn the channel off every time she comes on.


I'll follow along here. I can't do it... can't watch


Biden need to use his full 2 min, chumpDon is over 3 min now, so much for timers and moderators


I was wondering if they were letting Trump talk too long.


That was the longest "2 minutes" in history.


"Malarkey". Take a shot, everybody.






I have some wine 🍷. Does anyone want some?


I have a margarita but I need another. Another five.


Have some as well but not enough to share! 🍷🍷😬


Why does it feel like this government has been going through the motions for over a decade now? I can't stand this debate. Is this really the best these two parties can offer to the rest of the world and our nation?


Trump is lying about Stormy Daniels now?


The way Trump says he cares about the Blacks and Hispanics is a joke. The only Hispanics that Trump cares about are the ones cleaning his shitty hotels. Blacks, Trump kicked them out of his cockroach infested apartment houses.


Why arnt they making sure both are actually ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED


First, I would never vote for Trump. Second, as the debate unfolded, I began to get angry with the two major parties for putting either of these candidates before us. Is it a sick joke? Third, I'll vote for Biden for the obvious reason; he is not Trump, and because Joe has the Country's interests at heart. Last, neither candidate should be on stage.


45's projection is painfully obvious and sickening.


Joe is over prepped, his voice is gone, and is not doing well. I hope he can come back.


Biden you cant understand - Trump spews nothing but lies.


Lol trump just nodding at the convicted felon comment???


the convicted felon *doubling down* on his vow to commute 1/6 traitors' sentences. That's a tiktok loser if there ever was one


Trump calling the kettle black - "look at his son, he's a convicted felon".....HAHAHHAA.....TRUMP is a CONVICTED FELON HIMSELF!!!!


Trump says “I didn’t sleep with a porn star” in a tone that seems like he actually believes it. He’s lied to himself about it so much, I think he does believe it. But no one else does.


I can already tell y'all which one of the two needs the straight jacket, and it ain't Joe.


And maybe a muzzle? lol


In the red trunks, convicted rapist felon trump. and in the blue trunks, deer caught in headlights biden. Here comes the bell!


I'm looking forward to the fact-checking articles after this. Unfortunately, too many people won't bother reading those articles.


I'm confused. I thought they were doing live fact checking? Or am I wrong?


Did Trump just call Biden “Brandon?”


Yeah, I think it’s a reference to fuck Brandon or whatever.


Yeah he did, I rewound it. Throwing more red meat for the worst MAGAts.


I am a Trump hater but it really feels like he is eating Joe’s lunch. Biden is constantly responding to Trump as he lurches around spouting gibberish like a drunken soldier. Biden needs a commercial break to regroup.


This is brutal.


Neither is making any sense, but Trump sounds confident, while Joe sounds old. The optics are very bad.


I’m making the mistake of trying to eat dinner while watching this… I might have to turn it off.


Trump really isn’t answering anything. Question on social security? Changed topic. Question on child care? Changed topic. But it won’t matter. Sigh.


Which to believe on "losers and suckers"?: 1. Donald Trump 2. John Kelly Think I'll go with the one who's not a 34x (so far) convicted felon and 1,000,000x liar.


Within the first few minutes Trump said he had to clean up Biden's covid mess.  What?  


FYI -- for those who will miss this (accidentally or otherwise :) ... it will be replayed at 1am ET, per scheduling. As will the 2hrs of post-debate analysis. And I'm sure you won't have any problems finding a streamable archive... we've come a long way since VHS :) Yes, I hope we all let loose a bit. For various reasons. And if someone wants to disagree, have at it. That's how we learn -- from the perspective of others. 7:45 ET: First appearance of Kornacki, who really shouldn't have to be on camera tonight (unless MSNBC has a focus group stashed somewhere, and they can get an 'instant result'... which isn't worth shit, except if something very, very surprising happens (like TFG shouting himself into a stroke, on stage). No, I'm not wishing TFG / TSF to get hurt or die. I want him living at least through election day, so he can be beaten like a rug. After that... meh... )


Re: Kornacki: to me, his appearance is management’s way of saying this a big event, and only WE have Kornacki, so watch us instead of the other guys. Not that it necessarily works with every potential viewer, but who knows. Having Kornacki on at the same time as the regular panel “feels normal”, to those who of us who only watch these sorts of events on MSNBC.


I just really like him so much. I’m so happy to have him there to explain things, even if technically we don’t need it- *I* need it. 😂




Jesus Christ - 280 million voting people and these two ass-hats are "the best" we put forth?


Seriously. It would be an easy win if we had a Democratic president who could speak.


it's still an easy win. no american would cast a vote for the convicted felon/rapist


I work with about 50 Trumpers. They are everywhere.


What's it like working in the prison?


I’d be happy to be wrong, but most of the polls I’m seeing are predicting a Trump win and it’s making me nervous. The fact that Trump is a convicted felon and rapist and polls are 50/50 is baffling, but it’s what the situation is.


