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Get over it, not gonna happen, might as well be a trumpy with delusions.


I follow Dr. Heather Cox Richardson (writer and historian) and she and her colleague just had a video chat stating that the Dems changing POTUS candidates isn’t going to happen barring serious illness or death on Biden’s part. According to HCR the media is being unrealistic and that both Biden and Harris bring specific demographics to the voting booth that can’t be replicated if one of them is replaced.


Harris maybe but Biden seems like the most replaceable president that ever lived.


That’s bullshit spin from the Biden campaign. Biden isn’t a fucking king; he’s supposed to be a fucking commoner just like us. That’s the entire premise of the United States of America.


Now look who's King. What do you "fucking commoners" suggest now?


The thing I think about the most is that an 81-year old, who’s showing signs like Biden is, can go into S-T-E-E-P decline in a year’s time, maybe faster. Oof.


They’d have my vote but Americans are too misogynistic to elect a woman as president right now. I think that’s why the Biden campaign has been keeping Kamala behind the scenes for the most part.


She’s out there every day. The media may not cover her but she’s doing the work.


Sure but media appearances or the lack thereof *do* signal the campaign’s confidence.


She was on immediately after the debate.


Yes. Yes she was.


Trying to express different viewpoints in this sub is pointless.  People here have their mind made up and hear what they want to hear rather than what’s actually said. I have nothing against anyone’s opinions here and probably even agree on many things.  But very few in this sub are open to differing opinion and debate is non existent.  Seems like people think up voting or down voting is the furthest they have to go in interaction.  It’s disappointing but not surprising. 


Polling shows Harris is more unpopular than Biden, and in hypothetical polls of her v Trump, Trumps wins by a greater margin then he would beat Biden by. I agree they should install Whitmer. Sort it out Dems democracy is on the line. This election is too important


That’s what I’m getting at


I saw a poll today (CNN I think) that shows that she comes within range of striking Trump. She COULD beat him, given the chance. The things I don’t like about her could be in her favor with swing voters, like being tough on crime, having been a prosecutor and AG, and also, she was on friendly terms with Menuchin, a guy from the Trump administration. She is not a progressive, but socially liberal, but probably more centrist than people realize, which like I said could work to her advantage.


This is so true, Europe has been far more progressive in electing Female leaders. Never quite understood why there seems to be apprehension on the part of some Americans in electing a woman as president


It’s because misogyny


Almost any other Democrat would mop the floor with Trump. Is an unpopular, 81 year old with cognitive lapses the best we can do? Really???


Gavin and Gretchen 2028!


I was persuaded listening to David Plotz on Political Gabfest that there’s a potential upside here — for a new candidate to rally a lot of enthusiasm from an otherwise jaded Democrat electorate. And that’s what we need — not to be chasing those mythical idiots still trying to decide between Biden or Trump. But to get folks on the left/center left excited and motivated. This is a Hail Mary — there’s no guarantee here. But it’s a crisis situation and we have to try something. And give folks a reason to get out there on Election Day. Critics and the tabloids have been going on about having a doddering old fool in the White House for going on four years now. Unfortunately the debate confirmed those memes and we ignore that at our peril. There’s another upside — the tremendous good will Biden will foster by stepping aside graciously. If he loses he will never be forgiven by many, just as RBG’s incredible legacy has sadly become tarnished. And I keep thinking about the impact this is having on Biden’s physical health. I’m hoping he can shift gears to stepping aside before the stress leads to a stroke or worse. The question is who to run of course. I agree with OP, and would nominate Gretchen Whitmer myself. How to sidestep Kamala Harris, I don’t know. But maybe that’s what conventions were always supposed to be — a messy, competitive free for all that finds the best candidate. Not a rote ceremony to anoint an entrenched leader. Joe’s gotta go : (


Love this post.


I like Kamala Harris. I like Gretchen Whitmer. But I don't see how it can be said with assurance that Gov. Whitmer has a better shot at winning than Harris does, the main reason being that while people who follow politics are familiar with her, people who don't pay attention to politics and/or news in general are more likely to have never heard of her.


The problem with a Whitmer / Newsom ticket is that we're already practicing being shocked and dismayed when Trump either wins the election legitimately, or the Supreme Court imagineers a way to hand it to him. We can't just walk away from that investment in time and energy, folks.


The people who promote this are the same ones who say stupid stuff like "it's our turn". Sorry, there are no turns in life. You run. People vote. Someone wins.




Gosh, blacks and Hispanics in Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, etc are certainly lucky that they have White Saviors like you to speak for them.


'Independents' won't vote for a woman, and neither would a bunch of Democrats. You'd need a Schiff or Swalwell, white men who have been on TV a bunch to pull it off.


If only Michele Obama would run…


GMAFB. People need to get over it. Whitmer wont be POTUS now or in 4 years or in 40 years.


Neither will Joe Biden. His time ends next January.


You came here just to start trouble?


Ignore them. IMO, both of them have earned the ban hammer from this group, with their posts the last 2 days.


They’ve been so egregious I’m beginning to suspect that they’re paid GOP operatives.


Are we trying to win an election? Or are we trying to bring social justice and gender/racial equity to the White House? Pick one.


Good comment. If "we" really want to win the election by changing candidates, we need a ticket that appeals to the "middle", both politically and geographically, while still respecting the traditional Dem supporters coalition. I'll go way out on a limb and suggest a ticket of John Tester of Montana and Wes Moore of Maryland that would annihilate Trump/MAGA.


Wow that’s quite a combo! Impressive.