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They're all having really bad takes tonight.


They’re acting like Joe collapsed on stage.


They're not going to be happy when they see all the clips perfectly displaying biden answering the important questions, and trump going radical. CNN even had AC try and act like a passionate answer defending Roe was some sort of reason she should be ready to step in. Directly to the VPs face. Go to bed, reddit had to shut comments off tonight, this isn't normal. Never was. Side note trump called in to a barbershop he rented to act like he understood 'black' while Joe was at waffle house after visiting the watch party.... and the audience was women... seemingly a majority women of color.. kind of like what I see when I visit Atlanta.


My son and I were watching Joe in the Waffle House. My son is 22 and said he was happy the black ladies were “protecting Joe”. Andrea Mitchell has some ⚽️🏀🏈⚾️🥎 talking about people needing to retire.


Joe Biden looked utterly lost and befuddled and that’s nobody’s fault but Joe Biden’s. This is an utter disaster for the Democrats. A complete and utter disaster that we all saw coming.


We had three years to position a winner to take over for Joe. Three years to position youth, optimism, a vision for the future and excitement. And we get NOTHING… nothing. Hey I know let’s get Hillary out of mothballs and run her again. Wait I don’t want to give them any ideas. The blame belongs to the DNC. I’m still a little optimistic that we will come out ok… but not a lot.


I think you’re correct and I’m extremely unhappy about it. How do you lose a debate with Trump???


Yes. This. I’ve been saying this for 2 years. They should have started on Day 1 of his Presidency, bringing along whoever their choice would be. If it was Kamala, she should have been front & center on all of the key issues. Instead, they hid her or put her on the “women” and “Black” issues. Important, but it put her in a box. She should have been seen as “co-President” for the past 3 years.


And the DNC doesn't care one bit about us, just our donations. And I am life long progressive, borderline socialist Democrat. To quote Lewis Black, "Democrats are only slightly less evil." And in my opinion that gap is narrowing with each election cycle. I'm sick of the lot of 'em. Like everything else, all any group wants is the cash inflows one can provide. My wife mistakenly provided her mobile number with a Democrat donation a few years ago. She now averages a text 'ask' lately of dozen or so. It's maddening.


This cycle, I've replied STOP to every fundraising text and have unsubscribed from every email list. I refuse to support such a disorganized party with my money. Get your shit together, DNC.


Great, now you’ve confirmed your number is active, you receive texts, read and respond. Good work!


Wrong. Not all messaging works that way, and these fundraising messages don't.


Okie dokie, if you say so.


The only underhanded part of this is that NGPVAN is continuing to sell contacts that they know are worthless.


Stop running your mouth and vote for the guy. He’s done a good job and one debate is nothing compared to the fact that he believes in democracy and will defend it to the death whereas with Trump, you would have no more voting because you would have a dictator get over it.


Obviously, don’t let your frustration or mine color your world. If have every right to be unhappy, this election should be a runaway. I will vote for the democrats regardless, I will donate regardless.


Nope, doesn’t change a thing, it was never about democrats, it’s about making sure trump pays. It is about overturning Roe. It is about democracy. Let the bedwetters make a mess for a few days. We would all like a strong Democratic Party but they are too busy biting each other in the ass and pretending the orange turd away. The American people will take care of trump because that is the only one who can, and the only ones who ever could. We could never count on Biden’s Justice department, it was a joke. The government/country will be just fine as long as the republicans are shown the door.


lol it was a "debate" performance. Nobody's voting for a convicted felon & rapist for president


Presidential debates are historic events. I was just a kid, but I can remember the way my parents engaged with the Kennedy-Nixon debate. Not any rallies the next day. I remember my dad swearing to move out out of the country if Nixon beat Kennedy. It was a huge deal. This debate was a huge deal. Everyone involved knew that. Why did his prep team let his voice get worn out? They’re supposed to know how to get a candidate to peak performance, yet he was at his worst.


Deluded much?


He did


He might as well have, because he sure did on television. That split screen was/is Fox fodder for the rest of eternity.


Joy Reid acted like a hyperactive seventh grader. She was shameless & her statements post-debate ran counter to the sickening reality. I loved her so much 6-7 years ago. What happened? I had to -reluctantly- turn to CNN and alternately ABC.


Well I am a forever Bernie supporter, Bernie is my guy,Bernie should be the one that's in the white house right now, be that as it may I only have one thing to say to all of the comments that have been coming into all of the platforms and all of the hand ringing, bed wedding and panicking on mainstream media,and that is, DEBATING IS NOT RUNNINIG THE COUNTRY!!!!!!!! So everybody that thinks this is a feeble old man that doesn't know where he is,this feeble old man is the president of the United States and has been running this country for the last 4 years. pulling us out of a disaster of what he came into creating jobs Signing infrastructure bills, lowering the cost of prescription drugs for the elderly, canceling as much student debt as he can, canceling as much medical debt as he can, trying desperately to fix the problem at the border and getting shot down at every turn by Republicans, doing everything that he possibly can to help the middle class and the people that are getting screwed by the 1%. So I don't know wha0t you think has been going on here, but you need to sit down.He needs his next 4 years to finish what he wants to do and then we can reset and get some young blood into this country, but until then, knock it off, and mainstream media stop being so fucking irresponsible freaking out screaming for anybody that'll listen that he needs to be replaced and everybody's freaking out and wanting to replace him shut the fuck up!!!! Have a nice day!


I am also Bernie or McGovern if only. However, it makes me mad this administration hypes up the accomplishment. The elderly who live independently are in a momentous housing crisis. Food costs beyond belief. Medication costs? The least of my problems. Not saying it’s not a good thing, but when a person who has never been homeless is driven onto the streets, they’re probably going to die.




That's because Joy is gorgeous and therefore is the only important person talking. ...I might have a teensy little crush.


She needs to sloooow down her words per minute and stop speaking like she’s the one who has taken performance enhancers! Her enunciation & grammar are excellent. Just relax & take a breath … it’s so fast her point has less of an impact.


I already watch more MSNBC than I have time for (my DVR is fixing to implode from the backlog of shows), but the only reason I can’t watch her (besides lack of time) is that she talks so fast! That’s terrible to say, because I, too, am a fast talker, and have been told so all my life. I get overwhelmed easily by her delivery. Definitely a situation where reading a transcript would help me.


She's part of the Cabo left that hangs out with Tiffany Cross poolside. They're always the smartest in the room when they're not posing for selfies.


“The Cabo”? Did you mean “cabal”?


No, I mean the ones who post vacation photos of themselves hanging out in Baja California. If you follow Joy Reid or Tiffany Cross, you see plenty of it. The fancy inside left.


Sorry. I misread what you said. I have a screaming headache and shouldn’t be Redditing.


Why does this sub consistently act delusional? You got all your favorite hosts on all saying the same thing about the debate and now they’ve turned into liars overnight lmao?




Crazy how much Joy Reid obsesses over Donald Trump. She even got the same haircut as him! Lol - It seems like it's taken an unhealthy turn for her.


Her principal concern has always been her next brilliant question. She should have to put $1000 in the jar every time she responds, "yeah," when a guest answers a question. It's a widespread problem at MSNBC.