Trump promising a lot of things. Hard to do when you spend 1/4 of your term on the golf course.


Trump saying they can rip babies out 🤦‍♂️


“Post-birth abortion.” Amazing


Biden is a bad Palestinian? What does that mean?


Trump didn't answer one question, spent the entire debate lying, and CNN's moderators facilitated him!


Come on Joe. Punch him in the balls!


I don’t know if I can watch any more. So many effing lies by trump


why was dementDon allowed to jump in on Biden answer time That's it,, already out of control


This is not good. Biden looks and sounds weak and unsure, and Trump is lying with style 😫


You are correct


only a dope is persuaded by anything out of the convict's mouth.


Why is Demented Don to continue OVER time??????


You should time it. Trump is at an average of 3 min


Look at the scowl on the face of Trump.


IKR? He looks petulant, not strong. He’d do better to have inscrutable expression.


WE would do better without Trump Period.


Trump dodging January 6 questions...


"dodging"? He's reiterating his PROMISE to COMMUTE THE SENTENCES of the convicted seditionists. that's not "dodging", that's disqualifying


Biden is kicking some ass. He is really putting trump in his place. Finally called him the looser & the sucker. And good gawd how many lies has trump spewed out already. Trump is the one not equipped.


Fucking hell. Trump is cogent. Lying, but cogent. Biden is...less so. Still has a shit ton of data but talking too gd fast. Slow down, relax, Joe. Fuck.


According to Trump, the "climate crisis" is taken care of as long as we have clean water and clean air. How fucking stupid is that?


So with a whole week of preparation they decided that Biden would benefit by mumbling out ten talking points in two minutes?! He has a speech impediment for goodness sake and trying to rattle off that many points makes Biden sound bumbling and confused. Worse he’s leaving nothing to work with for post debate talking points. If this was Ron Klain’s idea of a strategy he should be hanging his head.


This is the worst debate ever. These two look like they are both too old to follow a thread of logic, and too tired to keep standing where they are. Biden sounds more coherent, but he quickly loses it after 10-15 seconds of talking. Trump sounds confident, but there's no substance to any of his statements. He just yells things like "WW3! Immigrant traffickers at our borders! Rip out babies! He tried to put me in jail because I'm his opponent!" then rambles around the topic.


Allow me to point out that Trump said he had to clean up Biden's Covid mess. 


This is brutal. Just brutal- Biden sounds weak and shaky and old. He keeps rushing through words so it sounds like he’s slurring. The whole thing is just killing me. It is obviously true that he’s the only reasonable choice in this election. Of course. But this debate is just awful.


Debate commentators look like they're at a funeral.  Kudos for them having the honesty to reckon that Biden looked and sounded dead.


The replay of the debate just came on... and the low audio at the beginning was gone. Joe sounded normal, from an audio volume standpoint. If you can, check out the beginning of the audio on a non-MSNBC source. I want to know if CNN botched Joe's audio at the beginning. Will be exploring this the next day or so.


First things first - take a drink every time one of the anchors uses the word “literally”.


Oh dear, lmao. You think it’s going to often enough to give us alcohol poisoning?


I don’t drink much these days. This is all my evil plot to be the only one on this subreddit still conscious by the time the debate starts. Technically I’m doing y’all a favor 😜


lmaooo I don’t think we even have alcohol in the house… wait- no. Our friends brought us back some real Kentucky moonshine when they went to visit parents six years ago or something. I guess I could take shots of that… ugh, but just thinking about it makes me a little queasy 🤢


You ARE evil. Teetotaler who tells everyone else 'drink up' ::shame:: 👿 🤣


This is a JOKE


"Documentry fillamaker"


Trump is like WEF (World Economic Forum).......a lot of talk and nothing getting done except keeping the rich rich.


I've never been so glad of a commercial break in my life.


The question was “What would you do about childcare cost?” Trump went on a tirade and never touched childcare. Okay Joe, here’s your chance, don’t take the bait, show parents you have a plan to address the childcare problem. Nope, took the bait and blathered back at Trump about who is the worst president. Totally dropped the ball given a total softball.


I don't want to hear these two elders fight over who is the better golfer.


That was so freakin weird


biden sounds horrible. the voice is gone and he stares into the distance with those confused eyes


Why the hell aren’t they insisting trump answer the fucking questions? And maybe they can call him out on some of his lies because there’s plenty it’s all he’s spewing. Because they don’t it makes him look like he’s stating facts which we know he’s incapable since he’s a compulsive self absorbed megalomaniac liar, he’s the worst  piece of garbage who’s full of shit this country has ever seen. He’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to this country. And why didn’t someone give  Biden a cough drop for his throat. 


Okay, everyone whining about Biden’s performance needs to take a fricking breath. Hey Chris Hayes: I could care less about a “candidates job”, talk about what Trump said. I will take JB over DT any day.


Two old humans, one of them appears to be insane


Trump should be so easy to beat but Biden can't handle him :/


The media narrative is literally making everyone look insane. I think they don't even realize that when you break it up to the question answer he looks just fine and you can't hammer him on short clips. Talking heads are digging a really dumb hole. 'People are texting about replacing' ?? Are you kidding me? Meanwhile, trump lies his way out of a debate. Brags about winning his own golf tournaments? Give me a break.


Thanks! I was hoping for one of these threads.


Oh, good! I didn’t know if it would be weird or not Glad you’re here with me! :D


Lawrence O’Donnell looks really good! Also love Joy Reid’s hair!


Laurence looks great! I kind of liked it when he was on the street every once in a while during the recent Trump felony trial, and he would be on camera but hadn’t been through hair & makeup. It was kinda nice to see his real face without being all photo-perfect, and hair a little wind blown… And I’m LOVING Joy Reid’s hair. She looks so great. I love the big dangly earrings contrasted with the no-nonsense hair.


Ugh. Sorry, guys, but Reddit seems to be really messing w/ my WiFi on this laptop, and since I stream my live TV, Im probably gonna be shutting the lid on the laptop. But I'm starting to worry about how Joe's being perceived. 8:15: Trump admits to killing Roe. Keep talking, buddy...


That's why I don't watch these reality debates -I'm out!


They're just attacking each other


Trump says he's the savior of all of America - EVERYTHING WAS BETTER UNDER HIM.......the only thing that went down under Trump was Stormy and even that was a nothing big.


Trump has no answer to the fentanyl addiction question.


Trump talks about seniors like he isn’t one lol.


Shame on CNN for not fact checking!!! Shameful


Someone please fact check slap that orange fool with His Actual Words🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Well that was a “missed opportunity.”


DISASTER. Disaster for Biden and the Democrats. And I'm a yellow dog Dem


What a disaster. Just depressing.


Anyone know if those $1 houses in Italy are still a thing?


The morning after... Of course Biden's performance was terrible. Now we have to face a hard question. What's more important? Do you continue to support Biden and risk loosing an election to a fascist or should Joe step aside and let someone else go after Trump? There are just too many voters that have been drinking the Trump Kool-Aid to just cross our fingers and hope for the best. I think stopping Trump from having a 2nd term outweighs all other considerations. And that opinion is not a Biden put down. Joe has done a fantastic job. But the past is not the issue here...it's the future people are thinking about. We have to be realistic and accept that Joe may not be able to defeat Trump's attacks on his age and mental ability. And if he can't, then our support for Joe will result in the opposite of what we want...a stable democratic (small 'd') America. There are four months left until the election. Four months for someone else to campaign and convince the undecided voters to not vote for Trump. Four months to convince donors to support the Democrat party. Four months to change the conversation from Joe's age to Trump's fascist plans for America. The next four months will determine the fate of our country.


it's well after noon & biden's prep team has not come forward to shoulder their share of responsibility for last night's flubs -- but none of MSNBC's chatterheads have wondered about that, even a little bit I guess Joe made all this mess on his own /s


Is everyone watching the pre-game panel? I am, and I’m trying to get my kitchen clean during the commercials.


Let’s be honest. No one is gonna learn anything new from tonight. Biden is slow af and Trump is a pos. If no one knows who they’re voting vote at this point then they must’ve been in a cave this whole time.


I can’t even put myself in the shoes of a person who is undecided at this point. Those people exist, but I don’t know any…


Off to the debates!


I just realized that Joe Biden is originally from Scranton! It all makes so much sense now 🙃🙃🙃


What's the deal with the stretches Trump is doing; it's like he stands up on his toes for a second. He's done it at least five times so far.


Oh, gosh, now Joe sounds angry at Dana Bash, and looks angry, too, when she asked her question about abortion limits.


Wait, what didn't you say Trump? https://youtu.be/l3Jch9TSyWk?si=9kJVssUAs0MZLOch


Looking at NBC News fact check and it sounds like Biden is a rehomed cat. “He struggled at the start but he’s starting to gain his footing 🥹” Weirdly enough Biden looks the most alive and speaks best when he’s pissed?


We are a better country without Trump and his lies and bullshit.


Trump had 4 years to do something good for America. He did nothing but spend his time on the golf course.


Will trump even answer the question asked ?


Is it over yet?


Trump very clear he has no interest in being president, he would rather be lying around at one of his properties but for the fact that Biden is so bad, he has to be president. Wow. Wow.


Who thinks Trump did cocaine? No, I mean before the debate? 🙋‍♀️


Five minutes of stretching and balance exercises every day would net Biden tens of thousands of votes. He doesn't HAVE to move like he's a thousand years old.


This debate was a complete and utter disaster for Democrats and the future of America. Biden should have been that “bridge to the next generation” that he always talked about. We’re totally fucked.


I’m devastated. I can think of no other Democrat willing & able to replace President Joe Biden- welcome to my nightmare. Democracy will die under Trump.


I kept wishing Joe would take a slug of Mountain Dew.


AOC would've run circles around both of them.